
Defines functions loglik_frailty

loglik_frailty<- function(X, Y, theta, cuts=NULL, nbase, data, design, base.dist, frailty.dist, agemin, vec=FALSE)

if(!design %in% c("pop", "pop+"))  stop("Frailty model is only available for POP or POP+ design.")

if(base.dist=="lognormal") bparms <- c(theta[1], exp(theta[2]))
else bparms <- exp(theta[1:nbase])

nX <- dim(X)[2]
xbeta <- c(X%*%theta[(nbase+1):(nbase+nX)])
kappa <- exp(theta[length(theta)])

time0 <- Y[,1] - agemin
cuts0 <- cuts - agemin
status <- Y[,2]
ip <- data$proband == 1

wt <- data$weight
wt.p <- wt[ip]

bhaz <- hazards(base.dist, time0, bparms, cuts=cuts0)
bcumhaz <- cumhaz(base.dist, time0, bparms, cuts=cuts0)

H <- bcumhaz*exp(xbeta)
logh <- log(bhaz) + xbeta
loglik <-  wt * (status*logh )

df <- data$df[ip]
s <- aggregate(H, list(data$famID), sum)[,2]
logdL <- wt.p*log( dlaplace(frailty.dist, g=s, d=df, k=kappa) )

# Ascertainment correction (design = pop, pop+)
  cagep <- data$currentage[ip]-agemin
  xbeta.p <- xbeta[ip]
  bcumhaz.p <- cumhaz(base.dist, cagep, bparms, cuts=cuts0)
  logasc <- wt.p*log(1-laplace(frailty.dist, bcumhaz.p*exp(xbeta.p), kappa))
  logasc[logasc == -Inf] <- 0
  sloglik <- sum(loglik[loglik!=-Inf], na.rm=T) + sum(logdL, na.rm=T) - sum(logasc, na.rm=T)
  loglik[ip] <- loglik[ip] + logdL - logasc
  #print(c(theta, -sloglik))
  if(vec) return(-loglik)
  else  return(-sloglik)

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