#' @title Apply a Network Estimation Method
#' @description General function to apply network estimation methods in \code{\link{EGAnet}}
#' @param data Matrix or data frame.
#' Should consist only of variables to be used in the analysis
#' @param n Numeric (length = 1).
#' Sample size if \code{data} provided is a correlation matrix
#' @param corr Character (length = 1).
#' Method to compute correlations.
#' Defaults to \code{"auto"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"auto"} --- Automatically computes appropriate correlations for
#' the data using Pearson's for continuous, polychoric for ordinal,
#' tetrachoric for binary, and polyserial/biserial for ordinal/binary with
#' continuous. To change the number of categories that are considered
#' ordinal, use \code{ordinal.categories}
#' (see \code{\link[EGAnet]{polychoric.matrix}} for more details)
#' \item \code{"cor_auto"} --- Uses \code{\link[qgraph]{cor_auto}} to compute correlations.
#' Arguments can be passed along to the function
#' \item \code{"cosine"} --- Uses \code{\link[EGAnet]{cosine}} to compute cosine similarity
#' \item \code{"pearson"} --- Pearson's correlation is computed for all
#' variables regardless of categories
#' \item \code{"spearman"} --- Spearman's rank-order correlation is computed
#' for all variables regardless of categories
#' }
#' For other similarity measures, compute them first and input them
#' into \code{data} with the sample size (\code{n})
#' @param Character (length = 1).
#' How should missing data be handled?
#' Defaults to \code{"pairwise"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"pairwise"} --- Computes correlation for all available cases between
#' two variables
#' \item \code{"listwise"} --- Computes correlation for all complete cases in the dataset
#' }
#' @param model Character (length = 1).
#' Defaults to \code{"glasso"}.
#' Available options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"BGGM"} --- Computes the Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Model.
#' Set argument \code{ordinal.categories} to determine
#' levels allowed for a variable to be considered ordinal.
#' See \code{?BGGM::estimate} for more details
#' \item \code{"glasso"} --- Computes the GLASSO with EBIC model selection.
#' See \code{\link[EGAnet]{EBICglasso.qgraph}} for more details
#' \item \code{"TMFG"} --- Computes the TMFG method.
#' See \code{\link[EGAnet]{TMFG}} for more details
#' }
#' @param network.only Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether the network only should be output.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} to obtain all output for the
#' network estimation method
#' @param verbose Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether messages and (insignificant) warnings should be output.
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE} (silent calls).
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to see all messages and warnings for every function call
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed on to
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{auto.correlate}} and the different
#' network estimation methods (see \code{model} for
#' model specific details)
#' @return Returns a matrix populated with a network from the input data
#' @author Hudson Golino <hfg9s at> and Alexander P. Christensen <>
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' wmt <- wmt2[,7:24]
#' # EBICglasso (default for EGA functions)
#' glasso_network <- network.estimation(
#' data = wmt, model = "glasso"
#' )
#' # TMFG
#' tmfg_network <- network.estimation(
#' data = wmt, model = "TMFG"
#' )
#' @references
#' \strong{Graphical Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (GLASSO)} \cr
#' Friedman, J., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2008).
#' Sparse inverse covariance estimation with the graphical lasso.
#' \emph{Biostatistics}, \emph{9}(3), 432–441.
#' \strong{GLASSO with Extended Bayesian Information Criterion (EBICglasso)} \cr
#' Epskamp, S., & Fried, E. I. (2018).
#' A tutorial on regularized partial correlation networks.
#' \emph{Psychological Methods}, \emph{23}(4), 617–634.
#' \strong{Bayesian Gaussian Graphical Model (BGGM)} \cr
#' Williams, D. R. (2021).
#' Bayesian estimation for Gaussian graphical models: Structure learning, predictability, and network comparisons.
#' \emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research}, \emph{56}(2), 336–352.
#' \strong{Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph (TMFG)} \cr
#' Massara, G. P., Di Matteo, T., & Aste, T. (2016).
#' Network filtering for big data: Triangulated maximally filtered graph.
#' \emph{Journal of Complex Networks}, \emph{5}, 161-178.
#' @export
# Compute networks for EGA ----
# Updated 21.09.2024
network.estimation <- function(
data, n = NULL,
corr = c("auto", "cor_auto", "cosine", "pearson", "spearman"), = c("pairwise", "listwise"),
model = c("BGGM", "glasso", "TMFG"),
network.only = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
# Argument errors (return data in case of tibble)
data <- network.estimation_errors(data, n, network.only, verbose, ...)
# Check for missing arguments (argument, default, function)
corr <- set_default(corr, "auto", network.estimation) <- set_default(, "pairwise", network.estimation)
model <- set_default(model, "glasso", network.estimation)
# Check for {BGGM}
if(model == "bggm"){
stop("Due to CRAN check issues, `model = \"BGGM\"` is not available at the moment.")
# Obtain ellipse arguments
ellipse <- list(...)
# Make sure there are variable names
data <- ensure_dimension_names(data)
# First, compute correlation if necessary
if(model != "bggm"){
# Generic function to get necessary inputs
output <- obtain_sample_correlations(
data = data, n = n, corr = corr, =, verbose = verbose,
needs_usable = FALSE, # skips usable data check
# Get correlations and sample size
correlation_matrix <- output$correlation_matrix; n <- output$n
}else if(is_symmetric(data)){
# 'BGGM' network estimation can't be correlation matrix
"A symmetric matrix was provided in the 'data' argument. 'model = \"BGGM\"' is not compatiable with a correlation matrix. Please use the original data instead",
call. = FALSE
# For 'model = "BGGM"', take a different path...
if(model == "bggm"){
# # Obtain arguments for `BGGM`
# bggm_estimate_ARGS <- obtain_arguments(
# silent_load(BGGM::estimate),
# FUN.args = ellipse
# )
# # Check for override of 'type'
# bggm_estimate_ARGS$type <- find_BGGM_type(data, ellipse)
# # Send 'data' and 'verbose' to arguments
# bggm_estimate_ARGS$Y <- data
# bggm_estimate_ARGS$progress <- verbose
# # Perform BGGM estimate
# bggm_output <-
# what = BGGM::estimate,
# args = bggm_estimate_ARGS
# )
# # Determine `select` arguments
# ## Uses `overwrite_arguments` instead of
# ## `obtain_arguments` because `BGGM::select`
# ## is an S3method. It's possible to use
# ## `BGGM:::select.estimate` but CRAN gets
# ## mad about triple colons
# bggm_select_ARGS <- overwrite_arguments(
# list( # defaults for `BGGM:::select.estimate`
# cred = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided"
# ), ARGS = ellipse
# )
# # Send 'bggm_output' to arguments
# bggm_select_ARGS$object <- bggm_output
# # Perform BGGM select
# bggm_select <-
# what = BGGM::select,
# args = bggm_select_ARGS
# )
# # Obtain network (regardless of 'network.only')
# estimated_network <- bggm_select$pcor_adj
}else{ # Non-BGGM methods
# Obtain estimation method function
estimation_FUN <- switch(
"glasso" = EBICglasso.qgraph,
"tmfg" = TMFG
# Obtain estimation method arguments
estimation_ARGS <- obtain_arguments(estimation_FUN, ellipse)
# Set data, sample size, output, and verbose
estimation_ARGS$data <- correlation_matrix
estimation_ARGS$n <- n
estimation_ARGS$returnAllResults <- !network.only
estimation_ARGS$verbose <- verbose
estimation_ARGS$needs_usable <- FALSE # skips usable data check
# Perform estimation
estimation_OUTPUT <-
what = estimation_FUN,
args = estimation_ARGS
# Obtain estimated network
# Switch with method
estimated_network <- estimation_OUTPUT$network
# Output is network only
estimated_network <- estimation_OUTPUT
# Transfer variable names
estimated_network <- transfer_names(data, estimated_network)
# Add methods attribute for BGGM
## Methods for GLASSO and TMFG are already there
# if(model == "bggm"){
# attr(estimated_network, "methods") <- c(
# bggm_estimate_ARGS[c("type", "analytic", "prior_sd", "iter")],
# bggm_select_ARGS[c("cred", "alternative")]
# )
# }
# Add "model", "corr", and "" to attributes
attr(estimated_network, "methods")[
c("model", "corr", "")
] <- c(model, corr,
# Set up for return
return(estimated_network) # only return network
}else{ # sort out output to send back
# BGGM or other model
if(model == "bggm"){
# # Set up results
# return(
# list(
# estimated_network = estimated_network,
# output = list(
# bggm_estimate = bggm_output,
# bggm_select = bggm_select[names(bggm_select) != "object"]
# )
# )
# )
# Set up results
estimated_network = estimated_network,
output = estimation_OUTPUT
# Bug Checking ----
## Basic input
# data = wmt2[,7:24]; n = NULL;
# corr = "auto"; model = "glasso";
# = "pairwise"; network.only = TRUE;
# verbose = FALSE; ellipse = list();
#' @noRd
# Argument errors ----
# Updated 07.09.2023
network.estimation_errors <- function(data, n, network.only, verbose, ...)
# 'data' errors
object_error(data, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "network.estimation")
# Check for tibble
if(get_object_type(data) == "tibble"){
data <-
# 'n' errors
length_error(n, 1, "network.estimation")
typeof_error(n, "numeric", "network.estimation")
# 'network.only' errors
length_error(network.only, 1, "network.estimation")
typeof_error(network.only, "logical", "network.estimation")
# 'verbose' errors
length_error(verbose, 1, "network.estimation")
typeof_error(verbose, "logical", "network.estimation")
# Check for usable data
data <- usable_data(data, verbose)
# Return usable data in case of tibble
#' @noRd
# Send Network Methods for S3 ----
# Updated 07.07.2023
send_network_methods <- function(estimated_network, boot = FALSE)
# Obtain methods
methods <- attr(estimated_network, "methods")
# Set model
model <- methods$model
# Send output text based on model
if(model == "bggm"){ # BGGM
# Send model
"Model: ", toupper(methods$model),
" (", methods$type, ")"
# Send prior information
"\nPrior SD: ", methods$prior_sd,
" (", methods$iter, " iterations)"
# Send statistical information
"\nCredible Interval: ", methods$cred,
" (", gsub("\\.", "-", methods$alternative), ")"
# Send whether analytic solution
"\nAnalytic: ",
swiftelse(methods$analytic, "Yes", "No")
}else if(model == "glasso"){ # GLASSO
# Obtain model selection
model.selection <- methods$model.selection
# Determine whether EBIC was used
# Add gamma
if(model.selection == "ebic"){
model.selection_text <- paste0(
" (", toupper(model.selection),
" with gamma = ", methods$gamma, ")"
}else if(model.selection == "jsd"){
model.selection_text <- paste0(
" (", toupper(model.selection), ")"
# Don't print gamma
if(model.selection == "ebic"){
model.selection_text <- paste0(
" (", toupper(model.selection), ")"
}else if(model.selection == "jsd"){
model.selection_text <- paste0(
" (", toupper(model.selection), ")"
# Send model
"Model: ", toupper(methods$model),
# Send correlations
cat(paste0("\nCorrelations: ", methods$corr))
# Check for bootEGA
# Send lambda information
"\nLambda: ", methods$lambda,
" (n = ", methods$nlambda, ", ratio = ",
methods$lambda.min.ratio, ")"
}else if(model == "tmfg"){ # TMFG
# Send model
"Model: ", toupper(methods$model)
# Send correlations
"\nCorrelations: ", methods$corr,
" (", swiftelse(methods$partial, "partial", "zero-order"),
# Check for bootEGA
cat("\n\n") # Add breakspace
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method ----
# Updated 06.08.2023 <- function(x, ...)
# Determine whether result is a list
network <- x$estimated_network
network <- x
# Print methods information
# Obtain lower triangle
lower_triangle <- network[lower.tri(network)]
# Non-zero edges
non_zero_edges <- lower_triangle[lower_triangle != 0]
# Determine number and density of edges
edges <- length(non_zero_edges)
edge_density <- edges / length(lower_triangle)
# Obtain summary statistics (check for no edges)
if(edges != 0){
average_weight <- mean(non_zero_edges, na.rm = TRUE)
sd_weight <- sd(non_zero_edges, na.rm = TRUE)
range_weight <- range(non_zero_edges, na.rm = TRUE)
average_weight <- sd_weight <- 0
range_weight <- numeric(2)
# Print information about edges
cat(paste0("Number of nodes: ", dim(network)[2], "\n"))
cat(paste0("Number of edges: ", edges, "\n"))
cat(paste0("Edge density: ", format_decimal(edge_density, 3)))
# Add breakspace
# Print information about weights
cat("Non-zero edge weights: \n")
print_df <-
format_decimal(average_weight, 3),
format_decimal(sd_weight, 3),
format_decimal(range_weight[1], 3),
format_decimal(range_weight[2], 3)
), ncol = 4,
colnames = c("M", "SD", "Min", "Max")
print(print_df, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method ----
# Updated 05.07.2023 <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as print
# Function to find 'type' argument for `BGGM` ----
#' @noRd
# Updated 01.07.2023
find_BGGM_type <- function(data, ellipse)
# Check if "type" already exists
if("type" %in% names(ellipse)){
# To avoid conflict "type" with `bootEGA`
tolower(ellipse$type) %in%
c("binary", "ordinal", "continuous", "mixed")
# Obtain categories of the data
categories <- data_categories(data)
# Obtain unique categories
unique_categories <- unique_length(categories)
# If all the categories are the same,
# then either binary or ordinal
if(isTRUE(unique_categories == 1)){
# Perform switch
# (since all categories are the same
# just use the first index)
type <- unname(swiftelse(categories[1], "binary", "ordinal"))
}else{ # Not all are the same, then mixed, continuous, or not handled
# If missing 'ordinal.categories', then make it so! (it's not)
if(!"ordinal.categories" %in% names(ellipse)){
ellipse$ordinal.categories <- 7 # same as `auto.correlate`
# Determine whether continuous or mixed is appropriate
if(all(categories > ellipse$ordinal.categories)){
type <- "continuous"
}else if(all(categories >= 2) & all(categories <= ellipse$ordinal.categories)){
type <- "mixed"
}else{ # not handled... :(
# Get range
category_range <- range(categories)
# Send error
"The `BGGM::estimate` function cannot handle mixed continuous and ordinal data (see documentation `?BGGM::estimate`). ",
"The range of categories detected in 'data' was between ",
paste0(category_range, collapse = " and "), ". \n\n",
"If you believe this error is a mistake, add the argument 'ordinal.categories' and ",
"set the argument to either `", category_range[1] - 1, "` to treat all variables as ",
"continuous or `", category_range[2], "` to treat all variables as ordinal"
), call. = FALSE
# Return type
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