
Defines functions iALKPlotBubble iBubblesAdd iBubbleFindIn iBubbleUnmatKey iALKPlotSplines iALKPlotLines iALKPlotBar iBarplotAddLabelsToBars iALKPlotArea iAdjKey4xlim iLinesAddLabelsToLines iAddLegend iFindAgesAndLens alkPlot

Documented in alkPlot

#' @title Plots to visualize age-length keys.
#' @description Various plots to visualize the proportion of fish of certain ages within length intervals in an age-length key.
#' @details A variety of plots can be used to visualize the proportion of fish of certain ages within length intervals of an age-length key. The types of plots are described below and illustrated in the examples.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item A \dQuote{stacked} bar chart where vertical bars over length intervals sum to 1 but are segmented by the proportion of each age in that length interval is constructed with \code{type="barplot"}. The ages will be labeled in the bar segments unless \code{showLegend=TRUE} is used.
#'   \item A \dQuote{stacked} area chart similar to the bar chart described above is constructed with \code{type="area"}.
#'   \item A plot with (differently colored) lines that connect the proportions of ages within each length interval is constructed with \code{type="lines"}.
#'   \item A plot with (differently colored) lines, as estimated by loess splines, that connect the proportions of ages within each length interval is constructed with \code{type="splines"}.
#'   \item A \dQuote{bubble} plot where circles whose size is proportional to the proportion of fish of each age in each length interval is constructed with \code{type="bubble"}. The color of the bubbles can be controlled with \code{col=} and an underlying grid for ease of seeing the age and length interval for each bubble can be controlled with \code{grid=}. Bubbles from a second age-length key can be overlaid on an already constructed bubble plot by using \code{add=TRUE} in a second call to \code{alkPlot}.
#' }
#' Note that all plots are \dQuote{vertically conditional} -- i.e., each represents the proportional ages WITHIN each length interval.
#' @param key A numeric matrix that contains the age-length key.
#' @param type A string that indicates the type of plot to construct. See details.
#' @param xlab,ylab A string that contains the label for the x- or y-axis.
#' @param xlim,ylim A numeric of length 2 that provide the limits for the x-axis or y-axis.
#' @param showLegend A logical that indicates whether a legend should be displayed (not implemented for \code{type="bubble"}). See examples.
#' @param lbl.cex A numeric character expansion value for labels inside the bars when \code{type="barplot"} or on the lines when \code{type="lines"} or \code{type="splines"}. Only used if \code{showLegend=FALSE}.
#' @param leg.cex A numeric character expansion value for labels on the legend when \code{showLegend=TRUE}.
#' @param lwd A numeric that indicates the line width when \code{type="lines"} or \code{type="splines"}.
#' @param span A numeric that indicates the span value to use in \code{loess} when \code{type="splines"}.
#' @param col A single character string that is a palette from \code{\link[grDevices]{hcl.pals}} or a vector of character strings containing colors for the bars, areas, lines, or spline lines of different ages; defaults to the "viridis" palette in \code{\link[grDevices]{hcl.colors}}. A single string that indicates the color of the bubbles when \code{type="bubble"}.
#' @param grid A logical that indicates whether a grid should be placed under the bubbles when \code{type="bubble"} or a character or appropriate vector that identifies a color for the grid. See examples.
#' @param buf A single numeric that indicates the relative width of the bubbles when \code{type="bubble"}. A value of 0.5 means that two full-width bubbles would touch each other either in the x- or y-direction (i.e., this would represent half of the minimum of the physical distance between values one-unit apart on the x- and y-axes). Set this to a value less than 0.5 so that the bubbles will not touch (the default is 0.45).
#' @param add A logical that indicates whether the data should be added to an already existing plot. May be useful for visually comparing age-length keys. Only implemented when \code{type="bubble"}.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments to pass to \code{plot} or \code{barplot}.
#' @return None, but a plot is constructed.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}
#' @section IFAR Chapter: 5-Age-Length Key.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{alkIndivAge}} for using an age-length key to assign ages to individual fish. See \code{\link[grDevices]{hcl.colors}} for a simple way to choose other colors.
#' @references Ogle, D.H. 2016. \href{https://fishr-core-team.github.io/fishR/pages/books.html#introductory-fisheries-analyses-with-r}{Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R}. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
#' @keywords plot
#' @examples
#' ## Make an example age-length key
#' WR.age <- droplevels(subset(WR79, !is.na(age)))
#' WR.age$LCat <- lencat(WR.age$len,w=5)
#' raw <- xtabs(~LCat+age,data=WR.age)
#' WR.key <- prop.table(raw, margin=1)
#' round(WR.key,3)
#' ## Various visualizations of the age-length key
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"barplot")
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"barplot",col="Cork")
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"barplot",col=heat.colors(8))
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"barplot",showLegend=TRUE)
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"area")
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"lines")
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"splines")
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"splines",span=0.2)
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"bubble")
#' alkPlot(WR.key,"bubble",col=col2rgbt("black",0.5))
#' @export alkPlot
#' @rdname alkPlot
alkPlot <- function(key,type=c("barplot","area","lines","splines","bubble"),
                    ...) {
  ## Some checks
  type <- match.arg(type)
  key <- iCheckALK(key)
  ## construct the plots (all internal functions) # nocov start
         area=    { iALKPlotArea(key,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,showLegend,leg.cex,col) },
         barplot= { iALKPlotBar(key,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,lbl.cex,showLegend,
                                leg.cex,col,...) },
         bubble=  { iALKPlotBubble(key,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,grid,buf,col,add,...) },
         lines=   { iALKPlotLines(key,lwd,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,lbl.cex,col,
                                  showLegend,leg.cex,...) },
         splines= { iALKPlotSplines(key,lwd,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,lbl.cex,span,
                                    col,showLegend,leg.cex,...) }
  ## return to original graphing parameters
  graphics::layout(1) # nocov end

## INTERNAL -- Identify the ages and lengths in the key and the number of each
iFindAgesAndLens <- function(key) {
  ages <- as.numeric(colnames(key))
  num.ages <- length(ages)  
  lens <- as.numeric(rownames(key))
  num.lens <- length(lens)

## INTERNAL -- Add a legend
iAddLegend <- function(alsum,leg.cex,col){ # nocov start
  tmp <- graphics::par("mar")
}  # nocov end

## INTERNAL -- Add age labels to lines in line and spline plots
iLinesAddLabelsToLines <- function(maxvals,lbl.cex) { # nocov start
} # nocov end

## INTERNAL -- Add age labels to lines in line and spline plots
iAdjKey4xlim <- function(key,xlim) {
  if (!is.null(xlim)) {
    # make sure values are in ascending order
    xlim <- xlim[order(xlim)]
    # reduce rows of keys down to values that are between xlim values
    tmp <- as.numeric(row.names(key))
    key <- key[which(tmp>=xlim[1] & tmp<=xlim[2]),]
    # remove columns (ages) that don't have any values
    key <- key[,which(colSums(key)!=0)]
    if (!is.matrix(key)) STOP("'xlim' is too restrictive (only one age).")

## Internal function to make the area plot
iALKPlotArea <- function(key,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,showLegend,leg.cex,col) { # nocov start
  if (any(is.na(rowSums(key)))) {
    tmp <- which(is.na(rowSums(key)))
    key[tmp,] <- 0
  # adjust key for xlim values
  key <- iAdjKey4xlim(key,xlim)
  alsum <- iFindAgesAndLens(key)
  col <- iCheckMultColor(col,alsum$num.ages)
  if (showLegend) iAddLegend(alsum,leg.cex,col)
  # convert NULL y-axis limits to NA for use with stackpoly
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- NA
}   # nocov end

## Internal function to make the bar plot
## =============================================================================
## INTERNAL -- Add age labels inside of bars on barplot
## =============================================================================
iBarplotAddLabelsToBars <- function(key,alsum,lbl.cex,col,...) { # nocov start
  # Make colors for the age labels inside the bars (dark on light, light on dark)
  age.clr <- rep("black",alsum$num.ages)
  age.clr[which(colMeans(grDevices::col2rgb(col))<120)] <- "white"
  # Add the age labels inside the bars    
  for (i in 1:alsum$num.lens) {
    if (!all(is.na(key[i,]))) { # don't put labels if length is all NA
      j <- 1
      if(key[i,j]>0) graphics::text(i-0.5,key[i,j]/2,alsum$ages[j],
      prv <- key[i,j]
      while(prv<1 & j<alsum$num.ages) {
        j <- j+1
        if(key[i,j]>0) graphics::text(i-0.5,prv+key[i,j]/2,alsum$ages[j],
        prv <- prv+key[i,j]
} # nocov end

iALKPlotBar <- function(key,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,lbl.cex,showLegend,leg.cex,col,...) { # nocov start
  # adjust key for xlim values
  key <- iAdjKey4xlim(key,xlim)
  alsum <- iFindAgesAndLens(key)
  col <- iCheckMultColor(col,alsum$num.ages)
  if (showLegend) iAddLegend(alsum,leg.cex,col)
  if (!showLegend) iBarplotAddLabelsToBars(key,alsum,lbl.cex,col)
} # nocov end

## Internal function to make the lines plot
iALKPlotLines <- function(key,lwd,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,lbl.cex,col,
                          showLegend,leg.cex,...) { # nocov start
  alsum <- iFindAgesAndLens(key)
  col <- iCheckMultColor(col,alsum$num.ages)
  if (showLegend) iAddLegend(alsum,leg.cex,col)
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(alsum$lens)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0,1)
  maxvals <- matrix(NA,nrow=alsum$num.ages,ncol=3)
  for(i in 1:alsum$num.ages) {
    tmp <- min(which(key[,i]==max(key[,i],na.rm=TRUE)))
    maxvals[i,] <- c(alsum$lens[tmp],key[tmp,i],alsum$ages[i])
  if (!showLegend) iLinesAddLabelsToLines(maxvals,lbl.cex)  
} # nocov end

## Internal function to make the splines plot
iALKPlotSplines <- function(key,lwd,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,lbl.cex,span,col,
                            showLegend,leg.cex,...) { # nocov start
  alsum <- iFindAgesAndLens(key)
  col <- iCheckMultColor(col,alsum$num.ages)
  if (showLegend) iAddLegend(alsum,leg.cex,col)
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(alsum$lens)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0,1)
  plens <- seq(min(alsum$lens),max(alsum$lens),0.1)
  maxvals <- matrix(NA,nrow=alsum$num.ages,ncol=3)
  lens <- alsum$lens  # needed for making predictions below    
  for(i in 1:alsum$num.ages) {
    tmp <- key[,i]
    suppressWarnings(tmp <- stats::loess(tmp~lens,span=span))
    pprob <- stats::predict(tmp,data.frame(lens=plens))
    tmp <- min(which(pprob==max(pprob)))
    maxvals[i,] <- c(plens[tmp],pprob[tmp],alsum$ages[i])
  if (!showLegend) iLinesAddLabelsToLines(maxvals,lbl.cex)
} # nocov end

## Internal function to create the bubble plot
## =============================================================================
## convert the key to a data.frame for the bubble plot
## =============================================================================
iBubbleUnmatKey <- function(key,alsum) {
  tmpK <- data.frame(len=rep(alsum$lens,times=alsum$num.ages),

## =============================================================================
## find inches argument (scale of radius for bubbles)
## =============================================================================
iBubbleFindIn <- function(alsum,buf) {
  # find "inches" between concurrent values on the X,Y user scales
  tmpX <- graphics::grconvertX(alsum$lens[1:2],"user","inches")
  tmpY <- graphics::grconvertY(alsum$ages[1:2],"user","inches")
  # find minimum diff in X,Y inches per 1 concurrent set of values
  # of user scale * the buffer

## =============================================================================
## INTERNAL -- add bubbles to an existing plot
## =============================================================================
iBubblesAdd <- function(key,alsum,buf,col) { # nocov start
  tmp <- iBubbleUnmatKey(key,alsum)
} # nocov end

iALKPlotBubble <- function(key,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,grid,buf,col,add,...) { # nocov start
  # if grid is logical and TRUE then default color, if FALSE then NULL
  if (is.logical(grid)) {
    if (grid) grid <- "gray80"
    else grid <- NULL
  if (is.null(col)) col <- "gray60"
  alsum <- iFindAgesAndLens(key)
  if (!add) {
    # not adding to an existing bubble plot, so make the base plot
    if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- range(alsum$lens)+c(-1,1)*buf
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(alsum$ages)+c(-1,1)*buf
    if (!is.null(grid)) {
} # nocov end

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