
Defines functions getnprobak getnamesk .hroundcoefk roundcoefk checkcoefk pk2pk kw2e kw2d kw2a ke2w ke2d ke2a kd2w kd2e kd2a ew2k ew2d ew2a ek2w ek2d ek2a dw2k dw2e dw2a dk2w dk2e dk2a de2w de2k de2a ak2w ak2e ak2d ae2w ae2k ae2d ad2w ad2k ad2e aw2e aw2d aw2k dimdimc dimdim1 dimdim

Documented in ad2e ad2k ad2w ae2d ae2k ae2w ak2d ak2e ak2w aw2d aw2e aw2k checkcoefk de2a de2k de2w dimdim dimdim1 dimdimc dk2a dk2e dk2w dw2a dw2e dw2k ek2a ek2d ek2w ew2a ew2d ew2k getnamesk getnprobak kd2a kd2e kd2w ke2a ke2d ke2w kw2a kw2d kw2e pk2pk roundcoefk

#' @include d_logishp.R

#' @title Length and Dimensions of Vector, Matrix, Array, Data.Frame, List
#' @description
#' Dimensions and length of vector, matrix, array, data.frame and list. 
#' A friendly version of \code{dim} that returns the true dimension 
#' rather than the sometimes unexpected \code{NULL} value. 
#' The number of dimensions appears first, then the length in each dimension. 
#' A special case is list: the list's length (number of items) is turned into a 
#' negative integer and the dimension/length of each item is either positive 
#' if the item is a vector, matrix, array or data.frame or negative if the item 
#' is itself a list. Only the first level of the list is explored. 
#' \code{dimdim1} and \code{dimdimc} return the first item of \code{dimdim}, 
#' thus the true dimension, either as an integer or as a character 
#' and, in this latest case, always \code{"-1"} for lists. 
#' Notes: From version 1.6.2 (April 2016), \code{dimdim(NULL) = c(0, 0)}.  
#' (before \code{c(1, 0)}). Hence, \code{dimdim1(NULL) = 0} and 
#' \code{dimdimc(NULL) = "0"}. 
#' Some problems may occur with S4 objects like 
#' \code{dimdim(qualityTools::fracDesign(k = 3, gen = "C = AB"))}.
#' @param        x    vector, matrix, array, data.frame, list.
#' @examples
#' require(timeSeries)
#' dimdim(NULL) 
#' dimdim(NA); dimdim(NaN); dimdim(Inf); dimdim(TRUE); dimdim(FALSE)
#' dimdim(11:39)
#' dimdim(LETTERS[1:8])
#' dimdim(matrix(1:60, ncol=5))
#' dimdim(extractData())
#' dimdim(as.data.frame(extractData()))
#' dimdim(data.frame(X=1:2, Y=1:4, Z=LETTERS[1:8]))
#' dimdim(array(1:240, c(8,6,5)))
#' dimdim(array(1:240, c(4,2,6,5)))
#' dimdim(getDSdata())
#' dimdim(zData)
#' dimdim(xData)
#' dimdim(tData)
#' dimdim1(matrix(1:60, ncol=5))
#' dimdimc(matrix(1:60, ncol=5))
#' dimdim1(tData)
#' dimdimc(tData)
#' @export
#' @name dimdim
dimdim    <- function(x) { 
	z  <- 	if (is.list(x) & !is.data.frame(x)) { 
				c(-length(x), sapply(x, dimdim1))
	} else { 
		if (!is.null(dim(x))) { 
			c(length(dim(x)), dim(x)) 
		} else { 
			if (max(NCOL(x), ncol(x), na.rm=TRUE) == 1) { 
				c(NCOL(x), NROW(x)) 
			} else { 
				c(2, max(NROW(x), nrow(x), na.rm=TRUE), 
					 max(NCOL(x), ncol(x), na.rm=TRUE)) 
	if (is.null(x)) {z <- c(0, 0)} # new v1.6.2 April 2016
	names(z) <- NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname dimdim
dimdim1 <- function(x) { dimdim(x)[1] }
#' @export
#' @rdname dimdim
dimdimc <- function(x) {
	ddim  <- dimdim(x)[1] 
	z     <- if (ddim < 0) {"-1"} else {as.character(ddim)}

#' @title Local Conversion Functions Between Kiener Distribution Parameters
#' @description
#' Conversion functions between parameters \code{a}, \code{k}, \code{w}, 
#' \code{d}, \code{e} used in Kiener distributions K2, K3 and K4.
#' @param        a    a numeric value.
#' @param        k    a numeric value.
#' @param        w    a numeric value.
#' @param        d    a numeric value.
#' @param        e    a numeric value.
#' @details
#' \code{a} (alpha) is the left tail parameter, 
#' \code{w} (omega) is the right tail parameter, 
#' \code{d} (delta) is the distortion parameter, 
#' \code{e} (epsilon) is the eccentricity parameter. 
#' \code{k} (kappa) is the harmonic mean of \code{a} and \code{w} and 
#' describes a global tail parameter. 
#' They are defined by: 
#' \deqn{ aw2k(a, w) = k = 2 / (1/a + 1/w) = \frac{2}{\frac{1}{a} +\frac{1}{w}}  }
#' \deqn{ aw2d(a, w) = d = (-1/a + 1/w) / 2 = \frac{-\frac{1}{a} +\frac{1}{w}}{2} }
#' \deqn{ aw2e(a, w) = e = (a - w) / (a + w) = \frac{a-w}{a+w} }
#' \deqn{ kd2a(k, d) = a = 1 / ( 1/k - d) = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{k} - d} }
#' \deqn{ kd2w(k, d) = w = 1 / ( 1/k + d) = \frac{1}{\frac{1}{k} + d} }
#' \deqn{ ke2a(k, e) = a = k / (1 - e) = \frac{k}{1-e} }
#' \deqn{ ke2w(k, e) = w = k / (1 + e) = \frac{k}{1+e} }
#' \deqn{ ke2d(k, e) = d = e / k = \frac{e}{k} }
#' \deqn{ kd2e(k, d) = e = k * d }
#' \deqn{ de2k(k, e) = k = e / d = \frac{e}{d} }
#' @seealso 
#' The asymmetric Kiener distributions K2, K3, K4:  
#' \code{\link{kiener2}}, \code{\link{kiener3}}, \code{\link{kiener4}}
#' @examples
#' aw2k(4, 6); aw2d(4, 6); aw2e(4, 6)
#' outer(1:6, 1:6, aw2k)
#' @export
#' @name aw2k
           aw2k <- function(a, w) { 2 / (1/a + 1/w) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           aw2d <- function(a, w) { (-1/a + 1/w) / 2 }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           aw2e <- function(a, w) { (a - w) / (a + w) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ad2e <- function(a, d) { d*a / ( 1 + d*a) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ad2k <- function(a, d) { a / ( 1 + d*a) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ad2w <- function(a, d) { 1 / ( 2*d + 1/a) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ae2d <- function(a, e) { e / (1 - e) / a }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ae2k <- function(a, e) { (1 - e) * a }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ae2w <- function(a, e) { a * (1 - e) / (1 + e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ak2d <- function(a, k) { (a - k) / a / k }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ak2e <- function(a, k) { (a - k) / a }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ak2w <- function(a, k) { 1 / ( 2/k - 1/a) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           de2a <- function(d, e) { e / d / (1 - e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           de2k <- function(d, e) { e / d }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           de2w <- function(d, e) { e / d / (1 + e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           dk2a <- function(d, k) { 1 / (1/k - d) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           dk2e <- function(d, k) { d * k }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           dk2w <- function(d, k) { 1 / (1/k + d) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           dw2a <- function(d, w) { -1 / ( 2*d - 1/w) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           dw2e <- function(d, w) { d*w / ( 1 - d*w) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           dw2k <- function(d, w) { w / ( 1 - d*w) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ek2a <- function(e, k) { k / (1 - e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ek2d <- function(e, k) { e / k }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ek2w <- function(e, k) { k / (1 + e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ew2a <- function(e, w) { w * (1 + e) / (1 - e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ew2d <- function(e, w) { e / (1 + e) / w }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ew2k <- function(e, w) { (1 + e) * w }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           kd2a <- function(k, d) { 1 / ( 1/k - d) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           kd2e <- function(k, d) { k * d }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           kd2w <- function(k, d) { 1 / ( 1/k + d) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ke2a <- function(k, e) { k / (1 - e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ke2d <- function(k, e) { e / k }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           ke2w <- function(k, e) { k / (1 + e) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           kw2a <- function(k, w) { 1 / ( 2/k - 1/w) }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           kw2d <- function(k, w) { (k - w) / w / k }
#' @export
#' @rdname aw2k
           kw2e <- function(k, w) { (k - w) / w }

#' @title Global Conversion Function Between Kiener Distribution Parameters
#' @description
#' A conversion function between Kiener distribution parameters 
#' \code{K1(m, g, k)}, \code{K2(m, g, a, w)},
#' \code{K3(m, g, k, d)} and \code{K4(m, g, k, e)} to and from
#' \code{coefk = c(m, g, a, k, w, d, e)} extracted from \code{\link{regkienerLX}} 
#' and \code{\link{paramkienerX}}. 
#' @param     coefk    vectors of numeric of length 3, 4 or 7.
#' @param     model    character. Either "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4", "K7".
#' @param     to       character. Either "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4", "K7".
#' @param     dgts     integer. The rounding applied to the output.	
#' @details
#' Kiener distributions use the following parameters, some of them being redundant. 
#' See also \code{\link{aw2k}} for the formulas and 
#' the conversion between parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ \code{m} (mu) is the median of the distribution,. }
#'   \item{ \code{g} (gamma) is the scale parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{a} (alpha) is the left tail parameter. } 
#'   \item{ \code{k} (kappa) is the harmonic mean of \code{a} and \code{w} 
#'          and describes a global tail parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{w} (omega) is the right tail parameter. } 
#'   \item{ \code{d} (delta) is the distortion parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{e} (epsilon) is the eccentricity parameter. }
#' }
#' \code{pk2pk()} performs the conversion between the various representation, from and to:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ "K1" : \code{kiener1(m, g, k)}    }
#'   \item{ "K2" : \code{kiener2(m, g, a, w)} }
#'   \item{ "K3" : \code{kiener3(m, g, k, d)} }
#'   \item{ "K4" : \code{kiener4(m, g, k, e)} }
#'   \item{ "K7" : \code{c(m, g, a, k, w, d, e)} }
#' }
#' \code{coefk} can take any of the above form. When length(coefk) is 4, 
#' \code{model = "K2", "K3" or "K4"} is required to differentiate the three models.
#' When length(coefk) is 3 or 7, recognition is automatic and  
#' \code{model = "K1" or "K7"} is ignored. The vector is assumed to be correct 
#' and there is no check of the consistency between the 
#' parameters \code{a, k, w, d} and \code{e}.
#' The output may be any of the above forms. Default is \code{"K7" = c(m, g, a, k, w, d, e)} 
#' which is \code{coefk} provided by the regression function \code{\link{regkienerLX}}
#' or the parameter estimation function \code{\link{paramkienerX}}. It is widely in many plots.
#' An integer rounding parameter is provided trough \code{dgts}. Default is no rounding.
#' @seealso 
#' Local conversion functions \code{\link{aw2k}}, 
#' Kiener distributions K1, K2, K3 and K4: \code{\link{kiener1}}, 
#' \code{\link{kiener2}}, \code{\link{kiener3}}, \code{\link{kiener4}}
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1
#' c2 <- c(1, 2, 3, 5)
#' pk2pk(c2, model = "K2", to = "K1") # loose the asymmetry.
#' pk2pk(c2, model = "K2", to = "K2")
#' pk2pk(c2, model = "K2", to = "K3")
#' pk2pk(c2, model = "K2", to = "K4")
#' pk2pk(c2, model = "K2", to = "K4")
#' (c7 <- pk2pk(c2, model = "K2", to = "K7", dgts = 3))
#' pk2pk(c7, model = "K7", to = "K2")
#' ## Example 2 ("K2" to "K7")
#' (mat4 <- matrix( c(rep(0,9), rep(1,9), seq(0.5,4.5,0.5), seq(1,5,0.5)), 
#'          nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(c("m","g","a","w"), paste0("b",1:9))))
#' (mat7 <- round(apply(mat4, 2, pk2pk), 3))
#' @export
#' @name pk2pk	   
pk2pk <- function(coefk, model = "K2", to = "K7", dgts = NULL) {
model    <- toupper(model) # for compatibility with old versions
to       <- toupper(to)
coeff    <- if (is.matrix(coefk)) { 
	switch( as.character(ncol(coefk)) , 
	"3"  = cbind(coefk[,1], coefk[,2], coefk[,3], coefk[,3], coefk[,3], 
	             rep(0, nrow(coefk)), rep(0, nrow(coefk))),
	"4"  = switch( model , 
			"K2"  = cbind(coefk[,1], coefk[,2], coefk[,3], aw2k(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), 
					  coefk[,4], aw2d(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), aw2e(coefk[,3], coefk[,4])) ,
			"K3"  = cbind(coefk[,1], coefk[,2], kd2a(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), coefk[,3],  
					  kd2w(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), coefk[,4], kd2e(coefk[,3], coefk[,4])) ,
			"K4"  = cbind(coefk[,1], coefk[,2], ke2a(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), coefk[,3],  
					  ke2w(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), ke2d(coefk[,3], coefk[,4]), coefk[,4]) , 
			stop("when ncol(coefk) = 4, model must be either K2, K3 or K4.")
			) ,
	"7"  = coefk ,
	stop("coefk is of wrong size. ncol(coefk) must be a matrix of 3, 4 or 7 columns.")
	)} else { 
	switch( as.character(length(coefk)) , 
	"3"  = c(coefk[1], coefk[2], coefk[3], coefk[3], coefk[3], 
	         0, 0) , 
	"4"  = switch( model, 
			"K2"  = c(coefk[1], coefk[2], coefk[3], aw2k(coefk[3], coefk[4]), 
					  coefk[4], aw2d(coefk[3], coefk[4]), aw2e(coefk[3], coefk[4])) , 
			"K3"  = c(coefk[1], coefk[2], kd2a(coefk[3], coefk[4]), coefk[3],  
					  kd2w(coefk[3], coefk[4]), coefk[4], kd2e(coefk[3], coefk[4])) ,
			"K4"  = c(coefk[1], coefk[2], ke2a(coefk[3], coefk[4]), coefk[3],  
					  ke2w(coefk[3], coefk[4]), ke2d(coefk[3], coefk[4]), coefk[4]) , 
			stop("when length(coefk) = 4, model must be either K2, K3 or K4.")
			) ,
	"7"  = coefk ,
	stop("coefk is of wrong size. length(coefk) must be 3, 4 or 7.")
zcoefk <- if (is.matrix(coeff)) { 
		switch( to , 
			"K1"  = coeff[,c(1,2,4)], 
			"K2"  = coeff[,c(1,2,3,5)], 
			"K3"  = coeff[,c(1,2,4,6)],
			"K4"  = coeff[,c(1, 2, 4, 7)], 
			"K7"  = coeff, 
			stop("to must be either K1, K2, K3, K4 or K7")
			)} else {
		switch( to , 
			"K1"  = coeff[c(1,2,4)], 
			"K2"  = coeff[c(1,2,3,5)], 
			"K3"  = coeff[c(1,2,4,6)],
			"K4"  = coeff[c(1, 2, 4, 7)], 
			"K7"  = coeff, 
			stop("to must be either K1, K2, K3, K4 or K7")			
if (is.matrix(zcoefk)) { 
		colnames(zcoefk) <- switch( to , 
			"K1"  = c("m", "g", "k") , 
			"K2"  = c("m", "g", "a", "w") , 
			"K3"  = c("m", "g", "k", "d") ,
			"K4"  = c("m", "g", "k", "e") , 
			"K7"  = c("m", "g", "a", "k", "w", "d", "e") 
			)} else {
		names(zcoefk) <- switch( to , 
			"K1"  = c("m", "g", "k") , 
			"K2"  = c("m", "g", "a", "w") , 
			"K3"  = c("m", "g", "k", "d") ,
			"K4"  = c("m", "g", "k", "e") , 
			"K7"  = c("m", "g", "a", "k", "w", "d", "e") 
if (!is.null(dgts)) {zcoefk <- round(zcoefk, dgts)}

#' @title Check Coefk
#' @description
#' Check that coefk is either a vector of length 7 or a matrix with 7 columns
#' or an array with length of last dimension equal to 7. 
#' @param    coefk      numeric, matrix or data.frame representing
#'                      parameters \code{c(m,g,a,k,w,d,e)}.
#' @param    dim        numeric. Accepted dimension(s) for coefk: 1 for vector, 
#'                      2 for matrix, 3 for array. List is not accepted.  
#'                      Default is c(1, 2).
#' @param    STOP       boolean. If an error is encountered, TRUE stops
#'                      the function and returns an error message. 
#'                      FALSE just returns FALSE.
#' @examples     
#' (coefk <- paramkienerX(getDSdata()))
#' checkcoefk(coefk)
#' checkcoefk(t(coefk), STOP = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @name checkcoefk
checkcoefk <- function(coefk, dim = c(1, 2), STOP = TRUE) {
	dcoefk <- dimdim(coefk)
	test   <- (dcoefk[1] %in% dim) && (dcoefk[length(dcoefk)] == 7)
	if (STOP && !test) {
		stop("Something is wrong with coefk: 
		      either dimension (1,2,3) or size (length/ncol must be 7).")

#' @title Round Coefk
#' @description
#' Round coefk parameters in a standard manner or in a special manner, 
#' the latest being useful to display nice matrix or data.frame.
#' @param    coefk      numeric, matrix or data.frame representing
#'                      parameters \code{c(m,g,a,k,w,d,e)}.
#' @param    dgts       integer. The number of rounded digits. 
#' @param    parnames   boolean. Output displayed with or without parameter names.
#' @details
#' For \code{dgts} between 1 and 9, rounding is done in the standard way
#' and all parameters are rounded at the same number of digits.
#' For \code{dgts} between 10 and 27, rounding of parameters 
#' \code{c(m,g,a,k,w,d,e)} is done in the following way: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ dgts = 10 : c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 11 : c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 12 : c(2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 13 : c(3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 14 : c(4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 15 : c(5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 16 : c(0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 17 : c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 18 : c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 19 : c(3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 20 : c(4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 21 : c(5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 22 : c(0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 23 : c(1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 24 : c(2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 25 : c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 26 : c(4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)}
#'   \item{ dgts = 27 : c(5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)}
#' }
#' @examples     
#' mat   <- matrix(runif(35), ncol=7) 
#' coefk <- mat[1,]
#' roundcoefk(coefk, dgts = 2, parnames = FALSE)
#' roundcoefk(coefk, dgts = 15)
#' roundcoefk(mat, dgts = 15)
#' @export
#' @name roundcoefk
roundcoefk <- function(coefk, dgts = NULL, parnames = TRUE) {
	z <- if (is.matrix(coefk) || is.data.frame(coefk)) {
				t(apply(coefk, 1, .hroundcoefk, dgts = dgts, parnames = parnames))
			} else { 
				.hroundcoefk(coefk, dgts = dgts, parnames = parnames)

.hroundcoefk <- function(coefk, dgts, parnames) {
	z <- if (is.null(dgts)) { 
		} else { 
				"10" = round(coefk, digits = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)),
				"11" = round(coefk, digits = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)),
				"12" = round(coefk, digits = c(2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)),
				"13" = round(coefk, digits = c(3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)),
				"14" = round(coefk, digits = c(4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)),
				"15" = round(coefk, digits = c(5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2)),
				"16" = round(coefk, digits = c(0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
				"17" = round(coefk, digits = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
				"18" = round(coefk, digits = c(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
				"19" = round(coefk, digits = c(3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
				"20" = round(coefk, digits = c(4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
				"21" = round(coefk, digits = c(5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2)),
				"22" = round(coefk, digits = c(0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)),
				"23" = round(coefk, digits = c(1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)),
				"24" = round(coefk, digits = c(2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)),
				"25" = round(coefk, digits = c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)),
				"26" = round(coefk, digits = c(4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)),
				"27" = round(coefk, digits = c(5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3)),
				round(coefk, digits = dgts) ) 
	names(z) <- if (parnames) { c("m","g","a","k","w","d","e")} else { NULL }

#' @title Generate a list of vectors of characters from a vector of probabilities
#' @description
#' Generate vector of characters from a vector of probabilities, replacing 
#' \code{0.} by letters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ \code{p.} : probability. }
#'   \item{ \code{q.} : quantile. }
#'   \item{ \code{VaR.} : Value-at-Risk, positive in most cases. } 
#'   \item{ \code{c.} : corrective tail coefficient = (q - m) / (q_logistic_function - m). }
#'   \item{ \code{ltm.} : left tail mean (signed ES on the left tail, usually negative). } 
#'   \item{ \code{rtm.} : right tail mean (signed ES on the right tail, usually positive). }
#'   \item{ \code{dtmq.} : (p<=0.5 left, p>0.5 right) tail mean minus quantile. }
#'   \item{ \code{ES.} : expected shortfall, positive in most cases. }
#'   \item{ \code{h.} : corrective ES  = (ES - m) / (ES_logistic_function - m). }
#'   \item{ \code{desv.} : ES - VaR, usually positive. } 
#'   \item{ \code{l.} : quantile of the tangent logistic function. }
#'   \item{ \code{dl.} : quantile - quantile_logistic_function. }
#'   \item{ \code{g.} : quantile of the Laplace-Gauss function. } 
#'   \item{ \code{dg.} : quantile - quantile_Laplace_Gauss_function. }
#' }
#' , \code{q.}, \code{VaR.}, \code{c.}, \code{ltm.},
#' \code{rtm.}, \code{ES.}, \code{h.}, \code{l.}, \code{dl.}, \code{g.}, \code{dg.}.
#' The result is a list of vectors.
#' @param    probak    a vector of ordered probabilities with 0 and 1 excluded.
#' @param    check     boolean. Apply \code{\link{checkquantiles}} function.
#' @seealso 
#' Probabilities: \code{\link{pprobs0}}
#' @examples     
#' getnamesk(pprobs1)
#' getnamesk(pprobs8)
#' @export
#' @name getnamesk
getnamesk <- function(probak = pprobs2, check = TRUE) {
# if ((sum(probak <= 0) + sum(probak >= 1)) > 0) { stop("probak is not within (0, 1).") }
# if (!checkquantiles(probak)) { stop("probak is not ordered.") }
# nprobak  <- character(length(probak))
# for (i in 1:length(probak)) { 
	# nprobak[i] <- sub("0.", "p.", format(probak[i], nsmall=2, scientific=FALSE)) 
	# } 
nprobak <- getnprobak(probak, check)   # since version 1.6-2
namesk  <- list(
	  probak = probak,
	 nprobak = nprobak,
	 nquantk = sub("p.", "q.",   nprobak),
	   nvark = sub("p.", "VaR.", nprobak),
	 nctailk = sub("p.", "c.",   nprobak),
	   nltmk = sub("p.", "ltm.", nprobak),
	   nrtmk = sub("p.", "rtm.", nprobak),
	  ndtmqk = sub("p.", "dtmq.",nprobak),
	    nesk = sub("p.", "ES.",  nprobak),
	   nhesk = sub("p.", "h.",   nprobak),
	  ndesvk = sub("p.", "desv.",nprobak),
	 nlogisk = sub("p.", "l.",   nprobak),
	ndlogisk = sub("p.", "dl.",  nprobak),
	 ngaussk = sub("p.", "g.",   nprobak),
	ndgaussk = sub("p.", "dg.",  nprobak),
      ndensk = sub("p.", "dp.",  nprobak),
	ndquantk = sub("p.", "dq.",  nprobak)
#' @export
#' @rdname getnamesk
getnprobak <- function(probak = pprobs2, check = TRUE) {
	if ((sum(probak <= 0) + sum(probak >= 1)) > 0) { stop("probak is not within (0, 1).") }
	if (check) { checkquantiles(probak, proba = TRUE) }   # since version 1.6-2
	nprobak  <- character(length(probak))
	for (i in 1:length(probak)) { 
		nprobak[i] <- sub("0.", "p.", format(probak[i], nsmall=2, scientific=FALSE)) 

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FatTailsR documentation built on March 12, 2021, 9:06 a.m.