# Ej. en penman_fao_period en /mnt/dostb2/fuendetodos/DATOS/repositorio/spei/trunk/fergus/datos/code_web_maps/penman_fao_raster.R
#' FAO-56 Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration (ET_0)
#' @param Tmin minimum temperature, Celsius
#' @param Tmax maximum temperature, Celsius
#' @param U2 average wind, m/s at 2m
#' @param J day of the year
#' @param Ra radiation, (MJ m-2 d-1)
#' @param lat latitude, degrees, CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84')
#' @param Rs daily incoming solar radiation (MJ m-2 d-1)
#' @param tsun sunshine duration, hours
#' @param CC CC
#' @param ed actual vapour pressure
#' @param Tdew dew point, Celsius
#' @param RH relative humidity, percentage
#' @param P atmospheric pressure, kPa
#' @param P0 P0
#' @param z mde
#' @param crop "short" short reference crop or "tail" tail reference crop
#' @param na.rm na.rm
#' @return et0, mm/day
#' @keywords internal
penman_fao_diario <-
function(Tmin, Tmax, U2, J, Ra=NA, lat=NA, Rs=NA, tsun=NA, CC=NA, ed=NA, Tdew=NA, RH=NA, P=NA, P0=NA, z=NA, crop='short', na.rm=FALSE) {
ET0 <- Tmin*NA
n <- length(Tmin)
##m <- ncol(Tmin)
##c <- cycle(Tmin)
# Mean temperature
T <- (Tmin + Tmax)/2
# 1. Latent heat of vaporization, lambda (eq. 1.1)
# lambda <- 2.501 - 2.361e-3*T
# 3. Psychrometric constant, gamma (eq. 1.4)
# 4. P: atmospheric pressure, kPa
# if({ P0 <- matrix(101.3,nrow=nrow(T),ncol=ncol(T)) }
if ( {
dim = dim(T)
if (is.null(dim)) {
dim = length(T)
P0 <- array(101.3, dim = dim)
if ( {
P <- P0*(((293 - 0.0065*z)/293)^5.26)
## FAO
gamma <- 0.665e-3*P
# 6. Saturation vapour pressure, ea
# saturation vapour pressure at tmx (eq. 1.10, p. 66)
etmx <- 0.611*exp((17.27*Tmax)/(Tmax + 237.3))
# saturation vapour pressure at tmn (eq. 1.10, p. 66)
etmn <- 0.611*exp((17.27*Tmin)/(Tmin + 237.3))
# mean saturation vapour pressure (eq. 1.11, p. 67)
ea <- (etmx + etmn)/2
## We need et when we use FAO-PM
et <- 0.611*exp((17.27*T)/(T + 237.3))
# 2. Slope of the saturation vapour pressure function, Delta (eq. 1.3)
#Allen, 1994
## Delta <- 4099*ea/(T+237.3)^2
Delta <- 4099*et/(T + 237.3)^2
#Delta <- 2504*exp((12.27*T)/(T+237.3))/(T+237.3)^2
# 7. Actual vapour pressure, ed
if (length(ed) != n | sum(! == 0) {
if (length(Tdew) == n) {
# (eq. 1.12, p. 67)
ed <- 0.611*exp((17.27*Tdew)/(Tdew + 237.3))
} else if (length(RH) == n) {
# (eq. 1.16, p. 68)
## Allen, 1994
#ed <- RH / ((50/etmn)+(50/etmx))
## FAO
ed <- ea*(RH/100)
} else {
# (eq. 1.19, p. 69)
ed <- etmn
## Usando Tdew hay dias en que el diferencial de tensión de vapor sale negativo. Zonas donde la interpolación satura...
## son zonas donde la humedad relativa satura al 100%, imponemos ed = ea
ww <- which(ea - ed < 0)
if (length(ww) > 0) {
ed[ww] <- ea[ww]
# delta: solar declination, rad (1 rad = 57.2957795 deg) (eq. 1.25)
delta <- 0.409*sin(0.0172*J - 1.39)
# dr: relative distance Earth-Sun, [] (eq. 1.24)
dr <- 1 + 0.033*cos(0.0172*J)
# omegas: sunset hour angle, rad (eq. 1.23)
latr <- lat/57.2957795
sset <- Tmin
sset <- -tan(latr)*tan(delta)
omegas <- sset*0
omegas[sset >= {-1} & sset <= 1] <- acos(sset[sset >= {-1} & sset <= 1])
# correction for high latitudes
omegas[sset < {-1}] <- max(omegas)
# 9. Extraterrestrial radiation, Ra (MJ m-2 d-1)
# Estimate Ra (eq. 1.22)
if (sum(! == 0) {
Ra <- 37.6*dr*(omegas*sin(latr)*sin(delta) + cos(latr)*cos(delta)*sin(omegas))
##Ra <- ifelse(values(Ra)<0,0,Ra)
# 11. Net radiation, Rn (MJ m-2 d-1)
# Net radiation is the sum of net short wave radiation Rns and net long wave
# (incoming) radiation (Rnl).
# Rs: daily incoming solar radiation (MJ m-2 d-1)
# nN: relative sunshine fraction []
if (sum(! == 0) {
if (length(tsun) == n) {
# Based on sunshine hours
# 10. Potential daylight hours (day length, h), N (eq. 1.34)
N <- 7.64*omegas
nN <- tsun/N
# (eq. 1.37)
as <- 0.25; bs <- 0.5
Rs <- Tmin
Rs <- (as + bs*(nN))*Ra
# Rso: clear-sky solar radiation (eq. 1.40)
# Note: mostly valid for z<6000 m and low air turbidity
#if (ncol(as.matrix(z))==ncol(as.matrix(Tmin))) {
if (exists('z') & sum(! > 0) {
Rso <- (0.75 + 2e-5*z) * Ra
} else {
Rso <- (0.75 + 2e-5*840) * Ra
# Empirical constants
ac <- 1.35; bc <- -0.35; a1 <- 0.34; b1 <- -0.14
# Reference crop albedo
alb <- 0.23
# Rn, MJ m-2 d-1 (eq. 1.53)
Rn <- (1 - alb)*Rs - (ac*Rs/Rso + bc) * (a1 + b1*sqrt(ed)) * 4.9e-9 * ((273.15 + Tmax)^4 + (273.15 + Tmin)^4)/2
Rn[Rs == 0] <- 0
# Soil heat flux density, G
# Using forward / backward differences for the first and last observations,
# and central differences for the remaining ones.
G <- 0
# Wind speed at 2m, U2 (eq. 1.62)
#U2 <- U2 * 4.85203/log((zz-0.08)/0.015)
# Daily ET0 (eq. 2.18)
if (crop == 'short') {
c1 <- 900; c2 <- 0.34 # short reference crop (e.g. clipped grass, 0.12 m)
} else {
c1 <- 1600; c2 <- 0.38 # tall reference crop (e.g. alfalfa, 0.5 m)
ET0 <- (0.408*Delta*(Rn - G) + gamma*(c1/(T + 273))*U2*(ea - ed)) /
(Delta + gamma*(1 + c2*U2))
#' Transforma datos de in en r o al revés
#' @param J Días de inicio de cada semana del año, partiendo desde 0 ¿?
#' @param lat latitud en grados en spTransform(coordenadas,CRS(crslonlat))
#' @param tsun Insolación en horas de sol o radiación en ¿MJ/m2?
#' @param z mde, modelo de elevación digital del terreno
#' @param ret Que hacer, calcular in desde r o al contrario
#' @return insolación en horas de sol o radiación en ¿MJ/m2?
#' @keywords internal
penman_rs <- function(J,
lat = NA,
tsun = NA,
z = NA,
ret = RADIATION) {
# delta: solar declination, rad (1 rad = 57.2957795 deg) (eq. 1.25)
delta <- 0.409 * sin(0.0172 * J - 1.39)
# dr: relative distance Earth-Sun, [] (eq. 1.24)
dr <- 1 + 0.033 * cos(0.0172 * J)
# omegas: sunset hour angle, rad (eq. 1.23)
latr <- lat / 57.2957795
sset <- -tan(latr) * tan(delta)
omegas <- sset * 0
omegas[sset >= {
} & sset <= 1] <- acos(sset[sset >= {
} & sset <= 1])
# correction for high latitudes
omegas[sset < {
}] <- max(omegas)
# 9. Extraterrestrial radiation, Ra (MJ m-2 d-1)
# Estimate Ra (eq. 1.22)
Ra <-
37.6 * dr * (omegas * sin(latr) * sin(delta) + cos(latr) * cos(delta) *
# Based on sunshine hours
# 10. Potential daylight hours (day length, h), N (eq. 1.34)
N <- 7.64 * omegas
# (eq. 1.37)
as <- 0.25
bs <- 0.5
if (ret == RADIATION) {
# Devolvemos C_R
Rs <- (as + bs * (tsun / N)) * Ra
} else{
# Devolvemos C_IN
Rs = N * (tsun / Ra - as) / bs
Rs[Rs < 0] = 0
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