Man pages for COMBIA
Synergy/Antagonism Analyses of Drug Combinations

analyzeCOMBOThis function calculates significant synergy/antagonism...
applyBlissFunction calculates Bliss Synergy, associated BIs and global...
applyLoeweThis function calculates Loewe synergy/antagonism and...
calculateSiCalculates survival indices (S.Is) for a range of wells...
combineDataFromMultipleFilesCombine data from multiple files
createUniquePertbsFunction to make unique perturbations of the replicates these...
cVCalThis function calculates CV
extractKeyExtracts the keyvalues (Barcode) from a dataset, every plate...
extractReplicateValuesThis function will takes a list of ranges removes case wells...
extractValuesFromRangeThis function extract numerical indices of a given range e-g...
loeweModelThis function applies Loewe Model
readFileReads experimental data from a file. This function reads the...
readFluostarPlatesRead a file and process it to calculate the Survival...
readFMCAValuesRead data from raw FMCA format and clean for outliers
readMacSynergyValuesRead data from macsynergyII formate and clean for outliers
readOtherValuesRead data from raw format and clean for outliers
removeOutliersThis function Remove Outliers
selectPlateSelect one of the two read plates and built a hashtable. One...
synAntPlotThis function plots the synergy analysis 2D and 3D graphs
synergySignificantFunction calculates significant synergy/antagonism
COMBIA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:23 a.m.