Man pages for DCluster
Functions for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases

achisqAnother Implementation of Pearson's Chi-square Statistic
achisq.bootBootstrap Replicates of Pearson's Chi-square Statistic
achisq.statAnother Implementation of Pearson's Chi-square Statistic
besagnewellBesag and Newell's Statistic for Spatial Clustering
besagnewell.bootGenerate Boostrap Replicates of Besag and Newell's Statistic
besagnewell.statBesag and Newell's Statistic for Spatial Clustering
bn.isclusterClustering Function for Besag and Newell's Method
calculate.mleCalculate Parameters Involved in Sampling Procedures
DClusterA Package for the Detection of Spatial Clusters of Diseases...
dcluster.testClass for Results from a Test for the Detection of Disease...
dean_testLikelihood Ratio Test and Dean's Tests for Overdispertion
empbaysmoothEmpirical Bayes Smoothing
gearycGeary's C Autocorrelation Statistic
gearyc.bootGenerate Bootstrap Replicates of Geary's C Autocorrelation...
gearyc.statCompute Geary's C Autocorrelation Statistic
get.knclustersGet Areas in a Cluster Detected with Kulldorff's Statistic
kn.isclusterClustering Function for Kulldorff and Nagarwalla's Statistic
kullnagarKulldorff and Nagarwalla's Statistic for Spatial Clustering.
kullnagar.bootGenerate Bootstrap Replicates of Kulldorff and Nagarwalla's...
kullnagar.statKulldorff and Nagarwalla's Statistic for Spatial Clustering.
lognormalEBEmpirical Bayes Smoothing Using a log-Normal Model
moranIMoran's I Autocorrelation Statistic
moranI.bootGenerate Bootstrap Replicates of Moran's I Autocorrelation...
moranI.statCompute Moran's I Autocorrelation Statistic
observed.simRandomly Generate Observed Cases from Different Statistical...
opgamOpenshaw's GAM
opgam.iscluster.defaultLocal Clustering Test Function
pkg-internalInternal Functions in the DCluster Package.
pottwhittPotthoff-Whittinghill's Statistic for Overdispersion
pottwhitt.bootBootstrap Replicates of Potthoff-Whittinghill's Statistic
pottwhitt.statCompute Potthoff-Whittinghill's Statistic
readSplusRead exported WinBUGS maps
rmultinGenerate Random Observations from a Multinomial Distribution
sp2WBExport SpatialPolygons object as S-Plus map for WinBUGS
stoneStone's Test
stone.bootGenerate Boostrap Replicates of Stone's Statistic
stone.statCompute Stone's Statistic
tangoTango's Statistic for General Clustering
tango.bootGenerate Bootstrap Replicated of Tango's Statistic
tango.statCompute Tango's Statistic for General Clustering
whittermoreWhittermore's Statistic
whittermore.bootGenerate Bootstrap Replicates of Whittermore's Statistic
whittermore.statCompute Whittermore's Statistic
DCluster documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:41 a.m.