
Defines functions mst_from_trj adjl_from_progindex adjl_from_adjmat

Documented in adjl_from_adjmat adjl_from_progindex mst_from_trj

#' @title Create the minimum spanning tree from time series
#' @description
#'      \code{mst_from_trj} creates a minimum spanning tree from a time series (e.g. a trajectory in molecular dynamics) using different distance metrics
#'      between pairwise snapshots.
#' @param trj Input trajectory (variables on the columns and equal-time spaced snpashots on the row). It must be a \code{matrix} or a \code{data.frame} of numeric.
#' @param distance_method Distance metric between snapshots. This value can be set 1 (dihedral angles) or 5 (root mean square deviation).
#' @param distance_weights Vector of weights to be applied in order to compute averaged weighted distance using multiple \code{distance_method}.
#' Each value must be between 0 and 1. This option works only if \code{birch_clu=F}.
#' @param clu_radius This numeric argument is used in the clustering step in order to make clusters of the same radius at the base level.
#' @param clu_hardcut This option is used only with \code{birch_clu=F} and defines the inter-clusters distance threshold.
#' @param normalize_d A logical that indicates whether the distances must be normalized or not. Usually used with averaging.
#' @param birch_clu A logical that indicates whether the algorithm will use a birch-tree like clustering step (short spanning tree - fast) or it will be generated
#' using a simple leader clustering algorithm (minimum spanning tree).
#' @param min_span_tree This option is used only with \code{birch_clu=F} and defines if the returning adjacency list must be a minimum spanning tree.
#' @param mode It takes a string in input and can be either "fortran" (highly advised and default) or "R".
#' @param rootmax_rad If \code{birch_clu=T} this option defines the maximum radius at the root level of the tree in the advanced clustering algorithm.
#' @param tree_height If \code{birch_clu=T} this option defines the height of the tree in the advanced clustering algorithm.
#' @param n_search_attempts If \code{birch_clu=T} a number of search attempts must be provided for the minimum spanning tree search.
#' @param cores If \code{mode="R"} a complete adjacency matrix can be created in parallel using multiple cores (anyhow slower than "fortran" mode).
#' @param logging If \code{logging=T} the function will print to file the fortran messages ("campari.log").
#' @details For details, please refer to the main documentation of the original campari software \url{http://campari.sourceforge.net/documentation.html}.
#' @return If no netcdf support is available the function will return a list with 3 arguments: node degrees, adjacency list and associated distances.
#' If netcdf support is activated the function will dump the mst in the file "DUMPLING.nc".
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{adjl_from_progindex}}, \code{\link{gen_progindex}}, \code{\link{gen_annotation}}.
#' @examples
#' adjl <- mst_from_trj(trj = matrix(rnorm(1000), nrow = 100, ncol = 10))
#' \dontrun{
#' adjl <- mst_from_trj(trj = matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=10,nrow=100),
#' distance_method = 5, clu_radius = 100, clu_hardcut = 100,
#' birch_clu = FALSE, mode = "fortran", logging = FALSE)
#' adjl <- adjl_from_trj(trj = matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=10,nrow=100),
#' distance_method = 5, clu_radius = 0.1,
#' birch_clu = TRUE, mode = "fortran", rootmax_rad = 1.3, logging = FALSE,
#' tree_height = 5, n_search_attempts = 50)
#' }
#' @importFrom bio3d rmsd
#' @export mst_from_trj
#' @import parallel

mst_from_trj<-function(trj, distance_method = 5, distance_weights = NULL,  clu_radius = NULL, clu_hardcut = NULL, #inputs
                        normalize_d = TRUE, birch_clu = FALSE, min_span_tree = TRUE, mode = "fortran", #algo modes
                        rootmax_rad = NULL, tree_height = NULL, n_search_attempts = NULL, #sst default
                        cores = NULL, logging = FALSE){ #misc
    if(!is.data.frame(trj)) stop('trj input must be a matrix or a data.frame')
    trj <- as.matrix(trj)
  #memory handling
  data_management <- getOption("CampaR1.data_management")
  if(data_management == "R") cat("Normal memory handling selected. Without hdf5/netcdf backend file management it will be difficult for R to handle big data-sets.\n")
  else if(data_management == "netcdf") cat("Selected data support: netcdf without mpi support\n")
  else stop("Invalid data management keyword inserted. Check the available methods on the guide.\n")

  if(data_management == "R") cat("To set new data_management method: options(list(CampaR1.data_management = 'R'))\n")

  if(data_management != "R"){
    warning(paste0('The dumping filename will be ',getOption("CampaR1.data_filename"),'. If already existent it will be overwritten'))
# TODO in installing routine the check!!
#     cat("Checking for netcdf support...")
#     command_loc <- system(paste0("which ",data_management))
#     if(command_loc=="") stop("No support for hdf5. Please check installation and correct linkage of the command to your enviroment.")

  #Input setting
  n_snaps <- nrow(trj)
  n_xyz <- ncol(trj)

  #normal -LONG- mode (parallel)
  if(is.character(mode)&&mode == "R"){
    n_cores <- detectCores() - 1
    if(!is.null(cores)&&(cores%%1==0)) n_cores=cores
    else warning("No or wrong entry for number of cores: using all of them -1")

    if(dim>1000) warning('the computation could be incredibly long. We advise to use mode = "fortran" option')

    # Initiate cluster
    cl <- makeCluster(n_cores)
    # clusterExport(cl, "trj")
    # cl <- makeCluster(mc <- getOption("cl.cores", 4))
    # clusterExport(cl=cl, varlist=c("text.var", "ntv", "gc.rate", "pos"))
    # clusterEvalQ(cl, library(rms))

    for(i in 1:dim[1]){
      # if(n_cores>1) clusterExport(cl, "i")
      adjl<-c(adjl,parLapply(cl = cl,X = trj[(i+1):dim[1],],fun = function(x){

    warning('No MST made. Please use igraph package and in particular "mst" function in order to continue the analysis')

  }else if(is.character(mode)&&(mode=="fortran")){
    #Fortran mode
    #default vars
    #distance value
    tmp_dis <- distance_method
    distance_method <- rep(0,11)
      stop("The distance values that have been inserted are not supported")
    distance_method[1:length(tmp_dis)] <- tmp_dis

    #distance weights
    tmp_dis_w <- distance_weights
    distance_weights <- rep(1,11)
        warning("Distances are not num. The option will be turned off")
      else distance_weights[1:length(tmp_dis_w)] <- tmp_dis_w

    #thresholds for radius and inter radius values. This is MST leader clustering
      clu_radius <- 2147483647
      warning(paste("clu_radius variable (a priori fixed clustering radius) has not been selected.
              A standard value of",clu_radius,"will be used."))
      clu_hardcut <- 2147483647
      warning(paste("clu_hardcut variable (a priori fixed distance threshold between different cluster members) has not been selected.
              A standard value of",clu_hardcut,"will be used."))
      stop("clu_radius and clu_hardcut must be a real number.")

    #logical inputs check
      stop("Normalization mode must be activated using T/F inputs.")
      stop("MST must be enabled using T/F inputs. Using the SST (birch_clu) it is not needed.")
      stop("SST(birch_clu) mode must be enabled using T/F inputs.")
      stop("logging mode must be a T/F input.")
      message("MST option is automatically used when birch_clu is activated.")

    #sst checks
        rootmax_rad <- max(trj)*2
      else if(!is.numeric(rootmax_rad)||length(rootmax_rad)!=1)
        stop('rootmax_rad must be a numeric of length 1.')
        tree_height <- 3
      else if(!is.numeric(tree_height)||length(tree_height)!=1)
        stop('tree_heigth must be a numeric of length 1.')
        n_search_attempts <- ceiling(nrow(trj)/10)
      else if(!is.numeric(n_search_attempts)||length(n_search_attempts)!=1)
        stop('n_search_attempts must be a numeric of length 1.')
        clu_radius <- rootmax_rad/tree_height
      rootmax_rad <- 0
      tree_height <- 0
      n_search_attempts <- 0

    if(data_management == "R"){
      #input-output initialization
      if(n_snaps > 25000)
        stop("Using more than 25000 snapshots with no memory handling will generate a memory overflow (tested with 16gb).
             Please set the option data.management to netcdf handler.")
      output_fin <- list()
      max_d <- 0
      adj_deg <- as.integer(rep(0,n_snaps))
      adj_ix <- matrix(as.integer(rep(0,n_snaps*n_snaps)),n_snaps,n_snaps)
      adj_dis <- matrix(as.single(rep(0.0,n_snaps*n_snaps)),n_snaps,n_snaps)
      trj <- matrix(as.single(trj),ncol = n_xyz,nrow = n_snaps)
      #double Cstyle deginitions
      attr(trj,"Csingle") <- TRUE
      attr(adj_dis,"Csingle") <- TRUE
      attr(distance_weights,"Csingle") <- TRUE
      #main fortran talker
      output<-.Fortran("generate_neighbour_list", PACKAGE="CampaR1",
                      #algorithm details
                      #sst details
      #output adjustment
      output_fin[[1]] <- output$adjl_deg
      output_fin[[2]] <- output$adjl_ix[,1:output$max_degr]
      output_fin[[3]] <- output$adjl_dis[,1:output$max_degr]
    }else if(data_management=="netcdf"){
      stop("Netcdf not supported in this version...")
      output_fin <- list()
      trj <- matrix(as.single(trj),ncol = n_xyz,nrow = n_snaps)
      #double Cstyle deginitions
      attr(trj,"Csingle") <- TRUE
      #main fortran talker
      .Fortran("generate_neighbour_list_w", PACKAGE="CampaR1",
               #none -> it is printed to file
               #algorithm details
               # mst_in=as.logical(min_span_tree), #no more specificable
               #sst details
    }else if(data_management=="h5fc"){
      stop("still to-do")
      stop("Data_management assigned to an unknown value. Please complain to the developers.")
      stop("Mode entry not correct.")

#' @title Build the network from the already processed Progress Index file
#' @description
#'      \code{adjl_from_progindex} is able to use the output file from original campari software
#'      (or the output file from \code{\link{gen_annotation}}) in order to generate again the minimum spanning tree.
#' @param prog_index_file Progress index file location. This should be of the kind \code{"PROGIDX_000000000001.dat"} (original campari)
#' or \code{"REPIX_000000000001.dat"} (CampaR1).
#' @return \code{adjl_from_progindex} will return a minimum spanning tree: degree list, connectivity matrix and weights
#' @details For details, please refer to the main documentation of the original campari software \url{http://campari.sourceforge.net/documentation.html}
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{gen_progindex}}, \code{\link{gen_annotation}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' adjl <- adjl_from_progindex(fil = "PROGIDX_000000000001.dat")
#' }
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export adjl_from_progindex
#' @useDynLib CampaR1

adjl_from_progindex <- function(prog_index_file){
  # extract the SST or MST from the output of the analysis already made with campari.
  # Here we will reconstruct a bit of the tree in order to be able to find again the MST/SST
  piOut<-read.table(file = prog_index_file)

  # number of snapshots
  nsnaps <- nrow(piOut)
  nbl<-piOut[,6] #number list
  itl<-piOut[,3] #index teo? list
  ditl<-piOut[,5] #distance of 6 from 3
  #max number of connections
  maxnb <- max(hist(breaks=seq(from=0.5,by=1,to=nsnaps+0.5),x=nbl,plot=FALSE)$counts) + 1
  # empty vector of future number of connections for each node in column 6
  treennb <- array(as.integer(0),c(nsnaps))
  # adjlist matrix with obvious limit in maxnb of connections
  treenbl <- array(as.integer(0),c(nsnaps,maxnb))
  # distance of each connection
  treedis <- array(as.single(0.0),c(nsnaps,maxnb))
  # slow
  for (i in 2:nsnaps) {
    treennb[nbl[i]] <- treennb[nbl[i]] + 1
    treenbl[nbl[i],treennb[nbl[i]]] <- itl[i]
    treedis[nbl[i],treennb[nbl[i]]] <- ditl[i]
    treennb[itl[i]] <- treennb[itl[i]] + 1
    treenbl[itl[i],treennb[itl[i]]] <- nbl[i]
    treedis[itl[i],treennb[itl[i]]] <- ditl[i]
    # list of breaks (must be passed at least of size 1, but n_breaks can be zero) eh?

#' @title From adjacency matrix to adjacency list
#' @description
#'      This function is able to transform a matrix of distances into an adjacency list that can be used for the analysis pipeline.
#'      Please remember that \code{gen_progindex} accepts only minimum spanning trees.
#' @param adj_m Input matrix (adjacency matrix).
#' @return A list of three elements: degree list, connectivity matrix and weights.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{gen_progindex}}, \code{\link{mst_from_trj}}.
#' @export adjl_from_adjmat
#' @useDynLib CampaR1
adjl_from_adjmat<-function(adj_m){ #deprecated
  # extract the SST or MST from the output of the analysis already made with campari.
  # Here we will reconstruct a bit of the tree in order to be able to find again the MST/SST
  for (i in 1:nrow(adj_m)){
    tmp <- sort(adj_m[i,adj_m[i,]!=0], index.return = TRUE)
    adjl_nmbrs[i] <- length(tmp$ix)
    adjl[[i]] <- tmp$ix
    adjl_dis[[i]] <- tmp$x
  adjl <- array(unlist(adjl),dim = c(length(adjl_nmbrs),max(adjl_nmbrs)))
  adjl_dis <- array(unlist(adjl_dis),dim = c(length(adjl_nmbrs),max(adjl_nmbrs)))
  return(list(array(adjl_nmbrs), adjl, adjl_dis))

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CampaR1 documentation built on May 30, 2017, 2:51 a.m.