#' @title Predict New Data based on Network
#' @description General function to compute a network's predictive power on new data,
#' following Haslbeck and Waldorp (2018) and Williams and Rodriguez (2022)
#' This implementation is different from the \code{predictability} in the \code{mgm} package
#' (Haslbeck), which is based on (regularized) regression. This implementation uses
#' the network directly, converting the partial correlations into an implied
#' precision (inverse covariance) matrix. See \strong{Details} for more information
#' @param network Matrix or data frame.
#' A partial correlation network
#' @param Matrix or data frame.
#' Must consist only of variables to be used to estimate the \code{network}.
#' See \strong{Examples}
#' @param newdata Matrix or data frame.
#' Must consist of the same variables in the same order as \code{}.
#' See \strong{Examples}
#' @param ordinal.categories Numeric (length = 1).
#' \emph{Up to} the number of categories \emph{before} a variable is considered continuous.
#' Defaults to \code{7} categories before \code{8} is considered continuous
#' @return Returns a list containing:
#' \item{predictions}{Predicted values of \code{newdata} based on the \code{network}}
#' \item{betas}{Beta coefficients derived from the \code{network}}
#' \item{results}{Performance metrics for each variable in \code{newdata}}
#' @details This implementation of network predictability proceeds in several steps
#' with important assumptions:
#' 1. Network was estimated using (partial) correlations (not regression like the
#' \code{mgm} package!)
#' 2. Original data that was used to estimate the network in 1. is necessary to
#' apply the original scaling to the new data
#' 3. (Linear) regression-like coefficients are obtained by reserve engineering the
#' inverse covariance matrix using the network's partial correlations (i.e.,
#' by setting the diagonal of the network to -1 and computing the inverse
#' of the opposite signed partial correlation matrix; see \code{EGAnet:::pcor2inv})
#' 4. Predicted values are obtained by matrix multiplying the new data with these
#' coefficients
#' 5. \strong{Dichotomous and polytomous} data are given categorical values based
#' on the \strong{original data's} thresholds and these thresholds are used to
#' convert the continuous predicted values into their corresponding categorical values
#' 6. Evaluation metrics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item dichotomous --- \code{"Accuracy"} or the percent correctly predicted for the 0s and 1s
#' and \code{"Kappa"} or Cohen's Kappa (see cite)
#' \item polytomous --- \code{"Linear Kappa"} or linearly weighted Kappa and
#' \code{"Krippendorff's alpha"} (see cite)
#' \item continuous --- R-squared (\code{"R2"}) and root mean square error (\code{"RMSE"})
#' }
#' @author Hudson Golino <hfg9s at> and Alexander P. Christensen <>
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' wmt <- wmt2[,7:24]
#' # Set seed (to reproduce results)
#' set.seed(42)
#' # Split data
#' training <- sample(
#' 1:nrow(wmt), round(nrow(wmt) * 0.80) # 80/20 split
#' )
#' # Set splits
#' wmt_train <- wmt[training,]
#' wmt_test <- wmt[-training,]
#' # EBICglasso (default for EGA functions)
#' glasso_network <- network.estimation(
#' data = wmt_train, model = "glasso"
#' )
#' # Check predictability
#' network.predictability(
#' network = glasso_network, = wmt_train,
#' newdata = wmt_test
#' )
#' @references
#' \strong{Original Implementation of Node Predictability} \cr
#' Haslbeck, J. M., & Waldorp, L. J. (2018).
#' How well do network models predict observations? On the importance of predictability in network models.
#' \emph{Behavior Research Methods}, \emph{50}(2), 853–861.
#' \strong{Derivation of Regression Coefficients Used (Formula 3)} \cr
#' Williams, D. R., & Rodriguez, J. E. (2022).
#' Why overfitting is not (usually) a problem in partial correlation networks.
#' \emph{Psychological Methods}, \emph{27}(5), 822–840.
#' \strong{Cohen's Kappa} \cr
#' Cohen, J. (1960). A coefficient of agreement for nominal scales.
#' \emph{Educational and Psychological Measurement}, \emph{20}(1), 37-46.
#' Cohen, J. (1968). Weighted kappa: nominal scale agreement provision for scaled disagreement or partial credit.
#' \emph{Psychological Bulletin}, \emph{70}(4), 213-220.
#' \strong{Krippendorff's alpha} \cr
#' Krippendorff, K. (2013).
#' Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology (3rd ed.).
#' Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
#' @export
# Predict new data based on network ----
# Updated 10.07.2024
network.predictability <- function(network,, newdata, ordinal.categories = 7)
# Check for 'newdata'
if(missing(newdata)){newdata <-}
# Argument errors (return data in case of tibble)
output <- network.predictability_errors(
network,, newdata, ordinal.categories
# Put everything into a matrix
network <- as.matrix(output$network) <- as.matrix(output$
newdata <- as.matrix(output$newdata)
# Get dimensions
dimensions <- dim(newdata)
# Get dimension sequence
dim_sequence <- seq_len(dimensions[2])
# Get node names
node_names <- dimnames(network)[[2]]
# Combine original and new data
combined <- rbind(, newdata)
# Get sample size for the original data
original_n <- dim(combined)[1] - dimensions[1]
# Get data categories
categories <- data_categories(combined)
# Set flags
flags <- list(
dichotomous = categories == 2,
polytomous = categories > 2 & categories <= ordinal.categories
# Set categorical/continuous flag
flags$categorical <- flags$dichotomous | flags$polytomous
flags$continuous <- !flags$categorical
# Check for categories
# Ensure categories start at 1
one_start_list <- ensure_one_start(combined, flags, original_n)
# Sort out data[,flags$categorical] <- one_start_list$
newdata[,flags$categorical] <- one_start_list$newdata
# Create categorical factors list
categorical_factors <- vector("list", length = dimensions[2])
# Insert categorical factors
categorical_factors[flags$categorical] <- one_start_list$categorical_factors
# Get the inverse variances of original data
inverse_variances <- diag(solve(auto.correlate(
# Although it's probably more appropriate to use the network-implied
# invariance (co)variances, there are some network estimation methods
# that result in non-positive definite or near singular matrices with
# negative inverse variances
# Get betas
betas <- network * sqrt(outer(inverse_variances, inverse_variances, FUN = "/"))
# Obtain means and standard deviations
original_means <- colMeans(, na.rm = TRUE)
original_sds <- nvapply(
dim_sequence, function(i){sd([,i], na.rm = TRUE)}
# Scale from original data
newdata_scaled <- matrix(
nvapply(dim_sequence, function(i){
(newdata[,i] - original_means[i]) / original_sds[i]
}, LENGTH = dimensions[1]),
ncol = dimensions[2],
dimnames = list(NULL, node_names)
# Get predictions
predictions <- missing_matrix_multiply(newdata_scaled, betas)
# Loop over variables
for(i in dim_sequence){
# Check for categories
# Set factors for data
factored_data <- factor( # ensures proper tabling for accuracy[,i], levels =, max([,i], na.rm = TRUE), 1)
# Assign categories to each observation
predictions[,i] <- as.numeric(
x = predictions[,i], breaks = c(
-Inf, handle_thresholds(factored_data), Inf
) # `handle_thresholds` will properly adjust for missing thresholds
# Check for continuous data
# Get continuous predictions
continuous_predictions <- predictions[,flags$continuous, drop = FALSE]
# Get continuous means and standard deviations
continuous_means <- original_means[flags$continuous]
continuous_sds <- original_sds[flags$continuous]
# Put continuous predictions back to scale with the original continuous variables
for(i in ncol_sequence(continuous_predictions)){
# Back to scale
continuous_predictions[,i] <- continuous_predictions[,i] *
continuous_sds[i] + continuous_means[i]
# Return to predictions
predictions[,flags$continuous] <- continuous_predictions
# Obtain results
results <- setup_results(predictions, newdata, betas, node_names, dim_sequence)
# Check for categorical data
# Get categorical predictions
categorical_predictions <- results$predictions[, flags$categorical, drop = FALSE]
# Convert predicted categories back into their original sequence
for(i in ncol_sequence(categorical_predictions)){
categorical_predictions[,i] <- categorical_factors[[i]][categorical_predictions[,i]]
# Return to results
results$predictions[,flags$categorical] <- categorical_predictions[,, drop = FALSE]
# Attach categories to results
attr(results$results, "flags") <- flags
# Set class
class(results) <- "predictability"
# Return results
# Bug Checking ----
## Basic input
# wmt <- NetworkToolbox::neoOpen; set.seed(42); training <- sample(1:nrow(wmt), round(nrow(wmt) * 0.80))
# <- as.matrix(wmt[training,]); newdata <- as.matrix(wmt[-training,])
# network <- network.estimation(, model = "glasso")
# ordinal.categories = 7
# # Missing data
#[sample(1:length(, 1000)] <- NA
# newdata[sample(1:length(newdata), 1000)] <- NA
#' @noRd
# Argument errors ----
# Updated 10.02.2024
network.predictability_errors <- function(network,, newdata, ordinal.categories)
# 'network' errors
object_error(network, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "network.predict")
# Check for tibble
if(get_object_type(network) == "tibble"){
network <-
# '' errors
object_error(, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "network.predict")
# Check for tibble
if(get_object_type( == "tibble"){ <-
# 'newdata' errors
object_error(newdata, c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble"), "network.predict")
# Check for tibble
if(get_object_type(newdata) == "tibble"){
newdata <-
# 'ordinal.categories' errors
length_error(ordinal.categories, 1, "network.predict")
typeof_error(ordinal.categories, "numeric", "network.predict")
range_error(ordinal.categories, c(2, 11), "network.predict")
# Return usable data (in case of tibble)
return(list(network = network, =, newdata = newdata))
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method ----
# Updated 10.07.2024
print.predictability <- function(x, ...)
# Print with three digits
print(x$results, digits = 3, quote = FALSE)
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method ----
# Updated 11.02.2024
summary.predictability <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as `print`
#' @noRd
# Ensure that categorical data start at one ----
# Updated 26.02.2024
ensure_one_start <- function(combined, flags, original_n)
# Convert categories
categorical_data <- combined[, flags$categorical, drop = FALSE]
# Get categorical sequence
categorical_sequence <- ncol_sequence(categorical_data)
# Initialize factors
categorical_factors <- lapply(
categorical_sequence, function(i){
# Get minimum values
minimum_values <- nvapply(, min)
# Set starting values to 1 for all categorical data
for(i in categorical_sequence){
# Check for categorical values *not* equal to one
if(minimum_values[i] != 1){
# Replace data
categorical_data[,i] <- swiftelse(
minimum_values[i] > 1,
categorical_data[,i] - (minimum_values[i] - (minimum_values[i] - 1)),
categorical_data[,i] + (abs(minimum_values[i]) - (abs(minimum_values[i]) - 1))
# Get original data indices
original_index <- seq_len(original_n)
# Return results
list( = categorical_data[original_index,, drop = FALSE],
newdata = categorical_data[-original_index,, drop = FALSE],
categorical_factors = categorical_factors
#' @noRd
# Missing data matrix multiplication ----
# Updated 17.02.2024
missing_matrix_multiply <- function(X, Y)
# For this function, only X is expected to have missing data
# Check for missing
# Determine NA indices
indices <-
# Set NAs to zero
X[indices] <- 0
# Perform matrix multiplication
outcome <- X %*% Y
# Set outcomes to NA
outcome[indices] <- NA
# Return outcome
}else{ # no missing return normal
return(X %*% Y)
#' @noRd
# Handle thresholds ----
# Updated 14.02.2024
handle_thresholds <- function(factored_data)
# Get thresholds from original data
thresholds <- obtain_thresholds(factored_data)
# Detect infinities (with signs)
infinities <- is.infinite(thresholds) * sign(thresholds)
# Check for infinities
if(any(abs(infinities) == 1)){
# Convert negative infinities
negative_infinities <- infinities == -1
thresholds[negative_infinities] <- -1000 + (1:sum(negative_infinities))
# Convert positive infinities
positive_infinities <- infinities == 1
thresholds[positive_infinities] <- 1000 - (sum(positive_infinities):1)
# Determine identical thresholds
while(any(colSums(outer(thresholds, thresholds, FUN = "==")) > 1)){
# Loop over thresholds and increase from the highest threshold
for(i in length(thresholds):2){
# Check for identical thresholds (provide slight nudge)
if(thresholds[i] == thresholds[i - 1]){
thresholds[i] <- thresholds[i] + 1e-07
# Return thresholds
#' @noRd
# Get accuracy ----
# Updated 10.07.2024
accuracy <- function(prediction, observed)
# Try to get correlation
correlation <- try(
silent_call(auto.correlate(cbind(prediction, observed))),
silent = TRUE
# Return values
R2 = swiftelse(is(correlation, "try-error"), NA, correlation[1,2])^2,
MAE = mean(abs(prediction - observed), na.rm = TRUE)
#' @noRd
# Set up results ----
# Updated 10.07.2024
setup_results <- function(predictions, newdata, betas, node_names, dim_sequence)
# Return final results
predictions = predictions,
betas = betas,
results =
dim_sequence, function(i){accuracy(predictions[,i], newdata[,i])}, LENGTH = 2
), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(node_names, c("R2", "MAE"))
#' @noRd
# Ensure that categorical data start at one ----
# Updated 13.05.2024
ensure_one_start <- function(combined, flags, original_n)
# Convert categories
categorical_data <- combined[, flags$categorical, drop = FALSE]
# Get categorical sequence
categorical_sequence <- ncol_sequence(categorical_data)
# Initialize factors
categorical_factors <- lapply(
categorical_sequence, function(i){
# Get minimum values
minimum_values <- nvapply(, min, na.rm = TRUE)
# Set starting values to 1 for all categorical data
for(i in categorical_sequence){
# Check for categorical values *not* equal to one
if(minimum_values[i] != 1){
# Replace data
categorical_data[,i] <- swiftelse(
minimum_values[i] > 1,
categorical_data[,i] - (minimum_values[i] - (minimum_values[i] - 1)),
categorical_data[,i] + (abs(minimum_values[i]) - (abs(minimum_values[i]) - 1))
# Get original data indices
original_index <- seq_len(original_n)
# Return results
list( = categorical_data[original_index,],
newdata = categorical_data[-original_index,],
categorical_factors = categorical_factors
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