
pair.pops <- function (tab,statistics,bt,x,filename){

  filename <- filename

  # x defines whether D, Dest, Gst or Gst.est is calculated
# tab is the table
# statistics either has the value p, CI or both
# bt defines the number of bootstraps to be carried out

          # Function that calculates the Gst or D value for each locus separately and
          # the mean Gst.est value over all loci, for each possible pairwise population 
          # comparison.

          # The function 'allelefreq' must be present in the r workspace.
          # In this function, the object 'allelefrequency' and the object
          # 'sample sizes' is calculated.
y <- tab

          # The table is saved in the object y and needed to calculate the
          # Bootstrap-value.

          # The table is spltted according to the several populations
          # that have been examined.
allelefrequency <- DEMEtics.env$allelefrequency

          # The allelefrequency is splitted in the several populations
          # that have been examined.
sample.sizes <- DEMEtics.env$sample.sizes

          # The sample sizes are splitted for the several populations.


          # Number of populations that have been studied.


          # Depending on the number of populations, the number of possible
          # comparisons between populations is calculated.

          # Construction for pairwise comparison:



for (f in 1:(number.of.populations-1)){

          # With these commands, the positions of the first population in the
          # table allelefrequency.pop that will be compared with another
          # population, are created.


for (g in 2:number.of.populations){

          # The vector of the positions of the populations in the table allelefrequency.pop,
          # with which the first chosen population in the vector 'population.one'
          # will be compared with, is created.

##################### Calculations before bootstrapping



for (i in 1:pairwise.comparisons){

          # For every pairwise comparison, the following commands are carried out
          # seperately.
                                        # This vector will be filled with the values for the several
                                              # comparisons.
                                              # The allelefrequencies of the populations that shall be compared
                                              # pairwise with one another, are selected from the table
                                              # 'allelefrequency.pop' and then combined to a table that is named
                                              # allelefrequency.pair.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The sample.sizes for the actual pair of populations that are
                                              # compared to one another, are combined.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The raw data for the actual two populations are combined to a new
                                              # table.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The table 'allelefrequency.pair' is splitted to get separated
                                              # the values for the different loci. 
                                              # The table 'allelefrequency.pair' is split according to the populations
                                              # that are actually compared.          
                                              # The Gst or D values for every locus and the mean Gst or D value over all
                                              # loci is calculated.
                                              # The result is saved in a list called 'values'.
values2 <- split(DEMEtics.env$values[[1]],DEMEtics.env$values[[1]]$locus)
v.loci1 <- mapply(v.loci.calc,allelefrequency.pair2,values2,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
v.loci <- do.call(rbind,v.loci1)
                                     Result.actual.comparison.locis <- v.loci
                                      Result.actual.comparison.locis <- as.data.frame(Result.actual.comparison.locis)
                                      colnames(Result.actual.comparison.locis) <- c(paste(x,".for.locus",sep=""),"locus","population1","population2")            
                                    Result.actual.comparison.mean <-cbind(DEMEtics.env$values[[2]],names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[1],names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[2])
                                      Result.actual.comparison.mean <-as.data.frame(Result.actual.comparison.mean)
                                    interm.result <- list(Result.actual.comparison.locis,Result.actual.comparison.mean)
                                    names(interm.result) <- c(paste(x,".loci.pairwise.comparison",sep=""),paste(x,".mean.pairwise.comparison",sep=""))
                                              # The data frames for
                                              # the pairwise
                                              # comparisons are
                                              # combined.
                                              # In this vector, the Gst or D value over all loci, population one and
                                              # population two that are actually compared with one another and thes
                                              # two named as populationpair are combined.



pairwise.adjusted <- v.pairwise


colnames(pairwise.adjusted[[1]]) <- c(paste(x,".for.locus",sep=""),"locus","population1","population2")  
colnames(pairwise.adjusted[[2]]) <- c(paste("Mean.",x,sep=""),"population1","population2")
rownames(pairwise.adjusted[[1]]) <- seq(1,length(pairwise.adjusted[[1]][,1]))            
rownames(pairwise.adjusted[[2]]) <- seq(1,length(pairwise.adjusted[[2]][,1]))  

cat("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++  RESULTS WITHOUT STATISTICS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++","\n")
assign(paste(x,"pairwise.adjusted",sep=""),pairwise.adjusted,pos = DEMEtics.env)

          # The list 'pairwise.adjusted' is assigned to the workspace
          # and therefore available for further calculations.
actual.date <- as.Date(Sys.time())
filename.for.loci <- paste("pairwise.",x,".loci.",actual.date,sep="")
filename.for.loci <- paste(filename.for.loci,".txt",sep="")
filename.for.loci <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.loci,sep="")

filename.for.mean <- paste("pairwise.",x,".mean.",actual.date,sep="")
filename.for.mean <- paste(filename.for.mean,".txt",sep="")
filename.for.mean <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.mean,sep="")

write.table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(pairwise.adjusted[[1]])),file=filename.for.loci, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
write.table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(pairwise.adjusted[[2]])),file=filename.for.mean, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
cat("The ",x,".mean values were calculated as the arithmetic means of the ",x,".loci values","\n","for the respective pairwise comparison","\n",sep="")

cat("\n",x, " values for pairwise comparisons between populations for every locus are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.loci,"'","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x, " values averaged over all loci for pairwise comparisons between populations saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.mean,"'","\n",sep="")

############### Calculations with Bootstrapping
if (statistics=="p"||statistics=="all"){



for (i in 1:pairwise.comparisons){

          # For every pairwise comparison, the following commands are carried out
          # seperately.
                                              # This vector will be filled with the values for the several
                                              # comparisons.
                                              # The allelefrequencies of the populations that shall be compared
                                              # pairwise with one another, are selected from the table
                                              # 'allelefrequency.pop' and then combined to a table that is named
                                              # allelefrequency.pair.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The sample.sizes for the actual pair of populations that are
                                              # compared to one another, are combined.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The raw data for the actual two populations are combined to a new
                                              # table.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The table 'allelefrequency.pair' is splitted to get separated
                                              # the values for the different loci. 
                                              # The table 'allelefrequency.pair' is split according to the populations
                                              # that are actually compared.          
                                    time1 <- Sys.time()
                                              # Time before bootstrapping.

cat("=============================== Bootstrapping for P-value Calculation ==============================","\n")
cat("\n","Pairwise comparison:",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops),"\n",sep=" ")
print(paste("Start of analysis: ",Sys.time(),sep=""))                                    

cat("\n","\n","WARNING: Depending on the size of your input data, the performance of your computer and the number of ","\n","bootstrap resamplings you have chosen, bootstrapping can take very long (hours to days).","\n",sep="")

                                              # Confidence levels for the Gst or D values for the actual pair of
                                              # populations is returned in the object 'confidence.limits'.
                                              # The bootstrap values are available from the objects 'loci'
                                              # and 'means'.
                                              # The Gst or D values for every locus and the mean Gst.est value over all
                                              # loci is calculated.
                                              # The result is saved in a list called 'values'.          
values2 <- split(DEMEtics.env$values[[1]],DEMEtics.env$values[[1]]$locus)
v.loci1 <- mapply(v.loci.calc,allelefrequency.pair2,values2,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
v.loci <- do.call(rbind,v.loci1)
                                              # now, the according p-values are calculated and added to the tables.
                                    loci2 <- split(DEMEtics.env$loci,DEMEtics.env$loci$locus)
                                              # The bootstrap values are separated in different tables according
                                              # to the loci they belong to.         
                                    time2 <- Sys.time() 
                                              # Time after bootstrapping
                                    bootstrap.time <- difftime(time2,time1,units="secs")   
                                    bootstrap.time.output <- round((as.numeric(bootstrap.time/60)),2)     

cat("\n","... Bootstrapping for p-value calculation (comparison: ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops),") is terminated.","\n",sep="")
print(paste("Duration of the bootstrapping analysis for this comparison (min):",bootstrap.time.output,sep=" "))
cat("\n","\n","Out of ",pairwise.comparisons," pairwise comparisons, ",i," have already been analysed.","\n",sep="")
print(paste("Estimated end of the whole analysis for p-value calculation:",((pairwise.comparisons-i)*(as.numeric(bootstrap.time))+Sys.time()),sep=" ")) 
                                              # The estimated end of the whole analysis  is as many times the bootstrap.time
                                              # as comparisons still have to be carried out.       
values2 <- split(DEMEtics.env$values[[1]],DEMEtics.env$values[[1]]$locus)

p.values.loci1 <- mapply(p.value.loci.calc2,loci2,values2,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
p.values.loci <- do.call(rbind,p.values.loci1)

                                    Result.actual.comparison.locis <- cbind(v.loci,as.numeric(as.vector(p.values.loci[,1])))
                                      Result.actual.comparison.locis <- as.data.frame(Result.actual.comparison.locis)
                                      colnames(Result.actual.comparison.locis) <- c(paste(x,".locus",sep=""),"Locus","Population1","Population2","P.value")            
                                    Result.actual.comparison.mean <- cbind(DEMEtics.env$values[[2]],names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[1],names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[2],p.value.over.all)
                                      Result.actual.comparison.mean <- as.data.frame(Result.actual.comparison.mean)
                                      colnames(Result.actual.comparison.mean) <- c(paste(x,".mean",sep=""),"Population1","Population2","P.value")  
                                    actual.date <- as.Date(Sys.time())
                                    filename.for.loci <- paste("pairwise.",x,".loci.p.",actual.date,sep="")
                                    filename.for.loci <- paste(filename.for.loci,".txt",sep="")
                                    filename.for.loci <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.loci,sep="")
                                    filename.for.mean <- paste("pairwise.",x,".mean.p.",actual.date,sep="")
                                    filename.for.mean <- paste(filename.for.mean,".txt",sep="")
                                    filename.for.mean <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.mean,sep="")
                                    write.table(Result.actual.comparison.locis,file=filename.for.loci, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)         
                                    write.table(Result.actual.comparison.mean,file=filename.for.mean, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)         
                                    interm.result <- list(Result.actual.comparison.locis,Result.actual.comparison.mean)
                                    names(interm.result) <- c(paste(x,".loci.pairwise.comparison",sep=""),paste(x,".mean.pairwise.comparison",sep=""))
cat("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTERMEDIATE RESULTS WITH P-VALUES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++","\n")
print(paste("This analysis was finished on",Sys.time()))
cat("The ",x,".mean value was calculated as the arithmetic mean of the ",x,".loci values","\n",sep="")              

                                    cat("\n",x," values for the comparison between ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[1]]," and ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[2]],"\n"," for every locus are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.loci,"'","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x," values averaged over loci for the comparison between ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[1]]," and ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[2]],"\n"," are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.mean,"'","\n",sep="")
                                              # The according p-values are added to the data.frame v.loci and the
                                              # data frames for the pairwise comparisons are combined.
                                              # In this vector, the
                                              # Gst or D value over
                                              # all loci, population
                                              # one and population two
                                              # that are actually
                                              # compared with one
                                              # another are combined.
                                              # The p-values are
                                              # added.



          # A function that adjusts the p-values after Bonferroni, Holm, Hommel
          # and Benjamini and Hochberg.
          # The result is a list called 'Dv.pairwise.adjusted'.

pairwise.adjusted <- DEMEtics.env$Dv.pairwise.adjusted


colnames(pairwise.adjusted[[1]]) <- c(paste(x,".for.locus",sep=""),"locus","population1","population2","p.values","p.bonferroni","p.holm","p.hommel","pBH")  
colnames(pairwise.adjusted[[2]]) <- c(paste("Mean.",x,sep=""),"population1","population2","p.values","p.bonferroni","p.holm","p.hommel","pBH")   
rownames(pairwise.adjusted[[1]]) <- seq(1,length(pairwise.adjusted[[1]][,1]))            
rownames(pairwise.adjusted[[2]]) <- seq(1,length(pairwise.adjusted[[2]][,1]))  

cat("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END RESULTS WITH P-VALUES ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++","\n")
assign(paste(x,".pairwise.adjusted",sep=""),pairwise.adjusted,pos = DEMEtics.env)

          # The list 'pairwise.adjusted' is assigned to the workspace
          # and therefore available for further calculations.
actual.date <- as.Date(Sys.time())
filename.for.loci <- paste("pairwise.",x,".loci.p.",actual.date,sep="")
filename.for.loci <- paste(filename.for.loci,".txt",sep="")
filename.for.loci <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.loci,sep="")

filename.for.mean <- paste("pairwise.",x,".mean.p.",actual.date,sep="")
filename.for.mean <- paste(filename.for.mean,".txt",sep="")
filename.for.mean <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.mean,sep="")

write.table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(pairwise.adjusted[[1]])),file=filename.for.loci, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
write.table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(pairwise.adjusted[[2]])),file=filename.for.mean, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

print(paste("This analysis was finished on",Sys.time()))
cat("The ",x,".mean values were calculated as the arithmetic means of the ",x,".loci values","\n","for the respective pairwise comparison","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x, " values for pairwise comparisons between populations for every locus are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.loci,"'","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x, " values averaged over all loci for pairwise comparisons between populations are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.mean,"'","\n",sep="")

if (statistics=="CI"||statistics=="all"){


for (i in 1:pairwise.comparisons){

          # For every pairwise comparison, the following commands are carried out
          # seperately.
                                              # This vector will be filled with the values for the several
                                              # comparisons.
                                              # The allelefrequencies of the populations that shall be compared
                                              # pairwise with one another, are selected from the table
                                              # 'allelefrequency.pop' and then combined to a table that is named
                                              # allelefrequency.pair.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The sample.sizes for the actual pair of populations that are
                                              # compared to one another, are combined.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The raw data for the actual two populations are combined to a new
                                              # table.
                                              # In order to get rid of the population levels that are not included
                                              # in the actual comparison, the transformation to a matrix  and then
                                              # to a data frame is carried out.
                                              # The table 'allelefrequency.pair' is splitted to get separated
                                              # the values for the different loci. 
                                              # The table 'allelefrequency.pair' is split according to the populations
                                              # that are actually compared.          
                                    time1 <- Sys.time()
                                              # Time before bootstrapping.

cat("========================= Bootstrapping for Confidence Interval Estimation =========================","\n")
cat("\n","Pairwise comparison:",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops),"\n",sep=" ")
print(paste("Start of analysis: ",Sys.time(),sep=""))                                    

cat("\n","\n","WARNING: Depending on the size of your input data, the performance of your computer and the number of ","\n","bootstrap resamplings you have chosen, bootstrapping can take very long (hours to days).","\n",sep="")                                    
                                              # Confidence levels for the Gst or D values for the actual pair of
                                              # populations is returned in the object 'confidence.limits'.
                                              # The bootstrap values are available from the objects 'loci'
                                              # and 'means'.
                                              # The Gst or D values for every locus and the mean Gst or D value over all
                                              # loci is calculated.
                                              # The result is saved in a list called 'values'.          
values2 <- split(DEMEtics.env$values[[1]],DEMEtics.env$values[[1]]$locus)
confidence.limits2 <- as.data.frame(t(DEMEtics.env$confidence.limits[[1]]))
v.loci1 <- mapply(v.loci.calc2,allelefrequency.pair2,values2,confidence.limits2,SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
v.loci <- do.call(rbind,v.loci1)

                                    loci2 <- split(DEMEtics.env$loci,DEMEtics.env$loci$locus)
                                              # The bootstrap values are separated in different tables according
                                              # to the loci they belong to.         
                                    time2 <- Sys.time() 
                                              # Time after bootstrapping
                                    bootstrap.time <- difftime(time2,time1,units="secs")   
                                    bootstrap.time.output <- round((as.numeric(bootstrap.time/60)),2)     

cat("\n","... Bootstrapping for confidence interval estimation (comparison: ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops),") is terminated.","\n",sep="")
print(paste("Duration of the bootstrapping analysis for this comparison (min):",bootstrap.time.output,sep=" "))
cat("\n","\n","Out of ",pairwise.comparisons," pairwise comparisons, ",i," have already been analysed.","\n",sep="")
print(paste("Estimated end of the whole analysis for confidence interval estimation:",((pairwise.comparisons-i)*(as.numeric(bootstrap.time))+Sys.time()),sep=" "))                                     
                                              # The estimated end of the whole analysis  is as many times the bootstrap.time
                                              # as comparisons still have to be carried out.       
                                    Result.actual.comparison.locis <- v.loci
                                      Result.actual.comparison.locis <- as.data.frame(Result.actual.comparison.locis)
                                      colnames(Result.actual.comparison.locis) <- c(paste(x,".for.locus",sep=""),"locus","population1","population2","0.95.conf.int.lower","0.95.conf.int.upper")            
                                    Result.actual.comparison.mean <- cbind(DEMEtics.env$values[[2]],names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[1],names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[2],DEMEtics.env$confidence.limits[[2]])
                                      Result.actual.comparison.mean <- as.data.frame(Result.actual.comparison.mean)
                                      colnames(Result.actual.comparison.mean) <- c(paste("Mean.",x,sep=""),"population1","population2","0.95.conf.int.lower","0.95.confint.upper")  
                                    actual.date <- as.Date(Sys.time())
                                    filename.for.loci <- paste("pairwise.",x,".loci.ci.",actual.date,sep="")
                                    filename.for.loci <- paste(filename.for.loci,".txt",sep="")
                                    filename.for.loci <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.loci,sep="")
                                    filename.for.mean <- paste("pairwise.",x,".mean.ci.",actual.date,sep="")
                                    filename.for.mean <- paste(filename.for.mean,".txt",sep="")
                                    filename.for.mean <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.mean,sep="")
                                    write.table(Result.actual.comparison.locis,file=filename.for.loci, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)         
                                    write.table(Result.actual.comparison.mean,file=filename.for.mean, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)         
                                    interm.result <- list(Result.actual.comparison.locis,Result.actual.comparison.mean)
                                    names(interm.result) <- c(paste(x,".loci.pairwise.comparison",sep=""),paste(x,".mean.pairwise.comparison",sep=""))

cat("++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INTERMEDIATE RESULTS CONFIDENCE INTERVAL LIMITS +++++++++++++++++++++++++","\n")
print(paste("This analysis was finished on",Sys.time()))
cat("The ",x,".mean value was calculated as the arithmetic mean of the ",x,".loci values","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x," values for the comparison between ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[1]]," and ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[2]],"\n"," for every locus are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.loci,"'","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x," values averaged over loci for the comparison between ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[1]]," and ",names(allelefrequency.pair.pops)[[2]],"\n"," are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.mean,"'","\n",sep="")
                                              # The data frames for
                                              # the pairwise
                                              # comparisons are
                                              # combined.
                                              # In this vector, the Gst or D value over all loci, population one and
                                              # population two that are actually compared with one another and thes
                                              # tw named as populationpair are combined.
                                              # The confidence.levels for the actual locus and the according
                                              # p-values are added.             



rownames(v.pairwise[[1]]) <- seq(1,length(v.pairwise[[1]][,1]))            
rownames(v.pairwise[[2]]) <- seq(1,length(v.pairwise[[2]][,1]))  

cat("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END RESULTS WITH CONFIDENCE INTERVAL LIMITS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++","\n")
assign("v.pairwise",v.pairwise,pos = DEMEtics.env)

          # The list 'v.pairwise' is assigned to the workspace
          # and therefore available for further calculations.
actual.date <- as.Date(Sys.time())
filename.for.loci <- paste("pairwise.",x,".loci.ci.",actual.date,sep="")
filename.for.loci <- paste(filename.for.loci,".txt",sep="")
filename.for.loci <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.loci,sep="")

filename.for.mean <- paste("pairwise.",x,".mean.ci.",actual.date,sep="")
filename.for.mean <- paste(filename.for.mean,".txt",sep="")
filename.for.mean <- paste(filename,".",filename.for.mean,sep="")

write.table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(v.pairwise[[1]])),file=filename.for.loci, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
write.table(as.data.frame(as.matrix(v.pairwise[[2]])),file=filename.for.mean, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = " ", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

print(paste("This analysis was finished on",Sys.time()))
cat("The ",x,".mean values were calculated as the arithmetic means of the ",x,".loci values","\n","for the respective pairwise comparison","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x, " values for pairwise comparisons between populations for every locus are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.loci,"'","\n",sep="")
cat("\n",x, " values averaged over all loci for pairwise comparisons between populations are saved in ","\n","'",filename.for.mean,"'","\n",sep="")


cat("========================================= End of Analysis ==========================================","\n")   


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DEMEtics documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:09 p.m.