#' Run DHS analysis at a top level
#' buildRegressionEstimateTable is used to create a data frame that has the
#' predicted categorization as laid out by the DHS. For each RunOn var supplied
#' It uses the var to create a 5 day lm fit and uses the percent change to bin
#' the results into 5 categories, "major decrease", "moderate decrease",
#' "fluctuating", "moderate increase", and "major increase".
#' If the model P-value if over .3 the category is replaced with "no change"
#' @param DataMod The DF containing the col RunOn + date
#' @param RunOn The col names of the values we wish to run
#' @param SplitOn A category to separate to create independent TS data
#' @param verbose Bool on whether it should print out what group it is on
#' @param PSigTest When categorizing if it should reject high pVals
#' @param DaysRegressed number of days used in each regression
#' @return A DF with the associated Date and DHS analysis
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(Example_data, package = "Covid19Wastewater")
#' Example_data <- Example_data[Example_data$site == 'Janesville',]
#' Example_log_data <- mutate(Example_data, log_geo_mean = log10(geo_mean + 1))
#' head(buildRegressionEstimateTable(Example_log_data, SplitOn = "site",
#' RunOn = "log_geo_mean"))
buildRegressionEstimateTable <- function(DataMod,
RunOn = "sars_cov2_adj_load_log10",
SplitOn = "site",
DaysRegressed = 5,
verbose = FALSE,
PSigTest = TRUE){
reg_estimates = DataMod%>%
pivot_longer(all_of(RunOn), names_to = "Method")%>%
Formula = value ~ date, #Should Be Gen
Keep = c(SplitOn, "Method","value"),
n = DaysRegressed,
verbose = verbose)%>%
#' runRegressionAnalysis
#' The DHS model system. runs a LM on each each set of n consecutive measurements
#' and returns a summary of the information
#' @param DF Contains TS data should only contain one site
#' @param Formula LM model to be fit on a subsection of the data
#' @param n number of rows to be in each LM regression
#' @param Keep The col in the original DF to keep besides Date
#' @param verbose prints what site we are in
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a row of a DF containing the
#' site, last date, timespan, number of rows, model slope and significance,
#' and predicted percent change, and what linear model was used
runRegressionAnalysis <- function(DF,
Keep = NULL,
n = 5,
verbose = FALSE){
reg_estimates =, nrow=0))
colnames(reg_estimates) = c(Keep, "date", "days_elapsed", "lmreg_n" ,
"lmreg_slope", "lmreg_sig",
"modeled_percentchange", "Method")
lapply(uniqueVal, DF = DF)%>%
ModDF <- DF%>%
for (k in 1:(nrow(ModDF) - (n - 1))){
ww_x_subset = ModDF[k:(k+(n - 1)),]
ww_x_tobind = regressionInnerLoop(
DF = ww_x_subset,
Keep = Keep)
reg_estimates <- rbind(reg_estimates, ww_x_tobind)
#' regressionInnerLoop
#' Runs a Linear regression on the data and returns it in a form to be merged
#' in the runRegressionAnalysis function
#' @param Formula LM model to be fit on DF
#' @param DF Contains the data needed for Formula to work
#' @param Keep The col in the original DF to keep besides Date
#' @return a row of a DF containing the
#' site, last date, timespan, number of rows, model slope and significance,
#' and predicted percent change, and what linear model was used
#' @keywords internal
regressionInnerLoop <- function(Formula, DF, Keep = NULL){
IndiVar <- as.character(Formula)[2]
DepVar <- as.character(Formula)[3]
reg_estimates <- DF %>%
filter(date == max(date)) %>%
select(all_of(Keep), date)%>%
mutate(days_elapsed = as.numeric(max(DF$date) - min(DF$date)),
lmreg_n = nrow(filter(DF, !!!sym(IndiVar)))),
lmreg_slope = NA,
lmreg_sig = NA,
modeled_percentchange = NA
if(length(na.omit(pull(DF,IndiVar))) < 2){#The lm call will fail with 1 row
lm_subset_sum <- suppressWarnings(#data is sometimes functionary linear.
summary(lm(Formula, data = DF))
# Extract row to bind with workset
ww_x_tobind <- reg_estimates%>%
mutate(days_elapsed = as.numeric(max(DF$date) - min(DF$date)),
lmreg_n = nrow(DF),
lmreg_slope = lm_subset_sum$coefficients[2,1],
lmreg_sig = lm_subset_sum$coefficients[2,4],
modeled_percentchange = ((10^(.data$lmreg_slope * .data$days_elapsed))-1)*100)
#' Find all unique values in the column selected
#' @param Col Col being looked at
#' @param DF the DF containing Col
#' @return a list of each unique col value
#' @keywords internal
uniqueVal <- function(Col,DF){
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