Defines functions thetasolve ELLR deltasolve ELconf EL.local thetarange.opt.qdiff thetarange.qdiff deltarange.opt.qdiff deltarange.qdiff trange.qdiff alpha2.qdiff alpha1.qdiff w2.qdiff w1.qdiff thetarange.fdiff deltarange.opt.fdiff deltarange.fdiff deltarange.fdiff.prim trange.fdiff alpha2.fdiff alpha1.fdiff w2.fdiff w1.fdiff thetarange.qq deltarange.opt.qq deltarange.qq trange.qq alpha2.qq alpha1.qq w2.qq w1.qq thetarange.opt.pp thetarange.pp deltarange.opt.pp deltarange.pp trange.pp alpha2.pp alpha1.pp w2.pp w1.pp thetarange.opt.roc thetarange.roc deltarange.opt.roc deltarange.roc trange.roc alpha2.roc alpha1.roc w2.roc w1.roc DHsmooth Hsmooth thetarange.huber deltarange.huber trange.huber alpha2.huber alpha1.huber w2.huber w1.huber thetarange.mean deltarange.mean trange.mean alpha2.mean alpha1.mean w2.mean w1.mean set.method kernel.inorm kernel.dnorm kernel.norm set.kernel bw.init set.bw set.globals EL.Huber EL.means EL.smooth EL.plot EL.statistic

Documented in EL.Huber EL.means EL.plot EL.smooth EL.statistic

EL.statistic <- function(method, X, Y, d, t, bw = bw.nrd0)
    EL.local(ELLR, X, Y, d, t, method=method, bw = bw)

EL.plot <- function(method, X, Y, bw = bw.nrd0,
                    conf.level=NULL, simultaneous=FALSE,
                    bootstrap.samples=300, more.warnings=FALSE, ...)
    numpoints <- 50
    call <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    optional <- call$...
    switch(match(method, c("fdiff", "qdiff", "qq", "pp", "roc")),
             dxlab <- expression(x)
             dylab <- substitute(expression(F[a]-F[b]), list(a = call$Y, b = call$X))
             dxlab <- "P"
             dylab <- substitute(expression(F[a]^-1-F[b]^-1), list(a = call$Y, b = call$X))
             dxlab <- substitute(expression(F[a]^-1), list(a = call$Y))
             dylab <- substitute(expression(F[a]^-1), list(a = call$X))
             dxlab <- substitute(expression(F[a]), list(a = call$Y))
             dylab <- substitute(expression(F[a]), list(a = call$X))
             dxlab <- "False positive rate"
             dylab <- "True positive rate"
    tr <- EL.local(function(globals, X, Y) globals$trange(globals, X, Y), X, Y, method=method, bw=bw)
    if (simultaneous)
        trlen <- tr[2] - tr[1]
        tr[1] <- tr[1] + 0.05 * trlen
        tr[2] <- tr[2] - 0.05 * trlen
    t <- seq(tr[1], tr[2], length=numpoints)
    zz <- EL.smooth(method=method, X, Y, t, bw=bw, conf.level = conf.level,
                    simultaneous = simultaneous, bootstrap.samples=bootstrap.samples, more.warnings=more.warnings)
    if (!is.null(conf.level))
      dylim <- c(min(zz$conf.int[1,]), max(zz$conf.int[2,]))
      dylim <- c(min(zz$estim), max(zz$estim))

    if (!("xlab" %in% names(optional)))
      optional <- c(optional, list(xlab=dxlab))
    if (!("ylab" %in% names(optional)))
      optional <- c(optional, list(ylab=dylab))
    if (!("ylim" %in% names(optional)))
      optional <- c(optional, list(ylim=dylim))
    eval(as.call(c(as.list(quote(plot(t, zz$estim, type='l'))), optional)))
    if (!is.null(conf.level))
        eval(as.call(c(as.list(quote(lines(t, zz$conf.int[1,], lty="dashed"))), optional)))
        eval(as.call(c(as.list(quote(lines(t, zz$conf.int[2,], lty="dashed"))), optional)))

EL.smooth <- function(method, X, Y, t, bw = bw.nrd0,
                     conf.level=NULL, simultaneous=FALSE, bootstrap.samples=300,
                      more.warnings = FALSE)
    warnings <- FALSE
    mm <- function(globals, tt)
        d <- sapply(tt, function(t) deltasolve(globals, X, Y, t))
        bs <- NA
        conffun <- function(conf.level)
            function(k) withCallingHandlers(ELconf(globals, X, Y, tt[k], conf.level, delta=d[k]),
                                            simpleWarning = function(e)
                                              if (!more.warnings)
                                                  warnings <<- TRUE
        if (is.null(conf.level))
          ci <- NA
            if (!simultaneous)
                ci <- sapply(1:length(tt), conffun(conf.level))
                attr(ci, "conf.level") <- conf.level
                bootup <- function()
                    X1 <- sample(X, replace=TRUE)
                    Y1 <- sample(Y, replace=TRUE)
                    max(mapply(ELLR, delta=d, t=tt, MoreArgs=list(globals=globals, X=X1, Y=Y1)))
                bs <- sort(replicate(bootstrap.samples, bootup()))
                bs <- bs[ceiling(conf.level * bootstrap.samples)]
                ci <- sapply(1:length(tt), conffun(pchisq(bs, 1)))
        list(estimate=d, conf.int=ci, simultaneous.conf.int=simultaneous, bootstrap.crit = bs)
    res <- EL.local(mm, t, method=method, bw = bw)
    if (warnings)
      warning("Estimates or confidence bands for some values could not be found. For a detailed report, run this command again with 'more.warnings = TRUE'.", call. = FALSE)

EL.means <- function(X, Y, mu = 0, conf.level=0.95)
    call <- match.call()
    mm <- function(globals)
        d <- deltasolve(globals, X, Y, 0)
        names(d) <- "Mean difference"
        ci <- ELconf(globals, X, Y, 0, conf.level, delta=d)
        attr(ci, "conf.level") <- conf.level
        ll <- ELLR(globals, X, Y, mu, 0)
        names(ll) <- "-2 * LogLikelihood"
        res <- list(estimate=d, conf.int=ci, p.value = 1 - pchisq(ll, 1), statistic = ll,
                    method="Empirical likelihood mean difference test",
                    null.value=mu, data.name = paste(deparse(call$X), " and ", deparse(call$Y)))
        class(res) <- "htest"
    EL.local(mm, method="mean")

EL.Huber <- function(X, Y, mu=0, conf.level=0.95, scaleX=1, scaleY=1, VX=2.046, VY=2.046, k=1.35)
    call <- match.call()
    mm <- function(globals)
        globals$Hsigma1 <- scaleX
        globals$Hsigma2 <- scaleY
        globals$Hconst <- k
        globals$HV1 <- VX
        globals$HV2 <- VY
        d <- deltasolve(globals, X, Y, 0)
        names(d) <- "Huber estimator difference"
        ci <- ELconf(globals, X, Y, 0, conf.level, delta=d)
        ll <- ELLR(globals, X, Y, mu, 0)
        names(ll) <- "-2 * LogLikelihood"
        attr(ci, "conf.level") <- conf.level
        res <- list(estimate=d, conf.int=ci, p.value = 1 - pchisq(ll, 1), statistic = ll,
                    method="Empirical likelihood Huber estimator difference test",
                    null.value=mu, data.name = paste(deparse(call$X), " and ", deparse(call$Y)))
        class(res) <- "htest"
    EL.local(mm, method="huber")

#### Globals setup

set.globals <- function(globals)
    globals$lambda1 <- 0
    globals$lambda2 <- 0
    globals$wval1 <- NULL
    globals$wval2 <- NULL
    globals$lambdarange1 <- 0
    globals$lambdarange2 <- 0
    globals$degenerate <- FALSE
    globals$precision <- 1e-4

#### Bandwidth setup

set.bw <- function(globals, bw)
    globals$bw.X <- 0
    globals$bw.Y <- 0
    globals$bw <- bw
    globals$initbw <- bw.init

bw.init <- function(globals, X, Y)
    if ((globals$bw.X != 0) && (globals$bw.Y != 0))
    if (is.function(globals$bw))
        globals$bw.X <- globals$bw(X)
        globals$bw.Y <- globals$bw(Y)
        globals$bw.X <- globals$bw[1]
        globals$bw.Y <- globals$bw[2]

#### Kernel setup

set.kernel <- function(globals)
    globals$krnl <- kernel.norm
    globals$dkrnl <- kernel.dnorm
    globals$ikrnl <- kernel.inorm

kernel.norm <- function(t)

kernel.dnorm <- function(t)

kernel.inorm <- function(t)

#### Method setup

set.method <- function(globals, type)
    if (!(type %in% c("pp", "qq", "roc", "mean", "fdiff", "qdiff", "huber")))
      stop(paste("Unknown EL method: ", type, "\n",
                 "Recognized EL methods are: pp, qq, roc, mean, fdiff, qdiff."))

    globals$w1 <- get(paste("w1.", type, sep=""))
    globals$w2 <- get(paste("w2.", type, sep=""))
    globals$alpha1 <- get(paste("alpha1.", type, sep=""))
    globals$alpha2 <- get(paste("alpha2.", type, sep=""))
    globals$trange <- get(paste("trange.", type, sep=""))
    globals$deltarange <- get(paste("deltarange.", type, sep=""))
    globals$thetarange <- get(paste("thetarange.", type, sep=""))
    globals$deltarange.opt <- get(paste("deltarange.opt.", type, sep=""))
    globals$thetarange.opt <- get(paste("thetarange.opt.", type, sep=""))
    globals$use.smoothing <- get(paste("use.smoothing.", type, sep=""))

### Mean
w1.mean <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  X - theta

w2.mean <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  X - theta + delta

alpha1.mean <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)

alpha2.mean <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)

trange.mean <- function(globals, X, Y)
  stop("Mean differences are not dependent on the parameter t.")

deltarange.mean <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    tr <- c(min(X), max(X))
    tol <- 0.01 * (tr[2] - tr[1])
    c(tr[1] -max(Y) + tol, tr[2]-min(Y)- tol)

deltarange.opt.mean <- deltarange.mean

thetarange.mean <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    tr <- c(min(X), max(X))
    dr <- c(min(Y) + delta, max(Y) + delta)
    tol <- 0.01 * (tr[2] - tr[1])
    c(max(tr[1], dr[1]) + tol, min(tr[2], dr[2]) - tol)

thetarange.opt.mean <- thetarange.mean

use.smoothing.mean <- FALSE

### Huber estimator

w1.huber <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
    globals$Hsigma <- globals$Hsigma1
    globals$HV <- globals$HV1
    Hsmooth(globals, (X - theta) / globals$Hsigma)

w2.huber <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
    globals$Hsigma <- globals$Hsigma2
    globals$HV <- globals$HV2
    Hsmooth(globals, (X - theta + delta) / globals$Hsigma)

alpha1.huber <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
    globals$Hsigma <- globals$Hsigma1
    globals$HV <- globals$HV1
    - DHsmooth(globals, (X - theta) / globals$Hsigma) / globals$Hsigma

alpha2.huber <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
    globals$Hsigma <- globals$Hsigma2
    globals$HV <- globals$HV2
    - DHsmooth(globals, (X - theta + delta) / globals$Hsigma) / globals$Hsigma

trange.huber <- function(globals, X, Y)
  stop("Huber estimator differences are not dependent on the parameter t.")

deltarange.huber <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    tr <- c(min(X), max(X))
    c(tr[1] -max(Y) + globals$precision, tr[2]-min(Y)- globals$precision)

deltarange.huber <- deltarange.mean

deltarange.opt.huber <- deltarange.huber

thetarange.huber <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    tr <- c(min(X) + globals$precision, max(X) - globals$precision)
    dr <- c(min(Y) + delta, max(Y) + delta)
    c(max(tr[1], dr[1]-globals$precision), min(tr[2], dr[2]+globals$precision))

thetarange.huber <- thetarange.mean

thetarange.opt.huber <- thetarange.huber

use.smoothing.huber <- FALSE

Hsmooth <- function(globals, x)
    x.l <- (x - globals$Hconst) / globals$HV
    x.r <- (x + globals$Hconst) / globals$HV
    pnorm(x.l) * (globals$Hconst - x) + pnorm(x.r) * (globals$Hconst + x) -
      globals$Hconst + globals$HV * (dnorm(x.r) - dnorm(x.l))

DHsmooth <- function(globals, x)
    x.l <- (x - globals$Hconst) / globals$HV
    x.r <- (x + globals$Hconst) / globals$HV
    pnorm(x.r) - pnorm(x.l)

### ROC

w1.roc <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.X) - (1 - delta)

w2.roc <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.Y) - (1 - t)

alpha1.roc <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$dkrnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.X) / globals$bw.X

alpha2.roc <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$dkrnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.Y) / globals$bw.Y

trange.roc <- function(globals, X, Y)
    c(0.01, 0.99)

deltarange.roc <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    dY <- globals$bw.Y * globals$ikrnl(t)
    diffs <- c(max(X) - min(Y) + dY, min(X) - max(Y) + dY)
    range <- globals$krnl(diffs / globals$bw.X)
    c(min(range)+globals$precision, max(range)-globals$precision)

deltarange.opt.roc <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    kk <- 1 - ecdf(X)(c(quantile(Y, 1-t) - 3 * globals$bw.X, quantile(Y, 1-t) + 3 * globals$bw.X))
    c(max(0.001, kk[2] - 0.001), min(0.999, kk[1] + 0.001))

thetarange.roc <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    dX <- globals$bw.X * globals$ikrnl(delta)
    dY <- globals$bw.Y * globals$ikrnl(t)
    dd <- c(max(min(X) - dX, min(Y) - dY), min(max(X) - dX, max(Y) - dY))
    c(dd[1] + 0.01 * (dd[2] - dd[1]), dd[2] - 0.01 * (dd[2] - dd[1]))

thetarange.opt.roc <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    extreme <- thetarange.roc(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    tol <- 2 * globals$bw.Y
    qY <- quantile(Y, 1-t)
    c(max(extreme[1], qY - tol), min(extreme[2], qY + tol))

use.smoothing.roc <- TRUE

### P-P plots

w1.pp <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.X) - delta

w2.pp <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.Y) - t

alpha1.pp <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$dkrnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.X) / globals$bw.X

alpha2.pp <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$dkrnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.Y) / globals$bw.Y

trange.pp <- function(globals, X, Y)
    c(0.01, 0.99)

deltarange.pp <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    c(0.001, 0.999)

deltarange.opt.pp <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    kk <- ecdf(X)(c(quantile(Y, t) - 3 * globals$bw.X, quantile(Y, t) + 3 * globals$bw.X))
    c(max(0.001, kk[1] - 0.001), min(0.999, kk[2] + 0.001))

thetarange.pp <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    dX <- globals$bw.X * globals$ikrnl(delta)
    dY <- globals$bw.Y * globals$ikrnl(t)
    dd <- c(max(min(X) + dX, min(Y) + dY), min(max(X) + dX, max(Y) + dY))
    c(dd[1] + 0.01 * (dd[2] - dd[1]), dd[2] - 0.01 * (dd[2] - dd[1]))

thetarange.opt.pp <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    dX <- globals$bw.X * globals$ikrnl(delta)
    dY <- globals$bw.Y * globals$ikrnl(t)
    dd <- c(max(min(X) + dX, min(Y) + dY), min(max(X) + dX, max(Y) + dY))
    extreme <- c(dd[1] + 0.01 * (dd[2] - dd[1]), dd[2] - 0.01 * (dd[2] - dd[1]))

    tol <- 2 * globals$bw.Y
    qY <- quantile(Y, t) 
    c(max(extreme[1],  qY - tol), min(extreme[2], qY + tol))

use.smoothing.pp <- TRUE

### Q-Q plots
w1.qq <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((delta - X) / globals$bw.X) - theta

w2.qq <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((t - X) / globals$bw.Y) - theta

alpha1.qq <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)

alpha2.qq <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)

trange.qq <- function(globals, X, Y)
  c(min(Y), max(Y))

deltarange.qq <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    c(min(X) + globals$precision, max(X) - globals$precision)

deltarange.opt.qq <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    extreme <- deltarange.qq(globals, X, Y, t)

    tol <- globals$bw.Y
    tr <- ecdf(Y)(c(t - tol, t + tol))
    upper <- quantile(X, tr[2]) +  globals$bw.X
    lower <- quantile(X, tr[1]) -  globals$bw.X
    c(max(lower, extreme[1]), min(upper, extreme[2]))

thetarange.qq <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    ww <- w2.qq(globals, Y, 0, 0, t)
    tr <- c(min(ww), max(ww))
    ww <- w1.qq(globals, X, 0, delta, 0)
    dr <- c(min(ww), max(ww))
    c(max(tr[1], dr[1]) + globals$precision, min(tr[2], dr[2]) - globals$precision)

thetarange.opt.qq <- thetarange.qq

use.smoothing.qq <- TRUE

### F difference
w1.fdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((t - X) / globals$bw.X) - theta

w2.fdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((t - X) / globals$bw.Y) - theta - delta

alpha1.fdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)

alpha2.fdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)

trange.fdiff <- function(globals, X, Y)
  c(max(c(min(X), min(Y))), min(c(max(X), max(Y))))

deltarange.fdiff.prim <- function(globals, X, Y, t, prec)
  ww <- w1.fdiff(globals, X, 0, 0, t)
  tr <- c(min(ww), max(ww))
  ww <- w2.fdiff(globals, Y, 0, 0, t)
  c(min(ww) - tr[2] + prec, max(ww) - tr[1] - prec)

deltarange.fdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
  deltarange.fdiff.prim(globals, X, Y, t, globals$precision)

deltarange.opt.fdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
  deltarange.fdiff.prim(globals, X, Y, t, 1e-7)

thetarange.fdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
  ww <- w1.fdiff(globals, X, 0, 0, t)
  tr <- c(min(ww), max(ww))
  ww <- w2.fdiff(globals, Y, 0, delta, t)
  tr2 <- c(min(ww), max(ww))
  c(max(tr2[1], tr[1]) + 1e-7, min(tr2[2], tr[2]) - 1e-7)

thetarange.opt.fdiff <- thetarange.fdiff

use.smoothing.fdiff <- TRUE

### Quantile difference

w1.qdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.X) - t

w2.qdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$krnl((theta + delta - X) / globals$bw.Y) - t

alpha1.qdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$dkrnl((theta - X) / globals$bw.X) / globals$bw.X

alpha2.qdiff <- function(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
  globals$dkrnl((theta + delta - X) / globals$bw.Y) / globals$bw.Y

trange.qdiff <- function(globals, X, Y)
    minlen <- min(length(X), length(Y))
    c(1/minlen, 1 - 1/minlen)

deltarange.qdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    c(min(Y) - max(X) + globals$precision, max(Y) - min(X) - globals$precision)

deltarange.opt.qdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    extreme <- deltarange.qdiff(globals, X, Y, t)

    tol <- 2 * globals$bw.Y
    qdiff <- quantile(Y, t) - quantile(X, t)
    c(max(extreme[1], qdiff - tol), min(extreme[2], qdiff + tol))

thetarange.qdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    dX <- globals$bw.X * globals$ikrnl(1-t)
    dY <- globals$bw.Y * globals$ikrnl(1-t)
    c(max(min(X) - dX, min(Y) - delta - dY) + globals$precision, min(max(X) - dX, max(Y) - delta - dY) - globals$precision)

thetarange.opt.qdiff <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    extreme <- thetarange.qdiff(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    tol <- 2 * globals$bw.X
    qX <- quantile(X, t)
    c(max(extreme[1], qX - tol), min(extreme[2], qX + tol))    

use.smoothing.qdiff <- TRUE

#### Generalized calling

EL.local <- function(fun, ..., bw = bw.nrd0, method)
    globals <- list()
    globals <- set.method(globals, method)
    globals <- set.globals(globals)
    globals <- set.kernel(globals)
    globals <- set.bw(globals, bw)
    fun(globals, ...)

#### Calculations

ELconf <- function(globals, X, Y, t, p.level=0.95, delta=NULL)
    globals <- globals$initbw(globals, X, Y)
      delta <- deltasolve(globals, X, Y, t)

    if (is.na(delta))
      return(c(NA, NA))
    critval <- qchisq(p.level, 1)
    ELlim <- function(delt)
        ELLR(globals, X, Y, delt, t) - critval

    drange <- globals$deltarange(globals, X, Y, t)
    if (drange[2] < drange[1])

    if (ELlim(delta) < 0)
        if (ELlim(drange[1]) > 0)
            lo <- uniroot(ELlim, c(drange[1], delta))$root
            warning(paste("Could not find lower confidence bound for t =", t, "."), call. = FALSE)
            lo <- drange[1]
        if (ELlim(drange[2]) > 0)
            hi <- uniroot(ELlim, c(delta, drange[2]))$root
            warning(paste("Could not find upper confidence bound for t =", t, "."), call. = FALSE)
            hi <- drange[2]
        warning(paste("Could not find estimate at t =", t, "."), call. = FALSE)
        hi <- delta
        lo <- delta
    c(lo, hi)

deltasolve <- function(globals, X, Y, t)
    globals <- globals$initbw(globals, X, Y)
    dr <- globals$deltarange.opt(globals, X, Y, t)
    if (dr[2] < dr[1])
    if (dr[2] - dr[1] < 1e-7)
    globals$tr <- globals$thetarange
    globals$thetarange <- globals$thetarange.opt
    oo <- suppressWarnings(optimize(function(d) ELLR(globals, X, Y, d, t), dr))
    globals$thetarange <- globals$tr
    if (is.finite(oo$objective))

ELLR <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    globals <- globals$initbw(globals, X, Y)
    ts <- thetasolve(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    theta <- ts$theta
    globals <- ts$globals
    if (!globals$degenerate)
        lr <- 2* (sum(log(1 + globals$lambda1 * globals$wval1)) +
                  sum(log(1 + globals$lambda2 * globals$wval2)))
        if (lr < 1e-7)

thetasolve <- function(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    globals <- globals$initbw(globals, X, Y)
    len1 <- length(X)
    len2 <- length(Y)
    tgrad <- function(theta)
        globals$degenerate <<- FALSE
        globals$wval1 <<- globals$w1(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
        globals$wval2 <<- globals$w2(globals, Y, theta, delta, t)
        alphaval1 <- globals$alpha1(globals, X, theta, delta, t)
        if (is.na(alphaval1[2]))
          alphaval1 <- rep.int(alphaval1, len1)
        alphaval2 <- globals$alpha2(globals, Y, theta, delta, t)
        if (is.na(alphaval2[2]))
          alphaval2 <- rep.int(alphaval2, len2)
        res <- .C("theta_equation",
                  l1 = double(1),
                  l2 = double(1),
                  res = double(1))
        globals$lambda1 <<- res$l1
        globals$lambda2 <<- res$l2

    tr <- globals$thetarange(globals, X, Y, delta, t)
    if (tr[1] > tr[2])
        globals$degenerate <- TRUE
        return(list(theta = NA, globals=globals))
    theta <- suppressWarnings(try(uniroot(tgrad, tr)$root, silent=TRUE))
    list(theta = theta, globals = globals)

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