
rlnormTruncAlt <-
function (n, mean = exp(1/2), cv = sqrt(exp(1) - 1), min = 0,
    max = Inf)
    ln <- length(n)
    if (ln < 1)
        stop("'n' must be non-empty.")
    if (ln > 1)
        n <- ln
    else {
        if (is.na(n) || n <= 0 || n != trunc(n))
            stop("'n' must be a positive integer or vector.")
    arg.mat <- cbind.no.warn(n.vec = rep(1, n), mean = as.vector(mean),
        cv = as.vector(cv), min = as.vector(min), max = as.vector(max))
    if (n < nrow(arg.mat))
        arg.mat <- arg.mat[1:n, , drop = FALSE]
    na.index <- is_na_matrix(arg.mat)
    if (all(na.index))
        return(rep(NA, n))
    else {
        r <- numeric(n)
        r[na.index] <- NA
        r.no.na <- r[!na.index]
        n.vec <- arg.mat[!na.index, "n.vec"]
        mean <- arg.mat[!na.index, "mean"]
        cv <- arg.mat[!na.index, "cv"]
        min <- arg.mat[!na.index, "min"]
        max <- arg.mat[!na.index, "max"]
        if (any(mean < .Machine$double.eps))
            stop("All non-missing values of 'mean' must be positive.")
        if (any(cv < .Machine$double.eps))
            stop("All non-missing values of 'cv' must be positive.")
        if (any(min > max))
            stop(paste("All non-missing values of 'min' must be",
                "less than the corresponding elements of 'max'."))
        if (any(min < 0))
            stop(paste("All non-missing values of 'min' must be",
                "greater than or equal to 0."))
        r[!na.index] <- qlnormTruncAlt(p = runif(n.vec), mean = mean,
            cv = cv, min = min, max = max)

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EnvStats documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:03 p.m.