
Defines functions create.template.setting demo.filest filest get.para cbind_bigmatrix rbind_bigmatrix generate.label generate.snp generate.categorical.data do.sample.categorical.data cal.prob.categorical.data create.outlier do.create.cate do.sample.SNP cal.prob.BB cal.prob.AB cal.prob.AA get.random.beta cal.margin2 cal.margin1

Documented in cbind_bigmatrix create.template.setting demo.filest filest rbind_bigmatrix

# (Internal function) Calculate the first margin for random numbers, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @param fst A number to specify Fst
# @return The first margin for random numbers

cal.margin1 = function(prob,fst){
  ret = prob*(1-fst)/fst

# (Internal function) Calculate the second margin for random numbers, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @param fst A number to specify Fst
# @return The second margin for random numbers

cal.margin2 = function(prob,fst){
  ret = (1-prob)*(1-fst)/fst

# (Internal function) Get random number based on beta distribution, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param mar1 A number to specify the first margin for random function of beta
# distribution.
# @param mar2 A number to specify the second margin for random function of beta
# distribution.
# @return A random number based on beta distribution
#' @importFrom stats rbeta

get.random.beta = function(mar1,mar2){
  ret = rbeta(1, mar1, mar2, ncp = 0)

# (Internal function) Calculate probability for wild-type allele, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @return A probability of wild-type allele

cal.prob.AA = function(prob){
  ret = (1-prob)^2

# (Internal function) Calculate probability for heterozygous allele, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @param riskratio A number to specify risk ratio for cases
# @return A probability of heterozygous allele

cal.prob.AB = function(prob,riskratio=1.0){
  ret = 2*prob*(1-prob)*riskratio

# (Internal function) Calculate probability for mutant-type allele, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @param riskratio A number to specify risk ratio for cases
# @return A probability of mutant-type allele

cal.prob.BB = function(prob,riskratio=1.0){
  ret = prob^2 * riskratio^2

# (Internal function) Sample SNP according to given probabilities, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param p.AA A number to specify probability of wild-type allele
# @param p.AB A number to specify probability of heterozygous allele
# @param p.BB A number to specify probability of mutant-type allele
# @param no.ind A number to specify the amount of individuals to be generated
# @return A simulated SNP in additive coding

do.sample.SNP = function(p.AA,p.AB,p.BB,no.ind){
  ret = sample(c(0,1,2),no.ind, prob=c(p.AA,p.AB,p.BB), replace=TRUE)

# (Internal function) Create categorical data, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param marker A string to specify a marker
# @param name A string to specify a name of marker
# @return A categorical value

do.create.cate = function(marker,name){
  ret = paste(name,marker,sep="_")

# (Internal function) Create outliers,internally used for
# parallelization
# @param X An input matrix containing SNPs in additive coding
# @param population A vector of labels for all individuals
# @param outlier A number to specify the amount of outliers to be generated
#' @import rARPACK
#' @importFrom stats runif
# @return The modified matrix with outliers

create.outlier = function(X,population,outlier){
  idx = c()
  for (i in 1:length(population)){
    if (outlier[i]>0){
      if (i>1){
        start = sum(population[1:(i-1)])+1
        end = sum(population[1:i])
        start = 1
        end = population[1]
      idx = c(idx,start:end)

  no.outlier = length(idx)
  rn = runif(no.outlier,min = -0.1 ,max=0.1)
  umod[idx,1] = rn
  rn = runif(no.outlier,min = -0.2 ,max=0.2)
  umod[idx,2] = rn
  rn = runif(no.outlier,min = -0.4 ,max=0.4)
  umod[idx,3] = rn

  A = umod %*% diag(SVD$d) %*% t(SVD$v)
  A = round(A)
  A[which(A>2)] = 2
  A[which(A<0)] = 0


# (Internal function) Calculate probabilities for categorical data, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @param max.category A number to specify the maximum number of categorical groups
# @return Probability for categorical data
#' @importFrom stats runif

cal.prob.categorical.data = function(prob,max.category){

  pset = runif(max.category-1,min=0,max=1)
  pset = pset/(sum(pset))
  modifier = 1/(1-prob)

  pset = c(prob,sort(pset))


# (Internal function) Sample categorical data,internally used for
# parallelization
# @param prob A number to specify probability
# @param max.category A number to specify the maximum number of categorical groups
# @param no.ind A number to specify the amount of individuals to be generated
# @return A simulated data in categorical mode

do.sample.categorical.data = function(prob,max.category,no.ind){
  ret = sample(1:max.category,no.ind, prob=prob, replace=TRUE)

# (Internal function) Generate categorical data, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param pop A number to specify probability
# @param fst A number to specify Fst
# @param no.marker A number to specify the amount of markers to be generated
# @return A marrix of categorical data
#' @importFrom stats runif

generate.categorical.data =function(pop,fst,no.marker){
  ret = NULL
  if ((length(pop) !=  length(fst)) || (length(pop)<=0) || (length(fst)<=0) || (sum(pop<0)!=0) || (sum(fst<0)!=0) || no.marker<0){
    cat("Incorrect usage of generate.categorical.data()\n\te.g. generate.categorical.data(pop=c(50,50),fst=c(0.01,0.01),no.marker=100)\n")
  p = runif(no.marker, min = 0.1, max = 0.9)

  for (i in 1:length(pop)){
    mar1 = mapply(cal.margin1,prob=p,fst=fst[i]) #change here
    mar2 = mapply(cal.margin2,prob=p,fst=fst[i]) #change here
    p.b = mapply(get.random.beta,mar1=mar1,mar2=mar2)
    p.all = mapply(cal.prob.categorical.data,prob=p.b,max.category=10)
    data.mat = apply(p.all,2,do.sample.categorical.data,max.category=10,no.ind=pop[i])
    ret = rbind_bigmatrix(ret,data.mat)

# (Internal function) Generate SNPs, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param pop A number to specify the amount of populations
# @param fst A number to specify Fst (representing genetic distance)
# @param no.snp A number to specify the amount of SNPs
# @param riskratio A number to specify risk ratio for cases
# @return Simulated SNPs
#' @importFrom stats runif

generate.snp =function(pop,fst,no.snp,riskratio=1.0){
  ret = NULL
  if ((length(pop) !=  length(fst)) || (length(pop)<=0) || (length(fst)<=0) || (sum(pop<0)!=0) || (sum(fst<0)!=0) || no.snp<0){
    cat("Incorrect usage of generate.snp()\n\te.g. generate.snp(pop=c(50,50),fst=c(0.01,0.01),no.snp=1000)\n")
  p = runif(no.snp, min = 0.1, max = 0.9)

  for (i in 1:length(pop)){
    desired.fst = NA
    if (i<=2){
    mar1 = mapply(cal.margin1,prob=p,fst=desired.fst) #change here
    mar2 = mapply(cal.margin2,prob=p,fst=desired.fst) #change here
    p.b = mapply(get.random.beta,mar1=mar1,mar2=mar2)
    p.AA = mapply(cal.prob.AA,prob=p.b)
    p.AB = mapply(cal.prob.AB,prob=p.b,riskratio=riskratio)
    p.BB = mapply(cal.prob.BB,prob=p.b,riskratio=riskratio)
    data.mat = mapply(do.sample.SNP,p.AA=p.AA,p.AB=p.AB,p.BB=p.BB,no.ind=pop[i]) #change here
    ret = rbind_bigmatrix(ret,data.mat)

# (Internal function) Generate labels, internally used for
# parallelization
# @param pop A number to specify the amount of populations
# @param outlier A number to specify the amount of outliers
# @return A vector of population labels

generate.label = function(pop,outlier){
  ret = NULL
  if ((length(pop)<=0) || (sum(pop<0)!=0)){
    cat("Incorrect usage of generate.label()\n\te.g. generate.label(pop=c(50,50))\n")

  for (i in 1:length(pop)){
    label = NULL
    if (outlier[i]>0){
      label = rep(paste0('outlier',i),times=pop[i]) #change here
      label = rep(paste0('pop',i),times=pop[i]) #change here
    ret = c(ret,label)


#' Combind two matrices by row for big data, internally used for
#' parallelization
#' @param a The first matrix
#' @param b The second matrix
#' @return The combined matrix by row
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{cbind_bigmatrix}}
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(c(1,2,0,1,2,2,1,2,0,0,1,2,1,2,2,2),ncol=4)
#' Y <- matrix(c(2,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,2,2,0,0,1,1,0),ncol=4)
#' Z <- rbind_bigmatrix(X,Y)
#' print(Z)

rbind_bigmatrix <- function(a,b){

  if (is.null(sizeA) && is.null(sizeB)){
  }else if (!is.null(sizeA) && is.null(sizeB)){
  }else if (is.null(sizeA) && !is.null(sizeB)){
  }else if (sizeA[2] != sizeB[2]){ #don't have a same number of column
  else{ #both a and b are not null
    ret = matrix(nrow=size[1],ncol=sizeA[2])
    ret[1:sizeA[1],] = a
    ret[(sizeA[1]+1):size[1],] = b

#' Combind two matrices by column for big data, internally used for
#' parallelization
#' @param a The first matrix
#' @param b The second matrix
#' @return The combined matrix by column
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{rbind_bigmatrix}}
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(c(1,2,0,1,2,2,1,2,0,0,1,2,1,2,2,2),ncol=4)
#' Y <- matrix(c(2,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,2,2,0,0,1,1,0),ncol=4)
#' Z <- cbind_bigmatrix(X,Y)
#' print(Z)
cbind_bigmatrix <- function(a,b){

  if (is.null(sizeA) && is.null(sizeB)){
  }else if (!is.null(sizeA) && is.null(sizeB)){
  }else if (is.null(sizeA) && !is.null(sizeB)){
  }else if (sizeA[1] != sizeB[1]){ #don't have a same number of column
  else{ #both a and b are not null
    ret = matrix(nrow=sizeA[1],ncol=size[2])
    ret[,1:sizeA[2]] = a
    ret[,(sizeA[2]+1):size[2]] = b

# (Internal function) Get all parameters
# @param param A string of parameters
# @return A list of parameters

get.para = function(param){
  for (idx in 1:dim(param)[1]){
    if (param[idx,1]=='--setting'){
      name = as.character(param[idx,2])
    if (param[idx,1]=='--population'){
      population = as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(param[idx,2]),split=",")[[1]])
      if (length(population[which(population<2)])>0){
        cat(paste0("Warning: replaced all numbers of population that are less than 2 by 2\n"))
        population[which(population<2)] = 2
    if (param[idx,1]=='--fst'){
      fst = as.double(strsplit(as.character(param[idx,2]),split=",")[[1]])
    if (param[idx,1]=='--case'){
      case = as.double(strsplit(as.character(param[idx,2]),split=",")[[1]])
    if (param[idx,1]=='--marker'){
      marker = as.numeric(as.character(param[idx,2]))
    if (param[idx,1]=='--replicate'){
      replicate = as.numeric(as.character(param[idx,2]))
    if (param[idx,1]=='--riskratio'){
      riskratio = as.numeric(as.character(param[idx,2]))
    if (param[idx,1]=='--no.case.snp'){
      no.case.snp = as.numeric(as.character(param[idx,2]))
    if (param[idx,1]=='--missing'){
      missing = as.numeric(as.character(param[idx,2]))
    if (param[idx,1]=='--outlier'){
      outlier = as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(param[idx,2]),split=",")[[1]])
    if (param[idx,1]=='--pc'){
      pc = as.character(param[idx,2])
    if (param[idx,1]=='--fulloutput'){
      fulloutput = as.character(param[idx,2])
    if (param[idx,1]=='--cate'){
      cate = as.character(param[idx,2])
  if ((length(population)+length(fst)+length(case)+length(outlier))/4.0 != length(population)){
    cat(paste0("Parameters are not correct! The given lists of population, fst, case, and outlier need to be the same length!\n"))
  ret = list("name"=name,"population"=population,"fst"=fst,"case"=case,"marker"=marker,"replicate"=replicate,

#' Simulate data for multiple populations
#' The output files are saved to the specified directory according to \code{out}.
#' @param setting An absolute path to a setting file
#' @param out An absolute path for output files
#' @param thread A number to specify a maximum thread to be run in parallel
#' @return NULL if done successfully. NA if output directory can't be created.
#' @details This function takes the specific input file containing the settings
#' for simulations. It allows multiple settings for several simulation within
#' one file. The simulation-setting file must be a text file. The line started
#' with "--" indicates the parameters for simulation, and the line started with
#' "#" are comments. Empty lines are allowed in the setting file. The parameters
#' in the setting file are listed below:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{--setting}	A name of setting
#' \item \code{--population} A list that indicates the numbers of population
#' separated by comma
#' \item \code{--fst}	A list that indicates the Fst values separated by comma.
#' Each Fst value represents a genetic distance of that particular population
#' and the first population. The Fst values for the first population and the
#' second population should be the same values, otherwise they will be summed up
#' and devided by two.
#' \item \code{--case} A list that indicates the ratio values of cases separated
#' by comma
#' \item \code{--outlier}	A list that indicates the logical values (0/1) whether
#' that population are outliers, separated by comma
#' \item \code{--marker} A number of SNPs
#' \item \code{--replicate}	A number of replicates
#' \item \code{--riskratio} A number of replicates
#' \item \code{--no.case.snp}	A number of case SNPs
#' \item \code{--pc} A logical value (TRUE/FALSE) whether PCs will be calculated.
#' \item \code{--fulloutput} A logical value (TRUE/FALSE) whether all
#' information will be exported.
#' }
#' @export
# @import doParallel
# @import parallel
# @import foreach
#' @import KRIS
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table write.csv
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.off pdf
#' @examples
#' #Check and run the demo from demo.filest()
#' demo.filest()
#' #Here is the code for demo.filest()
#' txt <- "--setting=example1\n"
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--population=100,100\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--fst=0.01,0.01\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--case=0,0\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--outlier=0,0\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--marker=1000\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--replicate=1\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--riskratio=1\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--no.case.snp=0\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--pc=TRUE\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--missing=0\n")
#' txt <- paste0(txt, "--fulloutput=TRUE\n")
#' outdir <- file.path(tempdir())
#' settingfile <- file.path(outdir, "example1.txt")
#' fo <- file(settingfile,"w")
#' for (i in txt){ write(i,fo)}
#' close(fo)
#' filest(setting = settingfile, out = outdir, thread = 1)
filest <- function(setting, out, thread = 1){

  #To run this script
  #$ Rscript [sript].r --setting [setting file] --outdir [output directory] --thread [number of thread]
  start.time = Sys.time()
  cat(paste0("Start [S0] at ",format(start.time),"\n"))
  args = commandArgs()

  no.thread = as.integer(thread)
  out.dir.prefix = out
  fname.input = setting

  if (!dir.exists(out.dir.prefix)){
    cat(paste0("Output directory doesn't exist: ",out.dir.prefix,"\nTrying to create ...\n"))
    if (!dir.create(out.dir.prefix)){
      cat(paste0("Couldn't create an output directory: ",out.dir.prefix,"\nPlease change the value of 'out' to another location.\n"))

  if (!file.exists(fname.input)){
    cat(paste0("The simulation setting file doesn't exist: ",fname.input,"\nPlease check the value of 'setting'.\n"))

  if (length(no.thread)==0){
    no.thread = 1


  set.seed( as.integer((as.double(Sys.time())*1000+Sys.getpid()) %% 2^31) )

  cat(paste0("Setting file is : ",fname.input,"\n"))

  param.all = read.table(fname.input,header=F,sep="=")
  settings = which(param.all=='--setting')

  idx.rep <- NULL
  #foreach (set.no = 1:length(settings))  %dopar% {
  for (set.no in 1:length(settings)) {
    if (set.no != length(settings)){
      idx.range = settings[set.no]:(settings[(set.no+1)]-1)
      idx.range = settings[set.no]:length(param.all[,1])
    out.dir =  file.path(out.dir.prefix,param$name)
    cat(paste0("The simulated files will be saved in this directory: ",out.dir,"\n"))
    dir.create(out.dir, showWarnings = TRUE, mode = "0755")
    #foreach (idx.rep = 1:param$replicate) %dopar% {
    for (idx.rep in 1:param$replicate) {

      out.filename.prefix = paste0(file.path(out.dir,"simSNP_rep"),idx.rep)
      cat(paste0("Creating data file setting #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
      no.sample = sum(param$population)
      no.missing.marker = floor(as.double(no.sample) * as.double(param$missing))

      #raw.data = generate.snp(pop=c(no.pop1,no.pop2,no.pop3,no.pop4),fst=c(FST1,FST2,FST3,FST4),no.snp=no.marker)
      #raw.data = generate.categorical.data(pop=c(no.pop1,no.pop2,no.pop3,no.pop4),fst=c(FST1,FST2,FST3,FST4),no.marker=no.marker)
      raw.data = generate.snp(pop=param$population,fst=param$fst,no.snp=param$marker)

      cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      if (sum(param$outlier)>0){
        cat(paste0("Create outliers #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
        raw.data = create.outlier(raw.data,param$population,param$outlier)
        cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      #introduce Missing Genotype
      no.row = dim(raw.data)[1]
      no.col = dim(raw.data)[2]
      if (param$missing > 0){
        cat(paste0("Create missing data #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
        no.missing = round(param$missing * sum(param$population))
        if (no.missing>0){
          for (i in 1:no.missing){
            idx.row = sample.int(dim(raw.data)[1],size=1)
            idx.col = sample.int(dim(raw.data)[2],size=1)
            raw.data[idx.row,idx.col] = -1
        cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      object = list()

      if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
        if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
          object.case = list()
          object.ctrl = list()

      cat(paste0("Writing data files setting #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
      #Numeric data - individuals as row, variables as column
      if (param$fulloutput == "TRUE"){
        filename = paste(out.filename.prefix,"_data_numMark_rowInd_colVar.txt",sep="")
        write.table(raw.data,file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

      #Numeric data - for ipPCA's input, individuals as column, variables as row
      filename = paste(out.filename.prefix,"_data_numMark_rowVar_colInd.txt",sep="")
      write.table(t(raw.data),file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
      cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      if (param$cate == "TRUE"){
        #Categorical data - factominer input, individuals as row, variables as column
        cat(paste0("Creating Categorical files setting #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
        cate.data = c()
        marker_id = paste0(rep('m',param$marker),1:param$marker)
        cate.data = t(apply(raw.data,1,do.create.cate,t(as.matrix(marker_id))))
        #for (i in 1:length(marker_id)){
        #  tmp = paste(marker_id[i],raw.data[,i],sep="_")
        #  cate.data = cbind(cate.data, tmp)
        filename = paste(out.filename.prefix,"_data_catMark_rowInd_colVar.txt",sep="")
        write.table(cate.data,file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

        #Numeric data encoded for categorical - transposed format , individuals as column, variables as row
        #       cat(paste0("Creating Encoded Categorical files #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
        #       encoded.cate.data = c()
        #       marker_id = paste0(rep('m',param$marker),1:param$marker)
        #       marker.variable=c()
        #       for (i in 1:length(marker_id)){
        #         for (j in sort(unique(raw.data[,i]))){
        #           variable = paste0(marker_id[i],"_",j)
        #           marker.variable = c(marker.variable,variable)
        #           tmp = rep.int(0,no.sample)
        #           tmp[which(raw.data[,i]==j)] = 1
        #           encoded.cate.data = cbind(encoded.cate.data,tmp)
        #         }
        #       }
        #       filename = paste(out.filename.prefix,"_data_catEncodeMark_rowVar_colInd.txt",sep="")
        #       write.table(t(encoded.cate.data),file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
        #       filename = paste(out.filename.prefix,"_data_catEncodeMark_markerHeader.txt",sep="")
        #       write.table(marker.variable,file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

        cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      cat(paste0("Creating status file setting #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))

      #create disease status, 1 = uneffected, 2=affected
      status = rep('1',(no.sample))
      status.label = rep('control',(no.sample))
      no.case = param$case * param$population

      #generate the disease maker, but first generate normal SNPs
      if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
        if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
          case.snp.set = generate.snp(pop=param$population,fst=param$fst,no.snp=param$no.case.snp,riskratio = 1.0)
          case.snp.only = generate.snp(pop=no.case,fst=param$fst,no.snp=param$no.case.snp,riskratio = param$riskratio)

      last.idx = 0
      last.idy = 0
      for (i in 1:length(param$population)){
        if (no.case[i]>0){
          idx = (last.idx + (param$population[i]-no.case[i]) + 1):(param$population[i] + last.idx)
          status[idx] = 2
          status.label[idx] = "case"

          if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
            if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
              idy = (last.idy +  1):(no.case[i] + last.idy)
              case.snp.set[idx,] = case.snp.only[idy,]
              last.idy = last.idy + no.case[i]

        last.idx = last.idx + param$population[i]

      #create labels

      iid = 1:no.sample
      label = generate.label(pop=param$population,outlier=param$outlier)
      plot.label = paste0(label,"_",status.label)
      pid = rep('0',no.sample)
      sex = rep('1',no.sample)
      individuals = cbind(iid,label,status)
      object$ind.info = cbind(iid,iid,pid,pid,sex,status)
      idx.ctrl = which(status == 1)
      idx.case = which(status == 2)
      object$ind.info = cbind(iid,iid,pid,pid,sex,status)

      if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
        if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
          object.ctrl$ind.info = object$ind.info[idx.ctrl,]
          object.case$ind.info = object$ind.info[idx.case,]

      colnames(individuals) = c("individual","population","disease")
      filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_individuals.txt")
      write.table(individuals,file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)
      if (param$fulloutput == "TRUE"){
        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_individuals_with_header.txt",sep="")
        write.table(individuals,file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=T, row.names=F, quote=F)
      cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      #estimate Fst
      cat(paste0("Estimating Fst setting #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
      unique.label = unique(label)
      if (length(unique.label)>1){
        fst.tab = matrix(NA,length(unique.label),length(unique.label))
        fst.col.row.name = matrix(NA,length(unique.label),1)
        for (i in 1:(length(unique.label)-1)) {
          for (j in (i+1):length(unique.label)) {
            fst.col.row.name[i] = paste0(unique.label[i],'(',length(idx1),')')
            fst.col.row.name[j] = paste0(unique.label[j],'(',length(idx2),')')
        colnames(fst.tab) = fst.col.row.name
        rownames(fst.tab) = fst.col.row.name

        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_estimated_Fst.txt")

      cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))
      cat(paste0("Creating maker information setting #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))

      #create marker information
      marker_id = paste0(rep('marker',param$marker),1:param$marker)
      marker_position = 1:param$marker * 10000
      marker_chr = rep('1',param$marker)
      marker_morgan = rep('0',param$marker)
      marker_allele1 = rep('A',param$marker)
      marker_allele2 = rep('T',param$marker)

      if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
        if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
          caseSNP_id = paste0(rep('caseSNP',param$no.case.snp),1:param$no.case.snp)
          caseSNP_position = (param$marker * 10000) + (1:param$no.case.snp * 10000)
          caseSNP_chr = rep('1',param$no.case.snp)
          caseSNP_morgan = rep('0',param$no.case.snp)
          caseSNP_allele1 = rep('A',param$no.case.snp)
          caseSNP_allele2 = rep('T',param$no.case.snp)

          marker_id = c(marker_id,caseSNP_id)
          marker_position = c(marker_position,caseSNP_position)
          marker_chr = c(marker_chr,caseSNP_chr)
          marker_morgan = c(marker_morgan,caseSNP_morgan)
          marker_allele1 = c(marker_allele1,caseSNP_allele1)
          marker_allele2 = c(marker_allele2,caseSNP_allele2)

      object$snp.info = cbind(marker_chr,marker_id,marker_morgan,marker_position,marker_allele1,marker_allele2)

      if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
        if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
          object.ctrl$snp.info = object$snp.info
          object.case$snp.info = object$snp.info

      #Combine Null SNPs with case SNPs

      object$snp = raw.data

      if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
        if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
          object$snp = cbind(raw.data,case.snp.set)

          object.ctrl$snp = object$snp[idx.ctrl,]
          object.case$snp = object$snp[idx.case,]

          filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_controls")

          filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_cases")

      filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix)

      filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,".RData")
      save(object,iid,status,label,file=filename, compress = "bzip2")

      cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))

      if (param$pc == "TRUE"){
        cat(paste0("Generating PC scores #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
        PC = cal.pc.linear(object$snp,PCscore=TRUE,no.pc=10,data.type="snp")$PC

        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_PC10.txt")
        write.table(cbind(iid,iid,PC),file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_PC.pdf")

        cat(paste0("Generating EigenVector  #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
        PC = cal.pc.linear(object$snp,PCscore=FALSE,no.pc=10,data.type="snp")$PC

        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_eigenvector10.txt")
        write.table(cbind(iid,iid,PC),file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

        PC.projected = NULL
        if (sum(no.case) > 0){
          cat(paste0("Generating projected PCs  #",set.no," - rep #",idx.rep,"\n"))
          PC.projected = cal.pc.projection(object$snp, iid, status, label, no.pc = 10)

          filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_PC.projected.txt")
          tmp.pc.projected = cbind(PC.projected$id,PC.projected$id,PC.projected$label,PC.projected$status,PC.projected$PC)
          #colnames(tmp.pc.projected) <- c('fid','iid','pop','status','pc1','pc2','pc3','pc4','pc5','pc6','pc7','pc8','pc9','pc10')
          #PC.projected.sorted <- tmp.pc.projected[order(fid),]
          PC.projected.sorted <- tmp.pc.projected

          write.table(PC.projected.sorted,file=filename,sep=" ",col.names=F, row.names=F, quote=F)

          filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,"_PC.projected.pdf")
          plot.label = paste0(PC.projected$label,"_",PC.projected$status)

        #Save R object
        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,".RData")
        if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
          if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
            save(file=filename,PC,PC.projected,raw.data,case.snp.set,label,object, compress = "bzip2")
            save(file=filename,PC,PC.projected,raw.data,label,object, compress = "bzip2")
          save(file=filename,PC,PC.projected,raw.data,label,object, compress = "bzip2")
        #Save R object
        filename = paste0(out.filename.prefix,".RData")
        if (!anyNA(param$no.case.snp)){
          if (param$no.case.snp > 0){
            save(file=filename,raw.data,case.snp.set,label,object, compress = "bzip2")
            save(file=filename,raw.data,label,object, compress = "bzip2")
          save(file=filename,raw.data,label,object, compress = "bzip2")
      cat(paste0("Done - ",format(Sys.time()-start.time),"\n"))


#' Demonstration the filest function
#' This function generates the setting file and demonstrate how to use \code{\link{filest}}.
#' @return The output directory
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #To run this function, simply call demo.filest()
#' demo.filest()
demo.filest <- function(){
  txt = "--setting=example1\n"
  txt = paste0(txt,"--population=100,100\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--fst=0.01,0.01\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--case=0,0\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--outlier=0,0\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--marker=1000\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--replicate=1\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--riskratio=1\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--no.case.snp=0\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--pc=TRUE\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--missing=0\n")
  txt = paste0(txt,"--fulloutput=TRUE\n")

  outdir = file.path(tempdir())

  settingfile = file.path(outdir,"example1.txt")
  cat(paste0("Creating a setting file ... ",settingfile,"\n"))
  fo = file(settingfile,"w")
  for (i in txt){ write(i,fo)}

  cat(paste0("Generating the simulated data  to  ... ",outdir,"\n"))
  filest(setting = settingfile, out = outdir, thread = 1)


#' Create a template for a setting file of function filest
#' @param out.file An absolute path to a new setting file
#' @param no.setting A number of simulated settings
#' @return An output directory if suggessfully created. Null if a setting file
#' can't be created.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #Create 2 simulated settings
#' output <- file.path(tempdir(),"example_setting.txt")
#' res <- create.template.setting(out.file = output, no.setting = 2)
#' print(res)
create.template.setting <- function(out.file, no.setting = 1){

  outfile = out.file
  if (file.exists(outfile)){
    f.name = tools::file_path_sans_ext(outfile)
    f.ext = tools::file_ext(outfile)
    co = 1
    f.new = paste0(f.name,co,'.',f.ext)
    while (file.exists(f.new)){
      co = co + 1
      f.new = paste0(f.name,co,'.',f.ext)
    outfile = f.new
    cat(paste0("The given file exists\nThe setting file will be saved as ... ",outfile,"\n"))
    cat(paste0("The setting file will be saved as ... ",outfile,"\n"))

  fo = file(outfile,"w")
  no.set = as.integer(no.setting)
  if (no.set <= 0){
    no.set = 1
  for (i in 1:no.set){
    txt = paste0("#Setting ",i," starts here\n--setting=example",i,"\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--population=100,100,100\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--fst=0.01,0.01,0.01\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--case=0,0,0\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--outlier=0,0,0\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--marker=1000\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--replicate=1\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--riskratio=1\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--no.case.snp=0\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--pc=TRUE\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--missing=0\n")
    txt = paste0(txt,"--fulloutput=TRUE\n")



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FILEST documentation built on Jan. 25, 2021, 5:05 p.m.