
Defines functions remove_last_substring plot.fbdrange

Documented in plot.fbdrange

utils::globalVariables("y") # needed to avoid R CMD check failure on the aes(x,y) call l20
#' Plot oriented tree with stratigraphic ranges
#' @param x object of type \code{fbdrange} containing orientation and range data
#' @param smart.labels whether to label the ranges (default \code{FALSE}, requires package [ggrepel] to place labels)
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to the plot labels (does nothing if \code{smart.labels = FALSE})
#' @return a ggtree plot which can be combined with any other commands from [ggplot2] or [ggtree]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' tree_file <- system.file("extdata", "fbdrange.trees", package = "FossilSim")
#' fbdr <- get_fbdrange_from_file(tree_file)
#' p <- plot(fbdr, smart.labels = TRUE)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @importFrom ggfun %<+%
plot.fbdrange <- function(x, smart.labels = FALSE, ...) {
  p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(x, aes(x, y, color = range)) + ggtree::geom_tree(linewidth=2) + ggplot2::geom_point(aes(color = range), size = 1.3)
  class(p1) <- c("ggtree", class(p1))
  ## smartly spaced out tip/range labels
  if(smart.labels) {
    if (!requireNamespace("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package ggrepel is needed for smart labels. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
    labels <- x@phylo$tip.label
    species <- remove_last_substring(labels)
    species_count <- table(species)
    ## to avoid labeling the range twice, we make amty labels for first occurence
    new_labels <- sapply(1:length(labels), function(l) {
      if (species_count[species[l]] == 1 | grepl("last", labels[l])) gsub("_", " ", species[l])
      else ""
    ## create a dataframe where each occurence label maps to newly created label
    labeldf <- data.frame(label = labels, new_labels = new_labels)
    default_args = list(size = 3, xlim = c(NA, Inf), min.segment.length = 0, force = 0.3, nudge_x = 0.5, direction = "both", hjust = 0, segment.size = 0.2)
    label_args = modifyList(default_args, list(...))
    p1 <- p1 %<+% labeldf
    p1 <- p1 + do.call(ggrepel::geom_label_repel, c(list(mapping = aes(label = new_labels, alpha = 0.7, fontface = 4)), label_args))

remove_last_substring <- function(str) {
  gsub("_[^_]*$", "", str)

#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 fortify
#' @importFrom rlang .data
fortify.fbdrange <- function (model, data, layout = "rectangular", ladderize = TRUE, 
                              right = FALSE, branch.length = "branch.length", mrsd = NULL, 
                              as.Date = FALSE, yscale = "none", root.position = 0, ...) {
  x <- ape::as.phylo(model)
  label <- x$tip.label[x$edge[,2][x$edge[,2]<=length(x$tip.label)]]
  if (ladderize) {
    x <- ape::ladderize(x, right = right)
  if (!is.null(x$edge.length)) {
    if (anyNA(x$edge.length)) {
      warning("'edge.length' contains NA values...\n## setting 'edge.length' to NULL automatically when plotting the tree...")
      x$edge.length <- NULL
  if (layout %in% c("equal_angle", "daylight", "ape")) {
    res <- layout.unrooted(model, layout.method = layout, branch.length = branch.length, ...)
  else {
    # DIRTY HACK - the function needs to be here because we're modifying the environment of fortify.fbdrange, so it will not be found otherwise
    getYcoord.range <- function(tr, step=5, tip.order = NULL, node.orientation = NULL, match = NULL) {
      Ntip <- length(tr[["tip.label"]])
      N <- ape::Nnode(tr, internal.only = FALSE)
      edge <- tr[["edge"]]
      edge_length <- tr[["edge.length"]]
      parent <- edge[,1]
      child <- edge[,2]
      cl <- split(child, parent)
      child_list <- list()
      child_list[as.numeric(names(cl))] <- cl
      y <- numeric(N)
      if (is.null(tip.order)) {
        tip.idx <- child[child <= Ntip]
        y[tip.idx] <- 1:Ntip * step
      } else {
        tip.idx <- 1:Ntip
        y[tip.idx] <- match(tr$tip.label, tip.order) * step
      for (t in 1:Ntip){
        t_ <- tip.order[1]
        i <-1
        s = 0
          tip_n = which(tr$tip.label==t_)
          row_id = which(child==tip_n)
          if (edge_length[row_id]==0){
          i <- i+1
        y[t] <- y[t]-step*s
      y[-tip.idx] <- NA
      pvec <- edge2vec(tr)
      currentNode <- 1:Ntip
      while(anyNA(y)) {
        pNode <- unique(pvec[currentNode])
        idx <- sapply(pNode, function(i) all(child_list[[i]] %in% currentNode))
        newNode <- pNode[idx]
        if (!is.null(node.orientation)){
          for (n in newNode){
            ch <- child_list[[n]]
            if (node.orientation[ch[1]]==node.orientation[ch[2]]){
              # choose the one with longer branch length
              l1 <- edge_length[which(edge[,1]==n & edge[,2]==ch[1])]
              if (l1!=0){
                y[n] <- y[ch[1]]
              } else{
                y[n] <- y[ch[2]]
            } else{
              l1 <- edge_length[which(edge[,1]==n & edge[,2]==ch[1])]
              l2 <- edge_length[which(edge[,1]==n & edge[,2]==ch[2])]
              if ((node.orientation[ch[1]]==match & l1!=0) | l2==0){
                y[n] <- y[ch[1]]
              } else {
                y[n] <- y[ch[2]]
        } else {
          y[newNode] <- sapply(newNode, function(i) {
            mean(y[child_list[[i]]], na.rm=TRUE)
        for (t in 1:Ntip){
          row_id = which(child==t)
          if (edge_length[row_id]==0){
            p = parent[row_id]
            ch <- child_list[[p]]
            ch <- ch[which(ch!=t)]
            y[t] <- y[ch]
        currentNode <- c(currentNode[!currentNode %in% unlist(child_list[newNode])], newNode)
    dd <- tidytree::arrange(tidytree::get.data(model), .data$node)
    ypos <- getYcoord.range(x, node.orientation=dd$orientation, match="ancestor",
    N <- ape::Nnode(x, internal.only = FALSE)
    if (is.null(x$edge.length) || branch.length == "none") {
      if (layout == "slanted") {
        sbp <- .convert_tips2ancestors_sbp(x, include.root = TRUE)
        xpos <- getXcoord_no_length_slanted(sbp)
        ypos <- getYcoord_no_length_slanted(sbp)
      else {
        xpos <- getXcoord_no_length(x)
    else {
      xpos <- getXcoord(x)
    xypos <- tidytree::tibble(node = 1:N, x = xpos + root.position, y = ypos)
    df <- tidytree::mutate(tidytree::as_tibble(model), isTip = !.data$node %in% .data$parent)
    res <- tidytree::full_join(df, xypos, by = "node")
  res <- calculate_branch_mid(res, layout = layout)
  if (!is.null(mrsd)) {
    res <- scaleX_by_time_from_mrsd(res, mrsd, as.Date)
  if (layout == "slanted") {
    res <- add_angle_slanted(res)
  else {
    res <- calculate_angle(res)
  res <- scaleY(ape::as.phylo(model), res, yscale, layout, ...)
  res <- adjust_hclust_tip.edge.len(res, x)
  class(res) <- c("tbl_tree", class(res))
  attr(res, "layout") <- layout
environment(fortify.fbdrange) <- asNamespace("ggtree") # DIRTY HACK because we depend largely on unexported functions from ggtree

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FossilSim documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 1:07 a.m.