
Defines functions GraphDistatisRv

Documented in GraphDistatisRv

#' Plot maps of the factor scores (from the Rv matrix) of the distance matrices
#' for a \acronym{DISTATIS} analysis
#' Plot maps of the factor scores of the observations for a \acronym{distatis}
#' analysis.  The factor scores are obtained from the eigen-decomposition of
#' the between distance matrices cosine matrix (often a matrix of Rv
#' coefficients). Note that the factor scores for the first dimension are
#' always positive. There are used to derive the \eqn{\alpha}{alpha} weights
#' for \acronym{DISTATIS}.
#' Note that, in the current version, the graphs are plotted as R-plots and are
#' \emph{not} passed back by the routine.  So the graphs need to be saved "by
#' hand" from the R graphic windows.  We plan to improve this in a future
#' version.
#' @param RvFS The factor scores of the distance matrices (\code{$res4Cmat$G}
#' from \code{distatis}).
#' @param axis1 The dimension for the horizontal axis of the plots.
#' @param axis2 The dimension for the vertical axis of the plots.
#' @param ZeTitle General title for the plots.
#' @param participant.colors A \eqn{I\times 1}{I*1} matrix (with \eqn{I} = #
#' participants) of color names for the observations. If NULL (default),
#' \code{prettyGraphs} chooses.
#' @param nude When \code{nude} is \code{TRUE} the labels for the observations
#' are not plotted (useful when editing the graphs for publication).
#' @param RvCtr Contributions of each participant. 
#' If code{NULL} (default), these are
#' computed from \code{RvFS}.
#' @return \item{constraints}{A set of plot constraints that are returned.}
#' \item{participant.colors}{A set of colors for the participants are
#' returned.}
#' @author Derek Beaton and Herve Abdi
#' @seealso \code{\link{GraphDistatisAll}}
#' \code{\link{GraphDistatisCompromise}} \code{\link{GraphDistatisPartial}}
#' \code{\link{GraphDistatisBoot}} \code{\link{GraphDistatisRv}}
#' \code{\link{distatis}}
#' @references The plots are similar to the graphs described in:
#' Abdi, H., Valentin, D., O'Toole, A.J., & Edelman, B. (2005).  DISTATIS: The
#' analysis of multiple distance matrices.  \emph{Proceedings of the IEEE
#' Computer Society: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
#' Recognition}.  (San Diego, CA, USA). pp. 42-47.
#' Abdi, H., Williams, L.J., Valentin, D., & Bennani-Dosse, M. (2012). STATIS
#' and DISTATIS: Optimum multi-table principal component analysis and three way
#' metric multidimensional scaling. \emph{Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews:
#' Computational Statistics}, \bold{4}, 124--167.
#' Abdi, H., Dunlop, J.P., & Williams, L.J. (2009). How to compute reliability
#' estimates and display confidence and tolerance intervals for pattern
#' classiffers using the Bootstrap and 3-way multidimensional scaling
#' (DISTATIS). \emph{NeuroImage}, \bold{45}, 89--95.
#' Abdi, H., & Valentin, D., (2007). Some new and easy ways to describe,
#' compare, and evaluate products and assessors. In D., Valentin, D.Z. Nguyen,
#' L. Pelletier (Eds) \emph{New trends in sensory evaluation of food and
#' non-food products}.  Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam): Vietnam National University-Ho
#' chi Minh City Publishing House. pp. 5--18.
#' The \eqn{R_V} coefficient is described in
#' Abdi, H. (2007). RV coefficient and congruence coefficient.  In N.J. Salkind
#' (Ed.): \emph{Encyclopedia of Measurement and Statistics}. Thousand Oaks
#' (CA): Sage. pp. 849--853.
#' Abdi, H. (2010). Congruence: Congruence coefficient, RV coefficient, and
#' Mantel Coefficient.  In N.J. Salkind, D.M., Dougherty, & B. Frey (Eds.):
#' \emph{Encyclopedia of Research Design.} Thousand Oaks (CA): Sage. pp.
#' 222--229.
#' These papers are available from 
#'  \url{https://personal.utdallas.edu/~herve/}
#' @importFrom prettyGraphs prettyPlot
#' @keywords DistatisR
#' @examples
#' # 1. Load the DistAlgo data set (available from the DistatisR package)
#' data(DistAlgo)
#' # DistAlgo is a 6*6*4 Array (faces*faces*Algorithms)
#' #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # 2. Call the DISTATIS routine with the array of distance (DistAlgo) as parameter
#' DistatisAlgo <- distatis(DistAlgo)
#' # 3. Plot the compromise map with the labels for the first 2 dimensions
#' # DistatisAlgo$res4Cmat$G are the factors scores
#' #  for the 4 distance matrices (i.e., algorithms)
#'  GraphDistatisRv(DistatisAlgo$res4Cmat$G,ZeTitle='Rv Mat')
#' # Et voila!
#' @export
GraphDistatisRv <-
function(RvFS,axis1=1,axis2=2,ZeTitle= 'Distatis-Rv Map', participant.colors = NULL, nude=FALSE,RvCtr=NULL){

		participant.design <- diag(dim(RvFS)[1])
		participant.colors <- as.matrix(createColorVectorsByDesign(participant.design)$oc)

	LeMinimum =  apply(RvFS,2,min)
	LeMaximum =   apply(RvFS,2,max)

	petitx =  min(c(0,LeMinimum[axis1]));grandx = LeMaximum[axis1]
	petity =  LeMinimum[axis2];grandy = LeMaximum[axis2]
	fudgeFact_H = (grandx-petitx)/9
	fudgeFact_V = (grandy-petity)/9
	constraints <- list(minx=petitx-fudgeFact_H,

		RvF2 <- RvFS**2
		RvSF2 <- apply(RvF2,2,sum)
		RvCtr <- t( t(RvF2) / RvSF2)
	plot.out <- prettyGraphs::prettyPlot(RvFS,constraints=constraints,

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DistatisR documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 9:05 a.m.