#' Render the graph in various formats
#' @description
#' Using a `dgr_graph` object, render the graph in the RStudio Viewer.
#' @param graph A graph object of class `dgr_graph`.
#' @param layout A string specifying a layout type to use for node placement in
#' this rendering. Possible layouts include: `nicely`, `circle`, `tree`, `kk`,
#' and `fr`.
#' @param output A string specifying the output type; `graph` (the default)
#' renders the graph using the [grViz()] function and `visNetwork` renders the
#' graph using the [visnetwork()] function.
#' @param as_svg An option to render the graph as an SVG document.
#' @param title An optional title for a graph when using `output = "graph"`.
#' @param width An optional parameter for specifying the width of the resulting
#' graphic in pixels.
#' @param height An optional parameter for specifying the height of the
#' resulting graphic in pixels.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Render a graph that's a
#' # balanced tree
#' create_graph() %>%
#' add_balanced_tree(
#' k = 2, h = 3
#' ) %>%
#' render_graph()
#' # Use the `tree` layout for
#' # better node placement in this
#' # hierarchical graph
#' create_graph() %>%
#' add_balanced_tree(
#' k = 2, h = 3
#' ) %>%
#' render_graph(layout = "tree")
#' # Plot the same tree graph but
#' # don't show the node ID values
#' create_graph() %>%
#' add_balanced_tree(
#' k = 2, h = 3
#' ) %>%
#' set_node_attr_to_display() %>%
#' render_graph(layout = "tree")
#' # Create a circle graph
#' create_graph() %>%
#' add_gnm_graph(
#' n = 55,
#' m = 75,
#' set_seed = 23
#' ) %>%
#' render_graph(
#' layout = "circle"
#' )
#' # Render the graph using the
#' # `visNetwork` output option
#' create_graph() %>%
#' add_balanced_tree(
#' k = 2, h = 3
#' ) %>%
#' render_graph(
#' output = "visNetwork"
#' )
#' }
#' @family Display and Save
#' @export
render_graph <- function(
layout = NULL,
output = NULL,
as_svg = FALSE,
title = NULL,
width = NULL,
height = NULL
) {
# Validation: Graph object is valid
output <- output %||% "graph"
# Not allowing partial matching.
output <- rlang::arg_match0(output, c("graph", "visNetwork"))
# Check layout is a single string or NULL
check_string(layout, allow_null = TRUE)
if (!is.null(layout)) {
rlang::arg_match0(layout, c("circle", "tree", "kk", "fr", "nicely", "neato"))
# Return early if output is visNetwork.
if (output == "visNetwork") {
# output = "graph" code with out = grViz
# Add title as attribute
if (!is.null(title)) {
graph <- add_global_graph_attrs(graph, "label", title, "graph")
graph <- add_global_graph_attrs(graph, "labelloc", "t", "graph")
graph <- add_global_graph_attrs(graph, "labeljust", "c", "graph")
graph <- add_global_graph_attrs(graph, "fontname", "Helvetica", "graph")
graph <- add_global_graph_attrs(graph, "fontcolor", "gray30", "graph")
# If no fillcolor provided, use default; if no default available, use white
if (nrow(graph$nodes_df) > 0 &&
!("fillcolor" %in% colnames(graph$nodes_df))) {
if ("fillcolor" %in% graph$global_attrs$attr) {
graph$nodes_df$fillcolor <-
graph$global_attrs %>%
dplyr::filter(attr == "fillcolor", attr_type == "node") %>%
dplyr::pull("value") %>%
} else {
graph$nodes_df$fillcolor <- "white"
# If fillcolor is available and there are NA values,
# replace NAs with default color if available
if (nrow(graph$nodes_df) > 0 &&
rlang::has_name(graph$nodes_df, "fillcolor") &&
"fillcolor" %in% graph$global_attrs$attr) {
graph$nodes_df$fillcolor[which($nodes_df$fillcolor))] <-
graph$global_attrs[which(graph$global_attrs$attr == "fillcolor"), 2]
# Translate X11 colors to hexadecimal colors
if ("fillcolor" %in% colnames(graph$nodes_df)) {
graph$nodes_df <-
graph$nodes_df %>%
x11_hex() %>%
dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(hex = toupper(hex)),
by = c("fillcolor" = "x11_name")
) %>%
fillcolor = dplyr::coalesce(hex, fillcolor),
.keep = "unused"
# Use adaptive font coloring for nodes that have a fill color
if ("fillcolor" %in% colnames(graph$nodes_df) &&
!"fontcolor" %in% colnames(graph$nodes_df)
) {
graph$nodes_df$fontcolor <-
tibble::tibble(value = graph$nodes_df$fillcolor) %>%
dplyr::mutate(value_x = contrasting_text_color(background_color = value)) %>%
# Modify nodes df if a specific layout is requested.
# and is one of the accepted values ("circle", "tree", "kk", "fr", "nicely")
if (!is.null(layout)) {
graph <-
attr = "layout",
value = "neato",
attr_type = "graph"
# Remove existing x and y columns in nodes_df
# to replace them with the layout coords
if ("x" %in% colnames(graph$nodes_df)) {
graph$nodes_df$x <- NULL
if ("y" %in% colnames(graph$nodes_df)) {
graph$nodes_df$y <- NULL
# layout = "tree" is special, because layout_with_sugiyama creates two
# different layouts
if (layout == "tree") {
m_coords <-
to_igraph(graph) %>%
m_coords <- m_coords[["layout"]]
# Safety
if (!is.matrix(m_coords) && nrow(m_coords) == 0) {
cli::cli_abort("The tree coords should be a matrix", .internal = TRUE)
coords <- data.frame(
x = m_coords[, 1],
y = m_coords[, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else {
# Simple cases using defaults for kk, fr, nicely, and circle.
fn_igraph <- switch(layout,
"kk" = igraph::layout_with_kk,
"fr" = igraph::layout_with_fr,
"nicely" = igraph::layout_nicely,
"circle" = igraph::layout_in_circle,
"neato" = igraph::layout_with_fr
m_coords <- graph %>%
to_igraph() %>%
if (!is.matrix(m_coords)) {
cli::cli_abort("The {.val {layout}} coords should be a matrix", .internal = TRUE)
coords <- data.frame(
x = m_coords[, 1],
y = m_coords[, 2],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Corrections for layout = "circle"
if (layout == "circle") {
n_nodes <- count_nodes(graph)
if (n_nodes == 0) {
cli::cli_warn("No nodes exist? in the circle graph?")
coords$x <- NaN
coords$y <- NaN
} else {
# Previously as x * (count_nodes(graph) + (0.25 * count_nodes(graph))) / count_nodes(graph)
# which can be simplified to x * 1.25? if n_nodes > 0
# coords$x <- coords$x * (n_nodes + 0.25 * n_nodes) / n_nodes
coords$x <- coords$x * 1.25
coords$y <- coords$y * 1.25
# Bind (x, y) coordinates to the graph's
# internal NDF
graph$nodes_df <-
dplyr::bind_cols(graph$nodes_df, coords)
if (as_svg || any(c("image", "fa_icon") %in% colnames(get_node_df(graph)))) {
if (as_svg && !rlang::is_installed("DiagrammeRsvg")) {
rlang::inform("Use `as_svg = FALSE` if you don't want to install DiagrammeRsvg.")
# Stop function if `DiagrammeRsvg` package is not available
rlang::check_installed("DiagrammeRsvg", "to render the graph to SVG.")
# Generate DOT code
dot_code <- generate_dot(graph)
# create display to make return work when `as_svg = TRUE` #482
display <- grViz(diagram = dot_code, width = width, height = height)
# Get a vector of SVG lines
svg_vec <-
grViz(diagram = dot_code)
), "\n") %>%
# Get a tibble of SVG data
svg_tbl <- get_svg_tbl(svg_vec)
svg_lines <-
"<svg display=\"block\" margin=\"0 auto\" position=\"absolute\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\""
svg_line_no <- svg_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "svg") %>%
# Modify <svg> attrs
svg_vec[svg_line_no] <- svg_lines
if ("image" %in% colnames(graph %>% get_node_df())) {
node_id_images <-
graph %>%
get_node_df() %>%
dplyr::select("id", "image") %>%
dplyr::filter(nzchar(image)) %>%
filter_lines <-
graph %>%
get_node_df() %>%
dplyr::select("id", "image") %>%
dplyr::filter(nzchar(image)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(filter_lines = as.character(glue::glue("<filter id=\"{id}\" x=\"0%\" y=\"0%\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><feImage xlink:href=\"{image}\"/></filter>"))) %>%
dplyr::pull("filter_lines") %>%
paste(collapse = "\n")
filter_shape_refs <- as.character(glue::glue(" filter=\"url(#{node_id_images})\" "))
svg_shape_nos <-
svg_tbl %>%
dplyr::filter(node_id %in% node_id_images) %>%
dplyr::filter(type == "node_block") %>%
svg_shape_nos <- svg_shape_nos + 3
svg_text_nos <- svg_shape_nos + 1
# Modify shape lines
for (i in seq(node_id_images)) {
svg_vec[svg_shape_nos[i]] <-
sub(" ", paste0(filter_shape_refs[i]), svg_vec[svg_shape_nos[i]])
svg_vec[svg_text_nos[i]] <- ""
# Add in <filter> lines
svg_vec[svg_line_no + 1] <-
paste0(svg_vec[svg_line_no + 1], "\n\n", filter_lines, "\n")
# # Get the name of the function
# if ("fa_icon" %in% colnames(graph %>% get_node_df())) {
# # Using a fontawesome icon requires the fontawesome package;
# # if it's not present, stop with a message
# if (requireNamespace("fontawesome", quietly = TRUE)) {
# node_id_fa <-
# graph %>%
# get_node_df() %>%
# dplyr::select(id, fa_icon) %>%
# dplyr::filter(fa_icon != "") %>%
# dplyr::filter(! %>%
# dplyr::mutate(fa_uri = NA_character_)
# node_id_svg <-
# node_id_fa %>%
# dplyr::pull(id)
# for (i in seq(nrow(node_id_fa))) {
# random_name <- paste(sample(letters[1:10], 10), collapse = "")
# tmp_svg_file <- paste0(random_name, ".svg")
# fa_icon <- node_id_fa[i, ]$fa_icon
# id <- node_id_fa[i, ]$id
# writeLines(fontawesome::fa(fa_icon), tmp_svg_file)
# svg_uri <- get_image_uri(tmp_svg_file)
# file.remove(tmp_svg_file)
# node_id_fa[i, "fa_uri"] <-
# as.character(glue::glue("<filter id=\"{id}\" x=\"0%\" y=\"0%\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\"><feImage xlink:href=\"{svg_uri}\"/></filter>"))
# }
# filter_lines <-
# node_id_fa %>%
# dplyr::pull(fa_uri) %>%
# paste(collapse = "\n")
# filter_shape_refs <- as.character(glue::glue(" filter=\"url(#{node_id_svg})\" "))
# svg_shape_nos <-
# svg_tbl %>%
# dplyr::filter(node_id %in% node_id_svg) %>%
# dplyr::filter(type == "node_block") %>%
# dplyr::pull(index)
# svg_shape_nos <- svg_shape_nos + 3
# svg_text_nos <- svg_shape_nos + 1
# # Modify shape lines
# for (i in seq_len(node_id_svg)) {
# svg_vec[svg_shape_nos[i]] <-
# sub(" ", paste0(filter_shape_refs[i]), svg_vec[svg_shape_nos[i]])
# svg_vec[svg_text_nos[i]] <- ""
# }
# # Add in <filter> lines
# svg_vec[svg_line_no + 1] <-
# paste0(svg_vec[svg_line_no + 1], "\n\n", filter_lines, "\n")
# }
# svg_vec_1 <- paste(svg_vec, collapse = "\n")
# display <- htmltools::browsable(htmltools::HTML(svg_vec_1))
# } else {
# cli::cli_abort(
# c(
# "Cannot currently render FontAwesome icons.",
# "please install the `fontawesome` package and retry",
# "pkg installed using `devtools::install_github('rstudio/fontawesome')`"))
# }
} else {
# Generate DOT code
dot_code <- generate_dot(graph)
# Generate a `grViz` object
grVizObject <-
diagram = dot_code,
width = width,
height = height
display <- grVizObject
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