
Defines functions print.summary.Lexis summary.Lexis

Documented in print.summary.Lexis summary.Lexis

summary.Lexis <-
function( object, simplify=TRUE, scale=1, by=NULL,
          Rates=FALSE, timeScales=FALSE, ... )
# If we have a by argument find out what to do
    if (!is.null(by)) {
        if (is.character(by)) {
            if (!all(by %in% names(object)))
                stop("Wrong 'by' argument: '", paste(by,collapse="','"),
                     "' - must be name(s) of variable(s) in the Lexis object")
            else res <- lapply(split(object, object[, by]), summary.Lexis,
                               by = NULL, simplify = simplify, scale = scale,
                               Rates = Rates, timeScales=timeScales, ...)
        else {
            if (length(by) != nrow(object))
                stop("Wrong length of 'by' argument:", length(by),
                     "must be same length as rows of the Lexis object:", nrow(object) )
            else res <- lapply(split(object, by), summary.Lexis,
                               by = NULL, simplify = simplify, scale = scale,
                               Rates = Rates, timeScales=timeScales, ...)
        # to avoid printing the time scale information repeatedly
        for( i in 1:(length(res)-1) ) res[[i]]$timeScales <- NULL
        return( res )

# Table(s) of all transitions (no. records)
tr <- trans <- with( object, table(lex.Cst,lex.Xst) )

# Remove diagonal, i.e. records with no transition
for( i in intersect(rownames(trans),colnames(trans)) ) tr[i,i] <- 0

# Margins added
trans <- addmargins(trans)
tr    <- addmargins(tr)    # Sum omitting the diagonal
trm   <- tr[,ncol(tr)]

# Compute person-years in each Cst-state
pyrs  <- with(object,
              addmargins(tapply(lex.dur, lex.Cst, sum, na.rm = TRUE),
                         FUN = function(x) sum(x, na.rm=TRUE)))/scale
# Enumarate persons in each Cst-state
pers  <- with(object,
              c(tapply(lex.id, lex.Cst, function(x) length(unique(x))),

# Amend the table of records with columns of events, person-years and persons
trans <- cbind(trans, trm, pyrs, pers)

# Annotate the table nicely
colnames(trans)[ncol(trans) - 2:0] <- c(" Events:","Risk time:"," Persons:" )
colnames(trans)[ncol(tr)] <- " Records:"
names(dimnames(trans)) <- c("From", "\nTransitions:\n     To")

# Make the rates and annotate the table nicely
rates <- sweep( tr, 1, pyrs, "/" )
colnames( rates )[ncol(rates)] <- "Total"
names( dimnames( rates ) ) <-
             if( scale != 1 ) paste(" (per ",scale,")",sep=""),
             ":\n     To", sep="") )
if( simplify )
  trans <- trans[!is.na(pyrs),]
  rates <- rates[!is.na(pyrs),]
if( nrow(trans)==2 )
  trans <- trans[1,,drop = FALSE]
res <- list( Transitions = trans,
                   Rates = rates[-nrow(rates),,drop=FALSE],
              timeScales = timeSince(object) )

if( !timeScales ) res <- res[-3]
if( !Rates      ) res <- res[-2]
class( res ) <- "summary.Lexis"

print.summary.Lexis <-
function( x, ..., digits=2 )
print( round( x$Transitions, digits ) )
if( "Rates" %in% names(x) )
print( round( x$Rates      , digits ) )
# if( "timeScales" %in% names(x) )
if( !is.null(x$timeScales) )
print( x$timeScales )

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Epi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:50 p.m.