# Aim: Evaluate a Bayesian Latent Factor Model
# Persons : Gabrielle Weinrott [cre, aut]
# Date : January 10th, 2016
# Revised : June 20th, 2016
##' Convert a STAN objet to MCMC list
##'@param stanfit a STAN object
##'@return codafit an mcmc.list
##'@author Gabrielle Weinrott
##'data(stanfit) # output of modelFit or main.modelFit
##' <- coda.obj(stanfit)
coda.obj <- function(stanfit){
stop("STAN object not specified")
codafit <- coda::mcmc.list(lapply(1:ncol(stanfit), function(x) coda::mcmc(as.array(stanfit)[,x,])))
# Calculate the angle between two vectors v1 and v2
theta <- function(v1, v2){
theta <- acos( sum(v1*v2) / ( sqrt(sum(v1 * v1)) * sqrt(sum(v2 * v2)) ) )
##' Calculate the log likelihood of the model
##' @param Y is an NxP matrix
##' @param W is a PxD matrix
##' @param B is a DxN matrix
##' @param sigma2 is a real number
##' @param tau2 is a real number
##' @param a the first parameter of the inverse gamma distribution
##' @param b the second parameter of the inverse gamma distribution
##' @return loglik the likelihood
##' @author Gabrielle Weinrott
##' @keywords internal
calc.loglik <- function(Y, W, B, sigma2, tau2, a = 0.001, b = 0.001){
stop("No data matrix Y specified")
stop("No latent factor matrix W specified")
stop("No scores matrix B specified")
stop("No sigma2 specified")
stop("No tau2 specified")
a <- as.numeric(a)
b <- as.numeric(b)
sum.Y = 0
sum.B = 0
for(i in 1:nrow(Y)){
mult.Y <- t(Y[i, ] - W%*%B[ , i])%*%(Y[i, ] - W%*%B[ , i])
sum.Y = sum.Y + mult.Y
mult.B <- t(B[ , i])%*%(B[ , i])
sum.B = sum.B + mult.B
} <- -1/2*(sum.Y/sigma2 + sum.B)
sum.w = 0
for(j in 1:nrow(W)){
for(k in 1:ncol(W)){
mult.w <- W[j, k]^2
sum.w = sum.w + mult.w
} <- -1/2*(sum.w/tau2)
IG <- -b*(tau2 + sigma2)/(tau2*sigma2)
expo <- + + IG
coeff <- 2*log(b^a/gamma(a)) + log(sqrt(2*pi)) - (nrow(Y) + a + 1)*log(sigma2) + (nrow(W)*ncol(W) + a + 1)*log(tau2)
loglik <- expo*coeff
##' Calculate the unnormalized posterior density of the model
##' @param mcmc.output an mcmc list as produced by clean.mcmc
##' @param Y the data matrix
##' @param D the number of latent factors
##' @param chain the chain to plot (default = 1)
##' @return post a vector containing the posterior density at each iteration##' @examples
##' @examples
##' data("toydata")
##' data("stanfit")
##' dens <- postdens(coda.obj(stanfit), Y = toydata$Y.simul$Y, D = 2, chain = 1)
##' hist(dens)
##' @export
##' @author Gabrielle Weinrott
postdens <- function(mcmc.output, Y, D, chain = 1){
stop("No mcmc.output specified")
stop("No data matrix Y specified")
stop("No number of latent factors D specified")
chain <- as.integer(chain)
if(chain <= 0){
stop("Number of chains must be a positive integer")
N <- nrow(Y)
P <- ncol(Y)
Q <- (P*D)-(D*(D-1)/2)
post <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(mcmc.output[[chain]])){
B <- matrix(mcmc.output[[chain]][i, 1:(N*D)], nrow = D, ncol = N)
W <- matrix(mcmc.output[[chain]][i, (N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D)], nrow = P, ncol = D)
sigma2 <- mcmc.output[[chain]][i, N*D+Q+1]
tau2 <- mcmc.output[[chain]][i, N*D+Q+2]
post.i <- calc.loglik(Y, W, B, sigma2, tau2)
post <- c(post, post.i)
##' Format scores output for visualization
##' @param mcmc.output an mcmc list as produced by clean.mcmc
##' @param Y the matrix of data
##' @param D the number of latent factors
##' @param chain the chain to use (default = 1)
##' @param axes the axes to use (default = c(1, 2))
##' @param quant a vector of quantiles to retain (default = NULL)
##' @return mean.df are the MCMC estimates for the parmeters
##' @return points.df contains all of the estimates of the chain
##' @return contour.df contains the exterior points of the convex hull of the cloud of estimates
##' @examples
##' data("toydata")
##' data("stanfit")
##' codafit <- coda.obj(stanfit) ## convert to mcmc.list
##' beta.res <- visbeta(codafit, Y = toydata$Y.simul$Y, D = toydata$wlu$D, chain = 1,
##' axes = c(1, 2), quant = c(0.05, 0.95))
##' ggplot2::ggplot() +
##' ggplot2::geom_path(data = beta.res$contour.df, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, colour = ind)) +
##' ggplot2::geom_point(data = beta.res$mean.df, ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, colour = ind))
##' @export
##' @author Gabrielle Weinrott
visbeta <- function(mcmc.output, Y, D, chain = 1, axes = c(1, 2), quant = NULL){
stop("No mcmc.output specified")
stop("No data matrix Y specified")
stop("No number of latent factors D specified")
chain <- as.integer(chain)
if(chain <= 0){
stop("Number of chains must be a positive integer")
for(i in 1:length(quant)){
if(quant[i] <= 0 | quant[i] >= 1)
stop("quant must be a vector of probabilites")
N = nrow(Y)
P = ncol(Y)
# order densities
post <- postdens(mcmc.output, Y, D, chain) <- order(post)
# calculate quantiles
q <- stats::quantile(post[], probs = quant, na.rm = T)
indi <- which(post > q[1] & post < q[2])
indi = 1:nrow(mcmc.output[[chain]])
B.chain <- mcmc.output[[chain]][indi, 1:(N*D)]
# for data frame formatting and gggplot2
x.cols <- seq(axes[1], N*D, by = D)
y.cols <- seq(axes[2], N*D, by = D)
# mean estimates
B.mean <- apply(B.chain, 2, mean)
B.x <- c(); B.y = c(); B.ind = c()
for(i in 1:length(x.cols)){
B.x <- c(B.x, B.mean[x.cols[i]])
B.y <- c(B.y, B.mean[y.cols[i]])
B.ind <- c(B.ind, i)
mean.df <- data.frame(x = B.x, y = B.y, ind = B.ind)
mean.df$ind <- as.factor(mean.df$ind)
# cloud of points
B.x <- c(); B.y = c(); B.ind = c()
for(i in 1:length(x.cols)){
B.x <- c(B.x, B.chain[ , x.cols[i]])
B.y <- c(B.y, B.chain[ , y.cols[i]])
B.ind <- c(B.ind, rep(i, nrow(B.chain)))
B.df <- data.frame(x = B.x, y = B.y, ind = B.ind)
B.df$ind <- as.factor(B.df$ind)
# contour
contour.x = c() ; contour.y = c() ; contour.ind = c()
for(i in 1:length(x.cols)){
hpts.i <- grDevices::chull(B.chain[ , x.cols[i]:y.cols[i]])
hpts.i <- c(hpts.i, hpts.i[1])
contour.x <- c(contour.x, B.chain[hpts.i, x.cols[i]:y.cols[i]][ , 1])
contour.y <- c(contour.y, B.chain[hpts.i, x.cols[i]:y.cols[i]][ , 2])
contour.ind <- c(contour.ind, rep(i, length(hpts.i)))
contour.df <- data.frame(x = contour.x, y = contour.y, ind = contour.ind)
contour.df$ind <- as.factor(contour.df$ind)
res.beta = list(mean.df = mean.df, points.df = B.df, contour.df = contour.df)
##' Plot the estimates for the latent factors
##' @param mcmc.output an mcmc list as produced by clean.mcmc
##' @param Y the matrix of data
##' @param D the number of latent factors
##' @param chain the chain to plot (default = 1)
##' @param factors a vector indicating the factors to plot (default = c(1, 2))
##' @author Gabrielle Weinrott
##' @return res.W a data frame containing the estimates for the factors, and their lower
##' and upper bounds
##' @return Inertia the percentage of total inertia captured by each of the factors
##' @examples
##' data("toydata")
##' data("stanfit")
##' codafit <- coda.obj(stanfit) ## convert to mcmc.list
##' W.res <- visW(codafit, Y = toydata$Y.simul$Y, D = toydata$wlu$D,
##' chain = 1, factors = c(1, 2))
##' ## plot the results
##' data <- data.frame(time = rep(1:9, 2), W.res$res.W)
##' ggplot2::ggplot() +
##' ggplot2::geom_step(data = data, ggplot2::aes(x = time, y = Estimation, colour = Factor)) +
##' ggplot2::geom_step(data = data, ggplot2::aes(x = time, y = Lower.est, colour = Factor),
##' linetype = "longdash") +
##' ggplot2::geom_step(data = data, ggplot2::aes(x = time, y = Upper.est, colour = Factor),
##' linetype = "longdash")
##' @export
visW <- function(mcmc.output, Y, D, chain = 1, factors = c(1, 2)){
stop("No mcmc.output specified")
stop("No data matrix Y specified")
stop("No number of latent factors D specified")
chain <- as.integer(chain)
if(chain <= 0){
stop("Number of chains must be a positive integer")
for(i in 1:length(factors)){
if(factors[i] > D)
stop("Invalid factors")
N = nrow(Y)
P = ncol(Y)
Q <- (P*D)-(D*(D-1)/2)
if(length(mcmc.output) == 1){ <- matrix(summary(mcmc.output)[[2]][(N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D), 3], nrow = P, ncol = D)
W.lower <- matrix(summary(mcmc.output)[[2]][(N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D), 1], nrow = P, ncol = D)
W.upper <- matrix(summary(mcmc.output)[[2]][(N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D), 5], nrow = P, ncol = D)
else{ <- matrix(summary(mcmc.output[[chain]])[[2]][(N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D), 3], nrow = P, ncol = D)
W.lower <- matrix(summary(mcmc.output[[chain]])[[2]][(N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D), 1], nrow = P, ncol = D)
W.upper <- matrix(summary(mcmc.output[[chain]])[[2]][(N*D+Q+2+P*D+1):(N*D+Q+2+P*D+P*D), 5], nrow = P, ncol = D)
lower = c() ; est = c() ; upper = c() ; fact = c() ; inertia = c()
for(i in 1:length(factors)){
lower = c(lower, W.lower[ , factors[i]])
est = c(est,[ , factors[i]])
inertia = c(inertia, stats::var([ , factors[i]]))
upper = c(upper, W.upper[ , factors[i]])
fact = c(fact, rep(i, nrow(
res.W <- data.frame(Lower.est = lower,
Estimation = est,
Upper.est = upper,
Factor = as.factor(fact))
Inertia = inertia/sum(inertia)
res <- list(res.W = res.W, Inertia = Inertia)
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