
GGEBiplot <- function (Data)
    # Variables
    optioncentering <- "2.Tester-Centered G+GE"
    optionscaling <- "0.No scaling"
    optionSVP <- "GH -(Column Metric Preserving)"
    datascaling <- c("0.No scaling", "1.Std Deviation (SD)")
    datacentering <- c("0.No centering", "1.Global-Centered E+G+GE",
        "2.Tester-Centered G+GE", "3.Double-Centered GE")
    dataSVP <- c("JK -(Row Metric Preserving)", "GH -(Column Metric Preserving)",
        "HJ -(Dual Metric Preserving)", "SQ - Symmetrical")
    wintitle <- "GGE Biplot"
    coltitle <- "black"
    background <- "white"
    centro <- c(0, 0)
    symbol = NA_integer_
    symbol_gen = NA_integer_
    symbol_env = NA_integer_
    subtitle <- NULL
    ejes <- array()
    showtitle <- tclVar("1")
    showboth <- tclVar("0")
    showsymbols <- tclVar("0")
    vaxis <- tclVar("0")
    showguidelines <- tclVar("1")
    showcircles <- tclVar("0")
    scaling <- tclVar("0")
    centering <- tclVar("2")
    svp <- tclVar("1")
    vrank <- tclVar("1")
    TypeGraph <- 1
    matrixdata <- NULL
    desviation <- NULL
    colgenotype <- NULL
    colenv <- NULL
    labelgen <- NULL
    labelenv <- NULL
    coordgenotype <- NULL
    coordenviroment <- NULL
    xtext <- NULL
    ytext <- NULL
    xCoords <- NULL
    yCoords <- NULL
    xAnt <- NULL
    yAnt <- NULL
    indexClosest <- NULL
    labelsVec <- NULL
    colorsVec <- NULL
    venvironment <- -1
    vgenotype <- -1
    vgenotype1 <- -1
    vgenotype2 <- -1
    dimension1 <- 1
    dimension2 <- 2
    vcex <- 1
    img <- NULL
    parPlotSize <- NULL
    usrCoords <- NULL
    # Pantalla de dialogo
    modalDialog <- function(title, question, entryInit, entryWidth = 20,
        returnValOnCancel = "ID_CANCEL") {
        dlg <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(dlg, title)
        textEntryVarTcl <- tclVar(paste(entryInit))
        textEntryWidget <- tkentry(dlg, width = paste(entryWidth),
            textvariable = textEntryVarTcl)
        tkgrid(tklabel(dlg, text = "       "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(dlg, text = question), textEntryWidget)
        tkgrid(tklabel(dlg, text = "       "))
        ReturnVal = returnValOnCancel
        onOK <- function() {
            ReturnVal = tclvalue(textEntryVarTcl)
        onCancel <- function() {
            ReturnVal = returnValOnCancel
        OK.but <- tkbutton(dlg, text = "   OK   ", command = onOK)
        Cancel.but <- tkbutton(dlg, text = " Cancel ", command = onCancel)
        tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but)
        tkgrid(tklabel(dlg, text = "    "))
    # Funcion que cambia el color
    ChangeColorv <- function(color) {
        colorv = tclvalue(tcl("tk_chooseColor", initialcolor = color,
            title = "Choose a color"))
        if (nchar(colorv) > 0)
    # Funcion que cambia el tamano de la letra
    ChangeSize <- function()
      tkwm.title(tt, "Font")
      scr <- tkscrollbar(tt, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
      fonts <- c("Plain","Bold","Italic","Bold Italic","Symbol")
      for (i in (1:5))
      tkselection.set(tl,1)  # La fuente por defecto es plana
      OnOK <- function()
        	vfont <- as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1
      OK.but <-tkbutton(tt,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
    # Funcion para la seleccion del modelo
    Models <- function() {        
        labelgen <<- rownames(Data)
        labelenv <<- colnames(Data)        
        matrixdata <<- matrix(, nrow(Data), ncol(Data))
        for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) for (j in 1:ncol(matrixdata)) matrixdata[i,
            j] <<- Data[i, j]
        colgenotype <<- rep("green4",dim(matrixdata)[1])
        colenv <<- rep("blue",dim(matrixdata)[2]) 
        for (i in 1:ncol(diag(svd(matrixdata)$d))) ejes[i] <<- paste("AXIS",
            i, sep = "")
        # Opcion de centrado
        "0.No centering" = {
            centering <<- tclVar("0")
        "1.Global-Centered E+G+GE" = {
            meanData = mean(matrixdata)
            matrixdata <<- matrixdata - meanData
            centering <<- tclVar("1")
        "2.Tester-Centered G+GE" = {
            meancolData = colMeans(matrixdata)
            for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) for (j in 1:ncol(matrixdata)) matrixdata[i,
                j] <<- matrixdata[i, j] - meancolData[j]
            centering <<- tclVar("2")
        "3.Double-Centered GE" = {
            meanData = mean(matrixdata)
            meancolData = colMeans(matrixdata)
            meanrowData = rowMeans(matrixdata)
            for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) for (j in 1:ncol(matrixdata)) matrixdata[i,
                j] <<- matrixdata[i, j] + meanData - meancolData[j] -
            centering <<- tclVar("3")
        # Opcion de escalado
        switch (optionscaling,
        "0.No scaling" = {
            scaling <<- tclVar("0")
        "1.Std Deviation (SD)" = {
            scaling <<- tclVar("1")
            desviation <<- array(, dim = ncol(matrixdata))
            for (j in 1:ncol(matrixdata)) desviation[j] <<- sqrt(var(matrixdata[,
            for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) for (j in 1:ncol(matrixdata)) matrixdata[i,
                j] <<- matrixdata[i, j]/desviation[j]
        # Opcion de centrado
        switch (optionSVP,
        "JK -(Row Metric Preserving)" = {
            coordgenotype <<- svd(matrixdata)$u %*% diag(svd(matrixdata)$d)
            coordenviroment <<- svd(matrixdata)$v
            d1 = (max(coordenviroment[, dimension1]) - min(coordenviroment[,
                dimension1]))/(max(coordgenotype[, dimension1]) -
                min(coordgenotype[, dimension1]))
            d2 = (max(coordenviroment[, dimension2]) - min(coordenviroment[,
                dimension2]))/(max(coordgenotype[, dimension2]) -
                min(coordgenotype[, dimension2]))
            d = max(d1, d2)
            coordenviroment <<- coordenviroment/d
            svp <<- tclVar("0")
        "GH -(Column Metric Preserving)" = {
            coordgenotype <<- svd(matrixdata)$u
            coordenviroment <<- svd(matrixdata)$v %*% diag(svd(matrixdata)$d)
            d1 = (max(coordgenotype[, dimension1]) - min(coordgenotype[,
                dimension1]))/(max(coordenviroment[, dimension1]) -
                min(coordenviroment[, dimension1]))
            d2 = (max(coordgenotype[, dimension2]) - min(coordgenotype[,
                dimension2]))/(max(coordenviroment[, dimension2]) -
                min(coordenviroment[, dimension2]))
            d = max(d1, d2)
            coordgenotype <<- coordgenotype/d
            svp <<- tclVar("1")
        "SQ - Symmetrical" = {
            coordgenotype <<- svd(matrixdata)$u %*% diag(sqrt(svd(matrixdata)$d))
            coordenviroment <<- svd(matrixdata)$v %*% diag(sqrt(svd(matrixdata)$d))
            svp <<- tclVar("3")
        "HJ -(Dual Metric Preserving)" = {
            coordgenotype <<- svd(matrixdata)$u %*% diag(svd(matrixdata)$d)
            coordenviroment <<- svd(matrixdata)$v %*% diag(svd(matrixdata)$d)
            svp <<- tclVar("2")
      xtext <<- rbind(coordgenotype,coordenviroment)[,dimension1]
      ytext <<- rbind(coordgenotype,coordenviroment)[,dimension2]
    # #######################################
    # Funcion que construye el fichero de log
    Addfile <- function() {
        valorespropios =- svd(matrixdata)$d
        vartotal = round(as.numeric(sum(valorespropios^2)),
        varexpl = round(as.numeric((valorespropios^2/vartotal) *
            100), 2)
        genfile <- as.data.frame(coordgenotype[, dimension1:dimension2])
        rownames(genfile) <- labelgen
        colnames(genfile) <- ejes[dimension1:dimension2]
        envfile <<- as.data.frame(coordenviroment[, dimension1:dimension2])
        rownames(envfile) <- labelenv
        colnames(envfile) <- ejes[dimension1:dimension2]
        coordgencuad = coordgenotype^2
        CRFqEi <- coordgencuad
        sumacuagen = rowSums(coordgencuad)
        CRFqEi[, 1] = round(((coordgencuad)[, dimension1] *
            1000)/sumacuagen, 0)
        CRFqEi[, 2] = round(((coordgencuad)[, dimension2] *
            1000)/sumacuagen, 0)
        CRFqEi <- as.data.frame(CRFqEi[, dimension1:dimension2])
        rownames(CRFqEi) <- labelgen
        colnames(CRFqEi) <- ejes[dimension1:dimension2]
        coordenvcuad = coordenviroment^2
        CRFqEj <- coordenvcuad
        sumacuaenv = rowSums(coordenvcuad)
        CRFqEj[, 1] = round(((coordenvcuad)[, dimension1] *
            1000)/(sumacuaenv), 0)
        CRFqEj[, 2] = round(((coordenvcuad)[, dimension2] *
            1000)/(sumacuaenv), 0)
        CRFqEj <- as.data.frame(CRFqEj[, 1:2])
        rownames(CRFqEj) <- labelenv
        colnames(CRFqEj) <- ejes[dimension1:dimension2]
        cat("GGE BIPLOT", file = "Results1.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Centered by: ", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat(optioncentering, file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Scaled (Divided) by: ", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat(optionscaling, file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("SVP: ", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat(optionSVP, file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Eigenvalues and variance explained", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        write.table(round(svd(matrixdata)$d, 3), file = "temp.xls",
            sep = "\t", dec = ",")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Row coordinates:", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        write.table(round(genfile, 3), file = "temp.xls", sep = "\t",
            dec = ",")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Column coordinates:", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        write.table(round(envfile, 3), file = "temp.xls", sep = "\t",
            dec = ",")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
            file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Row Contributions ----------", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        write.table(CRFqEi, file = "temp.xls", sep = "\t", dec = ",")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("Column Contributions ----------", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        write.table(CRFqEj, file = "temp.xls", sep = "\t", dec = ",")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
        cat("\n", file = "temp.xls")
        file.append("Results1.xls", "temp.xls")
    # Funcion que construye el grafico
    plotFunctiond <- function(screen = TRUE) {
        valorespropios = svd(matrixdata)$d
        vartotal = round(as.numeric(sum(valorespropios^2)),
        varexpl = round(as.numeric((valorespropios^2/vartotal) *
            100), 2)
        params <- par(bg = background)
        plot(rbind(coordgenotype, coordenviroment), main = wintitle,
            type = "n", asp = 1, col.main = coltitle, xlab = paste(ejes[dimension1],
                varexpl[dimension1], "%", sep = " ", sub = subtitle),
            ylab = paste(ejes[dimension2], varexpl[dimension2],
                "%", sep = " "))
        if (tclvalue(showguidelines) == "1")
            abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = "dotted")
        labeledPoints <- list()    
        # Tipo de grafico
        # Biplot
        "1" = {
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "0" || tclvalue(showboth) ==
                points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                  dimension2], pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype)
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "0" || tclvalue(showboth) ==
                arrows(centro[1], centro[2], coordenviroment[,
                  dimension1], coordenviroment[, dimension2],
                  col = colenv, lty = "dotted", length = 0.05)
                points(centro[1], centro[2], pch = 18, col = "black")
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "0") 
                xCoords <<- xtext
                yCoords <<- ytext
                labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv)
                colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv)
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "1")
                xCoords <<- xtext[1:length(colgenotype)]
                yCoords <<- ytext[1:length(colgenotype)]
                labelsVec <<- labelgen
                colorsVec <<- colgenotype
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "2")
                xCoords <<- xtext[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
                yCoords <<- ytext[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
                labelsVec <<- labelenv
                colorsVec <<- colenv

        # Examina un ambiente
        "2" = {
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype)
            abline(a = 0, b = coordenviroment[venvironment, dimension2]/coordenviroment[venvironment,
                dimension1], col = colenv[venvironment], lty = "solid",lwd = 2.5)
            abline(a = 0, b = -coordenviroment[venvironment,
                dimension1]/coordenviroment[venvironment, dimension2],
                col = colenv[venvironment], lty = "solid",lwd = 2.5)
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], coordenviroment[venvironment,
                dimension1], coordenviroment[venvironment, dimension2],
                col = colenv[venvironment], lty = "solid", length = 0.1)
            xCoords <<- c(xtext[1:length(colgenotype)],xtext[length(colgenotype)+venvironment])
            yCoords <<- c(ytext[1:length(colgenotype)],ytext[length(colgenotype)+venvironment])
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv[venvironment])  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv[venvironment])                
            for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) 
                x <- solve(matrix(c(-coordenviroment[venvironment,
                  dimension2], coordenviroment[venvironment,
                  dimension1], coordenviroment[venvironment,
                  dimension1], coordenviroment[venvironment,
                  dimension2]), nrow = 2), matrix(c(0, coordenviroment[venvironment,
                  dimension1] * coordgenotype[i, dimension1] +
                  coordenviroment[venvironment, dimension2] *
                    coordgenotype[i, dimension2]), ncol = 1))
                segments(coordgenotype[i, dimension1], coordgenotype[i,
                  dimension2], x[1], x[2], lty = "dotted")
        # Examina un genotipo
        "3" = {
            points(coordenviroment[, dimension1], coordenviroment[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_env, col = colenv)
            abline(a = 0, b = coordgenotype[vgenotype, dimension2]/coordgenotype[vgenotype,
                dimension1], col = colgenotype[vgenotype], lty = "solid" , lwd = 2.5)
            abline(a = 0, b = -coordgenotype[vgenotype, dimension1]/coordgenotype[vgenotype,
                dimension2], col = colgenotype[vgenotype], lty = "solid", lwd = 2.5 )
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], coordgenotype[vgenotype,
                dimension1], coordgenotype[vgenotype, dimension2],
                col = colgenotype[vgenotype], lty = "solid", length = 0.1)
            xCoords <<- rbind(coordgenotype[vgenotype,], coordenviroment)[,dimension1]
            yCoords <<- rbind(coordgenotype[vgenotype,], coordenviroment)[,dimension2]
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen[vgenotype],labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype[vgenotype],colenv)                                
            for (i in 1:ncol(matrixdata)) 
                x <- solve(matrix(c(-coordgenotype[vgenotype,
                  dimension2], coordgenotype[vgenotype, dimension1],
                  coordgenotype[vgenotype, dimension1], coordgenotype[vgenotype,
                    dimension2]), nrow = 2), matrix(c(0, coordgenotype[vgenotype,
                  dimension1] * coordenviroment[i, dimension1] +
                  coordgenotype[vgenotype, dimension2] * coordenviroment[i,
                    dimension2]), ncol = 1))
                segments(coordenviroment[i, dimension1], coordenviroment[i,
                  dimension2], x[1], x[2], lty = "dotted")
        # Relacion entre ambientes
        "4" = {
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], coordenviroment[, dimension1],
                coordenviroment[, dimension2], col = colenv,
                lty = "solid", length = 0.05)
            points(centro[1], centro[2], pch = 18, col = "black")
            if (tclvalue(showcircles) == "1") 
                radio = max((max(coordenviroment[dimension1,
                  ]) - min(coordenviroment[dimension1, ])), (max(coordenviroment[dimension2,
                  ]) - min(coordenviroment[dimension2, ])))/10
                for (i in 1:5) symbols(0, 0, circles = radio *
                  i, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE, fg = "black")
            xCoords <<- xtext[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
            yCoords <<- ytext[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
            labelsVec <<- c(labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colenv)                                            
        # Compara dos genotipos
        "5" = {
            symbols(coordgenotype[vgenotype1, dimension1], coordgenotype[vgenotype1,
                dimension2], circles = 0.2, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
                fg = colgenotype)
            symbols(coordgenotype[vgenotype2, dimension1], coordgenotype[vgenotype2,
                dimension2], circles = 0.2, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
                fg = colgenotype)
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype)  
            points(coordenviroment[, dimension1], coordenviroment[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_env, col = colenv)                 
            segments(coordgenotype[vgenotype1, dimension1], coordgenotype[vgenotype1,
                dimension2], coordgenotype[vgenotype2, dimension1],
                coordgenotype[vgenotype2, dimension2], col = "red",
                lty = "solid", lwd = 2.5)
            abline(a = 0, b = -(coordgenotype[vgenotype1, dimension1] -
                coordgenotype[vgenotype2, dimension1])/(coordgenotype[vgenotype1,
                dimension2] - coordgenotype[vgenotype2, dimension2]),
                col = "red", lty = "solid",lwd = 2.5)                        
            xCoords <<- xtext
            yCoords <<- ytext
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv)                                            
        # Which-won-where
        "6" = {
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype)
            points(coordenviroment[, dimension1], coordenviroment[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_env, col = colenv)
            points(centro[1], centro[2], pch = 18, col = "black")
            indice = c(chull(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
            polygon(coordgenotype[indice, dimension1], coordgenotype[indice,
                dimension2], border = "black")
            i <<- 1
            while (is.na(indice[i + 1]) == FALSE) 
              m<-(coordgenotype[indice[i], dimension2] - coordgenotype[indice[i + 1], dimension2])/(coordgenotype[indice[i],dimension1]-coordgenotype[indice[i + 1],dimension1])
              c2<-coordgenotype[indice[i + 1], dimension2] - m*coordgenotype[indice[i + 1],dimension1]
              xint<-ifelse(xint<0,min(coordenviroment[, dimension1],coordgenotype[, dimension1]), max(coordenviroment[, dimension1],coordgenotype[, dimension1]))
              segments(0,0, xint,yint, col="red", lty="solid",lwd=2.5)
              i <<- i + 1
            m<-(coordgenotype[indice[i], dimension2] - coordgenotype[indice[1], dimension2])/(coordgenotype[indice[i],dimension1]-coordgenotype[indice[1],dimension1])
            c2<-coordgenotype[indice[i], dimension2] - m*coordgenotype[indice[i],dimension1]
            xint<-ifelse(xint<0,min(coordenviroment[, dimension1],coordgenotype[, dimension1]), max(coordenviroment[, dimension1],coordgenotype[, dimension1]))
            segments(0,0, xint,yint, col="red", lty="solid",lwd=2.5)
            xCoords <<- xtext
            yCoords <<- ytext
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv)             
        # Discrimitiveness vs. representativenss
        "7" = {
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype)
            segments(centro[1], centro[2], coordenviroment[,
                dimension1], coordenviroment[, dimension2], col = colenv,
                lty = "dotted")
            points(centro[1], centro[2], pch = 18, col = "black")
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], mean(coordenviroment[,
                dimension1]), mean(coordenviroment[, dimension2]),
                col = colenv, lty = "solid", length = 0.1)
            symbols(mean(coordenviroment[, dimension1]), mean(coordenviroment[,
                dimension2]), circles = 0.1, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
                fg = colenv)
            abline(a = 0, b = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension2])/mean(coordenviroment[,
                dimension1]), col = colenv, lty = "solid", lwd = 2.5)
            radio = max((max(coordenviroment[dimension1, ]) -
                min(coordenviroment[dimension1, ])), (max(coordenviroment[dimension2,
                ]) - min(coordenviroment[dimension2, ])))/10
            for (i in 1:5) symbols(0, 0, circles = radio * i,
                add = TRUE, inches = FALSE, fg = "black")
            xCoords <<- xtext
            yCoords <<- ytext
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv)                 
        # Ranking Environments
        "8" = {
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2],pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype, cex = vcex)
            points(coordenviroment[, dimension1], coordenviroment[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_env, col = colenv)                
            points(centro[1], centro[2], pch = 18, col = "black")
            med1 = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension1])
            med2 = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension2])
            abline(a = 0, b = med2/med1, col = colenv, lty = "solid",
                lwd = 2.5)
            abline(a = 0, b = -med1/med2, col = colenv, lty = "solid",
                lwd = 2.5)
            symbols(med1, med2, circles = 0.1, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
                fg = colenv)
            mod = max((coordenviroment[, dimension1]^2 + coordenviroment[,
            xcoord = sign(med1) * (mod^2/(1 + med2^2/med1^2))^0.5
            ycoord = (med2/med1) * xcoord
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], xcoord, ycoord, col = colenv,
                lty = "solid", length = 0.1)
            radio = ((xcoord - med1)^2 + (ycoord - med2)^2)^0.5/3
            for (i in 1:8) symbols(xcoord, ycoord, circles = radio *
                i, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE, fg = "gray")
            xCoords <<- xtext[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
            yCoords <<- ytext[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
            labelsVec <<- labelenv
            colorsVec <<- colenv
        # Mean vs Stability
        "9" = {
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2],pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype, cex = vcex)        
            points(coordenviroment[, dimension1], coordenviroment[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_env, col = colenv)
            med1 = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension1])
            med2 = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension2])
            abline(a = 0, b = med2/med1, col = colgenotype, lty = "solid",
                lwd = 2.5)
            abline(a = 0, b = -med1/med2, col = colgenotype,
                lty = "solid", lwd = 2.5)
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], med1, med2, col = colgenotype,
                lty = "solid", length = 0.1)
            symbols(med1, med2, circles = 0.1, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE,
                fg = colenv)
            for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) 
                x <- solve(matrix(c(-med2, med1, med1, med2),
                  nrow = 2), matrix(c(0, med2 * coordgenotype[i,
                  dimension2] + med1 * coordgenotype[i, dimension1]),
                  ncol = 1))
                segments(coordgenotype[i, dimension1], coordgenotype[i,
                  dimension2], x[1], x[2], lty = "dotted")
            xCoords <<- xtext
            yCoords <<- ytext
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv)             
        # Ranking genotypes
        "10" = {
            points(coordgenotype[, dimension1], coordgenotype[,
                dimension2],pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype, cex = vcex)        
            points(coordenviroment[, dimension1], coordenviroment[,
                dimension2], pch = symbol_env, col = colenv)        
            med1 = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension1])
            med2 = mean(coordenviroment[, dimension2])
            abline(a = 0, b = med2/med1, col = colgenotype, lty = "solid",
                lwd = 2.5)
            abline(a = 0, b = -med1/med2, col = colgenotype,
                lty = "solid", lwd = 2.5)
            coordx <<- 0
            coordy <<- 0
            for (i in 1:nrow(matrixdata)) {
                x <- solve(matrix(c(-med2, med1, med1, med2),
                  nrow = 2), matrix(c(0, med2 * coordgenotype[i,
                  dimension2] + med1 * coordgenotype[i, dimension1]),
                  ncol = 1))
                if (sign(x[1]) == sign(med1)) {
                  if (abs(x[1]) > abs(coordx)) {
                    coordx <- x[1]
                    coordy <- x[2]
            arrows(centro[1], centro[2], coordx, coordy, col = colgenotype,
                lty = "solid", length = 0.1)
            radio = ((coordx - med1)^2 + (coordy - med2)^2)^0.5/3
            for (i in 1:10) symbols(coordx, coordy, circles = radio *
                i, add = TRUE, inches = FALSE, fg = "gray")
            xCoords <<- xtext
            yCoords <<- ytext
            labelsVec <<- c(labelgen,labelenv)  
            colorsVec <<- c(colgenotype,colenv)                             
      indexLabeled <- c(1:length(xCoords))
      if (length(indexLabeled)>0)
        for (i in (1:length(indexLabeled)))
            indexClosest <- indexLabeled[i]
            labels=labelsVec[indexClosest], col= colorsVec[indexClosest], cex= vcex)
      parPlotSize <<- par("plt")
      usrCoords   <<- par("usr")

    # Biplot en tres dimensiones
    Biplot3D <- function() {
        dimensions <- 1:3
        rgl.bg(sphere = TRUE, color = c("whitesmoke", "gray90"),
            lit = FALSE)
        points3d(coordgenotype[, 1], coordgenotype[, 2], coordgenotype[,
            3], pch = symbol_gen, col = colgenotype)
        text3d(coordgenotype[, 1], coordgenotype[, 2], coordgenotype[,
            3], labelgen, col = colgenotype, cex = vcex)
        text3d(coordenviroment[, 1], coordenviroment[, 2], coordenviroment[,
            3], labelenv, col = colenv, cex = vcex)
        lims <- par3d("bbox")
        segments3d(matrix(c(lims[1], lims[3], lims[5], lims[2],
            lims[3], lims[5], lims[1], lims[3], lims[5], lims[1],
            lims[4], lims[5], lims[1], lims[3], lims[5], lims[1],
            lims[3], lims[6]), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3), col = "gray60")
        text3d(matrix(c((lims[1] + lims[2])/2, lims[3], lims[5],
            lims[1], (lims[3] + lims[4])/2, lims[5], lims[1],
            lims[3], (lims[5] + lims[6])/2), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3),
            texts = paste("Dimension ", dimensions), col = "gray60",
            family = "sans", font = 1, cex = vcex)
        if (tclvalue(showguidelines) == "1")
        for (i in 1:(dim(coordenviroment)[1])) {
            linea <- rbind(coordenviroment[i, ], c(0, 0, 0))
            segments3d(linea[, 1], linea[, 2], linea[, 3], col = colenv)
        if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1")
            title3d(wintitle, color = "black", family = "sans",
                font = 2, cex = vcex)
        start <- proc.time()[3]
        while (proc.time()[3] - start < 0.75) {
        start <- proc.time()[3]
        while ((i <- 36 * (proc.time()[3] - start)) < 360) rgl.viewpoint(i,
            15 - (i - 90)/4, zoom = (if (i < 180)
                (i + 1)^-0.5
            else (360 - i + 1)^-0.5))
        rgl.viewpoint(zoom = 1)
    # Pantalla de seleccion de un genotipo
    SelectGenotype <- function() {
        wingenotype <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(wingenotype, "Select a Genotype")
        combogenotype <- tkwidget(wingenotype, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE,
            values = labelgen, width = 20)
        onOK <- function() {
            vgenotype <<- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(combogenotype,
                "getvalue"))) + 1
        onCancel <- function() {
            vgenotype <<- -1
        OK.but <- tkbutton(wingenotype, text = "   OK   ", command = onOK)
        Cancel.but <- tkbutton(wingenotype, text = " Cancel ",
            command = onCancel)
        tkgrid(tklabel(wingenotype, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(wingenotype, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(wingenotype, text = "Select a Genotype:    "),
        tkgrid(tklabel(wingenotype, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but)
        tkgrid(tklabel(wingenotype, text = "    "))
    # Pantalla de seleccion de ambientes
    SelectEnvironment <- function() {
        winenvironment <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(winenvironment, "Select an Environment")
        comboenvironment <- tkwidget(winenvironment, "ComboBox",
            editable = FALSE, values = labelenv, width = 20)
        onOK <- function() {
            venvironment <<- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboenvironment,
                "getvalue"))) + 1
        onCancel <- function() {
            venvironment <<- -1
        OK.but <- tkbutton(winenvironment, text = "   OK   ",
            command = onOK)
        Cancel.but <- tkbutton(winenvironment, text = " Cancel ",
            command = onCancel)
        tkgrid(tklabel(winenvironment, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(winenvironment, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(winenvironment, text = "Select an Environment:    "),
        tkgrid(tklabel(winenvironment, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but)
        tkgrid(tklabel(winenvironment, text = "    "))
    # Pantalla para la seleccion de dos genotipos
    SelectTwoGenotype <- function() {
        winEnvGen <- tktoplevel()
        tkwm.title(winEnvGen, "Select Genotypes")
        vgenotype1 <<- -1
        vgenotype2 <<- -1
        combogenotype1 <- tkwidget(winEnvGen, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE,
            values = labelgen, width = 20)
        combogenotype2 <- tkwidget(winEnvGen, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE,
            values = labelgen, width = 20)
        onOK <- function() {
            vgenotype1 <<- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(combogenotype1,
                "getvalue"))) + 1
            vgenotype2 <<- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(combogenotype2,
                "getvalue"))) + 1
        onCancel <- function() {
            vgenotype1 <<- -1
            vgenotype2 <<- -1
        OK.but <- tkbutton(winEnvGen, text = "   OK   ", command = onOK)
        Cancel.but <- tkbutton(winEnvGen, text = " Cancel ",
            command = onCancel)
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "Select two genotypes to compare:    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "Genotype 1: "), combogenotype1)
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "Genotype 2: "), combogenotype2)
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "    "))
        tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but)
        tkgrid(tklabel(winEnvGen, text = "    "))
    # Guarda la imagen con formato JPG
    SaveFileJPG <- function() {
        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{Jpeg files} {.jpg .jpeg}} {{All files} *}"))
        if (nchar(FileName)) {
            nn <- nchar(FileName)
            if (nn < 5 || substr(FileName, nn - 3, nn) != ".jpg")
                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".jpg", sep = "")
            jpeg(FileName, width = 8, height = 8, units = "in",
                restoreConsole = FALSE, res = 96, quality = 50)
            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
    # Guarda la imagen con formato Metafile
#    SaveFileMetafile <- function() {
#        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{Metafiles} {.wmf}} {{All files} *}"))
#        if (nchar(FileName)) {
#            nn <- nchar(FileName)
#            if (nn < 5 || substr(FileName, nn - 3, nn) != ".wmf")
#                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".wmf", sep = "")
#            win.metafile(FileName, width = 8, height = 8, restoreConsole = FALSE)
#            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
#            dev.off()
#        }
#    }
    # Guarda la imagen con formato postscript

    SaveFilePostscript <- function() {
        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{Postscript files} {.ps}} {{All files} *}"))
        if (nchar(FileName)) {
            nn <- nchar(FileName)
            if (nn < 4 || substr(FileName, nn - 2, nn) != ".ps")
                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".ps", sep = "")
            postscript(file = FileName, width = 8, height = 8,
                horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "default",
                family = "URWHelvetica")
            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
    # Guarda la imagen con formato PDF

    SaveFilePDF <- function() {
        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{PDF files} {.pdf}} {{All files} *}"))
        if (nchar(FileName)) {
            nn <- nchar(FileName)
            if (nn < 5 || substr(FileName, nn - 3, nn) != ".pdf")
                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".pdf", sep = "")
            pdf(FileName, width = 7, height = 7)
            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
    SaveFileBmp <- function() {
        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{Bitmap files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
        if (nchar(FileName)) {
            nn <- nchar(FileName)
            if (nn < 5 || substr(FileName, nn - 3, nn) != ".bmp")
                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".bmp", sep = "")
            bmp(FileName, width = 8, height = 8, units = "in",
                restoreConsole = FALSE, res = 96)
            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
    SaveFilePng <- function() {
        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{Png files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
        if (nchar(FileName)) {
            nn <- nchar(FileName)
            if (nn < 5 || substr(FileName, nn - 3, nn) != ".png")
                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".png", sep = "")
            png(FileName, width = 8, height = 8, units = "in",
                restoreConsole = FALSE, res = 96)
            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
    SaveFileTeX <- function() {
        FileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes = "{{TeX files} {.tex}} {{All files} *}"))
        if (nchar(FileName)) {
            nn <- nchar(FileName)
            if (nn < 5 || substr(FileName, nn - 3, nn) != ".tex")
                FileName <- paste(FileName, ".tex", sep = "")
            pictex(FileName, width = 8, height = 8, debug = FALSE,
                bg = "white", fg = "black")
            plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
#    Print <- function() {

        #try(win.print(), silent = TRUE)
        #if (geterrmessage() != "Error in win.print() : unable to start device devWindows\n") {
        #    plotFunctiond(screen = FALSE)
        #    dev.off()
#    }
    # Pantalla principal
    OnOKModelSelection <- function() 
      optioncentering <<- datacentering[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboscentering,
                  "getvalue"))) + 1]
      optionscaling <<- datascaling[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboscaling,
                  "getvalue"))) + 1]
      optionSVP <<- dataSVP[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboSVP,
                  "getvalue"))) + 1]
      winplot <- tktoplevel()
      tkwm.title(winplot, "GGE Biplot")
      img <<- tkrplot(winplot, fun = plotFunctiond, hscale = 1.5, vscale = 1.5)
      tkpack(img, expand = "TRUE", fill = "both")
      tkbind(img, "<B1-Motion>",OnLeftClick.move)
      tkbind(img, "<ButtonPress-1>",OnLeftClick.down)
      tkbind(img, "<ButtonRelease-1>",OnLeftClick.up)
      tkbind(img, "<Button-3>",OnRightClick)

      topMenu <- tkmenu(winplot)
      tkconfigure(winplot, menu = topMenu)
      menuFile <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuView <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuBiplotTools <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuFormat <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuChangeColor <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)      
      menuChangeFont <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuRank <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuModels <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuBiplot <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuDividedBy <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuCenteredBy <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuSVP <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      menuSaveAs <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
      tkadd(menuFile, "command", label = "Open log file",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuFile, "separator")
      tkadd(menuFile, "command", label = "Copy image",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuFile, "cascade", label = "Save image", menu = menuSaveAs)
      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "PDF file",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "Postscript file",
            command = function() 
#      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "Metafile",
#            command = function() 
#            {
#              SaveFileMetafile()
#            })
      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "Bmp file",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "Png file",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "Jpg/Jpeg file",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuSaveAs, "command", label = "TeX file",
            command = function() 
#      tkadd(menuFile, "command", label = "Print image",
#            command = function() 
#            {
#              Print()
#            })
      tkadd(menuFile, "separator")
      tkadd(menuFile, "command", label = "Exit", 
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "radiobutton", label = "PC1 vs. PC2 (Primary)",variable = vaxis, value = "0", 
            command = function() 
              dimension1 <<- 1
              dimension2 <<- 2
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "radiobutton", label = "PC3 vs. PC4", variable = vaxis, value = "1", 
            command = function() 
              dimension1 <<- 3
              dimension2 <<- 4
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "radiobutton", label = "PC5 vs. PC6", variable = vaxis, value = "2", 
            command = function() 
              dimension1 <<- 5
              dimension2 <<- 6
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "radiobutton", label = "PC1 vs. PC3", variable = vaxis, value = "3", 
            command = function() 
              dimension1 <<- 1
              dimension2 <<- 3
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "radiobutton", label = "PC2 vs. PC3",variable = vaxis, value = "4", 
            command = function() 
              dimension1 <<- 2
              dimension2 <<- 3
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplot, "command", label = "Biplot 3D",
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuView, "radiobutton", label = "Show Both", variable = showboth, value = "0", 
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuView, "radiobutton", label = "Show Genotypes", variable = showboth, value = "1", 
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuView, "radiobutton", label = "Show Environments", variable = showboth, value = "2", 
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuView, "separator")
      tkadd(menuDividedBy, "radiobutton", label = "0.No scaling", variable = scaling, value = "0", 
            command = function() 
              optionscaling <<- "0.No scaling"
      tkadd(menuDividedBy, "radiobutton", label = "1.Std Deviation (SD)", variable = scaling, value = "1", 
            command = function() 
              optionscaling <<- "1.Std Deviation (SD)"
      tkadd(menuCenteredBy, "radiobutton", label = "0.No centering", variable = centering, value = "0", 
            command = function() 
              optioncentering <<- "0.No centering"
      tkadd(menuCenteredBy, "radiobutton", label = "1.Global-Centered E+G+GE", variable = centering, value = "1", 
            command = function() 
              optioncentering <<- "1.Global-Centered E+G+GE"
      tkadd(menuCenteredBy, "radiobutton", label = "2.Tester-Centered G+GE", variable = centering, value = "2", 
            command = function() 
              optioncentering <<- "2.Tester-Centered G+GE"
      tkadd(menuCenteredBy, "radiobutton", label = "3.Double-Centered GE", variable = centering, value = "3", 
            command = function() 
              optioncentering <<- "3.Double-Centered GE"
      tkadd(menuSVP, "radiobutton", label = "JK -(Row Metric Preserving)", variable = svp, value = "0", 
            command = function() 
              optionSVP <<- "JK -(Row Metric Preserving)"
      tkadd(menuSVP, "radiobutton", label = "GH -(Column Metric Preserving)", variable = svp, value = "1", 
            command = function() 
              optionSVP <<- "GH -(Column Metric Preserving)"
      tkadd(menuSVP, "radiobutton", label = "HJ -(Dual Metric Preserving)", variable = svp, value = "2", 
            command = function() 
              optionSVP <<- "HJ -(Dual Metric Preserving)"
      tkadd(menuSVP, "radiobutton", label = "SQ - Symmetrical", variable = svp, value = "3", 
            command = function() 
              optionSVP <<- "SQ - Symmetrical"
      tkadd(menuView, "checkbutton", label = "Show/Hide Title", variable = showtitle, 
            command = function() 
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "GGE Biplot"
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "0") wintitle <<- NULL
      tkadd(menuView, "checkbutton", label = "Show/Hide Gidelines", variable = showguidelines, 
            command = function() 
      tkadd(menuView, "checkbutton", label = "Add/Remove Symbols",variable = showsymbols,
            command = function()
              if (tclvalue(showsymbols) == "1") 
                symbol_gen <<- 20
                symbol_env <<- 18
              if (tclvalue(showsymbols) == "0") 
                symbol_gen <<- NA_integer_
                symbol_env <<- NA_integer_
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Examine a Genotype", 
            command = function() 
              if (vgenotype == -1) 
                if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Examine a Genotype"
                TypeGraph <<- 3
                tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
                tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Examine an Environment",
            command = function() 
              if (venvironment == -1) 
                  TypeGraph <<- 2
                  if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Examine an Environment"
                  tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
                  tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Relation among Environments",
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 4
              showcircles <<- tclVar("1")
               if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Relationship among environments"
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Compare two Genotypes",
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 5
               if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Compare two Genotypes"
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Which Won Where/What",
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 6     
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Which Won Where/What"
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Discrimitiveness vs. representativeness",
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 7
               if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Discrimitiveness vs. representativenss"
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Mean vs. Stability",
            command = function() 
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Mean vs. Stability"
              TypeGraph <<- 9
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "cascade", label = "Rank Environment/Genotypes",
            menu = menuRank)
      tkadd(menuRank, "radiobutton", label = "with ref.to the 'Ideal' Environment",variable = vrank, value = "1", 
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 8
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Ranking Environments"
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuRank, "radiobutton", label = "with ref.to the 'Ideal' Genotype", variable = vrank, value = "2", 
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 10
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <<- "Ranking Genotypes"
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "disabled")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "disabled")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "separator")
      tkadd(menuBiplotTools, "command", label = "Back to original data",
            command = function() 
              TypeGraph <<- 1
              showboth <- tclVar("0")
              if (tclvalue(showtitle) == "1") wintitle <- "GGE Biplot"              
              tkentryconfigure(menuBiplotTools, 0, state = "normal")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 2, state = "normal")
              tkentryconfigure(menuView, 1, state = "normal")
      tkadd(menuFormat, "command", label = "Plot Title",
            command = function() 
              ReturnVal = modalDialog("GGE Biplot", "Give your biplot a title:  ","")
              if (ReturnVal == "ID_CANCEL") return()
              wintitle <<- ReturnVal
      tkadd(menuFormat, "separator")
      tkadd(menuChangeFont, "command", label = "Default",
            command = function() 
              vcex <<- 1
      tkadd(menuChangeFont, "command", label = "Larger",
            command = function() 
              vcex <<- 1.5
      tkadd(menuChangeFont, "command", label = "Smaller",
            command = function() 
              vcex <<- 0.5
      tkadd(menuChangeColor, "command", label = "Background",
            command = function() 
              background <<- ChangeColorv(background)
      tkadd(menuChangeColor, "separator")
      tkadd(menuChangeColor, "command", label = "Genotype labels",
            command = function() 
              colgenotype[]  <<- ChangeColorv(colgenotype[1])
      tkadd(menuChangeColor, "command", label = "Environment labels",
            command = function() 
              colenv[] <<- ChangeColorv(colenv[1])
      tkadd(menuChangeColor, "separator")
      tkadd(menuChangeColor, "command", label = "Biplot Title",
            command = function() 
              coltitle <<- ChangeColorv(coltitle)
      tkadd(menuFormat, "cascade", label = "Change Color", menu = menuChangeColor)
      tkadd(menuFormat, "cascade", label = "Change Font", menu = menuChangeFont)      
      tkadd(menuModels, "cascade", label = "Scaled (divided) by", menu = menuDividedBy)
      tkadd(menuModels, "cascade", label = "Centered by", menu = menuCenteredBy)
      tkadd(menuModels, "cascade", label = "S.V.P.", menu = menuSVP)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "File", menu = menuFile)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "View", menu = menuView)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Biplot Tools", menu = menuBiplotTools)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Format", menu = menuFormat)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Models", menu = menuModels)
      tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Biplot", menu = menuBiplot)
      if (TypeGraph != "1") 
        for (temp1 in 5) tkentryconfigure(menuView,temp1, state = "disabled")
    labelClosestPoint <- function(xClick,yClick,imgXcoords,imgYcoords) 
      squared.Distance <- (xClick-imgXcoords)^2 + (yClick-imgYcoords)^2
      indexClosest <- which.min(squared.Distance)
      RightClickOnPoint.Menu <- tkmenu(img, tearoff = FALSE)
      tkadd(RightClickOnPoint.Menu, "command", label = "Change Label",
      command = function() {
        mm <-tktoplevel() 
        tkwm.title(mm, labelsVec[indexClosest])
        framemm <-tkframe(mm, relief = "groove", borderwidth = 2, 
        background = "white")
        Namei <- labelsVec[indexClosest]
        tclvalue(Namei) <- labelsVec[indexClosest]
        entry.Namei <-tkentry(framemm,width="11",textvariable=Namei)
        NameVali <- entry.Namei 
        OnOKli <- function()
          NameVali <- tclvalue(Namei)        
          if (TypeGraph == 1) 
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "0")              
              labelsVec[indexClosest] <<- NameVali
              labelgen <<- labelsVec[1:length(colgenotype)]
              labelenv <<- labelsVec[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "1")
              labelsVec[indexClosest] <<- NameVali            
              labelgen <<- labelsVec[1:length(colgenotype)]
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "2")
              labelsVec[indexClosest] <- NameVali
              labelenv <<- labelsVec[1:length(colenv)]
          if (TypeGraph == 4 || TypeGraph == 8)
              labelsVec[indexClosest] <<- NameVali
              labelenv <<- labelsVec[1:length(colenv)]          
          if (TypeGraph == 5 || TypeGraph == 6 || TypeGraph == 7 || TypeGraph == 9 || TypeGraph == 10)
            labelsVec[indexClosest] <<- NameVali          
            labelgen <<- labelsVec[1:length(colgenotype)]
            labelenv <<- labelsVec[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
        OK.butli <-tkbutton(framemm,text="Change label",command=OnOKli,width=12)
        tkbind(entry.Namei, "<Return>",OnOKli)
        tkpack(entry.Namei,OK.butli,expand = "TRUE", side="left", fill = "both")
        tkpack(framemm, expand = "TRUE", side="top", fill = "both")
      tkadd(RightClickOnPoint.Menu, "command", label = "Change Color",
      command = function() 
          if (TypeGraph == 1) 
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "0")              
              colorsVec[indexClosest] <- ChangeColorv(colorsVec [indexClosest])
              colgenotype <<- colorsVec[1:length(colgenotype)]
              colenv <<- colorsVec[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "1")
              colorsVec[indexClosest] <- ChangeColorv(colorsVec [indexClosest])
              colgenotype <<- colorsVec[1:length(colgenotype)]
            if (tclvalue(showboth) == "2")
              colorsVec[indexClosest] <- ChangeColorv(colorsVec [indexClosest])
              colenv <<- colorsVec[1:length(colenv)]
          if (TypeGraph == 4 || TypeGraph == 8)
              colorsVec[indexClosest] <- ChangeColorv(colorsVec [indexClosest])
              colenv <<- colorsVec[1:length(colenv)]          
          if (TypeGraph == 5 || TypeGraph == 6 || TypeGraph == 7 || TypeGraph == 9 || TypeGraph == 10)
            colorsVec[indexClosest] <- ChangeColorv(colorsVec [indexClosest])
            colgenotype <<- colorsVec[1:length(colgenotype)]
            colenv <<- colorsVec[(length(colgenotype)+1):(length(colgenotype)+length(colenv))]
              img)), tclvalue(tkwinfo("pointery", img)))
    OnRightClick <- function(x,y)
      xClick <- x
      yClick <- y
      width  = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth",img)))
      height = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqheight",img)))
      xMin = parPlotSize[1] * width
      xMax = parPlotSize[2] * width
      yMin = parPlotSize[3] * height
      yMax = parPlotSize[4] * height
      rangeX = usrCoords[2] - usrCoords[1]
      rangeY = usrCoords[4] - usrCoords[3]
      imgXcoords = (xCoords-usrCoords[1])*(xMax-xMin)/rangeX + xMin
      imgYcoords = (yCoords-usrCoords[3])*(yMax-yMin)/rangeY + yMin
      xClick <- as.numeric(xClick)+0.5
      yClick <- as.numeric(yClick)+0.5
      yClick <- height - yClick
      xPlotCoord = usrCoords[1]+(xClick-xMin)*rangeX/(xMax-xMin)
      yPlotCoord = usrCoords[3]+(yClick-yMin)*rangeY/(yMax-yMin)
    OnLeftClick.up <- function(x,y)
      if (TypeGraph != 2 && TypeGraph != 3)
        msg <- ("-To change the label press Yes.\n-To remove it press No.")
        mbval <- tkmessageBox(title="Change of label",message=msg,type="yesno",icon="question")
        if (tclvalue(mbval)=="yes")
          if ((TypeGraph == 4) || (TypeGraph == 1 && tclvalue(showboth) == "2") || (TypeGraph == 8))
          xtext[indexClosest + length(colgenotype)] <<- xAnt          
          ytext[indexClosest + length(colgenotype)] <<- yAnt        
          xtext[indexClosest] <<- xAnt          
          ytext[indexClosest] <<- yAnt
    OnLeftClick.move <- function(x,y)
      xClick <- x
      yClick <- y
      width  = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth",img)))
      height = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqheight",img)))
      xMin = parPlotSize[1] * width
      xMax = parPlotSize[2] * width
      yMin = parPlotSize[3] * height
      yMax = parPlotSize[4] * height
      rangeX = usrCoords[2] - usrCoords[1]
      rangeY = usrCoords[4] - usrCoords[3]
      imgXcoords = (xCoords-usrCoords[1])*(xMax-xMin)/rangeX + xMin
      imgYcoords = (yCoords-usrCoords[3])*(yMax-yMin)/rangeY + yMin
      xClick <- as.numeric(xClick)+0.5
      yClick <- as.numeric(yClick)+0.5
      yClick <- height - yClick
      xPlotCoord = usrCoords[1]+(xClick-xMin)*rangeX/(xMax-xMin)
      yPlotCoord = usrCoords[3]+(yClick-yMin)*rangeY/(yMax-yMin)
      if ((TypeGraph == 4) || (TypeGraph == 1 && tclvalue(showboth) == "2") || (TypeGraph == 8))
        xtext[indexClosest + length(colgenotype)] <<- xPlotCoord
        ytext[indexClosest + length(colgenotype)] <<- yPlotCoord
      else if (TypeGraph == 2 || TypeGraph == 3)
        xtext [indexClosest] <<- xPlotCoord
        ytext [indexClosest] <<- yPlotCoord
    OnLeftClick.down <- function(x,y)
      xClick <- x
      yClick <- y
      width  = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqwidth",img)))
      height = as.numeric(tclvalue(tkwinfo("reqheight",img)))
      xMin = parPlotSize[1] * width
      xMax = parPlotSize[2] * width
      yMin = parPlotSize[3] * height
      yMax = parPlotSize[4] * height
      rangeX = usrCoords[2] - usrCoords[1]
      rangeY = usrCoords[4] - usrCoords[3]
      imgXcoords = (xCoords-usrCoords[1])*(xMax-xMin)/rangeX + xMin
      imgYcoords = (yCoords-usrCoords[3])*(yMax-yMin)/rangeY + yMin
      xClick <- as.numeric(xClick)+0.5
      yClick <- as.numeric(yClick)+0.5
      yClick <- height - yClick
      xPlotCoord = usrCoords[1]+(xClick-xMin)*rangeX/(xMax-xMin)
      yPlotCoord = usrCoords[3]+(yClick-yMin)*rangeY/(yMax-yMin)
      squared.Distance <- (xClick-imgXcoords)^2 + (yClick-imgYcoords)^2
      indexClosest <<- which.min(squared.Distance)
      if ((TypeGraph == 4) || (TypeGraph == 1 && tclvalue(showboth) == "2") || (TypeGraph == 8))
        xAnt <<- xtext[indexClosest + length(colgenotype)]
        yAnt <<- ytext[indexClosest + length(colgenotype)]
      else if (TypeGraph == 2 || TypeGraph == 3)
        xAnt <<- xtext[indexClosest]
        yAnt <<- ytext[indexClosest]
    winmodel <- tktoplevel()
    tkwm.title(winmodel, "Model Selection")
    comboscaling <- tkwidget(winmodel, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE,
                values = datascaling, width = 30)
    defaultscaling <- tclVar(optionscaling)
    tkconfigure(comboscaling, textvariable = defaultscaling)
    comboscentering <- tkwidget(winmodel, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE, 
                values = datacentering, width = 30)
    defaultcentering <- tclVar(optioncentering)
    tkconfigure(comboscentering, textvariable = defaultcentering)
    comboSVP <- tkwidget(winmodel, "ComboBox", editable = FALSE,
                values = dataSVP, width = 30)
    defaultSVP <- tclVar(optionSVP)
    tkconfigure(comboSVP, textvariable = defaultSVP)    
    OK.modelselection <- tkbutton(winmodel, text = "    OK    ",command = OnOKModelSelection)
    tkgrid(tklabel(winmodel, text = "SVP:                                                       "),
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(tklabel(winmodel, text = "                                                           "),
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(tklabel(winmodel, text = "Centered By:                                               "),
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(tklabel(winmodel, text = "                                                           "),
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(tklabel(winmodel, text = "Scaled (Divided) By:                                       "),
           sticky = "w")
    tkgrid(tklabel(winmodel, text = "                                                           "),
           sticky = "w")

Try the GGEBiplotGUI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

GGEBiplotGUI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:45 a.m.