
Defines functions worldmap

Documented in worldmap

# Just insert data drame with: one column country names to plot
# and one column for values to plot

# Select map projection
# (Here it is Mollweide)

worldmap <- function(title = "World map", coords = NULL) {

select_proj <- '+proj=moll'

# Continents' names

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# "Africa"
# "Antarctica"
# "Asia"
# "Europe"
# "North America"
# "Oceania"
# "Seven seas (open ocean)"
# "South America"
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# For Africa

#   # map margins
#   ylim(c(-4000000, 4490006)) +

# For North America add

# xlim(c(-15339000, 0)) +

# For Europe

#  # map margins
#  xlim(c(-999950, 3000000)) +
#  ylim(c(4099900, 7700000)) +

# For Oceania

#   # map margins
#   xlim(c(10000000, 17596910)) +
#   ylim(c(-6361366, 0)) +

# For South America

#   # map margins
#   xlim(c(-9000000, -3470373)) +

# Note that you can choose more
# than 1 continent with as vector c()

# Select what to plot
world <- ne_countries(
                      scale = "medium",
                      returnclass = "sf") %>%

         # Set map projection

# If you know what you will plot
# (countries or continent),
# then you should do
# ... ne_countries(country = my_data$names, ...

# Number of countries
num <- nrow(world)

# Insert data
my_data <- data.frame(
                      name = world$name,
                      Numbers = 1 : num )

plot_data <- merge(world, my_data,
                   by = "name",
                   all.x = TRUE)

# Insert points
if (!is.null( coords ) ) {
d_points <- data.frame(long = coords[, 1] ,
                       lat  = coords[, 2]) %>%

  # Data frame to sf
  st_as_sf(coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>%

  # Set map projection
  st_transform(crs = select_proj)


# Map theme

map_theme <- theme(

    # modify title
    plot.title = element_text(color = "chartreuse",
                              size = 16,
                              face = "bold",
                              hjust = 0.5),

    # modify axis text
    axis.title.x = element_text(color = "limegreen",
                                size = 14,
                                face = "bold.italic"),
    axis.title.y = element_text(color = "limegreen",
                                size = 14,
                                face = "bold.italic"),

    #modify background
    plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black"),
    panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "black",
                                    size = 0.5,
                                    linetype = 3),

    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "honeydew2",
                                    colour = "honeydew2",
                                    size = 0.8,
                                    linetype = "solid"),

    # modify axis lines
    axis.line = element_line(size = 1.5,
                             colour = "white"),
    axis.ticks = element_line(size = 2,
                              colour = "white"),
    axis.text.x = element_text( size = 14,
                                colour = "white"),
    axis.text.y = element_text( size = 14,
                                colour = "white"),

    # modify legend
    legend.background = element_rect(fill = "gray",
                                     size = 0.5,
                                     linetype = "solid") )

# Admin level 0

# Plot

ggplot() +

  # sf object
  geom_sf(data = plot_data,
          aes(fill = my_data$Numbers)) +

{if (!is.null( coords ) )
  # Add points
   geom_sf(data = d_points,
           color = "black",
           size = 1,
           shape = 23)} +

  # Title

  # Legend text
  labs(fill = "Number") +

  map_theme +

  scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heat.colors(num) )

#scale_fill_gradient2(low = "white",
#                     mid = "orange",
#                     high = "red",
#                     midpoint = 3)


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Directional documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 1:07 a.m.