
# . clv.controlflow.estimate.check.inputs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod(f = "clv.controlflow.estimate.check.inputs", signature = signature(clv.fitted="clv.fitted"), definition = function(clv.fitted,  start.params.model, optimx.args, verbose, ...){

  # Check only basic structure
  err.msg <- c()

    # may be NULL = use model default
    err.msg <- c(err.msg, check_user_data_startparams(start.params = start.params.model,
                                                      vector.names = clv.fitted@clv.model@names.original.params.model,
                                                      param.names = "model start parameter"))

  err.msg <- c(err.msg, .check_user_data_single_boolean(b=verbose, var.name ="verbose"))

  # Check additional optimx args
  err.msg <- c(err.msg, check_user_data_optimxargs(optimx.args=optimx.args))

# . clv.controlflow.estimate.put.inputs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("clv.controlflow.estimate.put.inputs", signature =  signature(clv.fitted="clv.fitted"), definition = function(clv.fitted, verbose, ...){

# . clv.controlflow.estimate.generate.start.params ------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("clv.controlflow.estimate.generate.start.params", signature = signature(clv.fitted="clv.fitted"), definition = function(clv.fitted, start.params.model, verbose, start.param.cor, ...){

  # Model params
    untransformed.start.params.model <- setNames(clv.fitted@clv.model@start.params.model, clv.fitted@clv.model@names.original.params.model)
    untransformed.start.params.model <- start.params.model[clv.fitted@clv.model@names.original.params.model] # ensure order

  transformed.start.params.model <- clv.model.transform.start.params.model(clv.model = clv.fitted@clv.model,
                                                                           original.start.params.model = untransformed.start.params.model)
  names(transformed.start.params.model) <- clv.fitted@clv.model@names.prefixed.params.model

    # If the model supports correlation, start.param.cor is passed, otherwise not
    transformed.start.params.model <- clv.model.generate.start.param.cor(clv.model=clv.fitted@clv.model, start.param.cor=start.param.cor, transformed.start.params.model=transformed.start.params.model)


# . clv.controlflow.estimate.prepare.optimx.args ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Put together the individual parts needed to call optimx
#   Adding the variables needed to call the LL function is left to the model-specific optimizeLL functions as they are unknonwn at this point
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
setMethod("clv.controlflow.estimate.prepare.optimx.args", signature = signature(clv.fitted="clv.fitted"), def=function(clv.fitted, start.params.all){

  # Start with model defaults
  optimx.args <- clv.fitted@clv.model@optimx.defaults

  # Everything to call optimx and the interlayer manager
  optimx.args <- modifyList(optimx.args, list(fn            = interlayer_manager,
                                              par           = start.params.all,
                                              hessian       = TRUE),
                            keep.null = TRUE)

  # By default dont use any covariate specific interlayers ---------------------------------------------------
  #   For no covariates objects only the correlation interlayer can be used
  #   However, not passing the parameters for the other interlayers results in missing parameters for
  #   the interlayer manager. This could be handled by using default parameters or with missing there,
  #   but passing them with "False" is much cleaner

  optimx.args <- modifyList(optimx.args, list(use.interlayer.constr        = FALSE,
                                              names.original.params.constr = character(0),
                                              names.prefixed.params.constr = character(0),

                                              use.interlayer.reg           = FALSE,
                                              reg.lambda.trans             = numeric(0),
                                              reg.lambda.life              = numeric(0),
                                              names.prefixed.params.after.constr.life  = character(0),
                                              names.prefixed.params.after.constr.trans = character(0)),
                            keep.null = TRUE)

  # Default is no correlation
  optimx.args <- modifyList(optimx.args, list(use.cor                   = FALSE,
                                              name.prefixed.cor.param.m = character(0),
                                              # By default, always check the bounds of param m
                                              check.param.m.bounds      = TRUE),
                            keep.null = TRUE)

  # Correlation interlayer ---------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Only turn on if needed

    optimx.args <- modifyList(optimx.args, list(use.cor                   = TRUE,
                                                name.prefixed.cor.param.m = clv.fitted@clv.model@name.prefixed.cor.param.m,
                                                # By default, always check the bounds of param m
                                                check.param.m.bounds      = TRUE),
                              keep.null = TRUE)

    # Use NM as default if correlation is estimated because the interlayer may return Inf
    #   if the params are out-of-bound
    optimx.args <- modifyList(optimx.args, list(method = "Nelder-Mead"))

    # Use a custom gradient function that signals the correlation layer to
    #   not check the boundaries of param m
    # Otherwise, the Hessian likely contains NAs because numDeriv often,
    #   also with small stepsizes, wanders accross the boundaries
    # Not checking the boundaries of param m is no issue for the gradient and hessian only,
    #   the bound checks are enforced for the param during regular optimization evaluations

    # Custom Gradient function
    # Use optixm::grad because also used in optimx::optimx.setup:
    #   "ugr <- function(par, userfn = ufn, ...) { tryg <- grad(userfn, par, ...)}"
    fct.no.check.grad <- function(x, fn.to.call.from.gr, ...){
      # ... contains all the other arguments given to interlayer(s) and LL function
      # fn.to.call.from.gr is what optimx(fn) calls (ie the interlayer manager)
      all.other.args <- list(...)
      all.other.args <- modifyList(all.other.args,
                                   # dont check boundaries during gradient
                                   alist(check.param.m.bounds = FALSE))
      do.call(what=grnd, c(alist(par = x,
                                 userfn = fn.to.call.from.gr),

    # For the gradient, call the wrapper around optmix::grnd
    optimx.args <- modifyList(optimx.args,
                              list(gr= fct.no.check.grad,
                                   # function to call when doing numerical grad. Do whatever is done for optimx
                                   fn.to.call.from.gr = optimx.args$fn))


# . clv.controlflow.estimate.process.post.estimation ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @importFrom optimx coef<-
#' @importFrom utils tail
setMethod(f = "clv.controlflow.estimate.process.post.estimation", signature = signature(clv.fitted="clv.fitted"), definition = function(clv.fitted, res.optimx){

  clv.fitted@optimx.estimation.output <- res.optimx

  optimx.last.row <- tail(clv.fitted@optimx.estimation.output, n=1)

    warning(paste0("Estimation failed with NA coefficients. The returned object contains results but further usage is restricted.",
                  " You might want to try to fit the model again with method Nelder-Mead (using optimx.args=list(method=\"Nelder-Mead\")) or try different starting values. See examples."),
            immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)

  # extract hessian from "details" attribute which is a list (if more then 1 method given)
  #   name it the same as the coefs for reading out later on
  clv.fitted@optimx.hessian <- as.matrix(tail(attr(optimx.last.row, "details")[, "nhatend"], n=1)[[1]])

  if(length(clv.fitted@optimx.hessian)==1 & all(is.na(clv.fitted@optimx.hessian))){
    clv.fitted@optimx.hessian <- matrix(data = NA_real_, nrow = ncol(coef(optimx.last.row)),
                                 ncol = ncol(coef(optimx.last.row)))
    warning("Hessian could not be derived. Setting all entries to NA.",
            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)

  colnames(clv.fitted@optimx.hessian) <- rownames(clv.fitted@optimx.hessian) <- colnames(tail(coef(res.optimx), n=1))


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