colpick <- function(design, q, all=FALSE,
select.catlg=catlg, estimable=NULL,
method="VF2", sort="natural", res3=FALSE, all0=FALSE,
quiet=FALSE, firsthit=is.numeric(design)){
## design is a character string that identifies a catalogued design
## or a length 1 catlg object
## of the number of factors for a full factorial
## q is log2 of the block size
## all = TRUE requests a list of results
## select.catlg is a design catalogue of class catlg
## estimable is a character vector of estimable 2fis in letter notation,
## or a two row numeric matrix with factor numbers (each column indicates a clear 2fi)
## all0 = TRUE also outputs X matrices with zero columns
## for all=FALSE, the function returns a list with an X matrix
## the clear2fis,
## and possibly a mapping (if estimable is specified)
## for all=TRUE, the function returns a list of three or four lists (X matrices, estimable 2fis, profiles)
## if estimable is specified, the fourth list indicates a re-mapping with which the requirement can be accommodated
catlg <- select.catlg
if (!("catlg" %in% class(design) || is.character(design) || is.numeric(design)))
stop("design must be the number of factors of a full factorial",
" or a character string that refers to an element of select.catlg",
" or of class catlg")
if (is.numeric(design)){
element <- list(list(nfac = design,
nruns = 2^design,
res = Inf,
nclear.2fis = choose(design, 2),
clear.2fis = combn(design, 2),
gen = numeric(0),
WLP = rep(0, 4)))
class(element) <- c("catlg", "list")
if (is.character(design)){
element <- catlg[design] ## class catlg
if ("catlg" %in% class(design)) element <- design[1] ## more than one element is ignored without warning
N <- element[[1]]$nruns
n <- element[[1]]$nfac
gen <- element[[1]]$gen ## Yates column numbers
p <- length(gen)
k <- n - p
## clear before blocking
clear2fis <- clear.2fis(element)
nclear2fis <- nclear.2fis(element)
if (length(clear2fis[[1]])==0)
clear2fis <- character(0)
if (n <= 50)
clear2fis <- sapply(1:ncol(clear2fis[[1]]), function(obj)
paste(Letters[clear2fis[[1]][,obj]], collapse = ""))
clear2fis <- sapply(1:ncol(clear2fis[[1]]), function(obj)
paste("F",clear2fis[[1]][,obj], sep="", collapse = ":"))
if (!is.null(estimable)){
if (!is.numeric(estimable) && !is.character(estimable))
stop("estimable must be an integer-valued two row matrix",
" or a character vector")
if (is.numeric(estimable) && !is.matrix(estimable))
stop("if numeric, estimable must be a matrix with two rows")
if (is.numeric(estimable) && !nrow(estimable)==2)
stop("if numeric, estimable must be a matrix with two rows")
if (is.character(estimable)){
colons <- grep(":", estimable)
if (!(length(colons)==0 || length(colons)==length(estimable)))
stop("All elements of estimable must have the same format")
if (length(colons)==0)
estimable <- sapply(estimable,
function(obj) which(Letters %in% unlist(strsplit(obj, "", fixed=TRUE))))
else estimable <- sapply(estimable,
function(obj) as.numeric(gsub( "F", "", unlist(strsplit(obj, ":", fixed=TRUE)) )))
if (!is.matrix(estimable)) stop("invalid estimable")
#graph_requirement <- graph.empty(n = n, directed = FALSE)
#graph_requirement <- add.edges(graph_requirement, estimable)
Z <- t(sapply(gen, function(obj) rev(digitsBase(obj, 2, k))))
div <- 2^q-1
divbase <- 2^(0:(q-1))
## list of possible X column vectors
Xcands <- lapply(1:div, function(obj) digitsBase(obj, 2, ndigits=q))
success <- FALSE
Xlist <- vector(mode="list")
tablist <- vector(mode="list")
clearlist <- vector(mode="list")
if (!is.null(estimable)) maplist <- vector(mode="list")
## each row of picks (=instance produced by nxt) provides a possible XI matrix
## fix May 2023: for k < 2^(q-1), XI and hence X did not have full row rank
## because of the choice of columns in poscands
poscands <- lapply(1:k, function(obj){
if (k >= 2^(q-1)){
if (obj <= div)
else return(1:div)
if (obj <= q)
return(c(2^(0:(q-1)), setdiff(1:obj, 2^(0:(obj-1)))[1:(obj-q)]))
nxt <-, poscands)
#picks <- as.matrix(expand.grid(poscands))
#for storage reasons, avoid expand.grid
nr <- prod(lengths(poscands))
if (!quiet) message("checking up to ", nr, " matrices")
## initialize to a heavily balanced first matrix
## not yet using nxt()
## this makes full factorials without estimability requirements immediate
## and may also be beneficial for fractions with easy structure
## nxt() is used at the end of the loop
jetzt <- rep(1:div, (k%/%div+1))[1:k]
i <- 0
while (i <= nr){
XI <-, Xcands[jetzt])
if (length(Z)>0){
XII <- (XI%*%t(Z))%%2
X <- cbind(XI, XII)
else X <- XI ## full factorial
## rank check added May 29 2020
rankdefect <- "try-error" %in% class(try(solve(tcrossprod(X)), silent=TRUE))
if ((all(colSums(X) > 0) || all0) && !rankdefect){
## remove direct aliases from blocking
if (length(clear2fis) > 0){
ingroup <- character(0)
for (i in 1:(n-1))
for (j in (i+1):n)
if (all(X[,i]==X[,j]))
ingroup <- c(ingroup,
clearcur <- setdiff(clear2fis, ingroup)
else clearcur <- clear2fis
if (is.null(estimable)){
### added April 4th 2020, return
### blocking for full factorial as early as possible
if (length(Z)==0 && !all)
return(list(X=X, clear2fis=clearcur))
success <- TRUE
map <- mapcalc.block(estimable, n,
function(obj) which(Letters %in%
unlist(strsplit(obj, "",
method=method, sort=sort)[[1]]
if (!is.null(map)) {
success <- TRUE
if (success && !all && firsthit)
return(list(X=X, clear2fis=clearcur, map=map))
jetzt <- unlist(nxt())
i <- i+1
if (is.logical(jetzt)){
if (!jetzt) break
else {
jetzt <- unlist(nxt())
i <- i+1
if (is.logical(jetzt)){
if (!jetzt) break
tab <- sort(table(apply(X, 2, paste0, collapse="")))
tab <- unname(tab)
## optimal in terms of maximum number
if (length(clearcur)== min(phimax(n,q), nclear2fis) && !all){
if (is.null(estimable))
return(list(X=X, clear2fis=clearcur))
else {## if firsthit=FALSE
return(list(X=X, clear2fis=clearcur, map=map))
} else{
if (is.null(estimable)){
Xlist <- c(Xlist, list(X))
tablist <- c(tablist, list(tab))
clearlist <- c(clearlist, list(clearcur))
if (!is.null(map)){
Xlist <- c(Xlist, list(X))
tablist <- c(tablist, list(tab))
clearlist <- c(clearlist, list(clearcur))
maplist <- c(maplist, list(map))
## obtain next entry (will be FALSE, if no further entry available)
jetzt <- unlist(nxt()) ## should get the next entry
i <- i+1
if (is.logical(jetzt)){
if (!jetzt) break
} ## end of loop
if (!success) {
if (!quiet) message("no suitable block arrangement was found")
if (all) {
if (is.null(estimable))
return(list(X_matrices=Xlist, clearlist=clearlist, profiles=tablist))
else ### firstcalc=FALSE, otherwise was already returned
return(list(X_matrices=Xlist, clearlist=clearlist, profiles=tablist, maplist=maplist))
} ## else
lens <- lengths(clearlist)
tablist <- tablist[lens==max(lens)]
Xlist <- Xlist[lens==max(lens)]
clearlist <- clearlist[lens==max(lens)]
diffs <- sapply(tablist, function(obj) diff(range(obj)))
pos <- which.min(diffs)
if (!is.null(estimable))
return(list(X=Xlist[[pos]], clear2fis=clearlist[[pos]], map=maplist[[pos]]))
list(X=Xlist[[pos]], clear2fis=clearlist[[pos]])
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