context("read ESDFL")
options(width = 500)
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
source("REF-2-esdfl.R") # has REF output in it
# ideally this wouldn't trip up any of the scope fixes below
dsex <- "should not be used"
test_that("read ESDFL", {
sdf <<- readNAEP(system.file("extdata/data", "M36NT2PM.dat", package = "NAEPprimer"))
sdfA <<- subset(sdf, scrpsu %in% c(5, 45, 56))
sdfB <- subset(sdf, scrpsu %in% c(75, 76, 78))
sdfC <- subset(sdf, scrpsu %in% 100:200)
sdfD <<- subset(sdf, scrpsu %in% 201:300)
sdfB$year <- 2002
sdfC$year <- 2003
sdfB <<- sdfB
sdfC <<- sdfC
# construct an from these four data sets
sdfl <<-, sdfB, sdfC, sdfD),
labels = c(
"A locations",
"B locations",
"C locations",
"D locations"
expect_is(sdfl, "")
# for subset test
i <- "invalid level: outside"
context("ESDFL subset and scope")
test_that("ESDFL subset and scope", {
yes <- "Yes"
g1 <- subset(sdfl, ell3 == "Yes")
g2 <- subset(sdfl, ell3 == yes)
expect_equal(dim(g1), dim(g2))
i <- "invalid level: inside"
ssfun <- function(data) {
i <- "Yes"
subset(data, ell3 == i)
g3 <- ssfun(sdfl)
expect_equal(dim(g1), dim(g3))
context("ESDFL achievementLevels")
test_that("ESDFL achievementLevels", {
expect_known_value(test8 <- achievementLevels(data = sdfl), file = "aLevels_test8.rds", update = FALSE)
context("ESDFL cor")
test_that("ESDFL cor", {
c1 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdfA,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
c3 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdfC,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
c1234 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdfl,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
expect_equal(c1, c1234[[1]])
expect_equal(c3, c1234[[3]])
context("ESDFL edsurveyTable")
test_that("ESDFL edsurveyTable", {
et1 <- edsurveyTable(composite ~ b017451 + dsex, sdfl)
et1c <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(et1))
expect_equal(et1c, et1REF)
etB <- edsurveyTable(composite ~ b017451 + dsex, sdfB)
# row names will not agree, homogenize them
row.names(et1$data) <- paste(rep(LETTERS[1:4], each = nrow(etB$data)), rep(1:nrow(etB$data), 4))
row.names(etB$data) <- paste("B", 1:nrow(etB$data))
# remove "labels" because it is only on the edsurveyTableList
ss <- subset(et1$data, labels == "B locations")[, 2:ncol(et1$data)]
for (i in 1:ncol(ss)) {
mostattributes(ss[, i]) <- attributes(et1$data[, i + 1])
coetB <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(etB$data))
coss <- withr::with_options(list(digits = 7), capture.output(ss))
expect_equal(coetB, coss)
context("ESDFL edsurveyTable error handling")
test_that("ESDFL error handling", {
edsurveyTable(composite ~ b017451, sdfl,
returnMeans = TRUE, returnSepct = FALSE,
pctAggregationLevel = 6
paste0("Warnings from datasets \"A locations\"")
sdfE <- "String"
sdfl_error <-, sdfB, sdfC, sdfE),
labels = c(
"first E locations",
"B locations",
"C locations",
"second E locations"
edsurveyTable(composite ~ b017451,
returnMeans = FALSE,
returnSepct = FALSE
"E locations"
suppressWarnings(et2 <- edsurveyTable(composite ~ b017451, sdfl_error, returnMeans = FALSE, returnSepct = FALSE))
list(digits = 1),
et2c <- capture.output(et2)
expect_message(expect_error(g1 <- gap("composite", sdfl_error, groupA = dsex == "Male"), "reference"), "E locations")
sdfl_errorB <-, sdfB, sdfE, sdfC),
labels = c(
"A locations",
"B locations",
"E locations",
"C locations"
g2 <- gap("composite", sdfl_errorB, groupA = dsex == "Male"),
"An error occurred while working on a dataset \"E locations\". The results from that dataset will be excluded. Error message:"
g3 <- gap("composite", sdfl, groupA = dsex == "Male")
expect_equivalent(g2$results[2, ], g3$results[2, ])
expect_equal(et2c, et2REF)
context("ESDFL gap")
test_that("ESDFL gap", {
g1 <- gap("composite", sdfl, dsex == "Male", dsex == "Female", returnSimpleDoF = TRUE)
mle <- "Male"
g1p <- gap("composite", sdfl, dsex == mle, dsex == "Female", returnSimpleDoF = TRUE)
expect_equal(g1$results, g1p$results)
# check that the columns output for just one agree between esdfl and sdf
g2 <- gap("composite", sdfC, dsex == "Male", dsex == "Female", returnSimpleDoF = TRUE)
mnames <- names(g2$results)
mnames <- mnames[mnames %in% names(g1$results)]
expect_equal(unlist(g2$results[mnames]), unlist(g1$results[3, mnames]))
# also check that the overall output has not changed.targetLevel="Male"
expect_known_value(g1, "gap_esdfl_mean.rds", update = FALSE)
# percentile
expect_known_value(g_pct <- gap("composite", sdfl, dsex == "Male", percentiles = c(2, 50), pctMethod = "symmetric"), "gap_esdfl_pct.rds", update = FALSE)
# achievement level
expect_known_value(g_al <- gap("composite", sdfl, dsex == "Male", achievementLevel = "Proficient"), "gap_esdfl_al.rds", update = FALSE)
# percent
expect_known_value(g_per <- gap("dsex", sdfl, dsex == "Male", targetLevel = "Male"), "gap_esdfl_perct.rds", update = FALSE)
context("ESDFL helper functions")
test_that("ESDFL helper functions", {
d1 <- dim(sdfl)
expect_equal(d1$nrow[1], nrow(sdfA))
expect_equal(d1$ncol[3], ncol(sdfC))
pv1 <- getPlausibleValue("composite", sdfl)
expect_equal(pv1[[2]], getPlausibleValue("composite", sdfB))
wr1 <- getWeightJkReplicates("origwt", sdfl)
expect_equal(wr1[[4]], getWeightJkReplicates("origwt", sdfD))
hpv1 <- hasPlausibleValue("algebra", sdfl)
expect_equal(hpv1[[1]], hasPlausibleValue("algebra", sdfA))
hpv2 <- hasPlausibleValue("dsex", sdfl)
expect_equal(hpv2[[2]], hasPlausibleValue("dsex", sdfB))
iw1 <- isWeight("origwt", sdfl)
expect_equal(iw1[[3]], TRUE)
iw2 <- isWeight("composite", sdfl)
expect_equal(iw2[[4]], FALSE)
l1 <- levelsSDF("sdracem", sdfl)
expect_equal(l1[[1]], levelsSDF("sdracem", sdfA))
l2 <- levelsSDF("dsex", sdfl)
expect_equal(l2[[2]], levelsSDF("dsex", sdfB))
n1 <- colnames(sdfl)
expect_equal(n1[[3]], colnames(sdfC))
spvo1 <- capture.output(showPlausibleValues(sdfl))
spvoD <- capture.output(showPlausibleValues(sdfD))
expect_equal(rev(spvo1)[1:length(spvoD)], rev(spvoD))
sw1 <- capture.output(showWeights(sdfl, verbose = TRUE))
swA <- capture.output(showWeights(sdfA, verbose = TRUE))
swB <- capture.output(showWeights(sdfB, verbose = TRUE))
swC <- capture.output(showWeights(sdfC, verbose = TRUE))
swD <- capture.output(showWeights(sdfD, verbose = TRUE))
expect_equal(sw1, c(swA, swB, swC, swD))
context("ESDFL cor")
test_that("ESDFL cor", {
c1 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdfA,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
c3 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdfC,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
c1234 <- cor.sdf("b017451", "b003501", sdfl,
method = "Pearson",
weightVar = "origwt"
expect_equal(c1, c1234[[1]])
expect_equal(c3, c1234[[3]])
context("ESDFL subset and print")
test_that("ESDFL subset and print", {
sdfl2 <- subset(sdfl, dsex == "Male")
expect_equal(capture.output(print(sdfl2)), printREF)
d1 <- dim(sdfl2)
expect_equal(d1$nrow[1], nrow(subset(sdfA, dsex == "Male")))
expect_equal(d1$ncol[3], ncol(subset(sdfC, dsex == "Female")))
# inside = TRUE
expect_equal(d1, dim(subset(sdfl, eval("dsex == \"Male\""), inside = TRUE)))
# expected message and error
expect_warning(sdfl_e <- subset(sdfl, dsex1 == "Male"))
expect_equal(sdfl_e, NULL)
sdfE <- "String"
sdfl_error <-, sdfB, sdfC, sdfE),
labels = c(
"first E locations",
"B locations",
"C locations",
"second E locations"
sdfl_ref <- subset(, sdfC), labels = c("B locations", "C locations")), dsex == "Male")
expect_warning(sdfl_error_subset <- subset(sdfl_error, dsex == "Male"))
expect_equal(dim(sdfl_error_subset), dim(sdfl_ref))
expect_equal(sdfl_error_subset$covs, sdfl_ref$covs)
context("ESDFL lm.sdf")
test_that("ESDFL lm.sdf", {
# jrrIMax is required to make sure U isn't singular
et1 <- lm.sdf(composite ~ b017451 + dsex, sdfl, jrrIMax = Inf)
# lm maps to lm.sdf when data is an
# et1b <- lm.sdf(composite ~ b017451 + dsex, sdfl)
# expect_equal(et1, et1b)
et1D <- lm.sdf(composite ~ b017451 + dsex, sdfD, jrrIMax = Inf)
# summary output should be the same
et1s <- capture.output(summary(et1))
et1Ds <- capture.output(summary(et1D))
expect_equal(rev(et1s)[1:length(et1Ds)], rev(et1Ds))
# check coefs are equal
expect_equal(coef(et1)[, 4], coef(et1D))
# check print results
et1p <- capture.output(print(et1))
et1Dp <- capture.output(print(et1D))
expect_equal(rev(et1p)[1:2], rev(et1Dp))
context("ESDFL percentile")
test_that("ESDFL percentile", {
expect_known_value(pct3 <- percentile("composite", 50, sdfl, pctMethod = "unbiased"), "pct3.rds", update = FALSE)
pct3C <- percentile("composite", 50, sdfC, pctMethod = "unbiased")
expect_equal(unlist(pct3C[, , drop = TRUE]), unlist(pct3[3, names(pct3C), drop = TRUE]))
context("ESDFL same survey")
test_that("ESDFL same survey", {
expect_true(!EdSurvey:::sameSurvey(sdfA, sdfB))
expect_true(EdSurvey:::sameSurvey(sdf, sdfA))
expect_true(EdSurvey:::sameSurvey(sdfl[[1]][[4]], sdfD))
context("ESDFL append")
test_that("ESDFL append", {
sdfl1a <-, sdfB),
labels = c(
"A locations",
"B locations"
sdfl1b <-, sdfD),
labels = c(
"C locations",
"D locations"
sdfl1a_rev <-, sdfA),
labels = c(
"B locations",
"A locations"
sdfl1b_rev <-, sdfC),
labels = c(
"D locations",
"C locations"
sdfl2 <-, sdfB, sdfC, sdfD),
labels = c(
"A locations",
"B locations",
"C locations",
"D locations"
sdfl2_rev <-, sdfC, sdfB, sdfA),
labels = c(
"D locations",
"C locations",
"B locations",
"A locations"
sdfl3 <-, sdfC, labelsB = "C locations"),
labelsB = "D locations"
sdfl4 <-, sdfl1b)
sdfl5 <-, sdfl1a_rev)
expect_true(identical(sdfl2, sdfl3))
expect_true(identical(sdfl2, sdfl4))
expect_true(identical(sdfl2_rev, sdfl5))
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