
Defines functions VariationTable

Documented in VariationTable

#' @title Effects of infinitesimal changes in CoDa models
#' @description
#' This function allows to evaluate how a change in an explanatory variables
#' impacts the response variable in a CoDa regression model.
#' The changes are calculated based from the approximate formal presented
#' in Dargel and Thomas-Agnan (2024).
#' Changes in the response variables are provided as data.frame and the
#' underlying changes in the explanatory variable are given as attributes.
#' @inheritParams VariationScenario
#' @param inc_rate a numeric that can be used as a parameterization of the step size
#' @param Ytotal a numeric indicating the total of Y
#' @return data.frame
#' @author
#'   - Lukas Dargel
#'   - Rodrigue Nasr
#' @references
#'   - Dargel, Lukas and Christine Thomas-Agnan, “Pairwise share ratio interpretations of compositional regression models”, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 195 (2024), p. 107945
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # XY-compositional model
#' res <- lmCoDa(
#'   ilr(cbind(left, right, extreme_right)) ~
#'   ilr(cbind(Educ_BeforeHighschool, Educ_Highschool, Educ_Higher)),
#'   data =  head(election, 20))
#' # Focus on changes in the education composition
#' educ_comp <- "cbind(Educ_BeforeHighschool, Educ_Highschool, Educ_Higher)"
#' # ... changes towards a summit towards a summit (higher share of people with lower education)
#' VariationTable(res, educ_comp, Xdir = "Educ_BeforeHighschool")
#' # ... same changes using a compositional vector as direction
#' VariationTable(res, educ_comp, Xdir = c(.5,.25,.25))
#' # ... changes in a more general direction and for a different observation
#' VariationTable(res, educ_comp, Xdir = c(.35,.45,.10), obs = 2)
VariationTable <- function(
    obs = 1,
    inc_size = .1,
    inc_rate = NULL,
    Ytotal = 1,
    normalize_Xdir = TRUE) {

  stopifnot(is(object, "lmCoDa"),
            is.character(Xvar) && length(Xvar) == 1,
            missing(Xdir) || is.character(Xdir) || is.numeric(Xdir),
            is.numeric(obs) && isTRUE(obs >= 1) && obs <= nobs(object),
            is.numeric(inc_size) && length(inc_size) == 1,
            is.null(inc_rate) || (0 < inc_rate && inc_rate < 1),
            is.numeric(Ytotal) && length(Ytotal) == 1)

  trSry <- object$trSry
  if (all(trSry$LR_TRAN[c(1, Xvar)] == "")) stop("Variation tables are only meaningful if X or Y are compositional!")

  # get X0
  Xvar <- check_Xvar(Xvar, trSry, "NAME_COORD")
  Dx <- trSry$D[[Xvar]]
  scalar_x <- Dx == 0
  X0 <- object$model[[Xvar]]
  X0 <- if (scalar_x) X0[obs] else attr(X0, "orig")[obs,]

  # get Y0
  scalar_y <- trSry$D[[1]] == 0
  Y0 <- if (scalar_y) structure(fitted(object)[obs], names = names(object$model)[1]) else as(fitted(object, space = "simplex")[obs,],"vector")

  # define elasticities
  elasti <- Impacts(object, trSry$NAME_SIMPLEX[[Xvar]], obs)

  if (scalar_x & !is.null(inc_rate)) warning("The argument inc_rate is ignored when X is a classical variable!")
  if (!scalar_x) {
    # for compositional X we need to account for the direction in which X changes
    vertex_dir <- is.character(Xdir)
    Xdir  <- check_Xdir(Xdir, names(X0), normalize_Xdir)
    elasti   <- log(Xdir) %*% elasti

    # link between alpha (ink_rate) and h (ink_size)
    inc_rates <- log(Xdir) - sum(as(X0,"vector") * log(Xdir))
    if (vertex_dir && !is.null(inc_rate)) inc_size <- inc_rate / inc_rates[which.max(Xdir)]
    inc_rates <- inc_rates * inc_size

  Ytotal <- if (scalar_y) 1 else Ytotal
  Y1  <- Y0 * (1 + elasti * inc_size)
  YD  <- Y1 - Y0
  explanation <- c(
    "Y0"        = if (scalar_y) "Initial value" else "Initial parts",
    "Y1"        = if (scalar_y) "New value" else "New parts",
    "elasti"    = if (scalar_y || scalar_x) "Semi elasticity" else "Elasticity",
    "YD/Y0*100" = "Variation in %",
    "YD*100"    = if (scalar_y) NULL else "Variation in % points",
    "YD*Ytotal" = if (scalar_y || Ytotal != 1) "Variation in units" else NULL)

  evalString <- function(s) eval(str2lang(s), environment())
  explanation <- explanation[!is.null(explanation)]
  result <- lapply(names(explanation), evalString)
  result <- data.frame(Reduce("rbind", result), row.names = explanation, check.names = FALSE)

  if (scalar_x) Xdir <- inc_rates <- NULL
  attr(result,'X(0)')     <- X0
  attr(result,'X(h)')     <- if (scalar_x) X0 + inc_size else as(X0, "vector") * (1 + inc_rates)
  attr(result,'Xdir')     <- Xdir
  attr(result,'inc_size') <- inc_size
  attr(result,'inc_rates') <- inc_rates

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CoDaImpact documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:40 a.m.