
#' Add covariate levels detection function plots
#' @inherit mrds::add.df.covar.line
#' @name add_df_covar_line
#' @docType methods
#' @param ddf a fitted detection function object.
#' @param data a `data.frame` with the covariate combination you want to plot.
#' @param \dots extra arguments to give to [`lines`][graphics::lines] (e.g.,
#' `lty`, `lwd`, `col`).
#' @param ndist number of distances at which to evaluate the detection function.
#' @param pdf should the line be drawn on the probability density scale;
#' ignored for line transects
#' @param breaks required to ensure that PDF lines are the right size, should
#' match what is supplied to original `plot` command. Defaults to
#' "Sturges" breaks, as in [`hist`][graphics::hist]. Only used if `pdf=TRUE`
#' @note This function is located in the `mrds` package but the
#' documentation is provided here for easy access.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # example using a model for the minke data
#' data(minke)
#' # fit a model
#' result <- ds(minke, formula=~Region.Label)
#' # make a base plot, showpoints=FALSE makes the plot less busy
#' plot(result, showpoints=FALSE)
#' # add lines for sex one at a time
#' add_df_covar_line(result, data.frame(Region.Label="South"), lty=2)
#' add_df_covar_line(result, data.frame(Region.Label="North"), lty=3)
#' # add a legend
#' legend(1.5, 1, c("Average", "South", "North"), lty=1:3)
#' # point transect example
#' data(amakihi)
#' result <- ds(amakihi, truncation=150, transect="point", formula=~OBs)
#' plot(result, showpoints=FALSE, pdf=TRUE)
#' add_df_covar_line(result,
#'                   data.frame(OBs=na.omit(unique(amakihi$OBs))), pdf=TRUE)
#' }

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Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.