
Defines functions predict.dsmodel

Documented in predict.dsmodel

#' Predictions from a fitted detection function
#' Predict detection probabilities (or effective strip widths/effective areas
#' of detection) from a fitted distance sampling model using either the
#' original data (i.e., "fitted" values) or using new data.
#' For line transects, the effective strip half-width (`esw=TRUE`) is the
#' integral of the fitted detection function over either 0 to W or the
#' specified `int.range`.  The predicted detection probability is the
#' average probability which is simply the integral divided by the distance
#' range. For point transect models, `esw=TRUE` calculates the effective
#' area of detection (commonly referred to as "nu", this is the integral of
#' `2/width^2 * r * g(r)`.
#' Fitted detection probabilities are stored in the `model` object and
#' these are returned unless `compute=TRUE` or `newdata` is
#' specified. `compute=TRUE` is used to estimate numerical derivatives for
#' use in delta method approximations to the variance.
#' Note that the ordering of the returned results when no new data is supplied
#' (the "fitted" values) will not necessarily be the same as the data supplied
#' to [`ddf`][mrds::ddf], the data (and hence results from `predict`) will
#' be sorted by object ID (`object`).
#' @param object `ds` model object.
#' @param newdata new `data.frame` for prediction, this must include a column
#' called "`distance`".
#' @param compute if `TRUE` compute values and don't use the fitted values
#' stored in the model object.
#' @param esw if `TRUE`, returns effective strip half-width (or effective area
#' of detection for point transect models) integral from 0 to the truncation
#' distance (`width`) of \eqn{p(y)dy}; otherwise it returns the integral from 0
#' to truncation width of \eqn{p(y)\pi(y)} where \eqn{\pi(y)=1/w} for lines and
#' \eqn{\pi(y)=2r/w^2} for points.
#' @param se.fit should standard errors on the predicted probabilities of
#' detection (or ESW if `esw=TRUE`) estimated? Stored in the `se.fit` element
#' @param \dots for S3 consistency
#' @return a list with a single element: `fitted`, a vector of average
#' detection probabilities or esw values for each observation in the original
#' data or`newdata`. If `se.fit=TRUE` there is an additional element `$se.fit`,
#' which contains the standard errors of the probabilities of detection or ESW.
#' @author David L Miller
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats predict
predict.dsmodel <- function(object, newdata=NULL, compute=FALSE, esw=FALSE,
                            se.fit=FALSE, ...){
  predict(object$ddf, newdata, compute, esw, se.fit, int.range=NULL, ...)

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Distance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:39 a.m.