Defines functions DAMOCLES_bin_trait_sim DAMOCLES_sim

Documented in DAMOCLES_sim

#' Simulating DAMOCLES
#' Simulates DAMOCLES
#' @param phy phylogeny in phylo format
#' @param gamma_0 initial per lineage rate of immigration (gamma)
#' @param gamma_td time dependency in gamma
#' @param mu per lineage rate of local extinction
#' @param sigma probability of local (i.e. in-situ) speciation
#' @param psiBranch phylogenetic distance at which gamma is half gamma_0
#' @param psiTrait trait distance at which gamma is half gamma_0
#' @param z shape of increase in gamma with increasing trait or phylogenetic
#' distance
#' @param phi rate of decline in gamma with distance from trait optima
#' @param traitOpt trait value at which gamma = gamma_0
#' @param br0 Brownian rate parameter
#' @param br_td rate of temporal decline in Brownian rate parameter
#' @param nTdim number of independent trait dimensions
#' @param root.state geographic state of ancestor i.e. present (1) or absent(0)
#' @param root.trait.state trait value of ancestor
#' @param plotit whether to plot the phylogeny and timing of immigration/local
#' extinction events
#' @param keepExtinct whether to retain data for extinct lineages
#' @return A list of two tables. The first table contains the following
#' columns: The first column contains the vector of tip labels in the phylogeny
#' The last column contains the presence (1) or absence (0) of the species The
#' second table has dimensions d x N where d is the number of trait dimensions
#' and N is the number of species. It contains the trait values.
#' @author Alex L. Pigot
#' @seealso \code{\link{DAMOCLES_ML}} \code{\link{DAMOCLES_loglik}}
#' @references Pigot, A.L. & R.S. Etienne (2015). A new dynamic null model for
#' phylogenetic community structure. Ecology Letters 18: 153-163.
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' #create random phylogeny
#' library(ape)
#' phy = ape::rcoal(10)
#' #run DAMOCLES		
#' out = DAMOCLES_sim(
#'   phy,
#'   gamma_0 = 1.5,
#'   gamma_td =0,
#'   mu = 0,
#'   sigma = 0,
#'   psiBranch = 0,
#'   psiTrait = 0,
#'   z = 10,
#'   phi = 0,
#'   traitOpt = 1,
#'   br0 = 0.1,
#'   br_td = -0.1,
#'   nTdim = 2,
#'   root.state = 1,
#'   root.trait.state = 0,
#'   plotit = FALSE,
#'   keepExtinct = FALSE
#'   )
#' #the output consists of a list		
#' patable = out[[1]] # the first element is the presence absence table
#' traits = out[[2]] # this is a matrix of traits values
#' #show presence/absence on the tree
#' patable$col = rep("black",dim(patable)[1])
#' patable$col[which(patable$state == 1)] = "red"
#' plot(phy,tip.col = patable$col)
#' @export DAMOCLES_sim
DAMOCLES_sim = function(
	plotit = FALSE,
	keepExtinct = FALSE
  if((gamma_0 + mu) * sum(ape::branching.times(phy)) > 100)
     cat('The rates are very high, so simulations will take a long time.\n')     
  dn = ape::dist.nodes(phy) # find distances between nodes
	ntips = length(phy$tip.label) # number of tips
	nbranch = 2 * ntips - 2 # number of branches
	# create a dataframe to store presence/absence values of each edge in the tree
  patable = data.frame(p = phy$edge[,1],d = phy$edge[,2],age.start = rep(NA,nbranch),age.end = rep(NA,nbranch),extant = rep(0,nbranch),state = rep(NA,nbranch))
	patable$age.start = dn[patable$p,ntips + 1] # times when each edge starts
	patable$age.end = dn[patable$d,ntips + 1] # times when each edge ends

	patable$age.end[which(patable$d < length(phy$tip.label) + 1)] = max(patable$age.end)
	ce = which(patable$p == min(patable$p))# find the edges diverging from the crown
	patable$extant[ce] = 1  # initialise these edges as extant
	patable$state = rep(NA,dim(patable)[1]) # initialise the states i.e. presence/absence of extant edges
	patable$state[ce] = sample(c(0,root.state))
	patable$tips[which(patable$d <= ntips)] = 1
  patable$y[which(patable$tips == 1)] = patable$d[which(patable$tips == 1)]
  if(plotit == TRUE)
     ape::plot.phylo(phy,main = "present (red), absent (blue)")
		 while(length(stats::na.omit(patable$y)) < length(patable$y))
	    	for(i in 1:length(patable$y))
			     	  focalp = patable$p[i]
			       	focaly = patable$y[which(patable$p == focalp)]
  		     	  if(length(stats::na.omit(focaly)) == 2)
	    	    	   focald = which(patable$d == focalp)
			    	 	   patable$y[focald] = (focaly[1] + focaly[2])/2
	if(nTdim > 1)
  { # store traits as a vector or a matrix for 1 or multiple dimensions
		traits = matrix(NA,ncol = dim(patable)[1],nrow = nTdim)
		traits[,ce] = 0
	} else {
		traits = rep(NA,dim(patable)[1])
		traits[ce] = 0	
	tstep = min(patable$age.start)
  tlastevent = max(patable$age.end)
	while(tstep < tlastevent)
		extant = which(patable$extant == 1) # find extant edges
		extant.id = patable$d[extant]
		pa = patable$state[extant] # extract the states of extant edges
		Itot.max = gamma_0 * length(pa) # use maximum rates to calculate waiting time till next event
		Etot.max = mu * length(pa)
		tstep0 = tstep
		wt = stats::rexp(n = 1,rate = as.numeric(Itot.max + Etot.max))		# waiting time untill the next immigration/extinction event
		tstep1 = tstep0 + wt		# calculate the time when the immigration/extinction event will occur
    tnextevent = min(patable$age.end[extant])
    tstep = min(tstep1,tnextevent)
		#tstep = min(tstep1, min(patable$age.end[extant]))		# if it occurs after the next branching or extinction event then set tstep to this time
		if(br_td == 0)
			wt = tstep - tstep0 # calculate the realised waiting time
		} else {
			wt = (max(patable$age.end) * (1 - exp(br_td*tstep))) - (max(patable$age.end) * (1 - exp(br_td * tstep0)))
		if(plotit == TRUE)
	     for(i in unique(extant))
	     		if(patable$state[i] == 1)
		       		graphics::lines(c(tstep0,tstep),c(patable$y[i],patable$y[i]),col = "red",lwd = 2)
           } else {
              graphics::lines(c(tstep0,tstep),c(patable$y[i],patable$y[i]),col = "blue",lwd = 2)
		sdnorm = sqrt(br0 * wt)
		traits = traits + stats::rnorm(length(traits),mean = 0,sd = sdnorm) # simulate brownian trait evolution
		if(tstep < tlastevent)
    { # if we have yet to reach the present then simulate the next event 
			if(tstep < tnextevent)
      { # if the next event is an immigration or local extinction event 
				Itot.real = 0
				if(length(pa) - sum(pa) > 0)
        { # if there are species absent from the community
					Dpaynotpa = 1 - pa
					Itot.real = gamma_0 * sum(Dpaynotpa)
					if(gamma_td > 0)
          { # if we have a slowdown in immigration rates.......
						Dpaynotpa = 1 - pa
						Dpaynotpa = gamma_0/(1 + (gamma_td * tstep)) * Dpaynotpa
						Itot.real = sum(Dpaynotpa)
					if(psiBranch > 0 & sum(pa) > 0)
          { #	if we have phylogenetic repulsion and species are present in the community already...........
						Db = matrix(rep(patable$age.end[extant] - tstep, sum(patable$extant)), nrow = sum(patable$extant))#find the distance between the current time step and the end of each extant edge - create a matrix
						futD = Db + t(Db)#transpose and add to the original matrix giving us the combined distance from the current time step to the ends of each pair of edges #i.e. call it futD (future distance)
						D = dn[extant.id, extant.id] - futD #the distance between two branches at the current time step is then the distance between the end of the edges minus the future distance
						D = replace(D, D < 0, 0)  # due to rounding error we can get negative distances so set these to zero 
						D[,which(pa == 1)] = NaN
            D[which(pa == 0),] = NaN
						Dpay = D^z/(psiBranch^z + D^z)
						Dpaynotpa = matrixStats::colProds(Dpay,na.rm = TRUE) * (1 - pa)
						Dpaynotpa = gamma_0 * Dpaynotpa
						Itot.real = sum(Dpaynotpa)
					if(phi > 0)
          { # if we have environmental filtering.......
						if(nTdim > 1)
            { # calculate distance of species from trait optima
							D = traitOpt - traits[,extant]
							D = sqrt(colSums(D^2))
						} else {	
							D = abs(traitOpt - traits[extant])
						Dpaynotpa = stats::dexp(D,rate = phi)/stats::dexp(0,rate = phi)
						Dpaynotpa = gamma_0 * Dpaynotpa
						Dpaynotpa = Dpaynotpa * (1 - pa)
						Itot.real = sum(Dpaynotpa)
					if(psiTrait > 0 & sum(pa) > 0)
          {  # if we have trait repulsion.......					
						if(nTdim > 1)
							D = stats::dist(t(traits[,extant]), method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)
							D = stats::dist(traits[extant], method = "euclidean", diag = FALSE, upper = TRUE, p = 2)
						D = as.matrix(D)
						D[which(pa == 0),] = NaN
						Dpay = D^z/(psiTrait^z + D^z)
						Dpaynotpa = matrixStats::colProds(Dpay,na.rm = TRUE) * (1 - pa)
						Dpaynotpa = gamma_0 * Dpaynotpa
						Itot.real = sum(Dpaynotpa)							
				Etot.real = mu * sum(pa)
				Itot = Itot.real /(Itot.max + Etot.max) # probabilities of events are rates at the time step divided by the total maximum rate
				Etot = Etot.real /(Itot.max + Etot.max)
				event = sample(x = 0:2, size = 1, replace = F, prob = c(1 - (Itot + Etot), Itot, Etot)) # then choose which event occurs 

				# simulate the next event - immigration, local extinction, speciation, global extinction or nothing

				if(event == 1)
        { # if it's an immigration event.....
					patable$state[DDD::sample2(extant, 1, replace = FALSE, prob = Dpaynotpa)] = 1					
				if(event == 2)
        {	# if it's a local extinction event........
          patable$state[DDD::sample2(extant[which(pa  == 1)], 1)] = 0					
			} else {	# if it's a speciation or global extinction event....... 
				focedge = extant[which(patable$age.end[extant] == min(patable$age.end[extant]))] # find which edge this event occurs along	
				for(fe in unique(focedge))
        { # there may be multiple events at the same time  - so loop through these
					dedge = which(patable$p == patable$d[fe])
					if(length(dedge) > 0)
          {	# if it's a speciation event......
						patable$extant[fe] = 0		# then assign this edge as extinct
						patable$extant[dedge] = 1		# and assign daughter edges as extant
						if(nTdim > 1)
							traits[,dedge] = traits[,fe] # give the daughters the trait of the parent
						} else {
							traits[dedge] = traits[fe]
						ds = sample(c(0,patable$state[fe]),1,prob = c(1 - sigma,sigma)) # assign the speciation event as in-situ or not given sigma
						patable$state[dedge] = sample(c(ds,patable$state[fe]))	# then assign geographic states at random (needed if the speciation event is allopatric) 
					} else {	# if it is an extinction event......
						patable$extant[fe] = 0	# then assign this edge as extinct
	patablelist = list()
	if(keepExtinct == FALSE)
		if(nTdim > 1)
    { # prune out extinct species
			traits  = traits[,which(patable$extant == 1)]
		} else {
			traits  = traits[which(patable$extant == 1)]
		patable  = patable[which(patable$extant == 1),] # prune out extinct species
	patablelist[[1]] = patable
	patablelist[[2]] = traits

### From here we have DAMOCLES_bin_trait functions ###

DAMOCLES_bin_trait_sim = function(
	plotit = FALSE,
	keepExtinct = FALSE
  dn = ape::dist.nodes(phy) # find distances between nodes
	ntips = length(phy$tip.label) # number of tips
	nbranch = 2 * ntips - 2 # number of branches
	# create a dataframe to store presence/absence values of each edge in the tree
	patable = data.frame(p = phy$edge[,1],d = phy$edge[,2],age.start = rep(NA,nbranch),age.end = rep(NA,nbranch),extant = rep(0,nbranch),state = rep(NA,nbranch),traits = rep(NA,nbranch))
	patable$age.start = dn[patable$p,ntips + 1] # times when each edge starts
	patable$age.end = dn[patable$d,ntips + 1] # times when each edge ends
	patable$age.end[which(patable$d < length(phy$tip.label) + 1)] = max(patable$age.end)

	ce = which(patable$p == min(patable$p))# find the edges diverging from the crown
	patable$extant[ce] = 1  # initialise these edges as extant
	patable$state[ce] = sample(c(0,root.state))
	patable$tips[which(patable$d <= ntips)] = 1
  patable$y[which(patable$tips == 1)] = patable$d[which(patable$tips == 1)]
  if(plotit == TRUE)
    ape::plot.phylo(phy,main = "trait 1 (red), trait 0 (blue); dark (present), light (absent)")
 		while(length(stats::na.omit(patable$y)) < length(patable$y))
    	for(i in 1:length(patable$y))
		    	focalp = patable$p[i]
		    	focaly = patable$y[which(patable$p == focalp)]
   		   	if(length(stats::na.omit(focaly)) == 2)
    	  		focald = which(patable$d == focalp)
    	  	  patable$y[focald] = (focaly[1] + focaly[2])/2
	#if we have a root state of 1 then assign one daughter a state of 0 with probability given by r_1 
	if(root.trait.state == 1)
     patable$traits[ce] = sample(c(1,sample(c(0,1),1,prob = c(r_1,1 - r_1))))
	#if we have a root state of 0 then assign one daughter a state of 1 with probability given by r_0
	if(root.trait.state == 0)
     patable$traits[ce] = sample(c(0,sample(c(0,1),1,prob = c(1 - r_0,r_0))))
	tstep = min(patable$age.start)
  tlastevent = max(patable$age.end)
	while(tstep < tlastevent)
		extant = which(patable$extant == 1) # find extant edges
		extant.id = patable$d[extant]
		pa = patable$state[extant] # extract the states of extant edges
		paTrait = patable$traits[extant]
		# number of extant species with different geographic state/trait combinations
		Np0 = length(which(pa == 1 & paTrait == 0))
		Na0 = length(which(pa == 0 & paTrait == 0))
		Np1 = length(which(pa == 1 & paTrait == 1))
		Na1 = length(which(pa == 0 & paTrait == 1))
		N0 = length(which(paTrait == 0))
 		N1 = length(which(paTrait == 1))
		rates = c(mu_0,gamma_0,mu_1,gamma_1,q_0_to_1,q_1_to_0)	
    traitStateComb = c(Np0,Na0,Np1,Na1,N0,N1)
    rates.real = (rates * traitStateComb)
		totalRate = sum(rates.real) 

		tstep0 = tstep
		wt = stats::rexp(n = 1, rate = as.numeric(totalRate))	# waiting time until the next event
		tstep1 = tstep + wt		# calculate the time when the event will occur
    tnextevent = min(patable$age.end[extant])
    tstep = min(tstep1,tnextevent)
		if(plotit == TRUE)
	     for(i in unique(extant))
     	    if(patable$state[i] == 1 & patable$traits[i] == 1)
     	       graphics::lines(c(tstep0,tstep),c(patable$y[i],patable$y[i]),col = "darkred",lwd = 2)
          if(patable$state[i] == 0 & patable$traits[i] == 1)
             graphics::lines(c(tstep0,tstep),c(patable$y[i],patable$y[i]),col = "red",lwd = 2)
          if(patable$state[i] == 1 & patable$traits[i] == 0)
             graphics::lines(c(tstep0,tstep),c(patable$y[i],patable$y[i]),col = "blue",lwd = 2)
          if(patable$state[i] == 0 & patable$traits[i] == 0)
             graphics::lines(c(tstep0,tstep),c(patable$y[i],patable$y[i]),col = "lightblue",lwd = 2)
		if(tstep < tlastevent)
    { # if we have yet to reach the present then simulate the next event 
			if(tstep < tnextevent)
      { # if its not a speciation or global extinction event........
				event = sample(x = 1:6, size = 1, replace = F, prob = c(rates.real)) # then choose which event occurs 

				# simulate the next event - immigration, local extinction, trauit change, speciation, global extinction or nothing

				if(event == 1)
        {	# if its an local extinction event of a species with trait 0 .....
					patable$state[extant[DDD::sample2(which(pa == 1 & paTrait == 0), 1)]] = 0					
				if(event == 2)
        { # if its an immigration event of a species with trait 0 .....
  				patable$state[extant[DDD::sample2(which(pa == 0 & paTrait == 0), 1)]] = 1					
				if(event == 3)
         	# if its an local extinction event of a species with trait 1 .....
          patable$state[extant[DDD::sample2(which(pa == 1 & paTrait == 1), 1)]] = 0					
				if(event == 4)
        { # if its an immigration event of a species with trait 1 .....
    		  patable$state[extant[DDD::sample2(which(pa == 0 & paTrait == 1), 1)]] = 1
				if(event == 5)
         	# if its an change of trait from 0 to 1 .....
				  patable$traits[extant[DDD::sample2(which(paTrait == 0), 1)]] = 1					
				if(event == 6)
        {	# if its an change of trait from 1 to 0 .....
  				patable$traits[extant[DDD::sample2(which(paTrait == 1), 1)]] = 0					
			} else {	# if its a speciation or global extinction event....... 
				focedge = extant[which(patable$age.end[extant] == min(patable$age.end[extant]))] # find which edge this event occurs along	
				for(fe in unique(focedge))
        { # there may be multiple events at the same time  - so loop through these
					dedge = which(patable$p == patable$d[fe])
					if(length(dedge) > 0)
          {	# if its a speciation event......
						patable$extant[fe] = 0		# then assign this edge as extinct
						patable$extant[dedge] = 1		# and assign daughter edges as extant
						# assign daughter traits based on inheritance scenario 
 						if(patable$traits[fe] == 1)
               patable$traits[dedge] = sample(c(1,sample(c(0,1),1,prob = c(r_1,1 - r_1))))
						if(patable$traits[fe] == 0)
               patable$traits[dedge] = sample(c(0,sample(c(0,1),1,prob = c(1 - r_0,r_0))))
						ds = sample(c(0,patable$state[fe]),1,prob = c(1 - sigma,sigma)) # assign the speciation event as in-situ or not given sigma
						patable$state[dedge] = sample(c(ds,patable$state[fe]))	# then assign geographic states at random (needed if the speciation event is allopatric) 
					} else {	# if it is a global extinction event......
						patable$extant[fe] = 0	# then assign this edge as extinct
	patablelist = list()
	if(keepExtinct == FALSE)
		patable  = patable[which(patable$extant == 1),] # prune out extinct species
	patablelist[[1]] = patable

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DAMOCLES documentation built on Aug. 12, 2020, 5:08 p.m.