
Defines functions create_bins

Documented in create_bins

#' Create bins from a set of binned distances and a set of cutpoints.
#' This is an internal routine and shouldn't be necessary in normal analyses.
#' @param data `data.frame` with at least the column `distance`.
#' @param cutpoints vector of cutpoints for the bins
#' @return argument `data` with two extra columns `distbegin` and
#'        `distend`.
#' @author David L. Miller
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(Distance)
#' data(minke)
#' # put the minke data into bins 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 km
#' minke_cuts <- create_bins(minke[!is.na(minke$distance),], c(0,1,2,3))
#' }
create_bins <- function(data, cutpoints){

  # lazy typist
  cp <- cutpoints

  # remove distances outside bins
  in.cp.ind <- is.na(data$distance) |
                (data$distance>=cp[1] & data$distance<=cp[length(cp)])
    warning("Some distances were outside bins and have been removed.")
  data <- data[in.cp.ind, , drop=FALSE]

  # use cut() to create bins
  chopped <- cut(data$distance, breaks=cp, include.lowest=TRUE, labels = FALSE)
  distbegin <- cp[1:(length(cp)-1)]
  distend <- cp[2:length(cp)]

  # put all that together and make a data.frame
  data <- cbind(data,
                # process to get bin beginnings/endings
                distbegin = distbegin[chopped],
                distend = distend[chopped])
  data <- data.frame(data)


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Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.