
Defines functions clme

Documented in clme

#' Constrained Inference for Linear Mixed Effects Models
#' @description Constrained inference for linear fixed or mixed
#'  effects models using distribution-free bootstrap methodology
#' @rdname clme
#' @param formula a formula expression. The constrained effect must come before any unconstrained 
#'                covariates on the right-hand side of the expression. The constrained effect should 
#'                be an ordered factor.
#' @param data data frame containing the variables in the model. 
#' @param gfix optional vector of group levels for residual variances. Data should be sorted by this value.
#' @param constraints optional list containing the constraints. See Details for further information. 
#' @param tsf function to calculate the test statistic. 
#' @param tsf.ind function to calculate the test statistic for individual constrats. See Details for further information. 
#' @param mySolver solver to use in isotonization (passed to \code{activeSet}). 
#' @param all_pair logical, whether all pairwise comparisons should be considered (constraints will be ignored).
#' @param verbose optional. Vector of 3 logicals. The first causes printing of iteration step, the second two are passed as the \code{verbose} argument to the functions \code{\link{minque}} and \code{\link{clme_em}}, respectively. 
#' @param ... space for additional arguments.
#' @details 
#' If any random effects are included, the function computes MINQUE estimates of variance components. After, 
#' \code{\link{clme_em}} is run to obtain the observed values. If \code{nsim}>0, a bootstrap test is performed
#'  using \code{\link{resid_boot}}.
#' For the argument \code{levels} the first list element should be the column index (in \code{data}) of the
#'  constrained effect. The second element should be the true order of the levels.
#' @note
#' The argument \code{constraints} is a list containing the order restrictions. The elements are 
#'  \code{order}, \code{node}, \code{decreasing}, \code{A}, and \code{B}, though not all are necessary.
#' The function can calculate the last two for default orders (simple, umbrella, or simple tree). For
#'  default orders, \code{constraints} should be a list containing any subset of \code{order}, 
#'  \code{node}, and \code{descending}. See Figure 1 from Jelsema \& Peddada (2016); the 
#'  pictured \code{node} of the simple tree orders (middle column) is 1, and the \code{node} for the
#'  umbrella orders (right column) is 3. These may be vectors (e.g. order=('simple','umbrella') ).
#' If any of these three are missing, the function will test for all possible values of the missing 
#'  element(s), excluding simple tree.
#' For non-default orders, the elements \code{A} and \code{B} should be provided. \code{A} is an
#'  \eqn{r \times2}{r x 2} matrix (where r is the number of linear constraints, \eqn{0 < r}{0 < r}. 
#'  Each row should contain two indices, the first element is the index of the lesser coefficient, the 
#'  second element is the index of the greater coefficient. So a row of \eqn{(1,2)}{(1,2)} corresponds
#'  to the constraint \eqn{\theta_1 \leq \theta_2}{theta_1 <= theta_2}, and a row \eqn{(4,3)}{(4,3)} 
#'  corresponds to the constraint \eqn{\theta_4 \leq \theta_3}{theta_4 <= theta_3}, etc. Element \code{B}
#'  should hold similar contrasts, specifically those needed for calculating the Williams' type test 
#'  statistic (\code{B} is only needed if \code{tsf=w.stat})
#' The argument \code{tsf} is a function to calculate the desired test statistic. The default function 
#'  calculates likelihood ratio type test statistic. A Williams type test statistic, which is the maximum 
#'  of the test statistic over the constraints in \code{constraints\$B}, is also available, and custom 
#'  functions may be defined. See \code{\link{w.stat}} for details.
#' By default, homogeneity of variances is assumed for residuals (e.g., \code{gfix} does not define groups)
#'  and for each random effect. 
#' Some values can be passed to \code{clme} that are not used in this function. For instance, 
#'  \code{seed} and \code{nsim} can each be passed as an argument here, and \code{\link{summary.clme}} will
#'  use these values.
#' @return
#' The output of \code{clme} is an object of the class \code{clme}, which is list with elements:
#' \itemize{    
#' \item{\code{theta}}{ estimates of \eqn{\theta}{theta} coefficients}
#' \item{\code{theta}}{ estimates of \eqn{\theta_0}{theta_0} coefficients under the null hypothesis}
#' \item{\code{ssq}}{ estimate of residual variance(s), \eqn{\sigma^{2}_{i}}{sigma.i^2}.}
#' \item{\code{tsq}}{ estimate of random effects variance component(s), \eqn{\tau^{2}_{i}}{tau.i^2}.}
#' \item{\code{cov.theta}}{ the unconstrained covariance matrix of \eqn{\theta}{theta}}
#' \item{\code{ts.glb}}{ test statistic for the global hypothesis.}
#' \item{\code{ts.ind}}{ test statistics for each of the constraints.}
#' \item{\code{mySolver}}{ the solver used for isotonization.}
#' \item{\code{constraints}}{ list containing the constraints (\code{A}) and the contrast for the global test (\code{B}).}
#' \item{\code{dframe}}{ data frame containing the variables in the model.}
#' \item{\code{residuals}}{ matrix containing residuals. For mixed models three types of residuals are given. }
#' \item{\code{random.effects}}{ estimates of random effects. }
#' \item{\code{gfix}}{ group sample sizes for residual variances. }
#' \item{\code{gran}}{ group sizes for random effect variance components. }
#' \item{\code{gfix_group}}{ group names for residual variances. }
#' \item{\code{formula}}{ the formula used in the model. }
#' \item{\code{call}}{ the function call. }
#' \item{\code{order}}{ list describing the specified or estimated constraints.}
#' \item{\code{P1}}{ the number of constrained parameters.}
#' \item{\code{nsim}}{ the number of bootstrap simulations used for inference.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' data( rat.blood )
#' cons <- list(order="simple", decreasing=FALSE, node=1 )
#' clme.out <- clme(mcv ~ time + temp + sex + (1|id), data=rat.blood , 
#'                  constraints=cons, seed=42, nsim=10 )
#' @references
#' Jelsema, C. M. and Peddada, S. D. (2016). 
#' CLME: An R Package for Linear Mixed Effects Models under Inequality Constraints. 
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 75(1), 1-32. doi:10.18637/jss.v075.i01
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @export
clme <-
function( formula, data=NULL, gfix=NULL, constraints=list(), tsf=lrt.stat, tsf.ind=w.stat.ind, 
          mySolver="LS", all_pair=FALSE, verbose=c(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE), ... ){
  cc <- match.call( expand.dots=TRUE )
  ## If provided, sort the data by gfix
  if( !is.null(gfix)  &  !is.null(data) ){
    data <- data[ with(data, order(gfix)), ]
  mmat     <- eval( model_terms_clme( formula, data ), parent.frame() )
  # mmat     <- model_terms_clme( formula, data )
  formula2 <- mmat$formula
  Y  <- mmat$Y
  P1 <- mmat$P1
  X1 <- mmat$X1
  X2 <- mmat$X2
  U  <- mmat$U
  xlev <- mmat$xlev
  ncon <- 1
  if( is.null(xlev) ){
    xlev <- colnames(X1)
  } else{
    colnames(X1) <- xlev
  if( is.null(gfix) ){
    gfix <- rep("Residual", nrow(X1) ) 
  } else{
    data <- with( data, data[order(gfix),])
  Nks <- table(gfix)
  if( !is.null(U) ){
    if( !is.null(mmat$REidx) ){
      Qs        <- table( mmat$REidx )
      names(Qs) <- mmat$REnames
    } else{
      Qs  <- table( rep("tsq", ncol(U)) )
  } else{
    Qs <- NULL
  # If only one element for verbose specified, fill the rest with FALSEs
  if( length(verbose)<3 ){
    verbose <- c(verbose, rep(FALSE, 3-length(verbose) ) )
  ## Assess the constraints
  cust_const <- is.matrix( constraints$A )
  prnt_warn <- ""
  if( all_pair==TRUE ){
    Amat        <- t(combn( 1:P1 , m=2 ))
    Bmat        <- Amat
    Anull       <- rbind( Amat, Amat[,2:1] )
    constraints <- list( A=Amat, B=Bmat, Anull=Anull )
    cust_const  <- TRUE 
  if( cust_const == TRUE ){
    if( !is.numeric(constraints$A) ){
      stop( "'constraints$A' must be numeric" )
  } else {
    # Constraints are non-null, but A and B are not provided
    # Determine which other elements are missing/needed
    if( is.null(constraints$order) ){
      prnt_warn <- paste( prnt_warn, "\n-'constraints$order' is NULL, program will run search for ''simple'' and ''umbrella'' orders")
      constraints$order <- c("simple" , "umbrella" )      
    if( is.null(constraints$node) ){
      prnt_warn <- paste( prnt_warn, "\n'constraints$node' is NULL, program will run search for node")
      constraints$node <- 1:P1
    } else{
      search.node <- FALSE
    if( is.null(constraints$decreasing) ){
      prnt_warn <- paste( prnt_warn, "\n'constraints$decreasing' is NULL, program will run search for TRUE and FALSE")      
      constraints$decreasing <- c(TRUE,FALSE)      
  ## Make sure test stat function is okay
  if( is.function(tsf)==FALSE ){
    stop("'tsf' is not a function")
  if( is.function(tsf.ind)==FALSE ){
    stop("'tsf.ind' is not a function")
  ## Revert to LRT if necessary
  if( cust_const==TRUE & identical( tsf , w.stat ) & is.null(constraints$B) ){
    prnt_warn <- paste( prnt_warn, "\nWilliams type statistic selected with custom constraints, but 
              'constraints$B' is NULL. Reverting to LRT statistic")
    tsf <- lrt.stat
  ## Set up search grid if using defaults
  if( cust_const==FALSE ){
    search.grid <- expand.grid( constraints$order , 
                                constraints$decreasing ,
                                constraints$node )  
    search.grid[,1] <- as.character(search.grid[,1])
    # Remove duplicates / extraneous
    # "simple" doesn't need node
    # idx         <- 1*(search.grid[,1]=="simple"   &  search.grid[,3] > 1)
    # search.grid <- search.grid[ idx==0 , , drop=FALSE]
    idx <- 1*(search.grid[,1]=="simple" )
    search.grid[idx==1,3] <- 0
    # Detect any umbrella that match simple order
    repl_row1 <- data.frame( Var1="simple", Var2=FALSE, Var3=1 )  # simple INCREASING = umbrella INC_1 and DEC_P1
    repl_row2 <- data.frame( Var1="simple", Var2=TRUE,  Var3=1 )  # simple DECREASING = umbrella INC_P1 and DEC_1
    repl_row1$Var1 <- as.character( repl_row1$Var1 )
    repl_row2$Var1 <- as.character( repl_row2$Var1 )
    idx <- 1*( (search.grid[,1]=="umbrella" & search.grid[,2] == FALSE & search.grid[,3] ==  1 ) + 
               (search.grid[,1]=="umbrella" & search.grid[,2] == TRUE  & search.grid[,3] == P1 ) )
    if( sum(idx)>1 ){ search.grid[ idx==1, ] <- repl_row1 }
    idx <- 1*( (search.grid[,1]=="umbrella" & search.grid[,2] == FALSE & search.grid[,3] == P1 ) + 
                 (search.grid[,1]=="umbrella" & search.grid[,2] == TRUE  & search.grid[,3] ==  1 ) )
    if( sum(idx)>1 ){ search.grid[ idx==1, ] <- repl_row2 }
    # Move simple.tree to the bottom
    idx <- search.grid[,1]=="simple.tree"
    if( sum(idx)>0 ){
      search.grid <- rbind( search.grid[idx==0, , drop=FALSE] ,
                            search.grid[idx==1, , drop=FALSE] )
    ## Remove duplicate rows
    search.grid <- unique( search.grid )
    MNK         <- dim( search.grid )[1]
  } else{
    MNK <- 1
    loop.const <- est_const <- constraints
  ## End preparation steps, begin the analysis
  ## Obtain tau if needed
  if( is.null(U) ){
    mq.phi <- NULL
  } else{
    mq.phi <- minque( Y=Y , X1=X1 , X2=X2 , U=U , Nks=Nks , Qs=Qs ,
                      verbose=verbose[2], ... )
  ## EM for the observed data
  if( verbose[1]==TRUE ){
    print( paste( "Starting EM Algorithm for observed data." , sep=""))
  ## Loop through the search grid
  est.order <- NULL
  ts.max    <- -Inf
  for( mnk in 1:MNK ){
    if( cust_const==FALSE ){
      grid.row <- list( order     = search.grid[mnk,1], 
                        node      = search.grid[mnk,3], 
                        decreasing= search.grid[mnk,2])       
      loop.const <- create.constraints( P1=ncol(X1), constraints=grid.row  )
    clme.temp <- clme_em( Y=Y, X1=X1, X2=X2, U=U, Nks=Nks, 
                          Qs=Qs, constraints=loop.const, mq.phi=mq.phi,
                          tsf=tsf, tsf.ind=tsf.ind, mySolver=mySolver,
                          verbose=verbose[3], all_pair=all_pair, ... )    
    # If global test stat is larger, update current estimate of order  
    if( cust_const==FALSE ){
      update.max <- (mnk==1) + (clme.temp$ts.glb > ts.max)
    } else{
      update.max <- 1
    if( update.max > 0 ){
      ts.max    <- clme.temp$ts.glb
      clme.out  <- clme.temp
      est.order <- mnk
  if( cust_const==FALSE ){
    grid.row <- list( order     = search.grid[est.order,1], 
                      node      = search.grid[est.order,3],
                      decreasing= search.grid[est.order,2]) 
    est_const <- create.constraints( P1=ncol(X1), constraints=grid.row  )
  } else{
    est_const <- constraints
  #constraints$A <- est_const$A
  #constraints$B <- est_const$B
  ## Calculate the residuals from unconstrained model
  mr <- clme_resids( formula=formula, data=mmat$dframe, gfix=gfix )

  ## Add some values to the output object
  class(clme.out)       <- "clme"
  clme.out$call         <- cc  
  clme.out$formula      <- mmat$formula
  clme.out$constraints  <- est_const
  clme.out$dframe       <- mmat$dframe
  names(clme.out$theta) <- c( colnames(X1), colnames(X2) )
  names(clme.out$ssq)   <- names(Nks)
  names(clme.out$tsq)   <- names(Qs)
  clme.out$cust_const  <- cust_const
  clme.out$all_pair    <- all_pair
  # clme.out$ncon        <- ncon
  clme.out$tsf         <- tsf
  clme.out$tsf.ind     <- tsf.ind
  clme.out$random.effects <- mr$xi
  clme.out$gfix           <- Nks
  clme.out$gfix_group     <- gfix
  clme.out$gran           <- Qs
  clme.out$P1             <- P1
  clme.out$mq.phi         <- mq.phi
  clme.out$nsim <- eval(cc$nsim)
  clme.out$seed <- eval(cc$seed)
  if( is.null(U) ){
    clme.out$residuals    <- mr$PA
  } else{
    clme.out$residuals    <- cbind( mr$PA, mr$SS, mr$FM )
    colnames(clme.out$residuals) <- c("PA", "SS", "FM")
  ## Report the estimated order
  clme.out$order           <- list()
  clme.out$order$est_order <- est.order
  if( all_pair==TRUE ){
    clme.out$order$order <- "unconstrained"
  } else if( cust_const == TRUE ){
    clme.out$order$estimated <- FALSE
    clme.out$order$order     <- "custom"
    clme.out$order$node      <- NULL
    clme.out$order$inc.dec   <- NULL
    clme.out$search.grid     <- NULL
  } else{
      if( MNK==1 ){
        clme.out$order$estimated <- FALSE
      } else{
        clme.out$order$estimated <- TRUE
      clme.out$order$order <- est_const$order
      clme.out$order$node  <- est_const$node  
      if( est_const$decreasing ){
        clme.out$order$inc.dec <- "decreasing"
      } else{
        clme.out$order$inc.dec <- "increasing"
      clme.out$search.grid <- search.grid
  if (verbose[1]==TRUE){
    cat( prnt_warn )
  ## Return the output object
  return( clme.out )

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CLME documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:49 p.m.