HMFA<-function (X, H, type = rep("s", length(H[[1]])), ncp = 5, graph = TRUE, axes=c(1,2), = NULL) {
hdil <- function(H) {
nbnivh <- length(H)
dil <- H
a <- NULL
dil[[nbnivh]] <- rep(length(H[[nbnivh]]), length(H[[nbnivh]]))
if (nbnivh > 1) {
for (i in 1:(nbnivh - 1)) {
h <- nbnivh - i
k <- nbnivh - i + 1
for (j in 1:length(H[[k]])) a <- c(a, rep(H[[k]][j] * dil[[k]][j], H[[k]][j]))
dil[[h]] <- a
a <- NULL
htabdes <- function(H) {
nbnivh <- length(H)
nbvarh <- H
if (nbnivh > 1) {
for (i in 2:nbnivh) {
for (j in 1:length(H[[i]])) {
nbvarh[[i]][j] <- 0
if (j == 1) {
for (k in 1:H[[i]][1]) nbvarh[[i]][j] <- nbvarh[[i]][j] + nbvarh[[i - 1]][k]
else {
a <- 0
b <- 0
for (n in 1:(j - 1)) a <- a + H[[i]][n]
a <- a + 1
for (n in 1:j) b <- b + H[[i]][n]
for (k in a:b) nbvarh[[i]][j] <- nbvarh[[i]][j] + nbvarh[[i - 1]][k]
hweight <- function(X, H, type = rep("s", length(H[[1]]))) {
Hq <- H
niv1 <- MFA(X, group = H[[1]], type = type, graph = FALSE)
cw <- niv1$call$col.w
Hq[[1]] <- niv1$call$group.mod
Hinter <- htabdes(Hq)
nbnivh <- length(Hq)
cw.partiel <- H
cw.partiel[[1]] <- cw
for (n in 2:nbnivh) {
niv2 <- MFA(niv1$call$XTDC, group = Hinter[[n]], type = c(rep("c", length(Hinter[[n]]))), weight.col.mfa = cw, graph = FALSE)
cw <- niv2$call$col.w * cw
cw.partiel[[n]] <- cw
if (is.null(rownames(X))) rownames(X) <- 1:nrow(X)
if (is.null(colnames(X))) colnames(X) <- paste("V",1:ncol(X),sep="")
X <-
is.quali <- which(!unlist(lapply(X,is.numeric)))
X[,is.quali] <- lapply(X[,is.quali,drop=FALSE],as.factor)
for (j in 1:ncol(X)) if (colnames(X)[j]=="") colnames(X)[j] <- paste("V",j,sep="")
for (j in 1:nrow(X)) if (is.null(rownames(X)[j])) rownames(X)[j] <- paste("row",j,sep="")
## avoid problem when a category has 0 individuals
for (j in 1:ncol(X)) {
if (!is.numeric(X[,j])) levels(X[,j])[which(table(X[,j])==0)] <- levels(X[,j])[which(table(X[,j])!=0)[1]]
poids <- hweight(X, H, type = type)
nbind <- dim(X)[1]
nbnivo <- length(H)
res1 <- list()
for (j in 1:ncol(X)) {
if (is.numeric(X[,j])) X[,j] <- scale(X[,j],scale=FALSE)
niv1 <- MFA(X, group = H[[1]], type = type, ncp = ncp, graph = FALSE)
X <- niv1$call$XTDC
Hq <- H
Hq[[1]] <- niv1$call$group.mod
Xdes <- htabdes(Hq)
ind.var <- 0
ind.quali <- NULL
nbgroup <- length(H[[1]])
for (g in 1:nbgroup) {
if (type[g] == "n") ind.quali <- c(ind.quali, c((ind.var + 1):(ind.var + niv1$call$group.mod[g])))
ind.var <- ind.var + niv1$call$group.mod[g]
for (h in 1:nbnivo) {
nbgroup <- length(H[[h]])
ind.col <- 0
data.partiel <- vector(mode = "list", length = nbgroup)
group.mod <- Xdes[[h]]
for (g in 1:nbgroup) {
data.partiel[[g]] <-, nrow(X), ncol(X), byrow = TRUE, dimnames = dimnames(X)))
data.partiel[[g]][, (ind.col + 1):(ind.col + Xdes[[h]][g])] <- X[,(ind.col + 1):(ind.col + Xdes[[h]][g])]
ind.col <- ind.col + group.mod[g]
res1[[h]] <- data.partiel
res.afmh <- PCA(X, col.w = poids[[nbnivo]], graph = FALSE, ncp = ncp, scale.unit = FALSE)
dilat <- hdil(H)
nb.v.p <- ncol(res.afmh$ind$coord) <- list()
for (h in 1:nbnivo) {
res <- sweep(as.matrix(res.afmh$var$coord^2),1,poids[[h]],FUN="*")
nbgroup <- length(H[[h]])
ind.col <- 1
group.mod <- Xdes[[h]]
aux.mat <- matrix(0, nbgroup, nb.v.p)
for (g in 1:nbgroup) {
aux.mat[g, ] <- apply(res[ind.col:(ind.col + group.mod[g] - 1),, drop=FALSE], 2, sum)
ind.col <- ind.col + group.mod[g]
colnames(aux.mat) <- colnames(res.afmh$var$cor)
if (is.null({
name.aux <- paste("L", h, ".", sep = "")
rownames(aux.mat) <- paste(name.aux, "G", 1:nbgroup, sep = "")
rownames(aux.mat) <-[[h]]
}[[h]] <- aux.mat
part1 <- list()
if (!is.null(ind.quali)) part1.quali <- list()
for (h in 1:nbnivo) {
nbgroup <- length(H[[h]])
part2 <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(res.afmh$ind$coord), nb.v.p, nbgroup))
if (!is.null(ind.quali)) part2.quali <- array(0, dim = c(length(ind.quali), nb.v.p, nbgroup))
for (g in 1:nbgroup) {
formule <- matrix(0, dim(X)[1], nb.v.p)
formule <- sweep(as.matrix(res1[[h]][[g]]),2, poids[[nbnivo]],FUN="*")
formule <- formule %*%t(X)
formule <- sweep(formule,2,rep(nbind, nbind),FUN="/")
formule <- formule %*% as.matrix(res.afmh$ind$coord)
formule <- sweep(formule,2,res.afmh$eig[1:nb.v.p, 1]/ dilat[[h]][g],FUN="/")
namecol <- paste("Dim", 1:nb.v.p, sep = "")
formule <- matrix(formule, dim(formule)[1], dim(formule)[2])
colnames(part2) <- namecol
rownames(part2) <- rownames(X)
if (!is.null(ind.quali)) {
rownames(part2.quali) <- colnames(X)[ind.quali]
colnames(part2.quali) <- namecol
part2[, , g] <- formule
part1[[h]] <- part2
if (!is.null(ind.quali)) {
for (k in 1:length(ind.quali))
if (sum(as.integer(X[,ind.quali[k]] > 0))<2) part2.quali[k, , ] <- part2[X[,ind.quali[k]] > 0, , ]
else part2.quali[k, , ] <- apply(part2[X[,ind.quali[k]] > 0, , ], c(2, 3), mean)
part1.quali[[h]] <- part2.quali
## ajout
canonical <- matrix(0, 0 ,ncol(res.afmh$ind$coord))
colnames(canonical) <- colnames(res.afmh$ind$coord)
for (h in 1:nbnivo) {
nbgroup <- length(H[[h]])
for (g in 1:nbgroup) {
canonical <- rbind(canonical, diag(cor(res.afmh$ind$coord,part1[[h]][,,g])))
if (is.null({
name.aux <- paste("L", h, ".", sep = "")
rownames(canonical)[(nrow(canonical)-nbgroup+1):nrow(canonical)] <- paste(name.aux, "G", 1:nbgroup, sep = "")
else rownames(canonical)[(nrow(canonical)-nbgroup+1):nrow(canonical)] <-[[h]]
## fin ajout
res.afmh$group <- list(,canonical=canonical)
results <- list(eig = res.afmh$eig, group = res.afmh$group, ind = res.afmh$ind, partial = part1)
if (!is.null(ind.quali) & length(ind.quali) < nrow(res.afmh$var$coord)) {
results$quanti.var$coord <- res.afmh$var$coord[-ind.quali, ]
results$quanti.var$cor <- res.afmh$var$cor[-ind.quali, ]
results$quanti.var$cos2 <- res.afmh$var$cos2[-ind.quali, ]
results$quanti.var$contrib <- res.afmh$var$contrib[-ind.quali, ]
if (is.null(ind.quali)) {
results$quanti.var$coord <- res.afmh$var$coord
results$quanti.var$cor <- res.afmh$var$cor
results$quanti.var$cos2 <- res.afmh$var$cos2
results$quanti.var$contrib <- res.afmh$var$contrib
if (!is.null(ind.quali)) {
aux <- matrix(0, nrow = length(ind.quali), ncol = ncol(res.afmh$ind$coord))
for (k in 1:length(ind.quali))
if (sum(as.integer(X[,ind.quali[k]] > 0))<2) aux[k, ] <- res.afmh$ind$coord[X[,ind.quali[k]] > 0, ]
else aux[k, ] <- apply(res.afmh$ind$coord[X[,ind.quali[k]] > 0, ], 2, mean)
dimnames(aux) <- dimnames(res.afmh$var$contrib[ind.quali, ])
results$quali.var$coord <- aux
results$quali.var$contrib <- res.afmh$var$contrib[ind.quali, ]
results$quali.var$partial <- part1.quali
results$call$H <- H
results$call$X <- X
results$call$call <- sys.calls()[[1]]
if (!is.null(ind.quali)) results$call$Hq <- Xdes
class(results) <- c("HMFA", "list")
if (graph) {
plot.HMFA(results, choix = "ind",axes=axes,new.plot=TRUE)
plot.HMFA(results, choix = "var",axes=axes,new.plot=TRUE)
plot.HMFA(results, choix = "group",axes=axes,new.plot=TRUE)
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