
Defines functions showGUI tipperGUI2 tipperGUI tipper.ns it2tipper tipper.tsk anfis.tipper tipper fis.builder adapt rotate2 interval_wtdavg center_spread iterative_method trCOS trCentroid defuzz evalfis showfis readfis writefis plot_graph plotvar anfis.plotmf plotmf gensurf showrule addrule addmf addvar convertfis.s2n convertfis newfis

Documented in addmf addrule addvar anfis.plotmf anfis.tipper convertfis defuzz evalfis fis.builder gensurf it2tipper newfis plotmf readfis showfis showGUI showrule tipper tipperGUI tipperGUI2 tipper.ns tipper.tsk writefis

### FuzzyR - Fuzzy Inference System

# add by Tajul (to handle 'no visible binding for global variable')
globalVariables(c('D_x', 'D_y', 'D_out', 'genRule', 'perturb', 'NumInputs', 'Range', 'NumMFs',
                  'mfParams', 'NumOutputs', 'NumRules', 'ruleList', 'err.opt', 'err.trn', 'err.chk', 'myaccuracy',
                  'theta.L1', 'ekm', 'theta.L4', 'optimise', 'persp', 'rainbow', 'plot', 'axis', 'mtext', 'polygon',
                  'gray', 'lines', 'text', 'mtext', 'pdf', 'dev.off', 'show', 'tail', 'OUT_COUPLE', 'pushViewport',
                  'plotViewport', 'popViewport', 'RULE_CONS', 'IN_COUPLE', 'drawAnteEval', 'drawConsEval',
                  'drawRuleEval', 'viewport', 'drawRuleAggr', 'trCentroid', 'plot_it2', 'trCOS', 'iterative_method',
                  'drawAllSteps', 'rangex', 'OUT_RULE_CONS'))

#' @import grid
#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @importFrom graphics abline legend points title par

#' Create a fis using newfis function
#' Creates a fis object.
#' @param fisName String representing the fis name.
#' @param fisType Type of the fis, default is 'mamdani'.
#' @param mfType Type of membership functions, 't1' or 'it2'
#' @param andMethod The AND method for the fis, default is 'min'.
#' @param orMethod The OR method for the fis, default is 'max'.
#' @param impMethod The implication method for the fis, default is 'min'.
#' @param aggMethod The aggregation method for the fis, default is 'max'.
#' @param defuzzMethod The defuzzification method for the fis, default is 'centroid'.
#' @return A new fis structure.
#' @examples
#' fis <- newfis("fisName")
#' @export
newfis <- function(fisName, fisType = "mamdani", mfType = "t1",
                   andMethod = "min", orMethod = "max", impMethod = "min", aggMethod = "max",
                   defuzzMethod = "centroid") {
    fis <- list(name = fisName, type = fisType, mfType = mfType,
                andMethod = andMethod, orMethod = orMethod,
                impMethod = impMethod, aggMethod = aggMethod,
                defuzzMethod = defuzzMethod,
                input = NULL, output = NULL, rule = NULL)

#' @title Convert a fis
#' @description
#' Convert a fis object from one type to another (e.g. from singleton to non-singleton)
#' @param fis the fis object to be converted
#' @param option the convert option.'s2n': singleton to non-singleton
#' @param ... For 's2n': fuzzification.method, fuzzification.params, firing.method. 
#' See details below for more information.
#' @details
#' * fuzzification.method, fuzzification.params, firing.method - see \code{\link{addvar}}
#' Usage:
#' 1. convertfis(fis, option, mf.params, fuzzification.method, fuzzification.params)
#' 1. convertfis(fis, option, mf.params, fuzzification.method, fuzzification.params, firing.method)
#' @return Membership grade(s)
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' fis.ns.1 <- convertfis(fis, option='s2n', fuzzification.method='gauss', fuzzification.params=1)
#' fis.ns.2 <- convertfis(fis, option='s2n', fuzzification.method='gauss', fuzzification.params=1,
#'                          firing.method='tnorm.min.max')
#' @author Chao Chen
#' @export
#' @md
convertfis <- function(fis, option='s2n', ...) {
    params <- list(...)
    params.len <- length(params)

    if(option == 's2n') {
        if(params.len != 2 && params.len != 3) {
            stop("Incorrect number of parameters for non-singleton fuzzification!")

        fis <- convertfis.s2n(fis, ...)
    } else {
        stop("Incorrect option for fis conversion!")

convertfis.s2n <- function(fis, fuzzification.method, fuzzification.params, firing.method = 'tnorm.min.max') {

    input.num <- length(fis$input)
    fis.ns <- fis
    if(input.num > 0) {
        for(i in 1:input.num) {
            fis.ns$input[[i]]$firing.method <- firing.method
            fis.ns$input[[i]]$fuzzification.method <- fuzzification.method
            fis.ns$input[[i]]$fuzzification.params <- fuzzification.params


#' Insert a variable
#' Adds an input or output variable to a fis object.
#' @param fis A fis must be provided.
#' @param varType Should be either 'input' or 'output' which represents the type of variable to be created and added.
#' @param varName A string representing the name of the variable.
#' @param varBounds Also known as the 'range', this should be a vector giving a range for the variable, such as 1:10.
#' @param method fuzzification or defuzzification method.
#' * fuzzification: 'gauss', 'gbell', 'tri', or user-defined.
#' * defuzzification: 'centroid', 'cos', 'coh', 'csum' or user-defined.
#' @param params the required parameters for the corresponding fuzzification or defuzzification method.
#' For example, the required parameters for \code{\link{gbell.fuzzification}} are c(a,b)
#' @param firing.method the chosen method for getting the firing strength (for non-singleton fuzzification).
#' * 'tnorm.min.max' - minimum t-norm with maximum membership grade as the firing strength
#' * 'tnorm.prod.max' - product t-norm with maximum membership grade as the firing strength
#' * 'tnorm.min.defuzz.\[method\]' - the firing strength is based on minimum t-norm, and the chosen defuzzification method (e.g. tnorm.min.defuzz.centroid)
#' * 'tnorm.prod.defuzz.\[method\] - the firing strength is based on product t-norm, and the chosen defuzzification method (e.g. tnorm.prod.defuzz.bisector)
#' * 'similarity.set' - Set-theoretic similarity: the ratio between the intersection and the union of two fuzzy sets
#' @return A fis with the new variable added.
#' @examples
#' fis <- newfis('tipper')
#' fis <- addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10))
#' fis <- addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10), 'gauss', 0.5, 'tnorm.min.max')
#' @export
#' @md
addvar <- function(fis, varType, varName, varBounds, method = NULL, params = NULL, firing.method = 'tnorm.min.max') {
    if (varType == "input") {
        fis$input <- append(fis$input,
                            list(list(name = varName, range = range(varBounds), fuzzification.method = method, fuzzification.params = params, mf = NULL, firing.method = firing.method)))
    else {
        fis$output <- append(fis$output,
                             list(list(name = varName, range = range(varBounds), mf = NULL, defuzzification.method = method)))

#' Insert a membership function.
#' Adds a membership function to a variable of a fis object.
#' @param fis A fis structure is to be provided.
#' @param varType Should be either 'input' or 'output', which relates to the type of variable (stored on the existing fis structure) that the membership function will be added to.
#' @param varIndex Should be an integer value representing the index value of the input or output variable that the membership function will be added to (base 1).
#' @param mfName Membership function name to be declared, for example (Poor,Good)
#' @param mfType Membership function type to be declared, for example (trimf, trapmf)
#' @param mfParams The value of membership function.
#' @return A fis structure with the new membership function added.
#' @examples
#' fis <- newfis('tipper')
#' fis <- addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10))
#' fis <- addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 0))
#' @export
addmf <- function(fis, varType, varIndex, mfName, mfType, mfParams) {
    if (varType == "input") {
        if (varIndex <= length(fis$input)) {
            fis$input[[varIndex]]$mf <- append(fis$input[[varIndex]]$mf,
                                               list(list(name = mfName, type = mfType, params = mfParams, perturbation = NULL)))
    else {
        if (varIndex <= length(fis$output)) {
            fis$output[[varIndex]]$mf <- append(fis$output[[varIndex]]$mf,
                                                list(list(name = mfName, type = mfType, params = mfParams, perturbation = NULL)))

#' Inserts a rule
#' Adds a rule to a fis object.
#' @param fis  A fis structure is to be provided.
#' @param ruleList  A vector of length m + n + 2, where m is the number of input variables of a fis. \cr Each column in 'm' has a number which refers to the membership function of that input variable. \cr Columns under 'n' refer to an output variable of a fis, where the value refers to the membership function of that output variable. \cr Finally, the '2' remaining columns refer to the weight to be applied to the rule (m + n + 1) and the fuzzy operator for the rule's antecedent (1 = AND, 2 = OR).
#' @details
#' For example, if one has a fis with 2 input variables, and 1 output variable, each of which have 3 membership functions (the amount of membership functions need not be the same). The following rule: 1 3 2 1 2 will mean m = 2 (for 2 input variables), n = 1 (for 1 output variable), and the last 2 columns represent weight and fuzzy operator for the rule's antecedent respectively. \cr\cr
#' The first column refers to the first input variable's membership function at index 1.\cr\cr
#' The second column refers to the second input variable's membership function at index 3.\cr\cr
#' The third column refers to the first output variable's membership function at index 2.\cr\cr
#' The fourth column refers to the weight to be applied to the rule.\cr\cr
#' The fifth column refers to the fuzzy operator for the rule's antecedent (in this case it represents 'OR').
#' @return A fis structure with the new rule added.
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' ruleList <- rbind(c(1,1,1,1,2), c(2,0,2,1,1), c(3,2,3,1,2))
#' fis <- addrule(fis, ruleList)
#' @export
addrule <- function(fis, ruleList) {
    fis$rule <- rbind(fis$rule, rbind(ruleList))
    rownames(fis$rule) <- NULL

#' Showing rule from fis object
#' All the rule is showing from fis object
#' @param fis A fis must be provided.
#' @return Show the total of rules inside fis object
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' ruleList <- rbind(c(1,1,1,1,2), c(2,0,2,1,1), c(3,2,3,1,2))
#' fis <- addrule(fis, ruleList)
#' showrule(fis)
#' @export
showrule <- function(fis) {
    NumInputs = length(fis$input)
    NumOutputs = length(fis$output)
    NumRules = nrow(fis$rule)
    frow = 0

    if (!is.null(NumRules)) {
        for (i in 1:NumRules) {
            frow = frow + 1
            cat(frow, '. If ', sep = '');
            for (j in 1:NumInputs)
                if (fis$rule[i, j] != 0)
                    cat('(', fis$input[[j]]$name, ' is ', sep = '')
                    if (fis$rule[i, j] < 0) cat('not ', sep = '')
                    cat(fis$input[[j]]$mf[[abs(fis$rule[i, j])]]$name, ') ', sep = '')
                if (j < NumInputs &&
                    fis$rule[i, j] != 0 &&
                    fis$rule[i, j + 1] != 0)
                    if (fis$rule[i, NumInputs + NumOutputs + 2] == 1)
                        cat('and ', sep = '')
                        cat('or ', sep = '')
            cat('then ', sep = '')
            for (j in 1:NumOutputs)
                if (fis$rule[i, NumInputs + j] != 0)
                    cat('(', fis$output[[j]]$name, ' is ', sep = '')
                    if (fis$rule[i, NumInputs + j] < 0) cat('not ', sep = '')
                    cat(fis$output[[j]]$mf[[abs(fis$rule[i, NumInputs + j])]]$name, ') ', sep = '')
            cat('(', fis$rule[i, NumInputs + NumOutputs + 1], ')\n', sep = '')

#' Produce a graphical evaluated fuzzy inference system.
#' Produces a three dimensional graphical view of a specific fis object. This function is only  works for FIS structures with 3 variables. It will only work for 2 inputs, and 1 output.
#' @param fis A fis must be provided.
#' @param ix1 Optional input (1)
#' @param ix2 Optional input (2)
#' @param ox1 Optional output
#' @return  A three dimensional graphical model generated from the fis and other optional parameters.
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' gensurf(fis)
#' @export
gensurf <- function(fis, ix1 = 1, ix2 = 2, ox1 = 1) {
    i1 = fis$input[[ix1]]
    i2 = fis$input[[ix2]]
    o1 = fis$output[[ox1]]

    x = seq(i1$range[1], i1$range[2], length = 15)
    y = seq(i2$range[1], i2$range[2], length = 15)
    m = as.matrix(expand.grid(x, y))

    o = evalfis(m, fis)
    z = matrix(o[, ox1], 15, 15, byrow = F)

    h = (z[-15, -15] +
        z[-1, -15] +
        z[-15, -1] +
        z[-1, -1]) / 4
    h = floor((h - min(h, na.rm = T)) / (max(h, na.rm = T) - min(h, na.rm = T)) * 14 + .5) + 1

    persp(x, y, z,
          xlab = i1$name, ylab = i2$name, zlab = o1$name,
          theta = -30, phi = 30, col = rainbow(15)[16 - h], ticktype = 'detailed')

#' Plots a 2D graph of all membership functions in a variable.
#' Plots a 2D graph of all membership functions from the specified variable which must be part of a fis object.
#' @param fis Requires an existing fis as an argument.
#' @param varType Can be either 'input' or 'output', representing the type of variable.
#' @param xx primary inputs for extra lines
#' @param timelimit for perturbation
#' @param varIndex A numerical integer, representing the index of the input or output variable whose membership functions shall be plotted (base 1).
#' @param xlab X axis label using font, size and color
#' @param ylab Y axis label, same font attributes as xlab
#' @param main The main title (on top)
#' @return A two dimensional graph displaying all the membership functions of a given variable.
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' plotmf(fis, "input", 1)
#' @export
plotmf <- function(fis, varType, varIndex, xx = NULL, timelimit = 0, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL) {

    if (varType == 'input') {
        var <- fis$input[[varIndex]]
    } else {
        var <- fis$output[[varIndex]]

    if (is.null(xlab))xlab = var$name
    plotvar(var, xx, timelimit, xlab, ylab, main)

#' Plot membership functions for an ANFIS object
#' Plots a 2D graph of all membership functions from the specified variable which must be part of an anfis object.
#' @param anfis Requires an existing anfis as an argument.
#' @param varType Can be either 'input' or 'output', representing the type of variable.
#' @param xx primary inputs for extra lines
#' @param timelimit for perturbation
#' @param varIndex A numerical integer, representing the index of the input or output variable whose membership functions shall be plotted (base 1).
#' @param xlab X axis label using font, size and color
#' @param ylab Y axis label, same font attributes as xlab
#' @param main The main title (on top)
#' @return A two dimensional graph displaying all the membership functions of a given variable.
#' @examples
#' fis <- anfis.tipper()
#' anfis <- anfis.builder(fis)
#' data.num <- 5
#' input.num <- length(fis$input)
#' input.stack <- matrix(rnorm(data.num*input.num), ncol=input.num)
#' y <- matrix(rnorm(data.num))
#' data.trn <- cbind(input.stack, y)
#' anfis.eval(anfis, input.stack)
#' anfis.final <- anfis.optimise(anfis, data.trn, epoch.total=500,
#'                                  stepsize=0.01, rate.inc=1.1, rate.dec=0.9)
#' anfis.plotmf(anfis, 'input', 1)
#' anfis.plotmf(anfis.final, 'input', 1)
#' @export
anfis.plotmf <- function(anfis, varType, varIndex, xx = NULL, timelimit = 0, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL) {

    if (varType == 'input') {
        var <- list()
        var$name <- anfis$layer[[1]]$node[[varIndex]]$name
        var$range <- anfis$layer[[1]]$node[[varIndex]]$range
        var$mf <- list()

        fan.out <- anfis$layer[[1]]$node[[varIndex]]$fan.out
        for (i in fan.out) {
            name <- anfis$layer[[2]]$node[[i]]$mf.name
            type <- anfis$layer[[2]]$node[[i]]$mf.type
            params <- anfis$layer[[2]]$node[[i]]$mf.params
            var$mf <- append(var$mf, list(list(name = name, type = type, params = params)))
    } else {
        stop("plots for output membership functions not supported")

    if (is.null(xlab))xlab = var$name
    plotvar(var, xx, timelimit, xlab, ylab, main)

plotvar <- function(var, xx = NULL, timelimit = 0, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, main = NULL) {
    point_n = 501

    x = seq(var$range[1], var$range[2], length = point_n)
    x <- round(x, 4)
    y = c(rep(0, point_n - 1), 1)
    plot_graph(x, y, title = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

    if (timelimit == 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(var$mf)) {
            y = evalmf(x, var$mf[[i]]$type, var$mf[[i]]$params)
            if (length(y) >= (2 * length(x))) {
                polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(y[1:point_n], y[(2 * point_n):(point_n + 1)]), border = T, col = gray((i + 2) / 10))
            } else {
                lines(x, y, col = i, lwd = 3)

            if (length(xx) > 0) {
                for (j in 1:length(xx)) {
                    tmp <- evalmf(xx[j], var$mf[[i]]$type, var$mf[[i]]$params)
                    lines(c(xx[j], xx[j], 0), c(0, tmp[1], tmp[1]), col = "red", lty = "dashed");
                    lines(c(xx[j], xx[j], 0), c(0, tmp[2], tmp[2]), col = "red", lty = "dashed");
        for (i in 1:length(var$mf)) {
            y = evalmf(x, var$mf[[i]]$type, var$mf[[i]]$params)
            if (length(y) == point_n * 2)y <- y[1:point_n]
            tx = which.max(y)

            if (tx >= point_n * 0.95) {
                tx = x[point_n * 0.95]
                tx = x[tx + 20]
            text(tx, 1.03 - i / 20, var$mf[[i]]$name, font = 2, cex = .8)
    } else if (timelimit > 0) {
        posx <- c()
        first <- TRUE

        for (t in 1:timelimit) {
            for (i in 1:length(var$mf)) {
                repeat {
                    params <- var$mf[[i]]$params
                    e <- 0
                    perturbation <- var$mf[[i]]$perturbation
                    if (length(perturbation) > 0) {
                        tmp <- perturb(t, params, perturbation)
                        params <- tmp$params
                        e <- tmp$e
                    y = evalmf(x, var$mf[[i]]$type, params) + e
                    if (all(!is.nan(y)))break
                y[y > 1] = 1
                y[y < 0] = 0
                if (length(y) >= (2 * length(x))) {
                    polygon(c(x, rev(x)), c(y[1:point_n], y[(2 * point_n):(point_n + 1)]), border = F, col = gray((i + 2) / 10))
                } else {
                    lines(x, y, col = gray((i * 2) / 10))

                if (length(xx) > 0) {
                    for (j in 1:length(xx)) {
                        tmp <- evalmf(xx[j], var$mf[[i]]$type, var$mf[[i]]$params)
                        lines(c(xx[j], xx[j], 0), c(0, tmp[1], tmp[1]), col = "red", lty = "dashed");
                        lines(c(xx[j], xx[j], 0), c(0, tmp[2], tmp[2]), col = "red", lty = "dashed");
                    } #end of for
                } #end of if
                if (first)posx[i] <- x[match(TRUE, y == max(y)) + 10]
            } #end of for
            first = FALSE;
        } #end of for
        for (i in 1:length(var$mf)) {
            text(posx[i], 0.95, var$mf[[i]]$name, col = "red", cex = .8)

    if (length(xx) > 0)
        for (i in 1:length(xx)) {
            mtext(paste(xx[i]), side = 1, col = "red", at = c(xx[i]), cex = .8);

# plot_graph - used in plotmf
plot_graph <- function(x, y, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, title = NULL) {
    plot(x, y, type = "n", col = 2, bty = "o", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", cex.axis = .8, cex.lab = .8, main = title, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "", las = 1)

    point_n <- length(x)
    axis(1, labels = FALSE, tick = TRUE, pos = 0)
    mtext(x[1], side = 1, line = 1, outer = FALSE, adj = 0, cex = .8)

    if (length(xlab) == 0) {
        mtext("x", side = 1, line = 1, outer = FALSE, padj = 0, cex = .8)
    } else {
        mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = 1, outer = FALSE, padj = 0, cex = .8)

    mtext(x[point_n], side = 1, line = 1, outer = FALSE, adj = 1, cex = .8)
    axis(2, labels = FALSE, tick = TRUE, pos = 0)
    mtext(y[1], side = 2, line = 1, outer = FALSE, at = c(0), cex = .8, las = 1)

    if (length(ylab) == 0) {
        mtext("m", side = 2, line = 1, outer = FALSE, padj = 0, cex = .8, las = 1, font = 5)
    } else {
        if (ylab %in% c('u', 'm')) {
            mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 1, outer = FALSE, padj = 0, cex = .8, las = 1, font = 5)
        } else {
            mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 1, outer = FALSE, padj = 0, cex = .8)

    mtext(y[point_n], side = 2, line = 1, outer = FALSE, at = c(1), cex = .8, las = 1)

#' Write a fis object to a .fis file.
#' Write a fis object to a file with the .fis extension.
#' @param fis The fuzzy inference system data structure to be saved.
#' @param fileName filename
#' @export
writefis <- function(fis, fileName = 'fuzzy.fis') {
    fileText = NULL

    fileText[1] = "% R-Fuzzy (C) J.M.Garibaldi, 1st Oct 2004 $Revision: 0.1$"
    NumInputs = length(fis$input)
    NumOutputs = length(fis$output)

    NumInputMFs = NULL
    for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
        NumInputMFs[i] = length(fis$input[[i]]$mf)

    NumOutputMFs = NULL
    for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
        NumOutputMFs[i] = length(fis$output[[i]]$mf)

    NumRules = nrow(fis$rule)

    fileText[2] = "[System]"
    fileText[3] = paste("Name='", fis$name, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[4] = paste("Type='", fis$type, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[5] = paste("NumInputs=", NumInputs, sep = "")
    fileText[6] = paste("NumOutputs=", NumOutputs, sep = "")
    fileText[7] = paste("NumRules=", NumRules, sep = "")
    fileText[8] = paste("AndMethod='", fis$andMethod, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[9] = paste("OrMethod='", fis$orMethod, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[10] = paste("ImpMethod='", fis$impMethod, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[11] = paste("AggMethod='", fis$aggMethod, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[12] = paste("DefuzzMethod='", fis$defuzzMethod, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[13] = paste("mfType='", fis$mfType, "'", sep = "")
    fileText[14] = ""
    line = 15

    for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
        fileText[line] = paste("[Input", i, "]", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("Name='", fis$input[[i]]$name, "'", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("Range=[", fis$input[[i]]$range[1], " ", fis$input[[i]]$range[2], "]", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("fuzzification.method='", fis$input[[i]]$fuzzification.method, "'", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("fuzzification.params=[", paste(fis$input[[i]]$fuzzification.params, collapse = " "), "]", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("firing.method='", fis$input[[i]]$firing.method, "'", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("NumMFs=", NumInputMFs[i], sep = "")
        line = line + 1

        for (j in 1:NumInputMFs[i]) {
            part1 = paste("MF", j, "='", fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$name, "':", sep = "")
            part2 = paste("'", fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$type, "',", sep = "")
            part3 = paste("[", paste(fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$params, collapse = " "), "]", sep = "")
            fileText[line] = paste(part1, part2, part3, sep = "")
            line = line + 1

        fileText[line] = ""
        line = line + 1

    for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
        fileText[line] = paste("[Output", i, "]", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("Name='", fis$output[[i]]$name, "'", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("Range=[", fis$output[[i]]$range[1], " ", fis$output[[i]]$range[2], "]", sep = "")
        line = line + 1
        fileText[line] = paste("NumMFs=", NumOutputMFs[i], sep = "")
        line = line + 1

        for (j in 1:NumOutputMFs[i]) {
            part1 = paste("MF", j, "='", fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$name, "':", sep = "")
            part2 = paste("'", fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$type, "',", sep = "")
            part3 = paste("[", paste(fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$params, collapse = " "), "]", sep = "")
            fileText[line] = paste(part1, part2, part3, sep = "")
            line = line + 1

        fileText[line] = ""
        line = line + 1

    fileText[line] = "[Rules]"
    line = line + 1
    for (i in 1:NumRules) {
        part1 = paste(fis$rule[i, 1:NumInputs], collapse = " ")
        part2 = paste(fis$rule[i, (NumInputs + 1):(NumInputs + NumOutputs)], collapse = " ")
        part3 = paste(" (", fis$rule[i, NumInputs + NumOutputs + 1], ") : ", fis$rule[i, NumInputs + NumOutputs + 2], sep = "")
        fileText[line] = paste(part1, ", ", part2, part3, sep = "")
        line = line + 1

    fileText[line] = ""
    writeLines(fileText, fileName)

#' Read a fis object from a .fis file.
#' Reads a fis object from a file with the .fis extension, and converts it into a data structure to be used within the environment.
#' @param fileName Should be an absolute path given as a string to the file to be read, with escaped backslashes.
#' @return A fis structure with its values generated from that of the files.
#' @export
readfis <- function(fileName) {
    fileText <- readLines(fileName)
    if (length(fileText) == 0)
        stop('Zero length file!')
    fis <- list()
    line <- 1

    # structure parameters
    line = charmatch('[System]', fileText)
    if (is.na(line) || line == 0)
        stop(paste("No '[System]' line in file", fileName))
    line <- line + 1

    # defaults in case the user has omitted them
    Name <- 'untitled'
    Type <- 'mamdani'
    AndMethod <- 'min'
    OrMethod <- 'max'
    ImpMethod <- 'min'
    AggMethod <- 'max'
    DefuzzMethod <- 'centroid'
    mfType <- 't1'

    # evaluate the values from the file
    while (all(is.na(charmatch(c('[In', '[Out', '[Rules'), fileText[line])))) {
        eval(parse(text = fileText[line]))
        line <- line + 1

    # create a FIS with the given structure
    fis <- list(name = Name, type = Type, mfType = mfType,
                andMethod = AndMethod, orMethod = OrMethod,
                impMethod = ImpMethod, aggMethod = AggMethod,
                defuzzMethod = DefuzzMethod,
                input = NULL, output = NULL, rule = NULL)

    # now begin with the inputs
    for (varIndex in 1:NumInputs) {
        while (is.na(charmatch('[Input', fileText[line])))
            line <- line + 1

        fuzzification.method <- 'singleton.fuzzification'
        fuzzification.params <- NULL
        firing.method <- 'tnorm.min.max'

        # name and range (needs processing)
        eval(parse(text = fileText[line + 1]))
        rangeStr <- fileText[line + 2]
        rangeSplit <- unlist(strsplit(rangeStr, "[][ ]"))
        rangeText <- paste(rangeSplit[1], 'c(', paste(rangeSplit[-1], collapse = ','), ')')
        eval(parse(text = rangeText))
        eval(parse(text = fileText[line + 3]))
        # eval(parse(text = fileText[line + 4]))
        paramText <- fileText[line + 4]
        paramText <- unlist(strsplit(paramText, "[=]"))
        paramText <- unlist(strsplit(paramText[2], "[][ ]"))
        paramText <- paste('fuzzification.params=', 'c(', paste(paramText[-1], collapse = ','), ')')
        eval(parse(text = paramText))
        paramText <- fileText[line + 5]
        eval(parse(text = paramText))

        # now add the variable to the FIS
        fis <- addvar(fis, 'input', Name, Range, fuzzification.method, fuzzification.params, firing.method)

        # number of membership functions
        eval(parse(text = fileText[line + 6]))
        line <- line + 7

        for (MFIndex in 1:NumMFs) {
            # MF1='very low':'trapmf',[13 13 32 35]
            mfStr <- fileText[line]
            mfSplit <- unlist(strsplit(mfStr, "[',]"))
            mfName <- mfSplit[2]
            mfType <- mfSplit[4]
            paramSplit <- unlist(strsplit(mfSplit[6], "[][ ]"))
            paramText <- paste('mfParams=', 'c(', paste(paramSplit[-1], collapse = ','), ')')
            eval(parse(text = paramText))

            # now add the membership function to the FIS
            fis <- addmf(fis, 'input', varIndex, mfName, mfType, mfParams)
            line <- line + 1

    # now for the outputs
    for (varIndex in 1:NumOutputs) {
        while (is.na(charmatch('[Output', fileText[line])))
            line <- line + 1

        # name and range (needs processing)
        eval(parse(text = fileText[line + 1]))
        rangeStr <- fileText[line + 2]
        rangeSplit <- unlist(strsplit(rangeStr, "[][ ]"))
        rangeText <- paste(rangeSplit[1], 'c(', paste(rangeSplit[-1], collapse = ','), ')')
        eval(parse(text = rangeText))

        # now add the variable to the FIS
        fis <- addvar(fis, 'output', Name, Range)

        # number of membership functions
        eval(parse(text = fileText[line + 3]))
        line <- line + 4

        for (MFIndex in 1:NumMFs) {
            mfStr <- fileText[line]
            mfSplit <- unlist(strsplit(mfStr, "[',]"))
            mfName <- mfSplit[2]
            mfType <- mfSplit[4]
            paramSplit <- unlist(strsplit(mfSplit[6], "[][ ]"))
            paramText <- paste('mfParams= c(', paste(paramSplit[-1], collapse = ','), ')')
            eval(parse(text = paramText))

            # now add the membership function to the FIS
            fis <- addmf(fis, 'output', varIndex, mfName, mfType, mfParams)
            line <- line + 1

    # now for the rules
    while (is.na(charmatch('[Rules]', fileText[line])))
        line <- line + 1
    line <- line + 1

    for (ruleIndex in 1:NumRules) {
        ruleStr <- fileText[line]
        ruleSplit <- unlist(strsplit(ruleStr, "[ ,():]"))
        ruleSplit <- ruleSplit[nchar(ruleSplit) > 0]
        ruleText <- paste('ruleList= c(', paste(ruleSplit, collapse = ','), ')')
        eval(parse(text = ruleText))

        # now add the rule to the FIS
        fis = addrule(fis, ruleList)
        line <- line + 1


#' Show a fis object.
#' Shows a fis and all its data in an ordered format on the console.
#' @param fis Requires a fis structure to be displayed.
#' @return Returned the organised text regarding the fis is output to console.
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' showfis(fis)
#' @export
showfis <- function(fis) {
    NumInputs = length(fis$input)
    NumOutputs = length(fis$output)

    NumInputMFs = NULL
    for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
        NumInputMFs[i] = length(fis$input[[i]]$mf)

    NumOutputMFs = NULL
    for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
        NumOutputMFs[i] = length(fis$output[[i]]$mf)

    NumRules = nrow(fis$rule)

    cat('1.  Name             ', fis$name, '\n')
    cat('2a. Type             ', fis$type, '\n')
    cat('2b. mfType           ', fis$mfType, '\n')
    cat('3.  Inputs/Outputs   ', '[', NumInputs, NumOutputs, ']', '\n')
    cat('4.  NumInputMFs      ', '[', NumInputMFs, ']', '\n')
    cat('5.  NumOutputMFs     ', '[', NumOutputMFs, ']', '\n')
    cat('6.  NumRules         ', NumRules, '\n')
    cat('7.  AndMethod        ', fis$andMethod, '\n')
    cat('8.  OrMethod         ', fis$orMethod, '\n')
    cat('9.  ImpMethod        ', fis$impMethod, '\n')
    cat('10. AggMethod        ', fis$aggMethod, '\n')
    cat('11. DefuzzMethod     ', fis$defuzzMethod, '\n')
    frow = 11

    if (NumInputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
            cat(frow + i, '. InLabels          ', fis$input[[i]]$name, '\n', sep = '')
        frow = frow + i

    if (NumOutputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
            cat(frow + i, '. OutLabels         ', fis$output[[i]]$name, '\n', sep = '')
        frow = frow + i

    if (NumInputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
            cat(frow + i, '. ', sep = '');
            cat('InRange          ', '[', fis$input[[i]]$range, ']', '\n')
        frow = frow + i

    if (NumOutputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
            cat(frow + i, '. ', sep = '');
            cat('OutRange         ', '[', fis$output[[i]]$range, ']', '\n')
        frow = frow + i

    if (NumInputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
            for (j in 1:NumInputMFs[i]) {
                frow = frow + 1
                cat(frow, '. InMFLabels        ', fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$name, '\n', sep = '')

    if (NumOutputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
            for (j in 1:NumOutputMFs[i]) {
                frow = frow + 1
                cat(frow, '. OutMFLabels          ', fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$name, '\n', sep = '')

    if (NumInputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
            for (j in 1:NumInputMFs[i]) {
                frow = frow + 1
                cat(frow, '. InMFTypes         ', fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$type, '\n', sep = '')

    if (NumOutputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
            for (j in 1:NumOutputMFs[i]) {
                frow = frow + 1
                cat(frow, '. OutMFTypes           ', fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$type, '\n', sep = '')

    if (NumInputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumInputs) {
            for (j in 1:NumInputMFs[i]) {
                frow = frow + 1
                cat(frow, '. ', sep = '');
                cat('InMFParams       ', '[', fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$params, ']', '\n')

    if (NumOutputs > 0) {
        for (i in 1:NumOutputs) {
            for (j in 1:NumOutputMFs[i]) {
                frow = frow + 1
                cat(frow, '. ', sep = '');
                cat('OutMFParams      ', '[', fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$params, ']', '\n')

    if (!is.null(NumRules)) {
        for (i in 1:NumRules) {
            frow = frow + 1
            cat(frow, '. ', sep = '');
            cat('Rule Antecedent   [', fis$rule[i, 1:NumInputs], ']', '\n')

        for (i in 1:NumRules) {
            frow = frow + 1
            cat(frow, '. ', sep = '');
            cat('Rule Consequent  ', fis$rule[i, (NumInputs + 1):(NumInputs + NumOutputs)], '\n')

        for (i in 1:NumRules) {
            frow = frow + 1
            cat(frow, '. ', sep = '');
            cat('Rule Weight      ', fis$rule[i, NumInputs + NumOutputs + 1], '\n')

        for (i in 1:NumRules) {
            frow = frow + 1
            cat(frow, '. ', sep = '');
            cat('Rule Connection  ', fis$rule[i, NumInputs + NumOutputs + 2], '\n')

#' Evaluate a Fuzzy Inference System (fis)
#' Returns an evaluated crisp value for a given fis structure.
#' @param  input_stack A matrix representing the input stack, number of inputs (columns) by number of outputs (rows).
#' @param  fis A fis must be provided.
#' @param  time default 1
#' @param  point_n number of discretised points, default 101
#' @param  draw whether to draw, TRUE or FALSE
#' @return Returns a matrix of evaluated values.
#' @examples
#' Input_data <- matrix((1:2),1,2)
#' fis <- tipper()
#' evalfis(Input_data, fis)
#' @export
evalfis <- function(input_stack, fis, time = 1, point_n = 101, draw = FALSE) {

    # tsk implementation, added by CC, 20/11/2019
    if (fis$type == 'tsk') {
        if (!exists("GLOBAL_FIS") || !identical(fis, .GlobalEnv$GLOBAL_FIS)) {
            .GlobalEnv$GLOBAL_FIS <- fis
            .GlobalEnv$GLOBAL_TSK <- anfis.builder(fis)

        if (is.null(nrow(input_stack))) {
            input_stack <- matrix(input_stack, nrow = 1)
        out_stack <- anfis.eval(.GlobalEnv$GLOBAL_TSK, input_stack)


    first <- FALSE
    dir = getwd()

    #to make sure there wasn't already a global fis, 
    #or, if there was, it's not identical to the one being passed for initialisation
    if (!exists("GLOBAL_FIS") || !identical(fis, .GlobalEnv$GLOBAL_FIS)) {
        first <- TRUE

        # Add '.GlobalEnv$' to replace super assignment '<<-' (by Chao & Tajul)

        #Get details of fis and create matrices
        #print("initialising ...")
        .GlobalEnv$GLOBAL_FIS <- fis
        .GlobalEnv$FIS_TYPE <- fis$type
        .GlobalEnv$IN_N <- length(fis$input)
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_N <- length(fis$output)
        .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N <- NULL
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N <- NULL
        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$IN_N)
            .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N[i] <- length(fis$input[[i]]$mf)
        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
            .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N[i] <- length(fis$output[[i]]$mf)

        .GlobalEnv$RULE_N <- nrow(fis$rule)
        .GlobalEnv$RULE_LIST <- fis$rule[, 1:(.GlobalEnv$IN_N + .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)]
        .GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE <- fis$rule[, 1:.GlobalEnv$IN_N]
        .GlobalEnv$RULE_CONS <- fis$rule[, (.GlobalEnv$IN_N + 1):(.GlobalEnv$IN_N + .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)]
        .GlobalEnv$RULE_WEIGHT <- fis$rule[, .GlobalEnv$IN_N + .GlobalEnv$OUT_N + 1]
        .GlobalEnv$AND_OR <- fis$rule[, .GlobalEnv$IN_N + .GlobalEnv$OUT_N + 2]
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N_sum <- sum(.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N)
        .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N_sum <- sum(.GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N)
        .GlobalEnv$AND_METHOD <- fis$andMethod
        .GlobalEnv$OR_METHOD <- fis$orMethod
        .GlobalEnv$IMP_METHOD <- fis$impMethod
        .GlobalEnv$AGG_METHOD <- fis$aggMethod
        .GlobalEnv$DEFUZZ_METHOD <- fis$defuzzMethod

        # Get input params and types into globals
        .GlobalEnv$IN_TYPE <- NULL
        .GlobalEnv$IN_PARAMS <- list()
        .GlobalEnv$IN_PERTURBATION <- list()
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_PERTURBATION <- list()

        # Check to see with type of FL is being used
        .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE <- 1
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_COUPLE <- 0
        .GlobalEnv$COUPLE <- 0
        .GlobalEnv$IN_COUPLE <- 0
        if (fis$mfType == 'it2') {
            .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE <- 2
            .GlobalEnv$OUT_COUPLE <- c(0, .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N_sum)
            .GlobalEnv$COUPLE <- c(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N)
            .GlobalEnv$IN_COUPLE <- c(0, .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N_sum)

        #Get the type, parameters and perturbation functions for each INPUT mf
        idx = 1
        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$IN_N) {
            for (j in 1:.GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N[i]) {
                .GlobalEnv$IN_TYPE[idx] <- fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$type
                .GlobalEnv$IN_PARAMS[idx] <- list(fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$params)
                .GlobalEnv$IN_PERTURBATION[idx] <- list(fis$input[[i]]$mf[[j]]$perturbation)
                idx = idx + 1

        #Get perturbation function for OUTPUT mfs
        .GlobalEnv$no_output_perturbation <- TRUE
        idx = 1
        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {
            for (j in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N[i]) {
                perturbation <- fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$perturbation

                #if this mf has a perturbation function set flag to FALSE
                if (length(perturbation) > 0) {
                    .GlobalEnv$no_output_perturbation <- FALSE
                .GlobalEnv$OUT_PERTURBATION[idx] <- list(perturbation)
                idx = idx + 1

        #Get range of each OUTPUT mf, and create a sequence over that range
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_RANGE <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N, 2)
        .GlobalEnv$rangex <- matrix(0, point_n, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {
            .GlobalEnv$OUT_RANGE[i,] <- fis$output[[i]]$range
            .GlobalEnv$rangex[, i] <- seq(.GlobalEnv$OUT_RANGE[i, 1], .GlobalEnv$OUT_RANGE[i, 2], length = point_n)

        # allocate matrices for rule consequents and aggregated consequents
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, point_n * .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, point_n * .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)

    # why first is set to be true here?
    first <- TRUE
    if (first ||
        !exists("no_output_perturbation") ||
        !.GlobalEnv$no_output_perturbation) {

        .GlobalEnv$OUT_TEMP_MF <- matrix(0, (.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N_sum) * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE + .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, point_n)

        # -- BEGIN, 15 Mar 2020, Chao -- 
        # -- When AGG_METHOD is 'max', the following line will produce unexpected results. Hence, it is commented out.
        # .GlobalEnv$OUT_TEMP_MF[OUT_COUPLE + 1,] <- 1
        # -- END, 15 Mar 2020, Chao -- 

        idx = 1

        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {

            #if draw is set plot each MF in this output variable and produce a PDF
            filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "output", i, ".pdf", sep = "")
            if (draw && time == 1 && !file.exists(filename)) {
                plotmf(fis, "output", i, xlab = tolower(fis$output[[i]]$name), main = fis$output[[i]]$name)

            for (j in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N[i]) {

                #Get the parameters, type and perturbation function for each mf in this output var
                params <- fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$params
                type <- fis$output[[i]]$mf[[j]]$type
                perturbation <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_PERTURBATION[[idx]]

                #If there are any perturbation functions, perturb the membership function
                if (length(perturbation) > 0) {
                    count <- 0
                    repeat {
                        tmp <- perturb(time, params, perturbation)
                        params <- tmp$params
                        e <- tmp$e
                        tmp <- matrix(evalmf(.GlobalEnv$rangex[, i],
                                             type, params) + e, .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, point_n, byrow = TRUE)
                        if (count > 1000 || all(!is.nan(tmp)))break
                        count <- count + 1
                } else {
                    tmp <- matrix(evalmf(.GlobalEnv$rangex[, i], type, params), .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, point_n, byrow = TRUE)
                tmp[tmp < 0] = 0
                tmp[tmp > 1] = 1

                #Copy perturbed mf
                .GlobalEnv$OUT_TEMP_MF[OUT_COUPLE + idx + 1,] <- tmp
                idx = idx + 1

        # restructure to fit OUT_MF
        idx = matrix(1, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, 1) %*% cumsum(c(1, .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N[0:(.GlobalEnv$OUT_N - 1)])) + abs(.GlobalEnv$RULE_CONS)
        idx[RULE_CONS == 0] = 1

        .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_TEMP_MF[t(idx),]

        # -- BEGIN, 15 April 2020, Chao -- 
        # -- This is part of the solution to address the issue when the FIS only has one rule.
        if (.GlobalEnv$RULE_N == 1) {
            .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF <- t(.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF)
        # -- END, 15 April 2020, Chao -- 

        #Now OUT_MF is RULE_N*OUT_N X point_n matrix
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF[t(.GlobalEnv$RULE_CONS) < 0,] <- 1 - .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF[t(.GlobalEnv$RULE_CONS < 0),]

        #if it's a type-2 fis,
        if (.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE == 2) {

            idx <- idx + .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF_N_sum
            tmp <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_TEMP_MF[t(idx),]

            #Now OUT_MF is RULE_N*OUT_N X point_n matrix
            if (any(.GlobalEnv$RULE_CONS < 0)) {
                tt <- t(.GlobalEnv$RULE_CONS) < 0
                tmp[tt,] <- 1 - tmp[tt,]
                temp <- tmp[tt,]
                tmp[tt,] <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF[tt,]
                .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF[tt,] <- temp
            .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF <- rbind(.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF, tmp)
        .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF <- matrix(t(.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF), .GlobalEnv$RULE_N * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, point_n * .GlobalEnv$OUT_N, byrow = TRUE)
    # end of initialisation

    # check for errors in the input stack
    if (is.vector(input_stack)) {
        #Put the inputs into seperate columns
        input_stack = matrix(input_stack, ncol = .GlobalEnv$IN_N, byrow = TRUE) #Error here
    data_n = nrow(input_stack)

    # create output stack
    # out_stack = matrix(0, data_n * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
    # modified by CC, 19/11/2019
    out_stack = matrix(0, data_n, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)

    # loop through each input
    for (k in 1:data_n) {
        input = input_stack[k,]
        # create in_temp_mf_value
        in_temp_mf_value = matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N_sum * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, 1)

        idx = 1
        pr <- c()
        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$IN_N) {

            #create a filename
            filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "input", i, ".pdf", sep = "")

            #if draw, create a pdf and plot this input mf
            if (draw && time == 1 && !file.exists(filename)) {
                plotmf(fis, "input", i, xlab = tolower(fis$input[[i]]$name), main = fis$input[[i]]$name)

            #Create filename
            filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "-fuzzify-input-", i, "-x=", input[i], ".pdf", sep = "")

            #if draw, create pdf and plot input mf, this time alter xx 
            if (draw && time == 1 && !file.exists(filename)) {
                plotmf(fis, "input", i, xlab = tolower(fis$input[[i]]$name), main = fis$input[[i]]$name, xx = input[i])

            for (j in 1:.GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N[i]) {

                #Get details of this mf
                perturbation <- .GlobalEnv$IN_PERTURBATION[[idx]]
                params <- .GlobalEnv$IN_PARAMS[[idx]]
                type <- .GlobalEnv$IN_TYPE[idx]

                #If there are any perturbation functions
                if (length(perturbation) > 0) {
                    count <- 0
                    #Apply perturbation function
                    repeat {
                        tmp <- perturb(time, params, perturbation)
                        params <- tmp$params
                        e <- tmp$e
                        tmp <- matrix(evalmf(input[i], type, params) + e, .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, 1, byrow = TRUE)
                        if (count > 1000 || all(!is.nan(tmp)))break
                        count <- count + 1
                } else {
                    fuzzification.method <- fis$input[[i]]$fuzzification.method

                    if (is.null(fuzzification.method) || fuzzification.method == 'singleton.fuzzification') {
                        tmp <- matrix(evalmf(input[i], type, params), .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, 1, byrow = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        tmp <- matrix(evalmf(input[i], type, params, fuzzification.method, fis$input[[i]]$fuzzification.params, fis$input[[i]]$firing.method, fis$input[[i]]$range), .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, 1, byrow = TRUE)

                #Tidy up
                tmp[tmp > 1] = 1
                tmp[tmp < 0] = 0

                in_temp_mf_value[IN_COUPLE + idx,] <- tmp
                idx = idx + 1

        # restructure row of in_temp_mf_value to fit in_mf_value
        ind = matrix(1, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, 1) %*% cumsum(c(0, .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N[0:(.GlobalEnv$IN_N - 1)])) + abs(.GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE)
        # -- BEGIN 13 Mar 2020, Chao -- 
        # -- Bug fix (when first input is not used)
        ind[ind == 0] <- 1
        # -- END 13 Mar 2020, Chao -- 
        in_mf_value = matrix(in_temp_mf_value[ind,], .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, .GlobalEnv$IN_N)

        # replace dont-care MFs in AND rules with 1, and OR rules with 0
        in_mf_value[which(((.GlobalEnv$AND_OR == 1) * (.GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE == 0)) == 1)] = 1
        in_mf_value[which(((.GlobalEnv$AND_OR == 2) * (.GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE == 0)) == 1)] = 0

        # sort out NOTs (negative rule indices)
        idx = which(.GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE < 0)
        in_mf_value[idx] = 1 - in_mf_value[idx]

        #If it's a type-2 system 
        if (.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE == 2) {
            #set the ind to the total number of input mfs
            ind <- ind + .GlobalEnv$IN_MF_N_sum
            tmp = matrix(in_temp_mf_value[ind,], .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, .GlobalEnv$IN_N)

            # replace dont-care MFs in AND rules with 1, and OR rules with 0
            tmp[which(((.GlobalEnv$AND_OR == 1) * (.GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE == 0)) == 1)] = 1
            tmp[which(((.GlobalEnv$AND_OR == 2) * (.GlobalEnv$RULE_ANTE == 0)) == 1)] = 0

            # take care of NOTs (negative rule indices)
            if (length(idx) > 0) {
                temp <- in_mf_value[idx]
                in_mf_value[idx] = 1 - tmp[idx]
                tmp[idx] = temp
            in_mf_value = rbind(in_mf_value, tmp)

        # Get firing strengths for the rules
        f_str <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE, 1)
        if (.GlobalEnv$IN_N == 1) {
            f_str = in_mf_value
        } else {
            and_ind = which(.GlobalEnv$AND_OR == 1)
            or_ind = which(.GlobalEnv$AND_OR == 2)
            f_str[and_ind,] =
                apply(rbind(in_mf_value[and_ind,]), 1, fis$andMethod)

            #Check type
            if (.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE == 2) {
                f_str[and_ind + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N,] =
                    apply(rbind(in_mf_value[and_ind + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N,]), 1, fis$andMethod)

            f_str[or_ind,] =
                apply(rbind(in_mf_value[or_ind,]), 1, fis$orMethod)

            #Check type
            if (.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE == 2) {
                f_str[or_ind + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N,] =
                    apply(rbind(in_mf_value[or_ind + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N,]), 1, fis$orMethod)

        #Calculate weighted firing strength
        f_str = f_str * .GlobalEnv$RULE_WEIGHT

        if (all(f_str == 0)) { # if no rules fired,
            for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {
                for (j in 1:.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE) {
                    out_stack[(k - 1) * .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE + j, i] = NaN
        } else {
            #Check system type and implication methods
            if (.GlobalEnv$FIS_TYPE == 'mamdani') {

                tmp = matrix(f_str, nrow(f_str), point_n * .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
                if (fis$impMethod == 'prod') {
                    .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS <- tmp * .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF
                } else if (fis$impMethod == 'min') {
                    .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS <- pmin(tmp, .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF)
                } else {
                    cat('user-defined implication not implemented yet\n')

                #IF draw and it's type-1, plot antecedents, consequents and aggregation and put them in PDFs
                if (draw && .GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE == 1 && time == 1) {
                    input_set <- paste(tolower(fis$input[[1]]$name), "=", input[1])
                    for (i in 2:.GlobalEnv$IN_N)
                        input_set <- paste(input_set, "and", tolower(fis$input[[i]]$name), "=", input[i])

                    for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$RULE_N) {
                        filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "-ante-eval-", i, "-(", sep = "")
                        s <- paste(filename, input_set, ").pdf", sep = "")

                        if (time == 1 && !file.exists(s)) {
                            drawAnteEval(fis, i, input, in_mf_value[i,], point_n = point_n, title = NULL, label = TRUE)

                        filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "-cons-eval-", i, "-(", sep = "")
                        s <- paste(filename, input_set, ").pdf", sep = "")
                        if (time == 1 && !file.exists(s)) {
                            drawConsEval(fis, i, support = f_str[i,], OUT_RULE_CONS = .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i,], point_n = point_n, title = NULL, label = TRUE)

                        filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "-rule-eval-", i, "-(", sep = "")
                        s <- paste(filename, input_set, ").pdf", sep = "")
                        if (time == 1 && !file.exists(s)) {
                            drawRuleEval(fis, i, input = input, in_mf_value = in_mf_value[i,], support = f_str[i,], OUT_RULE_CONS = .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i,], point_n = point_n, title = NULL, label = TRUE)

                    filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "-rule-evaluation-(", sep = "")
                    s <- paste(filename, input_set, ").pdf", sep = "")
                    if (time == 1 && !file.exists(s)) {

                        pushViewport(viewport(width = 0.9, height = 0.9))

                        drawRuleAggr(fis, input = input, in_mf_value = in_mf_value, f_str = f_str, OUT_RULE_CONS = .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS, point_n = point_n, title = NULL)

                # Check type and aggregate rule consequents
                for (ii in 1:.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE)
                    .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG[ii,] <- apply(.GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[(ii - 1) * .GlobalEnv$RULE_N + (1:.GlobalEnv$RULE_N),], 2, fis$aggMethod)
                #perform type reduction if it's type-2
                if (.GlobalEnv$MF_TYPE == 2) {
                    if (fis$defuzzMethod == "centroid") {
                        rs <- trCentroid(rbind(.GlobalEnv$rangex, .GlobalEnv$rangex), .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG)

                        #plot output mf
                        if (draw) plot_it2(.GlobalEnv$rangex, .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG, "Y")
                    } else if (fis$defuzzMethod == "cos") { #Centre of Spread, for NSFS
                        if (first ||
                            !exists("no_output_perturbation") ||
                            !.GlobalEnv$no_output_perturbation) {
                            COS <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N * 2, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
                            COS <- trCentroid(rbind(.GlobalEnv$rangex, .GlobalEnv$rangex), .GlobalEnv$OUT_MF)
                        rs <- trCOS(COS, f_str)
                    } else if (fis$defuzzMethod == "coh") { #Centre of Height?
                        height <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
                        B <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N * 2, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
                        sp <- matrix(0, .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)

                        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$RULE_N) {
                            for (j in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {
                                maxp <- max(.GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i, (1:point_n) + (j - 1) * point_n])
                                height[i, j] <- mean(.GlobalEnv$rangex[which(.GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i, (1:point_n) + (j - 1) * point_n] == maxp), j])
                                tmp <- abs(.GlobalEnv$rangex[, j] - height[i, j])
                                pos = which(tmp == min(tmp))[1]
                                B[i, j] <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i, pos]
                                B[i + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, j] <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, pos]
                                sp[i, j] <- (.GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i, pos] + .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[i + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N, pos]) / 2

                        rs <- iterative_method(rbind(height, height), B)
                    } else if (fis$defuzzMethod == "csum") { #cumulative sum?
                        .GlobalEnv$SUMS <- matrix(0, point_n * 2, .GlobalEnv$OUT_N)
                        for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {
                            for (j in 1:point_n) {
                                .GlobalEnv$SUMS[j, i] <- sum(.GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[1:.GlobalEnv$RULE_N, (i - 1) * point_n + j])
                                .GlobalEnv$SUMS[j + point_n, i] <- sum(.GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS[(1 + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N):(.GlobalEnv$RULE_N + .GlobalEnv$RULE_N), (i - 1) * point_n + j])
                        rs <- iterative_method(rbind(.GlobalEnv$rangex, .GlobalEnv$rangex), .GlobalEnv$SUMS)
                    } else if (fis$defuzzMethod == "user") {   #User defined
                        rs <- iterative_method(matrix(.GlobalEnv$OUT_MF[, 1], 50, 1), f_str)

                    # defuzzify each output
                    for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {
                        # modified by CC, 19/11/2019
                        # out_stack[2 * k - 1, i] = mean(rs[, i])
                        # out_stack[2 * k, i] = rs[1, i] - mean(rs[, i])
                        out_stack[k, i] = mean(rs[, i])
                } else {

                    # defuzzify each output
                    for (i in 1:.GlobalEnv$OUT_N) {

                        out_stack[k, i] =
                            defuzz(.GlobalEnv$rangex[, i],
                                   .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG[1, ((i - 1) * point_n + 1):(i * point_n)], fis$defuzzMethod)
                        # add by Tajul, and modified by Chao
                        .GlobalEnv$D_x <- .GlobalEnv$rangex[, i]
                        .GlobalEnv$D_y <- .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG[1, ((i - 1) * point_n + 1):(i * point_n)]
                        # end

                    if (draw) {
                        filename <- paste(dir, substring(fis$name, length(fis$name)), "-all-evaluations-(", sep = "")
                        s <- paste(filename, input_set, ").pdf", sep = "")
                    if (draw && time == 1 && !file.exists(filename)) {
                        pushViewport(viewport(width = 0.9, height = 0.9))
                        drawAllSteps(fis, input = input, in_mf_value = in_mf_value, f_str = f_str, OUT_RULE_CONS = .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_CONS,
                                     OUT_RULE_AGG = .GlobalEnv$OUT_RULE_AGG, output = out_stack[k,], point_n = point_n, title = NULL)
            else if (.GlobalEnv$FIS_TYPE == 'sugeno')
                cat('sugeno inference not implemented yet\n')
            else {
                cat('unknown inference type\n')
        } #end of if

    # add by Tajul
    .GlobalEnv$D_out <- round(out_stack, 2)


#' Defuzzify a set of values.
#' Defuzzifies a given set of values using a specified range and defuzzification type producing a crisp value.
#' @param x The range to be applied in the function (numeric vector).
#' @param mf The values to be applied in the function (numeric vector).
#' @param type The defuzzification method type, which should be either 'centroid', 'bisector', 'mom', 'som' or 'lom'.
#' @return Returns a defuzzified crisp value (double).
#' @examples
#' Crisp_value = defuzz(1:10, c(1.5, 5), "centroid")
#' @export
defuzz <- function(x, mf, type) {
    if (type == "centroid")
        if (sum(mf, na.rm = T) != 0) {
            sum(mf * x, na.rm = T) / sum(mf, na.rm = T)
        } else {
            mean(x, na.rm = T)
    else if (type == "bisector") {
        cs = cumsum(mf)
        a2 = sum(mf) / 2
        xs = match(TRUE, cs > a2)
        x[xs - 1] +
            (a2 - cs[xs - 1]) / mf[xs] +
            (x[xs] - x[xs - 1]) / 2
    } else if (type == "mom") {
        mean(x[which(mf == max(mf))])
    } else if (type == "som") {
        x[min(which(mf == max(mf)))]
    } else if (type == "lom") {
        x[max(which(mf == max(mf)))]
    } else {

# IT2 defuzzification - need to go through these

#B: 2*M X point_n * OUT_N matrix
#y: 2*point_n X  OUT_N matrix
#outs : 2*M x OUT_N
trCentroid <- function(y, B) {

    # M <- nrow(B) %/% 2
    # point_n <- nrow(y) %/% 2
    OUT_N <- ncol(y)
    # out <- matrix(0, nrow(B), OUT_N)

    ff <- rotate2(B, OUT_N)
    out <- iterative_method(y, ff)


#COS : matrix RULE_N*2 x OUT_N
#f : RULE_N*2 x 1(OUT_N)
#out: OUT_N*2 x 1
trCOS <- function(COS, f) {
    tmp <- center_spread(COS)
    cc <- tmp$c
    s <- tmp$s

    tmp <- center_spread(f)
    h <- tmp$c
    OUT_N <- ncol(COS)
    delta <- tmp$s

    outs <- matrix(0, 2, OUT_N)
    for (i in 1:OUT_N) {
        tmp <- interval_wtdavg(cc[, i], s[, i], h, delta)
        outs[1, i] <- tmp$r_out
        outs[2, i] <- tmp$l_out


#y : M*2  x OUT_N
#f : M*2*N  x OUT_N
#out : 2*N  x OUT_N
#Used in centroid
iterative_method <- function(y, f) {

    OUT_N <- ncol(y)
    N <- nrow(f) %/% nrow(y)
    M <- nrow(y) %/% 2

    tmp <- center_spread(f)
    h <- tmp$c #N*M x OUT_N
    delta <- tmp$s  #N*M x OUT_N

    tmp <- center_spread(y)
    c <- tmp$c
    s <- tmp$s #c,s : M x OUT_N

    out <- matrix(0, 2 * N, OUT_N)
    for (i in 1:OUT_N) {
        for (j in 0:(N - 1)) {
            tmp <- interval_wtdavg(c[, i], s[, i], h[(1:M) + j * M, i], delta[(1:M) + j * M, i])
            out[j + 1, i] <- tmp$r_out
            out[j + 1 + N, i] <- tmp$l_out

#x : 2*N x M matrix
#$c,$s : N*M matrix
center_spread <- function(x) {
    N = nrow(x) %/% 2
    M = ncol(x)
    cc <- matrix(0, N, M)
    s <- matrix(0, N, M)
    for (i in 1:N) {
        cc[i,] = (x[i,] + x[i + N,]) / 2
        s[i,] = (x[i,] - cc[i,])

    list(c = cc, s = s)

#c,s,h,delta are all vetors length M
interval_wtdavg <- function(c, s, h, delta) {
    lower = h - delta;
    upper = h + delta;

    l_out = adapt(c - s, lower, upper, -1)$outextreme;
    r_out = adapt(c + s, lower, upper, 1)$outextreme;
    list(l_out = l_out, r_out = r_out)

#OUT_MF : RULE_N*2 X point_n*OUT_N
#out : RULE_N*2*point_n X OUT_N
#used in Centroid
rotate2 <- function(OUT_MF, OUT_N) {
    point_n <- ncol(OUT_MF) %/% OUT_N
    out <- matrix(0, nrow(OUT_MF) * point_n, OUT_N)
    for (i in 1:OUT_N) {
        tmp <- OUT_MF[, (1:point_n) + (i - 1) * point_n]
        #tmp : RULE_N*2 X point_n
        out[, i] <- t(tmp)

# Inputs : "ypoint", "lower" and "upper" are all M-dimensional vectors.
# "ypoint" contains the "y_l"s. "lower" and "upper"
# contain, respectively, the "w_lower" and "w_upper" values for each
# weight "w_l". If "maxflag > 0" (scalar), "S" is maximized, else
# it is minimized.
# Used in interval_wtdavg
adapt <- function(ypoint, lower, upper, maxflag) {
    tmp <- sort(ypoint, index = TRUE)
    z <- tmp$x
    ix <- tmp$ix
    lower_sort <- lower[ix]
    upper_sort <- upper[ix]
    lz <- length(z)

    hl = (lower_sort + upper_sort) / 2;
    S = sum(z * hl) / sum(hl);   # starting point

    eps = 1e-5;   # small quantity to avoid floating point equality problems

    count = 0;
    theta = hl;
    S_new = S + 10 * eps;

    if ((abs(S - z[1]) < eps) | (abs(S - z[lz]) < eps)) {
        outextreme = S;
    } else {
        while (abs(S - S_new) > eps) {
            count = count + 1;

            if (count > 1)
                S = S_new;

            in1 = which(z > (S - eps));
            min1 = min(in1);

            if (min1 > 2) {
                in2 = 1:(min1 - 1);
            } else {
                in2 = 1;

            if (maxflag > 0) {
                theta[in1] = upper_sort[in1];
                theta[in2] = lower_sort[in2];
            } else {
                theta[in1] = lower_sort[in1];
                theta[in2] = upper_sort[in2];

                # To avoid division by zero if all lower_sort=0
                if (abs(S - z[min1]) < eps)
                    theta[min1] = upper_sort[min1];
            } #end if maxflag

            S_new = sum(z * theta) / sum(theta);
        } #end while
        outextreme = S_new;
    } # end if

    list(outextreme = outextreme, count = count, theta = theta)

#' @title TSK FIS builder
#' @description
#' To build a one-output TSK FIS by automatically generating the input membership functions and the fuzzy rules
#' @param x.range a vector/matrix as the range of input(s)
#' @param input.num the number of inputs
#' @param input.mf.num a list of the number of membership functions for all inputs
#' @param input.mf.type designed for different membershp function types, however, currently, 'T1' for gbellmf, else 'it2gbellmf'
#' @param rule.num the number of rules
#' @param rule.which selected rules to be used in the full rule list, for example, c(1,2,3) specify the first three rules
#' @param defuzzMethod "default"
#' @param params.ante parameter settings for initialising antecedent membership functions
#' @param params.conse parameter settings for initialising consequent membership functions
#' @author Chao Chen
#' @export

fis.builder <- function(x.range, input.num, input.mf.num, input.mf.type, rule.num = prod(input.mf.num), rule.which = NULL, defuzzMethod = "default", params.ante, params.conse) {
    fis <- newfis('newFIS', fisType = "tsk", andMethod = "prod", orMethod = "max", impMethod = "min", aggMethod = "max", defuzzMethod = defuzzMethod)

    if (!is.null(rule.which)) {
        rule.which <- sort(unique(rule.which))
        if (rule.num != length(rule.which) || !all(rule.which %in% 1:prod(input.mf.num)))
            stop("rule.which is not right!")

    k <- 1
    x.range <- matrix(x.range, ncol = 2)
    for (i in 1:input.num) {
        if (nrow(x.range) == 1) {
            input.range <- c(x.range)
        } else {
            input.range <- x.range[i,]

        fis <- addvar(fis, 'input', paste0('X', i), input.range, 'singleton.fuzzification')
        #fis <- addvar(fis, 'input', paste0('X', i), input.range, 'it2gbell.fuzzification', init.params.it2gbell(input.range,0)[1,])

        if (missing(params.ante)) {
            params.gbell <- init.params.gbell(input.range, input.mf.num[i])
            params.it2gbell <- init.params.it2gbell(input.range, input.mf.num[i])
        } else {
            params.gbell <- as.matrix(params.ante[[i]])
            params.it2gbell <- params.gbell

        for (j in 1:input.mf.num[i]) {
            #if(input.mf.type[i, j] == 1) {
            if (input.mf.type == "T1") {
                fis <- addmf(fis, 'input', i, paste0('A', k), 'gbellmf', params.gbell[j,])
            } else {
                fis <- addmf(fis, 'input', i, paste0('A', k), 'it2gbellmf', params.it2gbell[j,])
            k <- k + 1

    fis <- addvar(fis, 'output', 'Y', NULL, 'defuzzification.method')

    if (missing(params.conse)) {
        params.linearmf <- matrix(0, nrow = rule.num, ncol = input.num + 1)
    } else {
        params.linearmf <- params.conse

    for (i in 1:rule.num) {
        fis <- addmf(fis, 'output', 1, paste0('C', i), 'linearmf', params.linearmf[i,])

    rule.ante <- NULL
    rule.ante <- expand.grid(lapply(input.mf.num, seq))
    if (is.null(rule.which)) {
        rule <- as.matrix(rule.ante)[sort(sample(1:nrow(rule.ante), rule.num)),]
    } else {
        rule <- as.matrix(rule.ante)[rule.which,]
    rule <- cbind(rule, 1:rule.num, 0, 1)
    colnames(rule) <- NULL

    fis <- addrule(fis, as.matrix(rule))

#' Produces an example fis object for Waiter-Tipping.
#' A function used primarily for example purposes, it creates a fis with two input (service & food), output variables (tip) and their membership functions.
#' @return A fis is return
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' @export
tipper <- function() {
    fis = newfis('tipper', andMethod='prod')
    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10))
    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 10))
    fis = addvar(fis, 'output', 'tip', c(0, 30))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 0, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 5, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 10, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'trapmf', c(0, 0, 1, 3, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'trapmf', c(7, 9, 10, 10, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'trimf', c(0, 5, 10, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'trimf', c(10, 15, 20, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'trimf', c(20, 25, 30, 1))

    rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 2))
    fis = addrule(fis, rl)

# testing
#' Produces an example fis object which can be used for ANFIS.
#' A function used primarily for example purposes, it creates a fis with two input (service & food), output variables (tip) and their membership functions.
#' @return A fis is return
#' @examples
#' fis <- anfis.tipper()
#' @export
anfis.tipper <- function() {
    fis = newfis('tipper', fisType = 'tsk', andMethod = 'prod', orMethod = 'max', impMethod = 'min', aggMethod = 'max')

    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10), 'singleton.fuzzification')
    #fis= addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10), 'it2gbell.fuzzification', c(1,2,3))

    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 15), 'singleton.fuzzification')
    #fis= addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 15), 'it2gbell.fuzzification', c(1,2,3))

    fis = addvar(fis, 'output', 'tip', c(0, 30), 'defuzzification.method', c(1, 2, 3))
    #fis= addvar(fis, 'output', 'test', c(0, 100))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'gbellmf', c(1, 1.5, 3))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'gbellmf', c(1, 1.5, 5))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 5))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'gbellmf', c(2, 1.5, 10))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 10))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'gbellmf', c(1, 2, 3))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 2, 3))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'gbellmf', c(4, 10, 10))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'it2gbellmf', c(3, 4, 10, 10))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'linearmf', c(1, 5, 10))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'linearmf', c(10, 15, 20))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'linearmf', c(20, 25, 30))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'itlinearmf', c(10, 20, 25, 30))

    #fis= addmf(fis, 'output', 2, 'l', 'trimf', c(0, 0, 50))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'output', 2, 'm', 'trimf', c(0, 50, 100))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'output', 2, 'h', 'trimf', c(50, 100, 100))

    rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 1))
    #rl = rbind(c(1,1,1,1,1,2), c(2,0,2,2,1,1), c(3,2,3,3,1,2))
    fis = addrule(fis, rl)


#' Produces an example fis object (TSK type), which can also be optimised by ANFIS.
#' A function used primarily for example purposes, it creates a fis with two input (service & food), output variables (tip) and their membership functions.
#' @return A fis is return
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper.tsk()
#' @export
tipper.tsk <- function() {
    fis = newfis('tipper', fisType = 'tsk', andMethod = 'prod')
    # fis = newfis('tipper', fisType = 'tsk')

    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10), 'singleton.fuzzification')
    # fis= addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10), 'it2gbell.fuzzification', c(1,2,3))

    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 15), 'singleton.fuzzification')
    #fis= addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 15), 'it2gbell.fuzzification', c(1,2,3))

    fis = addvar(fis, 'output', 'tip', c(0, 30))
    #fis= addvar(fis, 'output', 'test', c(0, 100))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'gbellmf', c(1, 1.5, 3, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'gbellmf', c(1, 1.5, 5, 1))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 5, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'gbellmf', c(2, 1.5, 10, 1))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 10, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'gbellmf', c(1, 2, 3, 1))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'gbellmf', c(4, 10, 10, 1))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'it2gbellmf', c(3, 4, 10, 10, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'linearmf', c(0, 0.5, 0.5))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'linearmf', c(10, 0.5, 0.5))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'linearmf', c(20, 0.5, 0.5))
    #fis= addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'itlinearmf', c(20, 25, 0.5, 0.5))

    rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 1))
    #rl = rbind(c(1,1,1,1,1,2), c(2,0,2,2,1,1), c(3,2,3,3,1,2))
    fis = addrule(fis, rl)


#' Produces an example it2fis object for Waiter-Tipping.
#' A function used primarily for example purposes, it creates a it2 fis with two input (service & food), output variables (tip) and their membership functions.
#' @return A fis object
#' @examples
#' it2fis <- it2tipper()
#' @export
it2tipper <- function() {

    fis = newfis('tipper', mfType = 'it2')

    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10), 'singleton.fuzzification')
    fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 15), 'it2gbell.fuzzification', c(1, 2, 3))
    fis = addvar(fis, 'output', 'tip', c(0, 30), 'defuzzification.method')

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 0, 1, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 5, 1, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 1.5, 10, 1, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'it2gbellmf', c(1, 2, 2, 12, 1, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'it2trimf', c(3, 7.5, 12, 0, 7.5, 15, 0.8, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'it2trimf', c(10.5, 15, 19.5, 7.5, 15, 22.5, 0.8, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'it2trimf', c(18, 22.5, 27, 15, 22.5, 30, 0.8, 1))

    rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 2))
    fis = addrule(fis, rl)


#' Produces an example non-singleton fis object for Waiter-Tipping.
#' A function used primarily for example purposes, it creates a nsfis with two input (service & food), output variables (tip) and their membership functions.
#' @return A non-singleton fis object
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper.ns()
#' @author Yu Zhao
#' @export
tipper.ns <- function() {
    fis = newfis("tipper")
    fis = addvar(fis, "input", "service", c(0, 10), 'gauss', 0.5, 'tnorm.min.max')
    fis = addvar(fis, "input", "food", c(0, 10), 'gauss', 0.5, 'tnorm.min.defuzz.centroid')
    fis = addvar(fis, "output", "tip", c(0, 30))

    fis = addmf(fis, "input", 1, "poor", "gaussmf", c(1.5, 0, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, "input", 1, "good", "gaussmf", c(1.5, 5, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, "input", 1, "excellent", "gaussmf", c(1.5, 10, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, "input", 2, "rancid", "trapmf", c(0, 0, 1, 3, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, "input", 2, "delicious", "trapmf", c(7, 9, 10, 10, 1))

    fis = addmf(fis, "output", 1, "cheap", "trimf", c(0, 5, 10, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, "output", 1, "average", "trimf", c(10, 15, 20, 1))
    fis = addmf(fis, "output", 1, "generous", "trimf", c(20, 25, 30, 1))
    rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 2))
    fis = addrule(fis, rl)


#' Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping
#' Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping to display the membership function (input & output) and rules.
#' @return Return graphic user interface for Waiter-Tipping
#' @author Tajul Razak
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipperGUI()
#' @import shiny splines
#' @export
tipperGUI = function() {

    ui = fluidPage(
        titlePanel(title = h1("Type-1 Fuzzy Logic : Waiter-Tipping", align = "center")),
            sidebarPanel((h3("Parameter ")),
                         selectInput("service", "Choose a MF type for input 'Service':",
                                     list("Trapeziod", "Gaussian", "Tringular")),
                         selectInput("food", "Choose a MF type for input 'Food':",
                                     list("Trapeziod", "Gaussian", "Tringular")),
                         selectInput("tip", "Choose a MF type for output 'Tip':",
                                     list("Trapeziod", "Gaussian", "Tringular")),
                         radioButtons("out", "Display MF ",
                                      list("Service" = 1,
                                           "Food" = 2,
                                           "Tip" = 3))
                    type = "tab",
                    tabPanel("Membership Function", plotOutput("plot1")),
                    tabPanel("Rules", verbatimTextOutput("out"))
                    #  tabPanel("Output", uiOutput("output1"))

    server = function(input, output) {

        output$plot1 <- renderPlot({

            fis = newfis('tipper')

            fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10))
            fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 10))
            fis = addvar(fis, 'output', 'tip', c(0, 30))

            # MF type for service
            if (input$service == "Trapeziod")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'trapmf', c(-2.844, -0.6886, 0.6886, 2.844))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'trapmf', c(2.156, 4.311, 5.689, 7.844))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'trapmf', c(7.156, 9.311, 10.69, 12.84))
            else if (input$service == "Gaussian")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 0))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 5))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'gaussmf', c(1.5, 10))
            else if (input$service == "Tringular")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'trimf', c(-3.532, 0, 3.532))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'trimf', c(1.468, 5, 8.532))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'trimf', c(6.468, 10, 13.53))

            # MF type for food
            if (input$food == "Trapeziod")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'trapmf', c(0, 0, 1, 3))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'trapmf', c(7, 9, 10, 10))
            else if (input$food == "Gaussian")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'gaussmf', c(1.189, 0.6))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'gaussmf', c(1.172, 9.4))
            else if (input$food == "Tringular")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'trimf', c(-2.2, 0.6001, 3.4))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'trimf', c(6.639, 9.4, 12.16))

            # MF type for tip
            if (input$tip == "Trapeziod")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'trapmf', c(0.5, 4.5, 5.5, 9.5))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'trapmf', c(10.5, 14.5, 15.5, 19.5))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'trapmf', c(20.5, 24.5, 25.5, 29.5))
            else if (input$tip == "Gaussian")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'gaussmf', c(2.123, 5))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'gaussmf', c(2.123, 15))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'gaussmf', c(2.123, 25))
            else if (input$tip == "Tringular")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'trimf', c(0, 5, 10))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'trimf', c(10, 15, 20))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'trimf', c(20, 25, 30))

            #add rules
            rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 2))
            fis = addrule(fis, rl)

            # showrules(fis)

            if (input$out == 1)
                plotmf(fis, "input", 1, main = "Membership function plots")
            else if (input$out == 2)
                plotmf(fis, "input", 2, main = "Membership function plots")
            else if (input$out == 3)
                plotmf(fis, "output", 1, main = "Membership function plots")

        output$out = renderPrint({
            fis = tipper()
            #  evalfis(c(1,2,5), fis)

    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

#' Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping (another style)
#' Another style of Graphic User Interface for Waiter-Tipping to display the membership function (input & output) and rules.
#' @return Return graphic user interface for Waiter-Tipping
#' @author Tajul Razak
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipperGUI2()
#' @import shiny splines
#' @export
tipperGUI2 = function() {

    ui = fluidPage(
        titlePanel(title = h1("Type-1 Fuzzy Logic : Waiter-Tipping", align = "center")),
                radioButtons("out", "Please Choose Variable : ",
                             list("Service" = 1,
                                  "Food" = 2,
                                  "Tip" = 3)),
                    condition = "input.out == 1",
                    selectInput("service", "Choose a MF type for input 'Service':",
                                list("Trapeziod", "Gaussian", "Tringular")),
                        condition = "input.service == 'Trapeziod'",
                        selectInput("out1", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Poor", "Good", "Excellent")),
                            condition = "input.out1 == 'Poor'",
                            sliderInput("a1", "A", min = 0, max = 10, value = -2.844, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b1", "B", min = 0, max = 10, value = -0.6886, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c1", "C", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0.6886, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d1", "D", min = 0, max = 10, value = 2.844, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out1 == 'Good'",
                            sliderInput("a2", "A", min = 0, max = 10, value = 2.156, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b2", "B", min = 0, max = 10, value = 4.311, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c2", "C", min = 0, max = 10, value = 5.689, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d2", "D", min = 0, max = 10, value = 7.844, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out1 == 'Excellent'",
                            sliderInput("a3", "A", min = 0, max = 10, value = 7.156, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b3", "B", min = 0, max = 10, value = 9.311, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c3", "C", min = 0, max = 10, value = 10.69, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d3", "D", min = 0, max = 10, value = 12.84, step = 0.1)
                        condition = "input.service == 'Gaussian'",
                        selectInput("out2", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Poor", "Good", "Excellent")),
                            condition = "input.out2 == 'Poor'",
                            sliderInput("g1", "Mean", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g2", "Spread", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out2 == 'Good'",
                            sliderInput("g3", "Mean", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g4", "Spread", min = 0, max = 10, value = 5, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out2 == 'Excellent'",
                            sliderInput("g5", "Mean", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g6", "Spread", min = 0, max = 10, value = 10, step = 0.1)
                        condition = "input.service == 'Tringular'",
                        selectInput("out3", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Poor", "Good", "Excellent")),
                            condition = "input.out3 == 'Poor'",
                            sliderInput("t1", "Start", min = 0, max = 10, value = -3.532, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t2", "Peak", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t3", "Stop", min = 0, max = 10, value = 3.532, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out3 == 'Good'",
                            sliderInput("t4", "Start", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1.468, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t5", "Peak", min = 0, max = 10, value = 5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t6", "Stop", min = 0, max = 10, value = 8.532, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out3 == 'Excellent'",
                            sliderInput("t7", "Start", min = 0, max = 10, value = 6.468, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t8", "Peak", min = 0, max = 10, value = 10, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t9", "Stop", min = 0, max = 10, value = 13.53, step = 0.1)
                    condition = "input.out == 2",
                    selectInput("food", "Choose a MF type for input 'Food':",
                                list("Trapeziod", "Gaussian", "Tringular")),
                        condition = "input.food == 'Trapeziod'",
                        selectInput("out4", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Rancid", "Delicious")),
                            condition = "input.out4 == 'Rancid'",
                            sliderInput("a4", "A", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b4", "B", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c4", "C", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d4", "D", min = 0, max = 10, value = 3, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out4 == 'Delicious'",
                            sliderInput("a5", "A", min = 0, max = 10, value = 7, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b5", "B", min = 0, max = 10, value = 9, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c5", "C", min = 0, max = 10, value = 10, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d5", "D", min = 0, max = 10, value = 10, step = 0.1)
                        condition = "input.food == 'Gaussian'",
                        selectInput("out5", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Rancid", "Delicious")),
                            condition = "input.out5 == 'Rancid'",
                            sliderInput("g7", "Mean", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1.189, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g8", "Spread", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0.6, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out5 == 'Delicious'",
                            sliderInput("g9", "Mean", min = 0, max = 10, value = 1.172, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g10", "Spread", min = 0, max = 10, value = 9.4, step = 0.1)
                        condition = "input.food == 'Tringular'",
                        selectInput("out6", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Rancid", "Delicious")),
                            condition = "input.out6 == 'Rancid'",
                            sliderInput("t10", "Start", min = 0, max = 10, value = -2.2, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t11", "Peak", min = 0, max = 10, value = 0.6001, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t12", "Stop", min = 0, max = 10, value = 3.4, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out6 == 'Delicious'",
                            sliderInput("t13", "Start", min = 0, max = 10, value = 6.639, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t14", "Peak", min = 0, max = 10, value = 9.4, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t15", "Stop", min = 0, max = 10, value = 12.16, step = 0.1)
                    condition = "input.out == 3",
                    selectInput("tip", "Choose a MF type for output 'Tip':",
                                list("Trapeziod", "Gaussian", "Tringular")),
                        condition = "input.tip == 'Trapeziod'",
                        selectInput("out7", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Cheap", "Average", "Generous")),
                            condition = "input.out7 == 'Cheap'",
                            sliderInput("a6", "A", min = 0, max = 30, value = 0.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b6", "B", min = 0, max = 30, value = 4.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c6", "C", min = 0, max = 30, value = 5.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d6", "D", min = 0, max = 30, value = 9.5, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out7 == 'Average'",
                            sliderInput("a7", "A", min = 0, max = 30, value = 10.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b7", "B", min = 0, max = 30, value = 14.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c7", "C", min = 0, max = 30, value = 15.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d7", "D", min = 0, max = 30, value = 19.5, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out7 == 'Generous'",
                            sliderInput("a8", "A", min = 0, max = 30, value = 20.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("b8", "B", min = 0, max = 30, value = 24.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("c8", "C", min = 0, max = 30, value = 25.5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("d8", "D", min = 0, max = 30, value = 29.5, step = 0.1)
                        condition = "input.tip == 'Gaussian'",
                        selectInput("out8", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Cheap", "Average", "Generous")),
                            condition = "input.out8 == 'Cheap'",
                            sliderInput("g11", "Mean", min = 0, max = 30, value = 2.123, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g12", "Spread", min = 0, max = 30, value = 5, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out8 == 'Average'",
                            sliderInput("g13", "Mean", min = 0, max = 30, value = 2.123, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g14", "Spread", min = 0, max = 30, value = 15, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out8 == 'Generous'",
                            sliderInput("g15", "Mean", min = 0, max = 30, value = 2.123, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("g16", "Spread", min = 0, max = 30, value = 25, step = 0.1)
                        condition = "input.tip == 'Tringular'",
                        selectInput("out9", "Linguistic Variable':",
                                    list("Cheap", "Average", "Generous")),
                            condition = "input.out9 == 'Cheap'",
                            sliderInput("t16", "Start", min = 0, max = 30, value = 0, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t17", "Peak", min = 0, max = 30, value = 5, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t18", "Stop", min = 0, max = 30, value = 10, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out9 == 'Average'",
                            sliderInput("t19", "Start", min = 0, max = 30, value = 10, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t20", "Peak", min = 0, max = 30, value = 15, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t21", "Stop", min = 0, max = 30, value = 20, step = 0.1)
                            condition = "input.out9 == 'Generous'",
                            sliderInput("t22", "Start", min = 0, max = 30, value = 20, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t23", "Peak", min = 0, max = 30, value = 25, step = 0.1),
                            sliderInput("t24", "Stop", min = 0, max = 30, value = 30, step = 0.1)
                    type = "tab",
                    tabPanel("Membership Function", plotOutput("plot1")),
                    tabPanel("Rules", verbatimTextOutput("out"))
                    #  tabPanel("Output", uiOutput("output1"))

    server = function(input, output) {

        output$plot1 <- renderPlot({

            fis = newfis('tipper')

            fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'service', c(0, 10))
            fis = addvar(fis, 'input', 'food', c(0, 10))
            fis = addvar(fis, 'output', 'tip', c(0, 30))

            # MF type for service
            if (input$service == "Trapeziod")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'trapmf', c(input$a1, input$b1, input$c1, input$d1))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'trapmf', c(input$a2, input$b2, input$c2, input$d2))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'trapmf', c(input$a3, input$b3, input$c3, input$d3))
            else if (input$service == "Gaussian")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'gaussmf', c(input$g1, input$g2))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'gaussmf', c(input$g3, input$g4))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'gaussmf', c(input$g5, input$g6))
            else if (input$service == "Tringular")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'poor', 'trimf', c(input$t1, input$t2, input$t3))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'good', 'trimf', c(input$t4, input$t5, input$t6))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 1, 'excellent', 'trimf', c(input$t7, input$t8, input$t9))

            # MF type for food
            if (input$food == "Trapeziod")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'trapmf', c(input$a4, input$b4, input$c4, input$d4))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'trapmf', c(input$a5, input$b5, input$c5, input$d5))
            else if (input$food == "Gaussian")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'gaussmf', c(input$g7, input$g8))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'gaussmf', c(input$g9, input$g10))
            else if (input$food == "Tringular")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'rancid', 'trimf', c(input$t10, input$t11, input$t12))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'input', 2, 'delicious', 'trimf', c(input$t13, input$t14, input$t15))

            # MF type for tip
            if (input$tip == "Trapeziod")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'trapmf', c(input$a6, input$b6, input$c6, input$d6))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'trapmf', c(input$a7, input$b7, input$c7, input$d7))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'trapmf', c(input$a8, input$b8, input$c8, input$d8))
            else if (input$tip == "Gaussian")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'gaussmf', c(input$g11, input$g12))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'gaussmf', c(input$g13, input$g14))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'gaussmf', c(input$g15, input$g16))
            else if (input$tip == "Tringular")
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'cheap', 'trimf', c(input$t16, input$t17, input$t18))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'average', 'trimf', c(input$t19, input$t20, input$t21))
                fis = addmf(fis, 'output', 1, 'generous', 'trimf', c(input$t22, input$t23, input$t24))

            #add rules
            rl = rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), c(2, 0, 2, 1, 1), c(3, 2, 3, 1, 2))
            fis = addrule(fis, rl)

            # showrules(fis)

            if (input$out == 1)
                plotmf(fis, "input", 1, main = "Membership function plots")
            else if (input$out == 2)
                plotmf(fis, "input", 2, main = "Membership function plots")
            else if (input$out == 3)
                plotmf(fis, "output", 1, main = "Membership function plots")

        output$out = renderPrint({
            fis = tipper()
            #  evalfis(c(1,2,5), fis)

    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

#' Show a Graphic User Interface of fis object
#' Show a Graphic User Interface to display membership function plots for input and output, rules and evaluate the fis.
#' @param fis Requires a fis structure to display a GUI.
#' @param advancedGUI TRUE/FALSE; if TRUE, an advanced GUI with more features is provided (provided by science@sboldt.com). 
#' @details
#' This function is purposed to display all the membership plots and rules of fis object in Graphic User Interface (GUI). It also provide a function to evaluate the fis object.\cr
#' showGUI(fis) will display the GUI of fis object.
#' @return Return the GUI to display membership function for input and output together with rules.
#' @examples
#' fis <- tipper()
#' fis <- showGUI(fis)
#' @author Tajul Razak
#' @import shiny splines plyr
#' @export
showGUI = function(fis, advancedGUI=FALSE){
    # restructured by science@sboldt.com
    # date: 28th April 2021 - second edition
    ## set variables
    # set: NumOutputs, NumInput, LabelList, LabelList2, MinMaxList
    NumOutputs = length(fis$output)
    NumInput = length(fis$input)
    # LabelList is list of labels
    LabelList = vector("list", 10)
    # MinMaxList contains lower and upper limit of input values
    MinMaxList = vector("list", 10)    
    # give some init values
    for (a in 1:length(MinMaxList)) {
        LabelList[[a]] = "NULL"
        MinMaxList[[a]][1] = 0
        MinMaxList[[a]][2] = 1
    # import values
    for (a in 1:NumInput) {
        LabelList[[a]] = fis$input[[a]]$name
        MinMaxList[[a]] = fis$input[[a]]$range
    # LabelList2 is LabelList + label of output MF
    LabelList2 = LabelList[1:NumInput]
    LabelList2[[NumInput + 1]] = fis$output[[1]]$name
    # Number of rules:
    nRules <- nrow(fis$rule)
    # nRules5 is used by subpage to show max 5 rules at once: quotient and remainder
    nRules5 <- c(nRules %/% 5, nRules %% 5)
    # list of rules
    lRules <- vector("list")
    lRules_label <- vector("character")
    rule_index <- 0
    # split up rules into smaller lists with max. five elements
    # value nRules5[[1]] contains the info how many lists with 5 elements are needed (quotient)
    while (rule_index < nRules5[[1]]) {
        lRules[[rule_index + 1]] <- c((rule_index * 5 + 1):(rule_index * 5 + 5))
        lRules_label[[rule_index + 1]] <- paste(min(lRules[[rule_index + 1]]), max(lRules[[rule_index + 1]]), sep = '-')
        rule_index <- rule_index + 1
    # value nRules5[[2]] contains the info how long the list with less than 5 elements is (remainder)
    if (nRules5[[2]]) {
        lRules[[rule_index + 1]] <- c((rule_index * 5 + 1):(rule_index * 5 + nRules5[[2]]))
        lRules_label[[rule_index + 1]] <- paste(min(lRules[[rule_index + 1]]), max(lRules[[rule_index + 1]]), sep = '-')

    ui = fluidPage(
        title = paste("Type-1 Fuzzy Logic : ", fis$name),
        titlePanel(title = h1(
            paste("Type-1 Fuzzy Logic : ", fis$name), align = "center"
                # allow user to see input information
                selectInput("NumInput", "Number of input':", list(NumInput)),
                selectInput("out1", "Number of output':", list(NumOutputs)),
                selectInput("out2", "Select input / output variable", LabelList2),
                radioButtons("eva", "Evaluate FIS ", list( "Reset" = 1, "evalfis()" = 2)),
                # add another slider if statement is true
                # maybe this can also be done as list/array
                conditionalPanel(condition = "input.eva == 2", sliderInput("slider1", LabelList[[1]], min = MinMaxList[[1]][1], max = MinMaxList[[1]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 2", sliderInput("slider2", LabelList[[2]], min = MinMaxList[[2]][1], max = MinMaxList[[2]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 3", sliderInput("slider3", LabelList[[3]], min = MinMaxList[[3]][1], max = MinMaxList[[3]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 4", sliderInput("slider4", LabelList[[4]], min = MinMaxList[[4]][1], max = MinMaxList[[4]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 5", sliderInput("slider5", LabelList[[5]], min = MinMaxList[[5]][1], max = MinMaxList[[5]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 6", sliderInput("slider6", LabelList[[6]], min = MinMaxList[[6]][1], max = MinMaxList[[6]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 7", sliderInput("slider7", LabelList[[7]], min = MinMaxList[[7]][1], max = MinMaxList[[7]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 8", sliderInput("slider8", LabelList[[8]], min = MinMaxList[[8]][1], max = MinMaxList[[8]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 9", sliderInput("slider9", LabelList[[9]], min = MinMaxList[[9]][1], max = MinMaxList[[9]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1)),
                                 conditionalPanel(condition = "input.NumInput >= 10", sliderInput("slider10", LabelList[[10]], min = MinMaxList[[10]][1], max = MinMaxList[[10]][2], value = MinMaxList[[1]][1], step = 0.1))
                # exit button to quit page
                actionButton("do", "Exit")
            if (advancedGUI){
                        type = "tab",
                        # Show uses membership function
                        tabPanel("Membership Function",plotOutput("plot1"), downloadButton(outputId = "plot1down", label = "Download the plot")),
                        # Rules in words
                        tabPanel("Rules", verbatimTextOutput("RulesInWords")),
                        # Show how much a single rule applies and contributes
                        tabPanel("Plot rules (single)",selectInput("rule", "Choose a rule:", c(1:nrow(fis$rule))), plotOutput("plotRules")),
                        # Show how much each rule applies and contributes (all rules at once)
                        tabPanel("Plot rules (all)", plotOutput("plotRulesAll")),
                        # Show how much each rule applies and contributes (max. rules at once)
                        tabPanel("Plot rules (chosen)",selectInput("rule2", "Choose a set rules:", lRules_label), plotOutput("plotRulesAll2")),
                        # added rules as graph (like defuzzifier but single contributes by rule are visible)
                        tabPanel("Output-MF", plotOutput("plotRules2")),
                        # Defuzzifier
                        tabPanel("Defuzzifier", plotOutput("defu"), downloadButton(outputId = "defudown", label = "Download the plot"))
                        #  tabPanel("Output", uiOutput("output1"))
            } else { # if not advancedGUI
                        type = "tab",
                        # Show uses membership function
                        tabPanel("Membership Function",plotOutput("plot1"), downloadButton(outputId = "plot1down", label = "Download the plot")),
                        # Rules in words
                        tabPanel("Rules", verbatimTextOutput("RulesInWords")),
                        # Defuzzifier
                        tabPanel("Defuzzifier", plotOutput("defu"), downloadButton(outputId = "defudown", label = "Download the plot"))
                        #  tabPanel("Output", uiOutput("output1"))

    server = function(input, output){
        # import input values:
        get_inputvalues <- function(input) {
            inputvalues <- c(input$slider1)
            # add another input if statement is true
            if (NumInput >= 2) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider2)}
            if (NumInput >= 3) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider3)}
            if (NumInput >= 4) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider4)}
            if (NumInput >= 5) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider5)}
            if (NumInput >= 6) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider6)}
            if (NumInput >= 7) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider7)}
            if (NumInput >= 8) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider8)}
            if (NumInput >= 9) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider9)}
            if (NumInput >= 10) {inputvalues <- c(inputvalues, input$slider10)}
        ## get_inputvalues <- function(input){
        ##     inputvalues <- vector("list", 10)
        ##     return(inputvalues)}

        # Plot membership functions
        output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
            # importing values
            # name 'xx' is taken from plotmf: primary inputs for extra lines
            # if input value was chosen: plot input MF (with index 'a')
            for (a in 1:NumInput) {
                if ((advancedGUI) && (input$eva == 2)) {
                    xx =  get_inputvalues(input)[[a]]
                } else {
                    xx = NULL
                if (input$out2 == LabelList2[[a]]) {plotmf(fis, "input", a, main = "Membership function plots", xx = xx)}

            # if output is chosen as 'out2', just show membership functions
            if (input$out2 == fis$output[[1]]$name) {plotmf(fis, "output", 1, main = "Membership function plots")

        # Download membership functions
        output$plot1down <- downloadHandler(
            filename = function() {
                paste("MFs", "pdf", sep = ".")
            # content is a function with argument file. content writes the plot to the device
            content = function(file) {
                # if input value was chosen: plot input MF (with index 'a')
                for (a in 1:NumInput) {
                    if ((advancedGUI) && (input$eva == 2)) {
                        xx =  get_inputvalues(input)[[a]]
                    } else {
                        xx = NULL
                    if (input$out2 == LabelList2[[a]]) {plotmf(fis, "input", a, main = "Membership function plots", xx = xx)}
                # if output value was chosen: plot output MF (with index '1')       
                if (input$out2 == fis$output[[1]]$name) {plotmf(fis, "output", 1, main = "Membership function plots")}

        # Defuzzification plot
        output$defu <- renderPlot({
            inputvalues <- get_inputvalues(input)
            out_name = fis$output[[1]]$name
            evalfis(inputvalues, fis)
            # blue line shows output MF
            plot(D_x, D_y, type = "l", main = c(out_name, D_out), col = "blue",lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 1))
            if (advancedGUI){
                # red line show defuzzified value
                lines(c(D_out, D_out), c(-1, 2), col = "red", lty = "dashed")

        # Defuzzification plot (download)
        output$defudown <- downloadHandler(
            filename =  function() {paste("MFs", "pdf", sep = ".")},
            # content is a function with argument file. content writes the plot to the device
            content = function(file) {
                inputvalues <- get_inputvalues(input)
                out_name = fis$output[[1]]$name
                evalfis(inputvalues, fis)
                plot(D_x, D_y, type = "l", main = c(out_name, D_out), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
                if (advancedGUI){
                    # red line show defuzzified value
                    lines(c(D_out, D_out), c(-1, 2), col = "red", lty = "dashed")
        observeEvent(input$do, {

        # Rules in words
        output$RulesInWords = renderPrint({

        # Show how much a single rule applies and contributes
        output$plotRules <- renderPlot({
            inputvalues <- get_inputvalues(input)
            r <- as.numeric(input$rule)
            evalfis(inputvalues, fis)
            plotmf(fis, "output", 1, main = "Membership function plots")
            if (input$eva == 2) {
                ## lines(D_x,OUT_RULE_CONS[r,], ylim=c(0,1))
                polygon(c(D_x[1], D_x, D_x[length(D_x)]), c(0, OUT_RULE_CONS[r, ], 0), border = NA,col = 'blue')

        # Show how much each rule applies and contributes (all rules at once)
        output$plotRulesAll <- renderPlot({
            inputvalues <- get_inputvalues(input)
            ## out_name = fis$output[[1]]$name
            evalfis(inputvalues, fis)
            # print(OUT_RULE_CONS)
            ## plot(D_x,D_y, type="l", main=c(out_name,D_out), col="blue", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1))
            ## lines(c(D_out,D_out),c(-1,2),col="red",lty="dashed");
            par(mfrow = c(nrow(OUT_RULE_CONS), 1), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
            for (r in 1:nrow(OUT_RULE_CONS)) {
                # TODO: if (r>1){} # add extra space between plots
                plotmf(fis, "output", 1, main = paste("rule",as.character(r), sep=" "))#, ylim = c(0, 1))
                if (input$eva == 2) {
                    ## lines(D_x,OUT_RULE_CONS[r,], ylim=c(0,1))
                    polygon( c(D_x[1], D_x, D_x[length(D_x)]), c(0, OUT_RULE_CONS[r, ], 0), border = NA, col = 'blue')}

        # Show how much each rule applies and contributes (max. five rules at once)
        output$plotRulesAll2 <- renderPlot({
            inputvalues <- get_inputvalues(input)
            ## out_name = fis$output[[1]]$name
            evalfis(inputvalues, fis)
            rule_index = match(input$rule2, lRules_label)            
            # print(OUT_RULE_CONS)
            ## plot(D_x,D_y, type="l", main=c(out_name,D_out), col="blue", lwd=2, ylim=c(0,1))
            ## lines(c(D_out,D_out),c(-1,2),col="red",lty="dashed");
            par(mfrow = c(length(lRules[[rule_index]]), 1), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
            for (r in lRules[[rule_index]]) {
                # TODO: if (r>1){} # add extra space between plots
                plotmf(fis,"output", 1, main = paste("rule",as.character(r), sep=" "))#, ylim = c(0, 1))
                if (input$eva == 2) {
                    ## lines(D_x,OUT_RULE_CONS[r,], ylim=c(0,1))
                    polygon( c(D_x[1], D_x, D_x[length(D_x)]), c(0, OUT_RULE_CONS[r, ], 0), border = NA, col = 'blue')}
        # added rules as graph (like defuzzifier but single contributes by rule are visible)
        output$plotRules2 <- renderPlot({
            inputvalues <- get_inputvalues(input)
            evalfis(inputvalues, fis)
            for (r in 1:nrow(OUT_RULE_CONS)) {
                if (r == 1) {
                    plot(D_x,OUT_RULE_CONS[r, ], ylim = c(0, 1), type = 'l', xlab=fis$output[[1]]$name ,ylab="Output MF") }
                else {
                    lines(D_x, OUT_RULE_CONS[r, ])}
    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Try the FuzzyR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

FuzzyR documentation built on May 19, 2021, 9:06 a.m.