Defines functions getMergeVars printMergeStats_ESDF printMergeStats

# outputs the verbose stats for the passed details to print to console for user
# for the first call set the 'outputHeader' = TRUE to include the column names
printMergeStats <- function(dataGroup, step, fileDesc, rows, cols, mergeType, matchedRecords, okFlag = TRUE, outputHeader = FALSE) {
  c1 <- 16
  c2 <- 40
  c3 <- 12
  c4 <- 12
  c5 <- 12
  c6 <- 28
  c7 <- 4

  # generally only output the header on the first call
  if (outputHeader) {
    header <- paste(
        paste0("|", format("DataGroup", justify = "centre", width = c1)),
        paste0("|", format("FileDesc", justify = "centre", width = c2)), # needs additional size
        paste0("|", format("Rows", justify = "centre", width = c3)),
        paste0("|", format("Columns", justify = "centre", width = c4)),
        paste0("|", format("MergeType", justify = "centre", width = c5)),
        paste0("|", format("MatchedRecords", justify = "centre", width = c6)),
        paste0("|", format("OK", justify = "centre", width = c7)),
      collapse = "", sep = ""
    header <- gsub(" ", "-", header, fixed = TRUE)
    cat(paste0(header, "\n"))

  # the chk will be a visual indicator if everything looks OK (checkmark) or an issue (X symbol)
  chk <- as.character(ifelse(okFlag, "\U02713", "\U274C")) # \U02713 is checkmark; \U274C is X

  txt <- paste(
      paste0("|", format(dataGroup, justify = "left", width = c1)),
      paste0("|", format(fileDesc, justify = "left", width = c2)),
      paste0("|", format(rows, justify = "left", width = c3)),
      paste0("|", format(cols, justify = "left", width = c4)),
      paste0("|", format(mergeType, justify = "left", width = c5)),
      paste0("|", format(matchedRecords, justify = "left", width = c6)),
      paste0("|", encodeString(chk, justify = "centre", width = c7)),
    collapse = "", sep = ""

  cat(paste0(txt, "\n"))

# outputs the verbose data level and merge stats for an edsurvey.data.frame object
# this loops through each dataListItem of a fully structured edsurvey.data.frame and outputs each data level and their details
printMergeStats_ESDF <- function(esdf) {
  if (!inherits(esdf, "edsurvey.data.frame")) {
    stop("printMergeStats_ESDF requires an edsurvey.data.frame object.")

  esdf <- openLaFConnections(esdf)
  colDropRegex <- "([.]junk$|^merge.type$)"

  c1 <- 16
  c2 <- 12
  c3 <- 12
  c4 <- 16
  c5 <- 28
  c6 <- 4

  cat(paste0("edsurvey.data.frame data level detail:", "\n"))

  header <- paste(
      paste0("|", format("DataLevel", justify = "centre", width = c1)),
      paste0("|", format("Rows", justify = "centre", width = c2)),
      paste0("|", format("Columns", justify = "centre", width = c3)),
      paste0("|", format("MergeType", justify = "centre", width = c4)),
      paste0("|", format("MatchedRecords", justify = "centre", width = c5)),
      paste0("|", format("OK", justify = "centre", width = c6)),
    collapse = "", sep = ""
  header <- gsub(" ", "-", header, fixed = TRUE)
  cat(paste0(header, "\n"))

  # loop through all dataListObjects as part of the edsurvey.data.frame
  for (i in seq_along(esdf$dataList)) {
    dl <- esdf$dataList[[i]]

    if (i == 1) {
      # the label name
      lvlLbl <- dl$levelLabel

      # get out variables we want to inspect
      vars <- dl$fileFormat$variableName
      vars <- vars[!vars %in% dl$ignoreVars] # drop out the ignored variable

      if (length(esdf$dataList) > 1) {
        allXvar <- getMergeVars(esdf, dl$levelLabel)
        xData <- dl$lafObject[ , allXvar]

      # fill output variables
      nr <- dl$nrow
      nc <- length(vars)
      mt <- ""
      mr <- "*base level*"
      chk <- (nr > 0) # set the 'check' flag for visual output indicator
    } else { # additional levels past 1
      lvlLbl <- paste0(">", dl$levelLabel)

      mVar.y <- dl$mergeVars
      mVar.x <- allXvar[allXvar %in% dl$parentMergeVars]
      yData <- dl$lafObject[ , mVar.y] # get full data

      mRes <- mergev(xData, yData,
        by.x = mVar.x, by.y = mVar.y, all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE,
        suffixes = c("", ".junk"), return.list = TRUE, verbose = FALSE
      res <- mRes$data
      res <- res[ , names(res)[!grepl(colDropRegex, names(res), ignore.case = TRUE)], drop = FALSE] # drop duplicated columns, ensure it's still a data.frame (drop=FALSE)

      vars <- dl$fileFormat$variableName
      vars <- vars[!vars %in% dl$ignoreVars]

      nr <- nrow(res)
      nc <- length(vars)

      mt <- paste(mRes$list$merge.type, sep = "", collapse = "")
      chk <- (mRes$list$merge.type.table[3] > 0) # set the 'check' flag for visual output indicator
      mr <- paste0(mRes$list$merge.type.table[3], " of ", nrow(res))

      xData <- res

    # the chk will be a visual indicator if everything looks OK (checkmark) or an issue (X symbol)
    chk <- as.character(ifelse(chk, "\U02713", "\U274C")) # \U02713 is checkmark; \U274C is X

    txt <- paste(
        paste0("|", format(lvlLbl, justify = "left", width = c1)),
        paste0("|", format(nr, justify = "left", width = c2)),
        paste0("|", format(nc, justify = "left", width = c3)),
        paste0("|", format(mt, justify = "left", width = c4)),
        paste0("|", format(mr, justify = "left", width = c5)),
        paste0("|", encodeString(chk, justify = "centre", width = c6)),
      collapse = "", sep = ""
    cat(paste0(txt, "\n"))


# scan the edsurvey.data.frame data levels and gather all the merge variables required for a specific data level
getMergeVars <- function(esdf, levelName) {
  vars <- c()

  for (dl in esdf$dataList) {
    vars <- unique(c(vars, dl$parentMergeVars[dl$parentMergeLevels == levelName]))


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EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.