predict.DI <- function (object, newdata, = FALSE,
interval = c("none", "confidence", "prediction"),
level = 0.95, weights = 1,
type = c("link", "response", "terms"), ...)
interval <- match.arg(interval)
# Make predictions for raw data if no newdata specified
if (missing(newdata)) {
if(missing(type)) {
type <- "link"
ret_obj <- predict.glm(object, = ifelse(interval != "none", TRUE,,
type = type, ...)
} else {
# Getting species columns and DImodel for adding interactions
type <- match.arg(type)
newdata <-
DImodel_tag <- object$DIcall$DImodel
if (is.null(DImodel_tag)){
DImodel_tag <- 'CUSTOM'
# If custom_formula was used just pass the object to predict.glm to get predictions
if (DImodel_tag == 'CUSTOM'){
if(missing(type)) {
type <- "link"
return(predict.glm(object, newdata = newdata, =, type = type, ...))
original_data <- object$original_data
model_data <- eval(object$model)
prop_cols <- eval(object$DIcall$prop)
ID_cols <- eval(object$DIcall$ID)
if (is.numeric(prop_cols)){
prop <- names(original_data[, prop_cols])
} else {
prop <- prop_cols
if (!is.null(prop) & !all(prop %in% colnames(newdata))){
prop_in_data <- prop[prop %in% colnames(newdata)]
prop_missing <- prop[!prop %in% prop_in_data]
missing_prop_cols <- matrix(0, ncol = length(prop_missing), nrow = nrow(newdata), dimnames = list(NULL, prop_missing))
newdata <- cbind(newdata, missing_prop_cols)
warning(paste0('Species ', paste0(prop_missing, collapse = ', '), ' were not present in newdata. These species proportions are assumed to be 0 and predictions would be returned but might not be meaningful. Check the prop columns in `newdata` to ensure they sum to 1..'))
} else if (!is.null(prop) & !all(is_near(rowSums(newdata[, prop]), 1))){
warning('The species proportions present in newdata don\'t sum to 1. \nThe predictions would be returned but might not be meaningful. Check the prop columns in `newdata` to ensure they sum to 1.')
# DI_data doesn't work if dataframe has a single row
# Adding a dummy row which will be deleted later
only_one_row <- nrow(newdata) == 1
if (only_one_row) {
newdata <- rbind(newdata, newdata)
# Adding interactions
theta_flag <- object$coefficients['theta']
betas <- coef(object)
if (!{
theta_value <- coef(object)["theta"]
betas <- betas[-length(betas)]
else {
theta_value <- 1
if (!DImodel_tag %in% c("ID", "STR")) {
extra_variables <- DI_data(prop = prop, FG = eval(object$DIcall$FG),
data = newdata, theta = theta_value, what = DImodel_tag)
if (DImodel_tag == "E") {
updated_newdata <- data.frame(newdata, E = extra_variables)
if (DImodel_tag == "AV") {
updated_newdata <- data.frame(newdata, AV = extra_variables)
if (DImodel_tag == "ADD") {
updated_newdata <- data.frame(newdata, extra_variables)
if (DImodel_tag == "FG") {
# colnames(extra_variables) <- paste0("FG_",
# colnames(extra_variables))
# FG model wasn't working for some reason, so had to assign it this way
newdata[, 'FG_'] <- extra_variables
updated_newdata <- newdata
if (DImodel_tag == "FULL") {
updated_newdata <- data.frame(newdata, extra_variables,
check.names = FALSE)
} else {
updated_newdata <- newdata
# Grouping ID terms
# If not grouping was specified
ID_cols <- paste0(prop, "_ID")
grouped_IDs <- group_IDs(data = updated_newdata, prop = prop, ID = ID_cols)
updated_newdata <- cbind(updated_newdata, grouped_IDs)
# Removing the dummy row added
if (only_one_row) {
updated_newdata <- updated_newdata[1,]
# Checking for experimental structures
treat <- eval(object$DIcall$treat)
density <- eval(object$DIcall$density)
block <- eval(object$DIcall$block)
structures <- list('treatment' = treat,
'density' = density,
'block' = block)
for (covariate in structures){
if (!is.null(covariate) && !{
# If covariate was supplied as numeric in function call, getting its value
if (is.numeric(covariate)){
covariate <- colnames(original_data)[covariate]
if (is.numeric(original_data[, covariate])){
if ( !(covariate %in% colnames(updated_newdata))){
warning(paste0(names(structures[structures == covariate]), ' not supplied in newdata. Calculating the prediction for the median value (', median(original_data[, covariate]),') of \'', covariate,
'\' from the training data.'))
updated_newdata[, covariate] <- median(original_data[, covariate])
} else {
# Levels of factor covariate in original data
covariate_levels <- as.factor(unique(original_data[, covariate]))
# If covariate isn't present in newdata, estimating for base level
if ( !(covariate %in% colnames(updated_newdata))){
warning(paste0(names(structures[structures == covariate]), ' not supplied in newdata. Calculating for \'', covariate,
'\' = ' , levels(covariate_levels)[1]))
updated_newdata[, covariate] <- levels(covariate_levels)[1]
# If levels of covariate in newdata not matching ones in original data, stop prediction
if (! (all(unique(updated_newdata[, covariate]) %in% covariate_levels, na.rm = TRUE))){
stop(paste0('Values for ', covariate,' given were not present in training data used for fitting. Predictions can\'t be made for these values.'))
# If covariate is supplied as character or numeric, converting to factor
if (!is.factor(updated_newdata[, covariate])){
updated_newdata[, covariate] <- factor(updated_newdata[, covariate],
levels = levels(covariate_levels))
# Handling extra formula
extra_formula <- eval(object$DIcall$extra_formula)
if (! is.null(extra_formula)){
# If any column from extra_formula is missing in updated_newdata
e <- try(model.frame(terms(extra_formula), updated_newdata), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(e, "try-error")){
extra_vars <- model.frame(terms(extra_formula), original_data)
for (covariate in colnames(extra_vars)){
if(!covariate %in% colnames(updated_newdata)){
if(is.numeric(extra_vars[, covariate])){
warning(paste0(names(extra_vars[, covariate]), ' not supplied in newdata. Calculating the prediction for the median value (', median(extra_vars[, covariate]),') of \'', covariate,
'\' from the training data.'))
updated_newdata[, covariate] <- median(extra_vars[, covariate])
} else {
# Levels of factor covariate in original data
covariate_levels <- as.factor(unique(extra_vars[, covariate]))
# If covariate isn't present in newdata, estimating for base level
if ( !(covariate %in% colnames(updated_newdata))){
warning(paste0(names(structures[structures == covariate]), ' not supplied in newdata. Calculating for \'', covariate,
'\' = ' , levels(covariate_levels)[1]))
updated_newdata[, covariate] <- levels(covariate_levels)[1]
# If covariate is supplied as character or numeric, converting to factor
if (!is.factor(updated_newdata[, covariate])){
updated_newdata[, covariate] <- factor(updated_newdata[, covariate],
levels = levels(covariate_levels))
extra_data <- model.frame(terms(extra_formula), updated_newdata)
# Matching factors in extra_formula to ones in original_data
og_factors <- original_data[, sapply(original_data, function(x){is.factor(x) | is.character(x)})]
common_factors <- intersect(colnames(extra_data), colnames(og_factors))
if (length(common_factors)!=0){
# Levels of all factors in extra_formula
xlevels <- lapply(common_factors, function(x){levels(as.factor(original_data[,x]))})
names(xlevels) <- common_factors
for (i in common_factors){
# If levels of factors in extra_formula in newdata not matching ones in original data, stop prediction
if (! (all(unique(updated_newdata[, i]) %in% xlevels[[i]], na.rm = TRUE))){
stop(paste0('Values for ', covariate,' given were not present in raw data used for fitting. Predictions can\'t be made for these values.'))
# If factors in extra_formula is supplied as character or numeric, converting to factor
if (!is.factor(updated_newdata[, i])){
updated_newdata[, i] <- factor(updated_newdata[,i], levels = xlevels[[i]])
# Having certain functions in extra_formula like poly, ns, bs, etc.
# cause problems in estimating model.matrix for newdata
# So my solution is to simply refit the model with glm when
# such functions are used and then make the prediction
fmla <- eval(object$DIcheck_formula)
extra_variables <- DI_data(prop = prop, FG = eval(object$DIcall$FG),
data = original_data, theta = theta_value, what = DImodel_tag)
if (DImodel_tag == "E") {
original_data_updated <- data.frame(original_data, E = extra_variables)
if (DImodel_tag == "AV") {
original_data_updated <- data.frame(original_data, AV = extra_variables)
if (DImodel_tag == "ADD") {
original_data_updated <- data.frame(original_data, extra_variables)
if (DImodel_tag == "FG") {
original_data[, 'FG_'] <- extra_variables
original_data_updated <- original_data
if (DImodel_tag == "FULL") {
original_data_updated <- data.frame(original_data, extra_variables,
check.names = FALSE)
if (DImodel_tag == 'ID' | DImodel_tag == 'STR'){
original_data_updated <- original_data
# Grouping ID terms
# If no grouping was specified
ID_cols <- paste0(prop, "_ID")
grouped_IDs <- group_IDs(data = original_data_updated, prop = prop, ID = ID_cols)
original_data_updated <- cbind(original_data_updated, grouped_IDs)
glm_fit <- lm(fmla, data = original_data_updated)
# Calculating response
# Remove backticks from coefficient names for name-matching
names(betas) <- gsub(pattern = '`', replacement = '' , x = names(betas))
# glm fmla object from DI_check_and_fit
if (DImodel_tag == 'CUSTOM'){
fmla <- eval(object$DIcall$custom_formula)
} else {
fmla <- eval(object$DIcheck_formula)
if (! is.null(extra_formula)){
Terms <- delete.response(terms(glm_fit))
} else {
Terms <- delete.response(terms(formula(fmla)))
# Model matrix for predictions of newdata
X_old <-, data = updated_newdata))
names(X_old) <- gsub('`','', names(X_old))
# print(X_old)
# glm formula adds NA for non-estimable levels of factors
# Removing the ones with NA to get only those present in DImodel
common <- intersect(names(betas), names(X_old))
X_new <-[, common])
# # Predictions
# y_hat <- as.numeric(X_new %*% betas)
# if (type == "response") {
# inv_link <- object$family$linkinv
# y_hat <- inv_link(y_hat)
# }
# if ( {
# standard_errors <- as.numeric(sqrt(diag(X_new %*% vcov(object) %*%
# t(X_new))))
# dispersion <- summary(object)$dispersion
# residual.scale <- as.vector(sqrt(dispersion))
# ret_obj <- list(fit = y_hat, = standard_errors, residual.scale = residual.scale)
# }
# else {
# ret_obj <- y_hat
# }
# FG model was failing to give predictions this fixes it
if(DImodel_tag == "FG" && is.null(extra_formula)){
X_new <- rbind(X_new, X_new)
X_new$FG_ <- extra_variables
X_new <- X_new[1, ]
} else {
X_new$FG_ <- extra_variables
# Prediction gets messy if we have extra_formula
# So manaully making prediction using predict.lm
if (! is.null(extra_formula)){
# Terms <- delete.response(terms(glm_fit))
# predict.lm because this is what is called by predict.glm internally
ret_obj <- suppressWarnings(predict.lm(glm_fit, newdata = updated_newdata, = ifelse(interval != "none", TRUE,,
type = ifelse(type == "link", "response", type), ...))
} else {
# Terms <- delete.response(terms(formula(fmla)))
ret_obj <- suppressWarnings(predict.glm(object, newdata = if(DImodel_tag == "STR") updated_newdata else X_new, = ifelse(interval != "none", TRUE,,
type = type, ...))
# Confidence and prediction intervals
if(object$family$family == "gaussian"){
if(interval != "none"){
predictor <- ret_obj$fit
ip <- ret_obj$^2
# Calculating CI/PI
w <- object$weights
r <- object$residuals
rss <- sum(if (is.null(w)) r^2 else r^2 * w)
df <- object$df.residual
res.var <- rss/df
pred.var <- res.var/weights
tfrac <- qt((1 - level)/2, df)
hwid <- tfrac * switch(interval, confidence = sqrt(ip),
prediction = sqrt(ip + pred.var))
if (type != "terms") {
predictor <- cbind(predictor, predictor + hwid %o%
c(1, -1))
colnames(predictor) <- c("fit", "lwr", "upr")
ret_obj$fit <- predictor
# Don't give SE if user didn't ask for it
ret_obj$ <- NULL
ret_obj$residual.scale <- NULL
ret_obj <- predictor
# Sometimes the prediction could be rank-deficient and lm adds this attribute
# which could be scary. So drop it
if(!is.null(attr(ret_obj, "non-estim"))){
attr(ret_obj, "non-estim") <- NULL
contrasts_DI <- function(object, contrast, contrast_vars, ...){
if (missing(object) | class(object)[1]!= 'DI'){
stop("Please provied a DImodels model object")
if (missing(contrast_vars) & missing(contrast)){
stop("Provide either one of `contrast_vars` or `constrast`")
if (!missing(contrast_vars) & !missing(contrast)){
warning("Provide only one of `contrast_vars` or `constrast`. `contrast_vars` will be ignored.")
contrast_vars <- NULL
og_data <- object$original_data
# prop_cols <- eval(object$DIcall$prop)
# prop <- colnames(og_data)[prop_cols]
# ID_cols <- eval(object$DIcall$ID)
# # Grouping ID terms
# # If not grouping was specified
# if(is.null(ID_cols)){
# ID_cols <- paste0(prop, "_ID")
# }
# grouped_IDs <- group_IDs(data = og_data, prop = prop, ID = ID_cols)
# og_data <- cbind(og_data, grouped_IDs)
betas <- coef(object)
theta_flag <- object$coefficients['theta']
if (!{
theta_value <- coef(object)["theta"]
betas <- betas[-length(betas)]
if (!missing(contrast_vars) && !is.null(contrast_vars)){
stop('Contrast variables should be specified as a nested named list')
the_C <- matrix(0, ncol = length(betas))
colnames(the_C) <- names(betas)
for (var in names(contrast_vars)){
# if(var %in% prop) {
# var <- paste0(var, "_ID")
# }
if (!(var %in% colnames(og_data))){
stop(paste0(var, ' not present in model'))
if ((length(unlist(contrast_vars[[var]]))/length(unique(og_data[,var]))) %% 1 !=0){
stop('Lengths of each element of contrasts list should be same as levels of variable in model')
match_names <- paste0(var, levels(og_data[,var]))
contr.mat <- t(sapply(contrast_vars[[var]], identity))
colnames(contr.mat) <- match_names
if (is.null(rownames(contr.mat))){
rownames(contr.mat) <- paste0(var ,' Test ',1:nrow(contr.mat))
C_iter <- matrix(0, ncol = length(betas), nrow = nrow(contr.mat))
colnames(C_iter) <- names(betas)
common <- intersect(names(betas), match_names)
C_iter[, common] <- contr.mat[, common]
rownames(C_iter) <- rownames(contr.mat)
the_C <- rbind(the_C, C_iter)
the_C <- the_C[-1,]
the_C <- t(as.matrix(the_C))
rownames(the_C) <- rownames(contr.mat)
if (!missing(contrast)){
if(class(contrast)[1] == 'list'){
if (!all(lengths(contrast) == length(betas))){
stop('Lengths of each element of contrasts list should be same as number of coefficients in model')
the_C <- t(sapply(contrast, identity, simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE))
} else if (class(contrast)[1] == 'numeric'){
if((length(contrast)/length(betas)) %% 1 !=0){
stop('Number of elements in contrasts vector should be a multiple of number of coefficients in model')
the_C <- matrix(contrast, ncol = length(betas), byrow = TRUE)
} else if (class(contrast)[1] == 'matrix'){
if(ncol(contrast)!= length(betas)){
stop('Number of columns in contrast matrix should be same as number of coefficients in model')
the_C <- contrast
} else {
stop('Specify contrast as either a numeric vector, list or matrix')
if (is.null(rownames(the_C))){
rownames(the_C) <- paste0('Test ',1:nrow(the_C))
colnames(the_C) <- names(betas)
cat('Generated contrast matrix:\n')
contr.test <- multcomp::glht(object, linfct = the_C, coef = betas, vcov = vcov(object), ...)
is_near <- function (x, y, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
abs(x - y) < tol
# Fortify method for model diagnostics
fortify.DI <- function(model, data = model$model, ...){
# Add proportions to data
prop_idx <- eval(model$DIcall$prop)
prop <- model$data[, prop_idx]
data <- cbind(data, prop)
# Add other statistics
infl <- stats::influence(model, do.coef = FALSE)
data$.hat <- infl$hat
data$.sigma <- infl$sigma
data$.cooksd <- stats::cooks.distance(model, infl)
data$.fitted <- stats::predict(model)
data$.resid <- stats::resid(model)
data$.stdresid <- stats::rstandard(model, infl)
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