
Defines functions select_genes cluster_genes all_cluster_tissues cluster_tissues top_genes_cluster_tissues heat_maps plot_single_gene

Documented in all_cluster_tissues cluster_genes cluster_tissues heat_maps plot_single_gene select_genes top_genes_cluster_tissues

#'@import ggplot2 mclust scales tools

#'Selects genes using the EMMIXgene algorithm, following the methodology of 
#'G. J. McLachlan, R. W. Bean, D. Peel; A mixture model-based approach to the 
#'clustering of microarray expression data , Bioinformatics, Volume 18, 
#'Issue 3, 1 March 2002, Pages 413–422,
#'@section Functions:
#'\code{\link{select_genes}}: Selects the most differentially expressed genes.
#'\code{\link{cluster_genes}}: Clusters the genes using a mixture model
#'\code{\link{cluster_tissues}}: Clusters the tissues based on the differences 
#'between the tissue samples among the gene groups.
#'See \code{vignette('The-EMMIXgene-Workflow')} for more details.
#' @docType package
#' @name EMMIXgene

#'@title Selects genes using the EMMIXgene algorithm.
#'@description Follows the gene selection methodology of 
#'G. J. McLachlan, R. W. Bean, D. Peel; A mixture model-based approach to the 
#'clustering of microarray expression data , Bioinformatics, Volume 18, 
#'Issue 3, 1 March 2002, Pages 413–422,
#'@param dat A matrix or dataframe containing gene expression data.
#'Rows are genes and columns are samples. Must supply one of filename and dat.
#'@param filename Name of file containing gene data. Can be either .csv 
#'or space separated .dat. Rows are genes and columns are samples. 
#'Must supply one of filename and dat.
#'@param random_starts The number of random initializations used per gene when
#'fitting mixtures of t-distributions. Initialization uses k-means by default.
#'@param max_it The maximum number of iterations per mixture fit. 
#'Default value is 100.
#'@param ll_thresh The difference in -2 log lambda used as a threshold 
#'for selecting between g=1 and g=2 for each gene. Default value is 8,
#'which was chosen arbitrarily in the original paper.
#'@param min_clust_size The minimum number of observations per cluster
#'used when fitting mixtures of t-distributions for each gene.
#'Default value is 8. 
#'@param tol Tolerance value used for detecting convergence of EMMIX fits. 
#'@param start_method Default value is "both". 
#'Can also choose "random" for purely random starts.
#'@param three Also test g=2 vs g=3 where appropriate. Defaults to FALSE.
#'@return An EMMIXgene object containing:
#'\item{stat}{The difference in log-likelihood for g=1 
#'and g=2 for each gene (or for g=2 and g=3 where relevant).}
#'\item{g}{The selected number of components for each gene.}
#'\item{it}{The number of iterations for each genes selected fit.} 
#'\item{selected}{An indicator for each genes selected status}
#'\item{ranks}{selected gene ids ranked by stat}
#'\item{genes}{A dataframe of selected genes.}
#'\item{all_genes}{Returns dat or contents of filename.}
#'#only run on first 100 genes for speed
#'alon_sel <- select_genes(alon_data[seq_len(100), ]) 
select_genes<-function(dat, filename, random_starts=4, max_it = 100, 
                ll_thresh = 8, min_clust_size = 8, tol = 0.0001,
                start_method ="both",  three=FALSE){
        stop("Must supply one of filename and dat.")
        stop("Must supply ONLY one of filename and dat.")
            data<-as.matrix(utils::read.delim(filename, sep=" ", header=FALSE))}
            data<-as.matrix(utils::read.csv(filename, header=FALSE))}
        warning("Incomplete cases removed removed.")
        warning("Some rows are constant across samples and have been removed.")
    #remove missing data
    #actual method
    #do emmix_gene C++ routine
    a<-emmix_gene(data,random_starts, max_it, ll_thresh,
            min_clust_size,tol,start_method, three)

    #add selected genes to result
    a$genes <- data[a$g>1,]
    a$all_genes <- data
    #ranks of selected 
    a$ranks<-order(a$stat2, decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)
    a$stat2 <- NULL
    result<-structure(a, class="EMMIXgene")
    #return selected genes

#'Clusters genes using mixtures of normal distributions
#'Sorts genes into clusters using mixtures of normal distributions with
#'covariance matrices restricted to be multiples of the identity matrix.
#'@param gen an EMMIXgene object produced by select_genes().  
#'@param g The desired number of gene clusters. If not specified will be 
#'selected automatically on the basis of BIC.
#'@return An array containing the clustering. 
#'#only run on first 100 genes for speed
#'alon_sel <- select_genes(alon_data[seq_len(100), ]) 
#'alon_clust<- cluster_genes(alon_sel , 2)
cluster_genes<-function(gen, g=NULL){
    clust_genes_k<-tkmeans(as.matrix(gen$genes), k=g, 0.00001, 
            rep(1, ncol(gen$genes)), 10, 100, 0.001, FALSE)
    clusters<-nearest_cluster(as.matrix(gen$genes), clust_genes_k)
    #clust_genes<-mclust::Mclust((gen$genes), G=g, modelNames = "VII")
    for(i in seq_len(g)){
            each_gene(colMeans(gen$genes[clusters==i, ,drop=FALSE]))$Ratio
    #reorder clusters as ranked by mean of ll statistic from EMMIXgene fit
    levels(tmp) <- as.character(order(unlist(ll_rank_stat), decreasing = TRUE))

#'Clusters tissues using all group means
#'@param gen EMMIXgene object
#'@param clusters mclust object
#'@param q number of factors if using mfa
#'@param G number of components if using mfa
#'@return a clustering for each sample (columns) by each group(rows)
#'example <- plot_single_gene(alon_data,1) 
#'#only run on first 100 genes for speed
#'alon_sel <- select_genes(alon_data[seq_len(100), ]) 
#'alon_clust<- cluster_genes(alon_sel , 2)
#'\donttest{alon_tissue_all<-all_cluster_tissues(alon_sel, alon_clust, q=1, G=2)}
all_cluster_tissues<-function(gen, clusters, q=6, G=2){
    g<- length(table(clusters))
    for(i in seq_len(g)){
        group_means[i,] <- colMeans(gen$genes[clusters==i,,drop=FALSE])
    mfa_fit<-mcfa(t(group_means), G, q, itmax=100, nkmeans=5, nrandom=5)
    clustering<- as.numeric(predict.mcfa(mfa_fit, t(group_means))-1) 

#'Clusters tissues
#'@param gen EMMIXgene object
#'@param clusters mclust object
#'@param method Method for separating tissue classes. Can be either 't' for a 
#'univariate mixture of t-distributions on gene cluster means, or 'mfa'
#'for a mixture of factor analyzers. 
#'@param q number of factors if using mfa
#'@param G number of components if using mfa
#'@return a clustering for each sample (columns) by each group(rows)
#'#only run on first 100 genes for speed
#'alon_sel <- select_genes(alon_data[seq_len(100), ]) 
#'alon_clust<- cluster_genes(alon_sel,2)
#'    cluster_tissues(alon_sel,alon_clust,method='t')
#'    cluster_tissues(alon_sel, alon_clust,method='mfa',q=2,G=2) 
cluster_tissues<-function(gen, clusters, method='t', q=6, G=2){
        for(i in seq_len(g)){
            group_means <- colMeans(gen$genes[clusters==i,,drop=FALSE])
            t_fit<-emmix_t(group_means, G)
        for(i in seq_len(g)){
            group <- as.matrix((gen$genes[clusters==i,,drop=FALSE]))
            #actually mixture of common factor analysers. consider fixing.
                q1<-min(q, sum(clusters==i)-1 )
                mfa_fit<-mcfa(t(group), G, q1, itmax=100,
                nkmeans=50, nrandom=50)
                clustering[i,]<- as.numeric(predict.mcfa(mfa_fit, t(group))-1) 

#'Cluster tissues
#'@param gen An EMMIXgene object produced by select_genes().
#'@param n_top number of top genes (as ranked by likelihood) to be selected
#'@param method Method for separating tissue classes. Can be either 't' for a 
#'univariate mixture of t-distributions on gene cluster means, 
#'or 'mfa' for a mixture of factor analysers. 
#'@param q number of factors if using mfa
#'@param g number of components if using mfa
#'@return An EMMIXgene object containing:
#'\item{stat}{A matrix containing clustering (0 or 1) 
#'for each sample (columns) by each group(rows).}
#'\item{top_gene}{The row numbers of the top genes.}
#'\item{fit}{The fit object used to determine the clustering.}
#'\donttest{alon_sel <- select_genes(alon_data[seq_len(100), ])}
#'\donttest{alon_top_10<-top_genes_cluster_tissues(alon_sel, 10, method='mfa', q=3, g=2)}
top_genes_cluster_tissues<-function(gen, n_top=100, method='mfa', q=2, g=2){
        group_means <- colMeans(gen$all_genes[top_genes,])
        fit<-emmix_t(group_means, g)
        group <- as.matrix((gen$all_genes[top_genes,]))
        fit<-mcfa(t(group), g, q)
        clustering<- predict.mcfa(fit, t(group))-1
    return(list(clustering=clustering, top_genes=top_genes, fit=fit))

#'Heat maps
#'Plot heat maps of gene expression data. Optionally sort the x-axis 
#'according to a predetermined clustering.
#'@param dat matrix of gene expression data.
#'@param clustering a vector of sample classifications.
#'Must be same length as the number of columns in dat.
#'@param y_lab optional label for y-axis.
#'@return A ggplot2 heat map.
#'example <- heat_maps(alon_data[seq_len(100), ])
heat_maps<-function(dat, clustering=NULL, y_lab=NULL){
    colnames(dat) <- NULL
    names(df_heatmap)<-c("genes", "samples",  "expression_level")
    plot<-ggplot(df_heatmap, aes(df_heatmap$samples,df_heatmap$genes ))+
        geom_tile(aes(fill = df_heatmap$expression_level),  color = "white")+
        scale_fill_distiller(palette = "Spectral")+  
        xlab("Samples")  + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Expression Level"))+
        theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
            axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6),
        plot<- plot + ylab(y_lab)
        plot<- plot + ylab("Genes")
        plot<- plot +  
        scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(0, length(levels(df_heatmap$genes)), 10) )
        plot<- plot  +  scale_x_discrete(labels =order(clustering)) 
        #+ theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())

#'Plot a single gene expression histogram with best 
#'fitted mixture of t-distributions.
#'Plot a single gene expression histogram with best 
#'fitted mixture of t-distributions according to the EMMIX-gene algorithm.
#'@param dat matrix of gene expression data.
#'@param gene_id row number of gene to be plotted.
#'@param g force number of components, default = NULL
#'@param random_starts The number of random initializations used 
#'per gene when fitting mixtures of t-distributions. 
#'Initialization uses k-means by default.
#'@param max_it The maximum number of iterations per mixture fit.
#'Default value is 100.
#'@param ll_thresh The difference in -2 log lambda used as a 
#'threshold for selecting between g=1 and g=2 for each gene. 
#'Default value is 8, which was chosen arbitrarily in the original paper.
#'@param min_clust_size The minimum number of observations per cluster 
#'used when fitting mixtures of t-distributions for each gene.
#'Default value is 8. 
#'@param tol Tolerance value used for detecting convergence of EMMIX fits. 
#'@param start_method Default value is "both". 
#'Can also choose "random" for purely random starts.
#'@param three Also test g=2 vs g=3 where appropriate. Defaults to TRUE.
#'@param min,max Minimum and maximum x-axis values for the plot window.
#'@return A ggplot2 histogram with fitted t-distributions overlayed. 
#'example <- plot_single_gene(alon_data,1) 
plot_single_gene<-function(dat, gene_id, g=NULL, 
                           random_starts=8, max_it = 100,
                           ll_thresh = 8, min_clust_size = 8,
                           tol = 0.0001, start_method = "both",
                           three=TRUE, min = -4, max = 2){ 
    breaks<-seq(min, max, length.out=n)
    p<-ggplot(df, aes(x=df$x)) + geom_histogram(breaks=breaks, alpha=.5)
    df_dens<-data.frame(x=p2$data[[1]]$x, y=p2$data[[1]]$density) 
    plot<-plot+geom_bar(aes(x=df_dens$x, y=df_dens$y), alpha=.5,
        stat="identity", position="identity")
    plot<-plot+theme_bw()+xlab("Gene Expression Value")+ylab("Density")
    df2<-data.frame(x=seq(min, max, length.out = 1000))
        res<-emmix_t(dat[gene_id,], g, random_starts, max_it, tol,start_method)
        res<-each_gene(dat[gene_id,],random_starts, max_it, ll_thresh, 
            min_clust_size, tol,start_method,three)
    for(i in seq_len(res$components)){
        for(j in seq_len(nrow(df2))){
            df2[[paste0('y',i)]][j]<-res$pi[i]*t_dist(df2$x[j], res$mu[i], 
                res$sigma[i], res$nu[i])
    plot<-plot+geom_line(data=df2, aes(x=df2$x, y=df2$y1))
        plot<-plot+geom_line(data=df2, aes(x=df2$x, y=df2$y2))
        plot<-plot+geom_line(data=df2, aes(x=df2$x, y=df2$y3))

#'@title Normalized gene expression values from Alon et al. (1999).
#'@description A dataset containing centred and normalized values of the 
#'logged expression values of a subset of 2000 genes taken from 
#'Alon, Uri, et al. "Broad patterns of gene expression revealed by clustering
#'analysis of tumor and normal colon tissues probed by oligonucleotide arrays."
#'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96.12 (1999): 6745-6750.
#'The method of subset selection was described in G. J. McLachlan, R. W. Bean, 
#'D. Peel; A mixture model-based approach to the clustering of microarray 
#'expression data ,
#'Bioinformatics, Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 March 2002, Pages 413–422.
#'@docType data
#'@keywords datasets
#'@name alon_data
#'@usage data(alon_data)
#'@format A data frame with 2000 rows (genes) and 62 variables (samples).

#'@title Normalized gene expression values from Golub et al. (1999).
#'@description A dataset containing the centred and normalized values of the
#'logged expression values of a subset of 3731 genes taken from Golub,
#'Todd R., et al. "Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery
#'and class prediction by gene expression monitoring." 
#'Science 286.5439 (1999): 531-537.
#'The method of subset selection was described in G. J. McLachlan, R. W. Bean,
#'D. Peel; A mixture model-based approach to the clustering of microarray
#'expression data ,
#'Bioinformatics, Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 March 2002, Pages 413–422.
#'@docType data
#'@keywords datasets
#'@name golub_data
#'@usage data(golub_data)
#'@format A data frame with 3731 rows (genes) and 72 variables (samples).

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