#' ctmaPRaw
#' @description Converts empirical correlation matrices to pseudo raw data (i.e. random data, that perfectly reproduce the correlations)
#' @param empCovMat empirical primary study covariance matrix
#' @param empNMat matrix of (possibly pairwise) N
#' @param empN N (in case of listwise N)
#' @param studyNumber internal number
#' @param empMeanVector vector of means for all variables, usually 0
#' @param empVarVector vector of variances for all variables, usually 1
#' @param activateRPB set TRUE to receive push messages with 'CoTiMA' notifications on your phone
#' @param experimental set TRUE to try new pairwise N function
#' @importFrom RPushbullet pbPost
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom psych corr.test
ctmaPRaw <- function(empCovMat=NULL, empNMat=matrix(0,0,0), empN=NULL, studyNumber=NULL,
empMeanVector=NULL, empVarVector=NULL, activateRPB=FALSE,
{ # begin function definition (until end of file)
if (is.null(empCovMat)) {
if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0([[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
ErrorMsg <- "\nNo empirical covariance matrix provided for pseudo raw data generation! \nGood luck for the next try!"
if (!(isSymmetric(empCovMat))) {
if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0([[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
ErrorMsg <- "\nThe empirical covariance matrix provided is not symmetric! \nGood luck for the next try!"
if (!(is.null(empNMat))) {
if (!(isSymmetric(empNMat))) {
if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0([[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
ErrorMsg <- "\nThe pairwise N matrix provided is not symmetrix! \nGood luck for the next try!"
if ( (is.null(empNMat) & is.null(empN)) ) {
if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0([[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
ErrorMsg <- "\nEITHER a matrix with pairwise N OR an overall N has to be provided pseudo raw data generation! \nGood luck for the next try!"
if ( (!(is.null(empMeanVector))) & (length(empMeanVector) != (dim(empCovMat)[1]) ) ){
if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0([[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
ErrorMsg <- "\nThe number of means provided does not match the number of variables in the empirical covariance matrix! \nGood luck for the next try!"
rowNACounter <- colNACounter <- c()
for (i in 1:(dim(empCovMat)[1])) {
rowNACounter[i] <- length(which([i, ]) == TRUE))
colNACounter[i] <- length(which([ ,i]) == TRUE))
if (any(rowNACounter != colNACounter)) {
if (activateRPB==TRUE) {RPushbullet::pbPost("note", paste0("CoTiMA (",Sys.time(),")" ), paste0([[4]], "\n","Data processing stopped.\nYour attention is required."))}
ErrorMsg <- "\nCurrently missing correlations can only be handled if a variable is entirely missing. \nThe NA-pattern provided implies this is not the case. \nConsider setting all correlations involving a critical variable to NA. \nGood luck for the next try!"
# Define objects
if (dim(empNMat)[1] == 0) currentN <- matrix(empN, dim(empCovMat)[1], dim(empCovMat)[1]) else currentN <- empNMat
currentR <- empCovMat; currentR
if (is.null(studyNumber)) studyNumber <- 1
###### Handling of missing correlations (NA) ######
origN <- currentN; origN
eigenValueProblems <- "Congratulations! This covariance matrix is positive definite (no negative eigenvalues)."
newMat <- currentR; newMat
k <- which(, arr.ind=TRUE); k
if (dim(k)[1] > 0) {
sortedK <- t(apply(k,1,sort)); sortedK
uniqueK <- unique(sortedK); uniqueK
reversedK <- cbind(uniqueK[,2], uniqueK[,1]); reversedK
k <- rbind(uniqueK, reversedK); k
randomCors <- stats::rnorm(length(uniqueK)/2, 0, .0); randomCors
randomCors <- c(randomCors, randomCors); randomCors
newMat[k] <- randomCors
diag(newMat) <- 1; newMat
### solve problem with non-positive definite matrices (
#counter <- 0
#while(any(eigen(newMat)$values < 0)) {
# counter <- counter + 1
# print(cat("Study", studyNumber, "has negative eigenvalues. Try to fix this problem at iteration =", counter, "!"))
# newEig <- eigen(newMat); newEig
# newEig2 <- ifelse(newEig$values < 0, 0, newEig$values)
# newMat <- newEig$vectors %*% diag(newEig2) %*% t(newEig$vectors)
# newMat <- newMat/sqrt(diag(newMat) %*% t(diag(newMat)))
# eigenValueProblems <- paste0("The correlation matrix of Study ", i, "had negative Eigenvalues. I tried to fix this, but better check the matrix.")
toBeMadeNA <- makeNAdueToNACors <- makeNAdueToZeroN <- NULL
# store rows and cols with correlations == NA
if (dim(k)[1] > 0) makeNAdueToNACors <- which(table(c(k[,2])) > dim(newMat)[2]/2); makeNAdueToNACors # which columns in the final data set should be made NA
makeNAdueToNACors <- as.numeric(names(makeNAdueToNACors)); makeNAdueToNACors ##### CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# store rows and cols with N == 0
makeNAdueToZeroN <- which((apply(currentN, 1, sum) == 0) & (apply(currentN, 2, sum) == 0) == TRUE); makeNAdueToZeroN
toBeMadeNA <- unique(c(makeNAdueToNACors, makeNAdueToZeroN)); toBeMadeNA
currentR <- newMat; currentR
currentN[currentN == 0] <- max(currentN[currentN > 0]); currentN #replace N=0 (missing correlations) by max N
###### Pairwise deletion ######
if (experimental == FALSE) {
numberOfMatrices <- 2^(dim(currentN)[1]); numberOfMatrices
if (numberOfMatrices > 10^6) numberOfMatrices <- 10^6 # prevent memory overflow
matrixL <- lapply(1:numberOfMatrices, list); matrixL
matrixL[[1]] <- list(r=currentR, n=currentN); matrixL[[1]]
dimnames(matrixL[[1]]$r) <- dimnames(matrixL[[1]]$n) <- list(1:(dim(matrixL[[1]]$r)[1]), 1:(dim(matrixL[[1]]$n)[1]))
whileCounter <- matCounter <- 1
ncounter <- 0
while(length(matrixL[[whileCounter]]) > 1) {
minN <- min(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n); minN
matDim <- dim(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n)[1]; matDim
if (is.null(matDim)) matDim <- 1; matDim
if ( (minN == 1 & matDim == 1) | (minN == 0) ) {
matrixL[[whileCounter]]$data <- (matrix(NA, 1, matDim))
} else {
if (matDim > 1) minNcoord <- which(min(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n) == matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n, arr.ind=TRUE)[1, ] else minNcoord <- c(1,1)
# correction for minN < dimMat by deleting rows cols with N < dimMat
while (minN <= matDim) {
# retain submatrix with largest sum of N
tmp1 <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n[-minNcoord[1], -minNcoord[1]]; tmp1
tmp2 <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n[-minNcoord[2], -minNcoord[2]]; tmp2
tmp1 <- sum(tmp1[lower.tri(tmp1)]); tmp1
tmp2 <- sum(tmp2[lower.tri(tmp2)]); tmp2
if (tmp1 >= tmp2) {
matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r[-minNcoord[1], -minNcoord[1]]; matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r
matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n[-minNcoord[1], -minNcoord[1]]; matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n
} else {
matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r[-minNcoord[2], -minNcoord[2]]; matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r
matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n[-minNcoord[2], -minNcoord[2]]; matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n
minN <- min(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n); minN
if (is.null(dim(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n)[1])) matDim <- 1 else matDim <- dim(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n)[1]
if (matDim > 1) minNcoord <- which(min(matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n) == matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n, arr.ind=TRUE)[1, ] else minNcoord <- c(1,1)
if (minN == 1 & matDim == 1) break #leave while loop
if (!(minN == 1 & matDim == 1)) {
r <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$r; r
n <- matrixL[[whileCounter]]$n; n
# generate data
matrixL[[whileCounter]]$data <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=minN, mu=rep(0, matDim), Sigma=r, empirical = TRUE); matrixL[[whileCounter]]$data
ncounter <- ncounter + minN
if (matDim > 1) {
matrixL[[matCounter + 1]] <- matrixL[[matCounter + 2]] <- list()
# reduce correlation matrices
matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$r <- r[-minNcoord[1], -minNcoord[1]]; matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$r
matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$r <- r[-minNcoord[2], -minNcoord[2]]; matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$r
# preserve names and make matrix if dim = NUL (only 1 element)
if (is.null(dim(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$r))) {
matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$r <- matrix(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$r, 1, 1,
dimnames=list(unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[1]], unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[1]]))
if (is.null(dim(matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$r))) {
matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$r <- matrix(matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$r, 1, 1,
dimnames=list(unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[2]], unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[2]]))
## reduce matrices with pairwise sample size and reduce sample sizes by n already created
matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n <- n[-minNcoord[1], -minNcoord[1]] - minN; matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n
matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n <- n[-minNcoord[2], -minNcoord[2]] - minN; matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n
# preserve names
if (is.null(dim(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n))) {
matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n <- matrix(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n, 1, 1,
dimnames=list(unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[1]], unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[1]]))
if (is.null(dim(matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n))) {
matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n <- matrix(matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n, 1, 1,
dimnames=list(unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[2]], unlist(dimnames(r)[1])[-minNcoord[2]]))
# variables included in both matrices
targets <- (colnames(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n)[colnames(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n)
%in% colnames(matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n)]);targets
# take only half of n in overlapping variables
matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n[targets, targets] <- round(matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n[targets, targets]/2 +.01); matrixL[[matCounter + 1]]$n
matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n[targets, targets] <- round(matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n[targets, targets]/2 -.01); matrixL[[matCounter + 2]]$n
matCounter <- matCounter + 2; matCounter
whileCounter <- whileCounter + 1; whileCounter
# combine data
newData <-, ncounter, ncol=(dim(currentR)[1]) ) ); newData
colnames(newData) <- 1:(dim(currentR)[1]); colnames(newData)
rowCounter <- 1
for (i in 1:(whileCounter-1)){
if (!(is.null(dim(matrixL[[i]]$data)[1]))) tmpN <- dim(matrixL[[i]]$data)[1] else tmpN <- 1
currentRows <- rowCounter:(rowCounter+tmpN-1); currentRows
currentNames <- colnames(matrixL[[i]]$data); currentNames
newData[currentRows, currentNames] <- matrixL[[i]]$data
rowCounter <- max(currentRows) + 1; rowCounter
### too small N in the diagonal can be corrected
nDiff <- psych::corr.test(newData, ci=FALSE)$n - origN; nDiff
rDiff <- round(psych::corr.test(newData, ci=FALSE)$r - currentR, 6); rDiff
currentData <- list()
counter <- 0
for (i in 1:(dim(nDiff)[1])) {
if (nDiff[i,i] <= -1) {
counter <- counter +1
currentData[[counter]] <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=-nDiff[i,i], mu=rep(0), Sigma=matrix(currentR[i,i], 1, 1), empirical = TRUE)
#colnames(currentData[[counter]]) <- i; currentData[[counter]]
} else {
counter <- counter +1
currentData[[counter]] <- matrix(NA, 1, 1)
# add data
if (counter > 0) {
rowCounter <- dim(newData)[1]+1; rowCounter
for (i in 1:counter) {
if (!(is.null(dim(currentData[[i]])[1]))) tmpN <- dim(currentData[[i]])[1] else tmpN <- 1
currentRows <- rowCounter:(rowCounter+tmpN-1); currentRows
#currentNames <- colnames(currentData[[i]]); currentNames
tmpMat <-, tmpN, dim(newData)[2])); tmpMat
colnames(tmpMat) <- colnames(newData)
newData <- rbind(newData, tmpMat)
#newData[currentRows, currentNames] <- currentData[[i]]
newData[currentRows, i] <- currentData[[i]] # inserted
rowCounter <- max(currentRows) + 1; rowCounter
if (all(diag(currentR) == 1)) newData <- scale(newData)
} # END if (experimental == FALSE)
if (experimental == TRUE) {
tmpRMat <- currentR; tmpRMat
tmpNMat <- currentN
tmpNMat[upper.tri(tmpNMat)] <- NA; tmpNMat
colnames(tmpRMat) <- rownames(tmpRMat) <- seq(1, dim(tmpRMat)[1], 1)
# d
newData <- matrix(NA, ncol=dim(tmpRMat)[1], nrow=max(tmpNMat, na.rm=T)); newData # all variables have 0
colnames(newData) <- tmpColNames <- colnames(tmpRMat)
counter <- 0
currentN2 <- 0 # currentN already in use in ctmaPRaw
currentStartCol <- 1 # where start inserting praw data
# try making positive definite by adding .01 to diag if necessary
while (any(eigen(tmpRMat)$values < 0)) {
print("Adding .01 to diagonal of correlation matrix to make it positive definite (ridge constant)")
tmpRMat <- tmpRMat + diag(.01, dim(tmpRMat)[1])
allCollectors <- list()
while (any(tmpNMat > 1, na.rm=T) & dim(tmpRMat)[1] >1 & dim(tmpNMat)[1] > 1) {
counter <- counter + 1; counter
collectorCounter <- 0
min1 <- unique(which(tmpNMat == min(tmpNMat, na.rm=T), arr.ind = TRUE)); min1 # which matrix index is currenlty min(N)
currentN2 <- tmpNMat[min1[1,1], min1[1,2]]; currentN2 # what is the current min(N)
if (counter > 1) {
for (i in length(allCollectors):1) {
if (allCollectors[[i]][1] == length(allCollectors[[i]])-1) {
tmpRMat <- tmpRMat[-allCollectors[[i]][1], -allCollectors[[i]][1]]
tmpColNames <- tmpColNames[tmpColNames != allCollectors[[i]][1]]; tmpColNames
} else {
remove <- c()
if (allCollectors[[i]][1] == allCollectors[[i]][length(allCollectors[[i]])]) remove <- allCollectors[[i]][1]
tmpRMat <- tmpRMat[!(rownames(tmpRMat) %in% remove), !(colnames(tmpRMat) %in% remove)]
tmpColNames <- tmpColNames[!(tmpColNames %in% remove)]; tmpColNames
if (is.null(dim(tmpRMat))) tmpRMat <- matrix(tmpRMat, 1, 1)
if (currentN2 >= dim(tmpRMat)[1]) { # if not, some cases are lost
data <- MASS::mvrnorm(n=currentN2, mu=rep(0, dim(tmpRMat)[1]),
Sigma=tmpRMat, empirical = TRUE) # create praw
if (dim(newData)[1] < currentStartCol+dim(data)[1]) {
tmpData <- newData[1:dim(data)[1] , ]
tmpData[!(is.null(tmpData))] <- NA
newData <- rbind(newData, tmpData)
newData[currentStartCol:(currentStartCol+dim(data)[1]-1) , tmpColNames] <- data # insert in in newData
currentStartCol <- currentStartCol + currentN2; currentStartCol
# correction
tmpNMat[!(] <- tmpNMat[!(] - currentN2
tmpNMat[tmpNMat == 0] <- NA
## collect fully filled rows and columns (per row)
collector <- list()
counter2 <- 0
# collect
for (r in unique(min1[ ,1])) {
counter2 <- counter2 + 1
collector[[counter2]] <- min1[min1[,1]==r , ]
# create vector in which the first value is a critical row and all subsequent ones are the forbidden columns
allCollectors <- list() # collects lists of variable sets for which the remaining N is 0 after previous data computation
for (r in 1:length(collector)) {
collectorCounter <- collectorCounter + 1
if (is.null(dim(collector[[r]]))) collector[[r]] <- matrix(collector[[r]], ncol=2, nrow=1)
allCollectors[[collectorCounter]] <- c(collector[[r]][1,1], collector[[r]][ ,2])
if (all(diag(currentR) == 1)) newData <- scale(newData)
} # END if (experimental == TRUE)
# replace values which cannot exist
if (!(is.null("toBeMadeNA"))) newData[,toBeMadeNA] <- NA
# add means if they are provided
if (!(is.null(empMeanVector))) {
for (i in 1:(dim(newData)[2])) {
newData[,i] <- newData[,i] + empMeanVector[i]
nDiff <- psych::corr.test(newData, ci=FALSE)$n - origN; nDiff
rDiff <- round(psych::corr.test(newData, ci=FALSE)$r - currentR, 6); rDiff
overallNDiff <- sum(nDiff[lower.tri(nDiff, diag=TRUE)]); overallNDiff
relativeNDiff <- overallNDiff/sum(origN[lower.tri(origN, diag=TRUE)]); relativeNDiff
overallRDiff <- sum(rDiff[lower.tri(rDiff, diag=TRUE)], na.rm=TRUE); overallRDiff
results <- list(newData, eigenValueProblems, nDiff, overallNDiff, relativeNDiff)
names(results) <- c("data", "problems", "lostN", "overallLostN", "relativeLostN")
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