Nothing <- function(nruns, data=NULL, formula=~.,
factor.names=NULL, nlevels=NULL, digits=NULL,
constraint=NULL, center=FALSE, nRepeats=5, seed=NULL,
randomize=TRUE, blocks=1,"Blocks",
wholeBlockData=NULL, qual=NULL, ...){
aufruf <-
##wholeBlockData must be subsequently included into factor.names, nfactors, nlevels and quantitative, or not ???
## how to handle quantitative??? added qual to override automatic decisions
if (!is.numeric(nruns)) stop("The number of runs (nruns) must be specified")
if (!nruns%%1==0) stop("nruns must be an integer number")
if (!is.numeric(blocks)) stop("blocks must be numeric")
if (!all(blocks%%1==0)) stop("blocks must consist of integer numbers")
if (length(blocks)==1 & !identical(blocks,1)){
if (nruns%%blocks==0) blocks <- rep(nruns%/%blocks, blocks)
else stop("the number of blocks is not a divisor of nruns")
if (!identical(blocks,1) & !sum(blocks)==nruns) stop("If specified, blocks must sum to nruns")
## transform character specification of formula
if (is.character(formula)) formula <- try(as.formula(formula))
if ("try-error" %in% class(formula)) stop("invalid character string for formula")
## provide nfactors
if (!is.null(data)) nfactors <- ncol(data)
else if (!is.null(factor.names)) nfactors <- length(factor.names)
else if (!is.null(nlevels)) {
nfactors <- length(nlevels)
factor.names <- Letters[1:nfactors]
## check digits
if (!is.null(digits) && is.null(data)){
if (!(length(digits)==nfactors || length(digits)==1))
stop("if specified, digits must be a single number or must contain an entry for each factor")
if (!is.numeric(digits)) stop("digits must be numeric")
if (!all(floor(digits)==digits)) stop("digits must be integer")
## check qual
if (!is.null(qual) && is.null(data)){
if (!(length(qual)==nfactors || length(qual)==1))
stop("if specified, qual must be a single logical or must contain an entry for each factor")
if (!is.logical(qual)) stop("qual must be logical")
if (length(qual)==1) qual <- rep(qual, nfactors)
## now qual is a logical vector, if non-null and relevant
if (is.null(data) && ((!is.list(factor.names)) && is.null(nlevels)))
stop("Please provide at least data OR a valid formula and factor level information")
if (!is.null(data) && (!is.null(factor.names) || !is.null(nlevels)))
warning("factor.names and nlevels are ignored, since data has been specified")
if (!(is.null(factor.names) || is.null(nlevels)) && !length(factor.names)==length(nlevels))
stop("if both are specified, factor.names and nlevels must be of the same length")
if (is.null(data) && is.list(factor.names) && !is.null(nlevels)){
fnl <- sapply(factor.names,"length")
if (!all(fnl==2 | fnl==nlevels))
stop("factor.names and nlevels contradict each other")
hilf <- which(fnl==2 & nlevels>2)
## check whether implicit quantitative variables are not contradicted by qual
if (!is.null(qual)){
if (any(qual[hilf])) stop("factor level information contradicts qual")
for (i in hilf){
## prepare quantitative factor level information
if (!all(is.numeric(factor.names[[i]]))) stop("factor ", names(factor.names)[i], " is not numeric")
factor.names[[i]] <- seq(factor.names[[i]][1],factor.names[[i]][2],
if (!is.null(digits)){
if (length(digits)==length(nlevels)) factor.names[[i]] <- round(factor.names[[i]], digits=digits[i])
else factor.names[[i]] <- round(factor.names[[i]], digits=digits)
## candidate set provided as (within) data, if not already available
if (is.null(data)){
data <-, nlevels=nlevels, randomize=FALSE)
## character factor.names can be handled by
if (is.null(qual))
quantitative <- sapply($factor.names, function(obj) all(is.numeric(obj)))
else quantitative <- !qual
data <-,quantitative)
else quantitative <- sapply(data.frame(data), is.numeric)
## apply constraint
if (!is.null(constraint)){
if (!is.character(constraint)) stop("constraint must be a character string")
beding <- eval(parse(text=constraint), envir=data)
if (!is.logical(beding))
stop("evaluation of constraint not possible")
if (!length(beding)==nrow(data))
stop("constraint does not produce a condition for each row of data")
if (sum(beding) < nruns & identical(blocks,1))
stop("The constraint reduces the candidate set to ", sum(beding), " rows.")
data <- data[beding,]
## populate factor.names, if not available
if (is.null(factor.names))
factor.names <- colnames(data)
if (!is.list(factor.names)){
## character factor names into list
fn <- factor.names
factor.names <- vector(nfactors, mode="list")
names(factor.names) <- fn
for (i in 1:nfactors) {
if (quantitative[i]) factor.names[[i]] <- range(data[,i,drop=TRUE])
else factor.names[[i]] <- names(table(data[,i,drop=TRUE]))}
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
## treat case without blocking
if (identical(blocks,1)){
plan <- optFederov(formula, data, nruns, augment=FALSE, center=center, nRepeats=nRepeats,
approximate=FALSE, criterion="D",
evaluateI=FALSE, space=NULL, ...)
if (randomize) ord <- sample(nruns) else ord <- 1:nruns
aus <- plan$design[ord,]
class(aus) <- c("design", "data.frame")
hilf <- model.matrix(formula(formula), data=aus)
## fixed August 2010
if (ncol(hilf) < ncol(aus)){
## add missing columns
if ("design" %in% class(data)) hilf2 <- desnum(data)[plan$rows,]
else hilf2 <- as.matrix([plan$rows,], "as.numeric")))
sp <- which(!colnames(hilf2) %in% colnames(hilf))
hilf <- cbind(hilf, hilf2[,sp])
desnum(aus) <- hilf
rownames(desnum(aus)) <- rownames(aus) <- 1:nrow(aus)
## changed 27.1.2011: make a factor with proper ordering
run.order(aus) <- data.frame($rows[ord],levels=1:nrow(data)),,$rows[ord])
## blocks with or without wholeBlockData
if (is.null(wholeBlockData))
plan <- optBlock(formula, data, blocks, center=center, criterion="D",nRepeats=nRepeats)
plan <- optBlock(formula, data, blocks, wholeBlockData=wholeBlockData, center=center,
if (randomize) ord <- sapply(blocks,"sample",simplify=FALSE) else
ord <- sapply(blocks, function(obj) 1:obj, simplify=FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(blocks))
rownames(plan$Blocks[[i]]) <- 1:blocks[i] ## paste(i, 1:blocks[i], sep=".") ## adjust row names
## block number is handled by rbind (because of list names Bi)
plan$Blocks <- mapply(function(matrix,select)[select,]), plan$Blocks, ord, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## stack all blocks beneath each other
aus <-, plan$Blocks) ## deparse.level=1 prepends Block names to row names
rownames(aus) <- substring(rownames(aus),2) ## remove the "B"
### what would be better: call rbind with deparse.level=0; but I don't know how to
## prepend block factor
aus <- cbind(,1:length(blocks),each=blocks))),aus)
colnames(aus)[1] <-
## make ord into overall row numbers instead of block-specific ones
ord <- unlist(ord) + unlist(mapply(rep,cumsum(c(0,blocks[-length(blocks)])),each=blocks))
attr(aus, "desnum") <- cbind(model.matrix(~., data=aus[,1,drop=FALSE]),model.matrix(formula(formula), data=aus[,-1])[,-1])
attr(aus, "run.order") <- data.frame( = paste(plan$rows[ord], rownames(aus), sep="."),,$rows[ord], rownames(aus), sep="."))
class(aus) <- c("design", "data.frame") <- list(type="Dopt",nruns=nruns, nfactors=nfactors,factor.names=factor.names,nlevels=nlevels,
replications=1,repeat.only=FALSE,randomize=randomize,seed=seed, creator=aufruf, quantitative=quantitative,
digits=digits, constraint=constraint, formula=expand.formula(formula, names(factor.names)),
optimality.criteria=list(D=plan$D, Dea=plan$Dea, A=plan$A, G=plan$G), response.names=NULL)
rownames(desnum(aus)) <- rownames(aus) <- 1:nrow(aus)
if (!identical(blocks,1)){
di <-
if (!is.null(wholeBlockData)){
di$type <- "Dopt.splitplot"
di$nfac.WP <- ncol(wholeBlockData)
di$nfac.SP <- ncol(data)
di$nWPs <- length(blocks)
di$plotsize <- blocks
di$ <-
di$nfactors <- di$nfac.WP + di$nfac.SP
## prepend wp info to factor.names
wpfn <- as.list(colnames(wholeBlockData))
names(wpfn) <- colnames(wholeBlockData)
di$factor.names <- c(wpfn, di$factor.names)
for (i in 1:ncol(wholeBlockData))
di$factor.names[[i]] <- names(table(wholeBlockData[,i,drop=TRUE]))
wpquan <- sapply(data.frame(wholeBlockData),is.numeric)
names(wpquan) <- colnames(wholeBlockData)
di$quantitative <- c(wpquan,quantitative)
di$type <- "Dopt.blocked"
di$ <-
di$nblocks <- length(blocks)
di$blocksize <- blocks
} <- di}
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