
Defines functions convert_units

Documented in convert_units

#' Convert units for abundance estimation
#' It is often the case that effort, distances and prediction area are
#' collected in different units in the field. Functions in `Distance`
#' allow for an argument to convert between these and provide an answer that
#' makes sense. This function calculates that conversion factor, given
#' knowledge of the units of the quantities used.
#' `convert_units` expects particular names for its inputs -- these should
#' be singular names of the unit (e.g., "metre" rather than "metres"). You can
#' view possible options with [`units_table`][units_table]. Both UK and US
#' spellings are acceptable, case does not matter. For density estimation, area
#' must still be provided ("objects per square ???"). Note that for cue counts
#' (or other multiplier-based methods) one will still have to ensure that the
#' rates are in the correct units for the survey.
#' @param distance_units units distances were measured in.
#' @param effort_units units that effort were measured in. Set as `NULL` for
#' point transects.
#' @param area_units units for the prediction area.
#' @export
#' @author David L Miller
#' @examples
#' # distances measured in metres, effort in kilometres and
#' # abundance over an area measured in hectares:
#' convert_units("Metre", "Kilometre", "Hectare")
#' # all SI units, so the result is 1
#' convert_units("Metre", "metre", "square metre")
#' # for points ignore effort
#' convert_units("Metre", NULL, "Hectare")
convert_units <- function(distance_units, effort_units, area_units){

  # get the unit table
  ut <- units_table()
  # make everything lower case to make matching easier
  ut$Unit <- tolower(ut$Unit)
  distance_units <- tolower(distance_units)
  area_units <- tolower(area_units)

  # grab the conversion factors from the table
  du <- ut$Conversion[ut$Unit==distance_units]
  au <- ut$Conversion[ut$Unit==area_units]

  # deal with point transects where effort is "number of visits"
  # but we have distance (truncation) squared
    eu <- ut$Conversion[ut$Unit==distance_units]
    pt <- TRUE
    # otherwise do as above
    effort_units <- tolower(effort_units)
    eu <- ut$Conversion[ut$Unit==effort_units]
    pt <- FALSE

  cu <- (du*eu)/au
  if(pt) cu <- sqrt(cu)

  # return the conversion

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Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.