
ci_rbod_constr_bad_Q <- function (x, indic_col, ngood=1, nbad=1, low_w=0, pref=NULL, M, B, Q=NULL, Q_ord=NULL, bandwidth) 
  x_num = x[, indic_col]
  n_indic <- dim(as.matrix(x_num))[2]
  n_unit <- dim(as.matrix(x_num))[1]
  for (i in seq(1, n_indic)) {
    if (!is.numeric(x_num[, i])) {
      stop(paste("Data set not numeric at column:", i))
  for (i in seq(1, n_unit)) {
    for (j in seq(1, n_indic)) {
      if (is.na(x_num[i, j])) {
        message(paste("Pay attention: NA values at column:", 
                      i, ", row", j, ". Composite indicator has been computed, but results may be misleading, Please refer to OECD handbook, pg. 26."))
    if (!is.character(pref)) {
      stop(paste("The preference vector (pref) is not of character type"))
    stop(paste("The number of simple indicators is not equal to the sum of the
               number of good and bad outputs, please insert the right number
               of simple indicators in x or choose the right number of columns
               in indic_col or indicate the right number of good and bad outputs
               in ngood and nbad."))
    stop(paste("The number of good outputs (ngood) has to be greater than 0."))
    stop(paste("The number of bad outputs (nbad) has to be greater than 0."))
  if(!is.null(Q) & is.null(Q_ord)){ 
  Q = as.matrix(Q)
#   number_exogenous <- dim(Q)[2]
#   nq_cont <- dim(Q)[2]
#   nq_ord  <- 0
  if(is.null(Q) & !is.null(Q_ord)){ 
    Q_ord = as.matrix(Q_ord)
#     number_exogenous <- dim(Q_ord)[2]
#     nq_cont <- 0
#     nq_ord  <- dim(Q_ord)[2]
  if(!is.null(Q) & !is.null(Q_ord)){ 
    Q = as.matrix(Q)
    Q_ord = as.matrix(Q_ord)
#     number_exogenous <- dim(Q)[2] + dim(Q_ord)[2] 
#     nq_cont <- dim(Q)[2]
#     nq_ord  <- dim(Q_ord)[2]

  x_num = as.matrix(x_num)
  g <- ngood
  b <- nbad
  p <- length(pref)

  bw_cx <- bandwidth
  Avg <- apply(x_num, 2, mean)
  score <- rep(0, times = n_unit)
  eff <- rep(0, times = n_unit)
  w <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = n_unit, ncol = (n_indic)))
  final <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = n_unit, ncol = (1+n_indic)))
  kerzi <- matrix(nrow = n_unit, ncol=1)
  f.sign <- c(rep(-1, g), rep(1, b))
  for (i in 1:n_unit) {
      # display the number of the NUTS II regions under assessment
      # Collect the data in a dataframe
      if(!is.null(Q) & is.null(Q_ord)){ 
      dat <- data.frame(Q)
      if(is.null(Q) & !is.null(Q_ord)){ 
      dat <- data.frame(apply(Q_ord, 2, ordered))
      if(!is.null(Q) & !is.null(Q_ord)){ 
        dat <- data.frame(Q,apply(Q_ord, 2, ordered))
      tdata <- dat[i,]
      # Estimate the densities
      kerz <- npksum(bws=t(bw_cx[i,]),txdat=dat, exdat=tdata, return.kernel.weights=TRUE,cykertype="epanechnikov",cxkertype="epanechnikov",oxkertype="liracine") 
      #kerz <- npudens(bws=t(bw_cx[i,]),cykertype="epanechnikov",cxkertype="epanechnikov",oxkertype="liracine",tdat=tdata,edat=dat)
      # collect the performance data
      y_aggr <- data.frame(matrix(x_num[,(g+1):(g+b)],ncol=b),matrix(x_num[,1:g],ncol=g),kerz=kerz)
      yk <- y_aggr[i,c(1:(b+g))]
      q_y <- (b+g)
      score_B <- matrix(nrow=B,ncol=1)
      w_B <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = (n_indic)))
      final_B <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = (1+n_indic)))
      fl <- seq(1:n_unit)
      k <- 1
      for(k in 1:B)
        draw <- sample(fl, size=M, replace=TRUE, prob=subsety$kerz)
        x_num_sample <- x_num[draw,]
        # Different cases of ordVWR
        # Case 1: the preference vector has only 2 elements => only ordVWR_type1  
          f.obj <- c(f.sign * x_num[i, ])
          f.dir <- c("==",rep(">=", times = M), rep(">=", times = g+b), 
                     rep(">=", times = g+b))
          f.rhs <- c(1, rep(0, times = M), rep(0, times = g+b), 
                     rep(0, times = g+b))  
          Constr1 <- c(x_num[i,])
          Constr2 <- cbind(t(f.sign * t(x_num_sample))) 
          I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
          VWRg = t((I - low_w)*as.vector(Avg)) 
          ### OrdVWR_type1
          I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
          colnames(I) <- colnames(x_num)
          I[,pref[1]] <- 0
          M_imp =  matrix(0,nrow=(n_indic), ncol=n_indic)
          colnames(M_imp) <- colnames(x_num)
          M_imp[,pref[1]] <- 1
          ordVWR_type1 <- (-I*Avg) + (M_imp*Avg[pref[1]])
          ordVWR_type1 <- ordVWR_type1[-which(colnames(M_imp)==pref[1]),]
          ### OrdVWR_type2
          I2 = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
          colnames(I2) <- colnames(x_num)
          I2[,pref[length(pref)]] <- 0
          M_imp2 =  matrix(0,nrow=(n_indic), ncol=n_indic)
          colnames(M_imp2) <- colnames(x_num)
          M_imp2[,which(colnames(M_imp)==pref[length(pref)])] <- -Avg[pref[length(pref)]]
          ordVWR_type2 <- (I2*Avg)+ M_imp2
          '%!in%' <- function(x,y)!('%in%'(x,y))
          ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(colnames(M_imp) %!in% pref),]
          ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(colnames(M_imp)==pref[1]),]
          ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(colnames(M_imp)==pref[length(pref)]),]
          Pweight_g <- cbind(diag(1, nrow = g, ncol = g), matrix(0,nrow=g,ncol=b))
          Pweight_b <- cbind(matrix(0,nrow=b,ncol=g),diag(1, nrow = b, ncol = b))
          f.con <- rbind(Constr1, Constr2, Pweight_g, Pweight_b, VWRg, ordVWR_type1)
          jj <- lp("min", f.obj, f.con, f.dir, f.rhs)
          score_B[k] <- jj$objval
          w_B[k, ] <- rbind(jj$solution)
          final_B[k, ] <- c(score_B[k], w_B[k, ])
      # Case 2: the preference vector has all indicators         
        f.obj <- c(f.sign * x_num[i, ])
        f.dir <- c("==",rep(">=", times = M), rep(">=", times = g+b), 
                   rep(">=",times=(n_indic-1)), rep(">=",times=(p-2)),
                   rep(">=", times = g+b))
        f.rhs <- c(1, rep(0, times = M), rep(0, times = g+b), 
                   rep(0,times=(n_indic-1)), rep(0,times=(p-2)),
                   rep(0, times = g+b))  
        Constr1 <- c(x_num[i,])
        Constr2 <- cbind(t(f.sign * t(x_num_sample))) 
        I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
        VWRg = t((I - low_w)*as.vector(Avg)) 
        ### OrdVWR_type1
        I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
        colnames(I) <- colnames(x_num)
        I[,pref[1]] <- 0
        M_imp =  matrix(0,nrow=(n_indic), ncol=n_indic)
        colnames(M_imp) <- colnames(x_num)
        M_imp[,pref[1]] <- 1
        ordVWR_type1 <- (-I*Avg) + (M_imp*Avg[pref[1]])
        ordVWR_type1 <- ordVWR_type1[-which(colnames(M_imp)==pref[1]),]
        ### OrdVWR_type2
        I2 = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
        colnames(I2) <- colnames(x_num)
        I2[,pref[length(pref)]] <- 0
        M_imp2 =  matrix(0,nrow=(n_indic), ncol=n_indic)
        colnames(M_imp2) <- colnames(x_num)
        rownames(M_imp2) <- colnames(x_num)
        M_imp2[,which(colnames(M_imp2)==pref[length(pref)])] <- -Avg[pref[length(pref)]]
        ordVWR_type2 <- (I2*Avg)+ M_imp2
        colnames(ordVWR_type2) <- colnames(x_num)
        rownames(ordVWR_type2) <- colnames(x_num)
        #'%!in%' <- function(x,y)!('%in%'(x,y))
        #ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(colnames(ordVWR_type2) %!in% pref),]
        ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(rownames(ordVWR_type2)==pref[length(pref)]),]
        ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(rownames(ordVWR_type2)==pref[1]),]
        Pweight_g <- cbind(diag(1, nrow = g, ncol = g), matrix(0,nrow=g,ncol=b))
        Pweight_b <- cbind(matrix(0,nrow=b,ncol=g),diag(1, nrow = b, ncol = b))
        f.con <- rbind(Constr1, Constr2, Pweight_g, Pweight_b, VWRg, ordVWR_type1, ordVWR_type2)
        jj <- lp("min", f.obj, f.con, f.dir, f.rhs)
        score_B[k] <- jj$objval
        w_B[k, ] <- rbind(jj$solution)
        final_B[k, ] <- c(score_B[k], w_B[k, ])
      # Case 3: the preference vector has a number of elements >2 and < of the number of indicators 
      if(length(pref)>2 & length(pref)<n_indic){
        f.obj <- c(f.sign * x_num[i, ])
        f.dir <- c("==",rep(">=", times = M), rep(">=", times = g+b), 
                   rep(">=",times=(n_indic-1)), rep(">=",times=(p-2)),
                   rep(">=", times = g+b))
        f.rhs <- c(1, rep(0, times = M), rep(0, times = g+b), 
                   rep(0,times=(n_indic-1)), rep(0,times=(p-2)),
                   rep(0, times = g+b))  
        Constr1 <- c(x_num[i,])
        Constr2 <- cbind(t(f.sign * t(x_num_sample))) 
        I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
        VWRg = t((I - low_w)*as.vector(Avg)) 
        ### OrdVWR_type1
        I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
        colnames(I) <- colnames(x_num)
        I[,pref[1]] <- 0
        M_imp =  matrix(0,nrow=(n_indic), ncol=n_indic)
        colnames(M_imp) <- colnames(x_num)
        M_imp[,pref[1]] <- 1
        ordVWR_type1 <- (-I*Avg) + (M_imp*Avg[pref[1]])
        ordVWR_type1 <- ordVWR_type1[-which(colnames(M_imp)==pref[1]),]
        ### OrdVWR_type2
        I2 = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
        colnames(I2) <- colnames(x_num)
        I2[,pref[length(pref)]] <- 0
        M_imp2 =  matrix(0,nrow=(n_indic), ncol=n_indic)
        colnames(M_imp2) <- colnames(x_num)
        rownames(M_imp2) <- colnames(x_num)
        M_imp2[,which(colnames(M_imp2)==pref[length(pref)])] <- -Avg[pref[length(pref)]]
        ordVWR_type2 <- (I2*Avg)+ M_imp2
        colnames(ordVWR_type2) <- colnames(x_num)
        rownames(ordVWR_type2) <- colnames(x_num)
        '%!in%' <- function(x,y)!('%in%'(x,y))
        ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(rownames(ordVWR_type2) %!in% pref),]
        ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(rownames(ordVWR_type2)==pref[length(pref)]),]
        ordVWR_type2 <- ordVWR_type2[-which(rownames(ordVWR_type2)==pref[1]),]
        Pweight_g <- cbind(diag(1, nrow = g, ncol = g), matrix(0,nrow=g,ncol=b))
        Pweight_b <- cbind(matrix(0,nrow=b,ncol=g),diag(1, nrow = b, ncol = b))
        f.con <- rbind(Constr1, Constr2, Pweight_g, Pweight_b, VWRg, ordVWR_type1, ordVWR_type2)
        jj <- lp("min", f.obj, f.con, f.dir, f.rhs)
        score_B[k] <- jj$objval
        w_B[k, ] <- rbind(jj$solution)
        final_B[k, ] <- c(score_B[k], w_B[k, ])
    # display the number of the NUTS II regions under assessment
    # Collect the data in a dataframe
      if(!is.null(Q) & is.null(Q_ord)){ 
        dat <- data.frame(Q)
      if(is.null(Q) & !is.null(Q_ord)){ 
        dat <- data.frame(apply(Q_ord, 2, ordered))
      if(!is.null(Q) & !is.null(Q_ord)){ 
        dat <- data.frame(Q,apply(Q_ord, 2, ordered))
    tdata <- dat[i,]
    # Estimate the densities
    kerz <- npksum(bws=t(bw_cx[i,]),txdat=dat, exdat=tdata, return.kernel.weights=TRUE,cykertype="epanechnikov",cxkertype="epanechnikov",oxkertype="liracine") 
    #kerz <- npudens(bws=t(bw_cx[i,]),cykertype="epanechnikov",cxkertype="epanechnikov",oxkertype="liracine",tdat=tdata,edat=dat)
    # collect the performance data
    y_aggr <- data.frame(matrix(x_num[,(g+1):(g+b)],ncol=b),matrix(x_num[,1:g],ncol=g),kerz=kerz)
    yk <- y_aggr[i,c(1:(b+g))]
    q_y <- (b+g)
    score_B <- matrix(nrow=B,ncol=1)
    w_B <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = (n_indic)))
    final_B <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = (1+n_indic)))
    fl <- seq(1:n_unit)
    k <- 1
    for(k in 1:B)
      draw <- sample(fl, size=M, replace=TRUE, prob=subsety$kerz)
      x_num_sample <- x_num[draw,]
      f.obj <- c(f.sign * x_num[i, ])
      f.dir <- c("==",rep(">=", times = M), rep(">=", times = g+b), 
                 rep(">=", times = g+b))
      f.rhs <- c(1, rep(0, times = M), rep(0, times = g+b), 
                 rep(0, times = g+b))  
      Constr1 <- c(x_num[i,])
      Constr2 <- cbind(t(f.sign * t(x_num_sample))) 
      I = diag(x = 1, n_indic)
      VWRg = t((I - low_w)*as.vector(Avg)) 
      Pweight_g <- cbind(diag(1, nrow = g, ncol = g), matrix(0,nrow=g,ncol=b))
      Pweight_b <- cbind(matrix(0,nrow=b,ncol=g),diag(1, nrow = b, ncol = b))
      f.con <- rbind(Constr1, Constr2, VWRg, Pweight_g, Pweight_b)
      jj <- lp("min", f.obj, f.con, f.dir, f.rhs)
      score_B[k] <- jj$objval
      w_B[k, ] <- rbind(jj$solution)
      final_B[k, ] <- c(score_B[k], w_B[k, ])
   score[i]<- apply(score_B,2,mean) 
   w[i,]<- apply(w_B,2,mean)  
   final[i,]<- apply(final_B,2,mean)   
  eff <- (1/(1+score))
  colnames(w) <- colnames(x_num)
  # Write the composite scores and the indicator target values in one result matrix
  target <- matrix(nrow=n_unit,ncol=(b+g)) 
  for(j in 1:g)
    target[,j] <- x_num[,j] + (Avg[j]*score)
  for(j in (g+1):(g+b))
    target[,j] <- x_num[,j] - (Avg[j]*score)
  colnames(target) <- colnames(x_num)
  r <- list(ci_rbod_constr_bad_Q_est = eff, ci_rbod_constr_bad_Q_weights = w, 
            ci_rbod_constr_bad_Q_target = target, ci_method = "rbod_constr_bad_Q")
  r$call <- match.call()
  class(r) <- "CI"

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