
Defines functions preset.logact preset.basis mod.basis put.basis basis

Documented in basis

# CHNOSZ/basis.R
# Set up the basis species of a thermodynamic system

basis <- function(species = NULL, state = NULL, logact = NULL, delete = FALSE, add = FALSE) {

  # Get the current thermo and basis settings
  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
  oldbasis <- thermo$basis

  # Delete the basis species if requested
  if(delete | identical(species, "")) {
    thermo$basis <- NULL
    thermo$species <- NULL
    assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)

  # Return the basis definition if requested
  if(is.null(species)) return(oldbasis)

  # From now on we need something to work with
  if(length(species) == 0) stop("species argument is empty")

  # Is the species one of the preset keywords?
  if(species[1] %in% preset.basis()) return(preset.basis(species[1]))
  # The species names/formulas have to be unique
  if(!length(unique(species)) == length(species)) stop("species names are not unique")

  # Processing 'state' and 'logact' arguments
  # They should be same length as species
  if(!is.null(state)) state <- rep(state, length.out = length(species))
  if(!is.null(logact)) logact <- rep(logact, length.out = length(species))

  # Results should be identical for
  # basis(c("H2O", "CO2", "H2"), rep("aq", 3), c(0, -3, -3))
  # basis(c("H2O", "CO2", "H2"), c(0, -3, -3), rep("aq", 3))
  # First of all, do we have a third argument?
  if(!is.null(logact)) {
    # Does the 3rd argument look like states?
    if(is.character(logact[1])) {
      # Swap the arguments into their correct places
      tmp <- logact
      logact <- state
      state <- tmp
  } else {
    # If the second argument is numeric, treat it like logacts
    if(is.numeric(state[1])) {
      logact <- state
      state <- NULL

  # Processing 'species' argument
  # pH transformation
  if("pH" %in% species) {
    logact[species == "pH"] <- -logact[species == "pH"]
    if(!is.null(logact)) species[species == "pH"] <- "H+"
  # Eh and pe transformations
  if("pe" %in% species) {
    logact[species == "pe"] <- -logact[species == "pe"]
    if(!is.null(logact)) species[species == "pe"] <- "e-"
  if("Eh" %in% species) {
    # 20090209 Should be careful with this conversion as it's only for 25 degC
    # To be sure, just don't call species("Eh")
    if(!is.null(logact)) logact[species == "Eh"] <- -convert(logact[species == "Eh"],"pe")
    species[species == "Eh"] <- "e-"

  # If all species are in the existing basis definition, 
  # *and* at least one of state or logact is not NULL,
  # *and* add is not TRUE,
  # then modify the states and/or logacts of the existing basis species
  if(all(species %in% rownames(oldbasis)) | all(species %in% oldbasis$ispecies)) 
    if(!is.null(state) | !is.null(logact))
        return(mod.basis(species, state, logact))

  # If we get to this point, we're making a new basis definition or adding to an existing one
  # Use default logacts if they aren't present
  if(is.null(logact)) logact <- rep(0, length(species))

  # If species argument is numeric, it's species indices
  if(is.numeric(species[1])) {
    ispecies <- species
    ina <- ispecies > nrow(thermo$OBIGT)
  } else {
    # Get species indices using states from the argument, or default states
    if(!is.null(state)) ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(species, state))
    else ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(species))
    # Check if we got all the species
    ina <- is.na(ispecies)
    # info() returns a list if any of the species had multiple approximate matches
    # We don't accept any of those
    if(is.list(ispecies)) ina <- ina | sapply(ispecies,length) > 1
  if(any(ina)) stop(paste("species not available:", paste(species[ina], "(", state[ina], ")", sep = "", collapse = " ")))

  # Are we adding a species to an existing basis definition? 20220208
  if(add) {
    # Check that the species aren't already in the basis definition 20220208
    ihave <- ispecies %in% oldbasis$ispecies
    if(any(ihave)) {
      if(length(ihave) == 1) stop(paste("this species is already in the basis definition:", species[ihave]))
      stop(paste("these species are already in the basis definition:", paste(species[ihave], collapse = " ")))
    # Append the new basis species
    ispecies <- c(oldbasis$ispecies, ispecies)
    logact <- c(oldbasis$logact, logact)
  # Load new basis species
  newthermo <- put.basis(ispecies, logact)
  newbasis <- newthermo$basis

  if(add) {
    oldspecies <- thermo$species
    # If there are formed species, we need to update their formation reactions
    if(!is.null(oldspecies)) {
      nold <- nrow(oldbasis)
      nnew <- nrow(newbasis)
      nspecies <- nrow(oldspecies)
      # Stoichiometric coefficients have zero for the added basis species
      stoich <- cbind(oldspecies[, 1:nold], matrix(0, nspecies, nnew - nold))
      colnames(stoich) <- rownames(newbasis)
      # Complete species data frame
      newspecies <- cbind(stoich, oldspecies[, -(1:nold)])
      newthermo$species <- newspecies
      assign("thermo", newthermo, CHNOSZ)
  } else {
    # Remove the formed species since there's no guarantee the new basis includes all their elements
    species(delete = TRUE)


### Unexported functions ###

# To add the basis to thermo()$OBIGT
put.basis <- function(ispecies, logact = rep(NA, length(ispecies))) {
  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
  state <- thermo$OBIGT$state[ispecies]
  # Make the basis matrix, revised 20120114
  # Get the elemental makeup of each species,
  # counting zero for any element that only appears in other species in the set
  comp <- makeup(ispecies, count.zero = TRUE)
  # Turn the list into a matrix
  comp <- sapply(comp, c)
  # Transpose to get put basis species on the rows
  comp <- t(comp)
  # Note, makeup(count.zero = TRUE) above gave elements (colnames) sorted alphabetically
  # rownames identify the species
  rownames(comp) <- as.character(thermo$OBIGT$formula[ispecies])
  # FIXME: the electron doesn't look like a chemical formula
  # This is needed for affinity() to understand a 'pe' or 'Eh' variable
  if("(Z-1)" %in% rownames(comp)) rownames(comp)[rownames(comp) == "(Z-1)"] <- "e-"
  # Now check it for validity of basis species
  # The first test: matrix is square
  if( nrow(comp) > ncol(comp) ) {
    if("Z" %in% colnames(comp)) stop("the number of basis species is greater than the number of elements and charge")
    else stop("the number of basis species is greater than the number of elements")
  if( nrow(comp) < ncol(comp) ) {
    if("Z" %in% colnames(comp)) stop("the number of basis species is less than the number of elements and charge")
    else stop("the number of basis species is less than the number of elements")
  # The second test: matrix is invertible
  if(inherits(tryCatch(solve(comp), error = identity), "error")) 
    stop("singular stoichiometric matrix")
  # Store the basis definition in thermo()$basis, including
  # both numeric and character data, so we need to use a data frame
  comp <- cbind(as.data.frame(comp), ispecies, logact, state, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  # Ready to assign to the global thermo object
  thermo$basis <- comp
  assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)

# Modify the states or logact values in the existing basis definition
mod.basis <- function(species, state = NULL, logact = NULL) {
  thermo <- get("thermo", CHNOSZ)
  # The basis must be defined
  if(is.null(thermo$basis)) stop("basis is not defined")
  # Loop over each species to modify
  for(i in 1:length(species)) {
    # Which basis species are we looking at?
    if(is.numeric(species)) {
      ib <- match(species[i], thermo$basis$ispecies)
      if(is.na(ib)) stop(paste(species[i],"is not a species index of one of the basis species"))
    } else {
      ib <- match(species[i], rownames(thermo$basis))
      if(is.na(ib)) stop(paste(species[i],"is not a formula of one of the basis species"))
    # First modify the state
    if(!is.null(state)) {
      if(state[i] %in% thermo$buffer$name) {
        # This is the name of a buffer
        ibuff <- which(as.character(thermo$buffer$name) == state[i])
        # Check that each species in the buffer is compositionally compatible with the basis definition
        for(k in 1:length(ibuff)) {
          ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(as.character(thermo$buffer$species)[ibuff[k]],
          bufmakeup <- makeup(ispecies)
          inbasis <- names(bufmakeup) %in% colnames(basis()) 
          if(FALSE %in% inbasis) {
            stop(paste("the elements '",c2s(names(bufmakeup)[!inbasis]),
              "' of species '",thermo$buffer$species[ibuff[k]],"' in buffer '",state[i],
              "' are not in the basis\n",sep = ""))
        thermo$basis$logact[ib] <- state[i]
      } else {
        # First, look for a species with the same _name_ in the requested state
        myname <- thermo$OBIGT$name[thermo$basis$ispecies[ib]]
        ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(myname, state[i]))
        if(is.na(ispecies) | is.list(ispecies)) {
          # If that failed, look for a species with the same _formula_ in the requested state
          myformula <- thermo$OBIGT$formula[thermo$basis$ispecies[ib]]
          ispecies <- suppressMessages(info(myformula, state[i]))
          if(is.na(ispecies) | is.list(ispecies)) {
            # If that failed, we're out of luck
            if(myname == myformula) nametxt <- myname else nametxt <- paste(myname, "or", myformula)
            stop(paste0("state or buffer '", state[i], "' not found for ", nametxt, "\n"))
        thermo$basis$ispecies[ib] <- ispecies
        thermo$basis$state[ib] <- state[i]
    # Then modify the logact
    if(!is.null(logact)) {
      # Allow this to be non-numeric in case we're called by swap.basis() while a buffer is active  20181109
      if(can.be.numeric(logact[i])) thermo$basis$logact[ib] <- as.numeric(logact[i])
      else thermo$basis$logact[ib] <- logact[i]
    # Assign the result to the CHNOSZ environment
    assign("thermo", thermo, CHNOSZ)

# To load a preset basis definition by keyword
preset.basis <- function(key = NULL) {
  # The available keywords
  basis.key <- c("CHNOS", "CHNOS+", "CHNOSe", "CHNOPS+", "CHNOPSe", "MgCHNOPS+", "MgCHNOPSe", "FeCHNOS", "FeCHNOS+", "QEC4", "QEC", "QEC+", "QCa", "QCa+")
  # Just list the keywords if none is specified
  if(is.null(key)) return(basis.key)
  # Delete any previous basis definition
  # Match the keyword to the available ones
  ibase <- match(key, basis.key)
  if(is.na(ibase)) stop(paste(key, "is not a keyword for preset basis species"))
  if(ibase == 1) species <- c("CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H2S", "oxygen")
  else if(ibase == 2) species <- c("CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H2S", "oxygen", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 3) species <- c("CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H2S", "e-", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 4) species <- c("CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H3PO4", "H2S", "oxygen", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 5) species <- c("CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H3PO4", "H2S", "e-", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 6) species <- c("Mg+2", "CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H3PO4", "H2S", "oxygen", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 7) species <- c("Mg+2", "CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H3PO4", "H2S", "e-", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 8) species <- c("Fe2O3", "CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H2S", "oxygen")
  else if(ibase == 9) species <- c("Fe2O3", "CO2", "H2O", "NH3", "H2S", "oxygen", "H+")
  else if(ibase %in% c(10, 11)) species <- c("glutamine", "glutamic acid", "cysteine", "H2O", "oxygen")
  else if(ibase == 12) species <- c("glutamine", "glutamic acid", "cysteine", "H2O", "oxygen", "H+")
  else if(ibase == 13) species <- c("glutamine", "cysteine", "acetic acid", "H2O", "oxygen")
  else if(ibase == 14) species <- c("glutamine", "cysteine", "acetic acid", "H2O", "oxygen", "H+")
  # Get the preset logact
  logact <- preset.logact(species)
  # For QEC4, we use logact = -4 for the amino acids
  if(key == "QEC4") logact[1:3] <- -4
  # Load the species and return the result
  return(basis(species, logact))

# Logarithms of activities for preset basis definitions
preset.logact <- function(species) {
  bases <- c("H2O", "CO2", "NH3", "H2S", "oxygen", "H+", "e-", "Fe2O3",
             "glutamine", "glutamic acid", "cysteine")
  # Values for QEC amino acids from Dick, 2017 (http://doi.org/10.1101/097667)
  logact <- c(0, -3, -4, -7, -80, -7, -7, 0,
              -3.2, -4.5, -3.6)
  ibase <- match(species, bases)
  logact <- logact[ibase]
  # Any unmatched species gets a logarithm of activity of -3
  logact[is.na(logact)] <- -3

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CHNOSZ documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:30 a.m.