
Defines functions dds

Documented in dds

#' dds
#' @title
#' DDS algorithm to calibrate the model
#' @description This function allows the user to calibrate the DWB or other models with the Dynamical Dimension Search (DDS) algorithm \cite{(Tolson & Shoemaker, 2007)}.
#' As the calibration is performed based on a single value, one should average or create a scalar to evaluate the model's performance. The evaluation can be made using all
#' the streamflow stations, or other variables, between the observed and the simulated values.
#' @param xBounds.df must be a dataframe which defines the parameter range for searching, with 1st column as the minimum and 2nd column as the maximum of the parameter space.
#' @param numIter is an integer that defines the total number of simulations so as to calibrate the model.
#' @param iniPar is a vector which contains an optional initial parameter set.
#' @param r is a double between 0 and 1 which defines the range of searching in the DDS algorithm, the default value is 0.2.
#' @param OBJFUN is a function which returns a scalar value which one is trying to minimize. In this case, the scalar is
#' the Objective Function used to evaluate the model performance.
#' @param ... other variables and datasets needed to run the model.
#' @return \code{outputs.df} is a four entry list, containing \code{X_BEST}, \code{Y_BEST}, \code{X_TEST} and \code{Y_TEST}, as they evolve over \code{numIter} iterations.
#' \code{X_BEST} and \code{Y_BEST} are the parameters found by the algorithm, parameters which produce a good value of the \strong{Objective Function} \code{Y_BEST}.
#' \code{X_TEST} and \code{Y_TEST} are the evaluated parameters and their respective performance value.
#' @author Nicolas Duque Gardeazabal <nduqueg@unal.edu.co>  \cr
#' Pedro Felipe Arboleda Obando <pfarboledao@unal.edu.co>  \cr
#' Carolina Vega Viviescas <cvegav@unal.edu.co>  \cr
#' David Zamora <dazamoraa@unal.edu.co> \cr
#' Water Resources Engineering Research Group - GIREH
#' Universidad Nacional de Colombia - sede Bogota
#' @export
#' @references Tolson, B. A., & Shoemaker, C. A. (2007). "Dynamically
#' dimensioned search algorithm for computationally efficient watershed
#' model calibration". Water Resources Research, 43(1), 1-16.
#' @examples
#' # Load P and PET databases
#' data(P_sogamoso, PET_sogamoso)
#' # Verify that the coordinates of the databases match
#' Coord_comparison(P_sogamoso, PET_sogamoso)
#' # Load geographic info of GRU and basins where calibration will be performed
#' data(GRU,basins)
#' cellBasins <- cellBasins(GRU, basins)
#' # Establish the initial modeling conditions
#' GRU.maps <- buildGRUmaps(GRU, param)
#' init <- init_state(GRU.maps$smaxR)
#' g_v <- init$In_ground
#' s_v <- init$In_storage
#' rm(init)
#' # Load general characteristics of modeling
#' setup_data <- readSetup(Read = TRUE)
#' Dates <- seq(as.Date( gsub('[^0-9.]','',colnames(P_sogamoso)[3]), 
#' format = "%Y.%m.%d"), 
#'              as.Date(gsub('[^0-9.]','',tail(colnames(P_sogamoso),1)) , 
#'              format = "%Y.%m.%d"), by = "month")
#' # For this calibration exercise, the last date of simulation is 
#' # the same as the final date of calibration
#' Start.sim <- which(Dates == setup_data[8,1])
#' End.sim <- which(Dates == setup_data[10,1])
#' # the first two columns of the P and PET are the coordinates of the cells
#' Sim.Period <- c(Start.sim:End.sim)+2 
#' Start.cal <- which(Dates == setup_data[9,1])
#' End.cal <- which(Dates == as.Date("2004-12-01"))
#' # the first two columns of the P and PET are the coordinates of the cells
#' Cal.Period <- c(Start.cal:End.cal)+2  
#' #Load observed runoff
#' data(EscSogObs)
#' # Function that runs the DWB model
#' NSE_Sogamoso_DWB <- function(parameters, P, PET, g_v,s_v, Sim.Period, EscObs, Cal.Period){
#' parameters <- as.vector(parameters)
#' # Transform the parameters to the format that the model needs
#' param <- matrix(parameters, nrow = raster::cellStats(GRU,stat="max"))  
#' # Construction of parameter maps from values by GRU
#' GRU.maps <- buildGRUmaps(GRU, param)
#' alpha1_v <- GRU.maps$alpha1
#' alpha2_v <- GRU.maps$alpha2
#' smax_v <- GRU.maps$smax
#' d_v <- GRU.maps$d
#' DWB.sogamoso <- DWBCalculator(P_sogamoso[ ,Sim.Period], PET_sogamoso[ ,Sim.Period],
#'                               g_v,s_v, alpha1_v, alpha2_v, smax_v,d_v, calibration = TRUE)
#' Esc.Sogamoso <- varBasins(DWB.sogamoso$q_total, cellBasins$cellBasins)
#' # model evaluation; in case of possible NA results in the simulation, 
#' # add a conditional assingment to a very high value
#' sim <- Esc.Sogamoso$varAverage[Cal.Period - 2, ]
#' obs <- EscSogObs[Cal.Period - 2, ]
#' if (sum(!is.na(sim)) == prod(dim(sim))){
#'   numer <- apply((sim - obs)^2, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#'   demom <- apply((obs - apply(obs, 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE))^2, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
#'   nse.cof <- 1 - numer / demom
#' } else {
#'   nse.cof <- NA
#' }
#' Perf <- (-1)*nse.cof
#' if(!is.na(mean(Perf))){ 
#'   Mean.Perf <- mean(Perf)
#'   } else {Mean.Perf <- 1e100}
#'      return(Mean.Perf)
#' }
#' # coupling with the DDS algorithm
#' xBounds.df <- data.frame(lower = rep(0, times = 40), upper = rep(c(1, 2000), times = c(30, 10)))
#' result <- dds(xBounds.df=xBounds.df, numIter=2, OBJFUN=NSE_Sogamoso_DWB,
#'               P=P_sogamoso, PET=PET_sogamoso, g_v=g_v, s_v=s_v, Sim.Period=Sim.Period, 
#'               EscObs=EscSogObs, Cal.Period=Cal.Period)
dds <- function(xBounds.df, numIter,iniPar=NA, r = 0.2, OBJFUN, ...){
  # Format xBounds.df colnames
  colnames(xBounds.df) <- c("min", "max")
  # Generate initial first guess
  #xBounds.df<-data.frame(col1 = rep(10,10), col2=rep(100, 10))
  if (is.na(iniPar[1])){  # identification of initial parameters
    x_init <- apply(xBounds.df, 1, function(x) runif(1, x[1], x[2]))
    x_init <- as.numeric(iniPar)
  x_best <- data.frame(x = x_init)
  x_test <- data.frame(x = x_init)
  # Evaluate first cost function
  y_init <- OBJFUN(x_init, ...)
  y_test <- y_init
  y_best <- y_init
  # Select which entry to peturb at each iteration
  xDims <- nrow(xBounds.df)
  Prob <- matrix(1 - log(1:numIter) / log(numIter), ncol = 1) # Returns numIter length list of entries to be peturbed
  peturbIdx <- apply(t(apply(Prob,1, function(x) as.logical(rbinom(xDims, 1, x)))), 1, which)
  # identify where it is not changing any parameter and assign one ramdomly
  Correct.Peturb <- which(unlist(lapply(peturbIdx,sum)) == 0)
  peturbIdx[Correct.Peturb] <- sample(1:xDims, length(Correct.Peturb), replace = TRUE)
  # Peturb each entry by N(0,1)*r(x_max - x_min) reflecting if @ boundaries
  sigma <- xBounds.df$max - xBounds.df$min
  pb1 <- txtProgressBar(style = 3)
  for(i in 2:numIter){
    setTxtProgressBar(pb1, i/numIter, title = paste(i/numIter,"% of Calibration"))
    # Set up test x
    x_test[ ,i] <- as.matrix(x_best)
    # Get entries we will peturb
    idx <- peturbIdx[[i]]
    # Initialize vector of peturbations initially zeros with same length of x so we will add this vector to peturb x
    peturbVec <- rep(0, nrow(x_test[ ,i]))
    # Generate the required number of random normal variables
    N <- rnorm(nrow(x_test[,i]), mean = 0, sd = 1)
    # Set up vector of peturbations
    peturbVec[idx] <- r * N[idx] * sigma[idx]
    # Temporary resulting x value if we peturbed it
    x_test[,i] <- x_test[,i] + peturbVec  
    # Find the values in testPeturb that have boundary violations.
    B.Vio.min.Idx <- which(x_test[ ,i] < xBounds.df$min)
    B.Vio.max.Idx <- which(x_test[ ,i] > xBounds.df$max)
    # Correct them by mirroring set them to the minimum or maximum values
    x_test[B.Vio.min.Idx,i] <- xBounds.df$min[B.Vio.min.Idx] + (xBounds.df$min[B.Vio.min.Idx] - x_test[B.Vio.min.Idx, i])
    set.min <- B.Vio.min.Idx[x_test[B.Vio.min.Idx, i] > xBounds.df$max[B.Vio.min.Idx]]  # which are still out of bound
    x_test[set.min, i] <- xBounds.df$min[set.min]
    x_test[B.Vio.max.Idx,i] <- xBounds.df$max[B.Vio.max.Idx] - (x_test[B.Vio.max.Idx,i] - xBounds.df$max[B.Vio.max.Idx])
    set.max <- B.Vio.max.Idx[x_test[B.Vio.max.Idx,i] < xBounds.df$min[B.Vio.max.Idx]]
    x_test[set.max, i]<- xBounds.df$max[set.max]
    # Evaluate objective function
    y_test[i] <- OBJFUN(x_test[ ,i], ...)
    y_best <- min(c(y_test[i], y_best))
    bestIdx <- which.min(c(y_test[i], y_best))
    x_choices <- cbind(x_test[ ,i], as.matrix(x_best))
    x_best <- x_choices[ ,bestIdx]
  output.list <- list(X_BEST = t(x_best), Y_BEST = y_best, X_TEST = t(x_test), Y_TEST = y_test)

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DWBmodelUN documentation built on Aug. 18, 2020, 9:06 a.m.