
Defines functions g.readaccfile

Documented in g.readaccfile

g.readaccfile = function(filename, blocksize, blocknumber, filequality,
                         ws, PreviousEndPage = 1, inspectfileobject = c(),
                         PreviousLastValue = c(0, 0, 1), PreviousLastTime = NULL,
                         params_rawdata = c(), params_general = c(), ...) {
  #get input variables
  input = list(...)
  if (length(input) > 0 ||
      length(params_rawdata) == 0 || length(params_general) == 0) {
    # Extract and check parameters if user provides more arguments than just the parameter arguments,
    # or if params_[...] aren't specified (so need to be filled with defaults).
    # So, inside GGIR this will not be used, but it is used when g.getmeta is used on its own
    # as if it was still the old g.getmeta function
    params = extract_params(params_rawdata = params_rawdata,
                            params_general = params_general,
                            input = input) # load default parameters
    params_rawdata = params$params_rawdata
    params_general = params$params_general
  # function wrapper to read blocks of accelerationd data from various brands
  # the code identifies which accelerometer brand and data format it is
  # blocksize = number of pages to read at once
  # blocknumber = block count relative to beginning of measurement
  # sf = sample frequency (Hertz)
  # ws = large window size (default 3600 seconds)
  switchoffLD = 0
  I = inspectfileobject
  mon = I$monc
  dformat = I$dformc
  sf = I$sf
  P = c()
  updatepageindexing = function(startpage = c(), deltapage = c(), blocknumber = c(), PreviousEndPage = c(),
                                mon = c(), dformat = c()) {
    # This function ensures that startpage is only specified for blocknumber 1.
    # The next time (blocknumber > 1) the startpage will be derived from the previous
    # endpage and the blocksize.
    if (blocknumber != 1 & length(PreviousEndPage) != 0) {
      # if ((mon == MONITOR$GENEACTIV && dformat == FORMAT$BIN) || dformat == FORMAT$CSV) {  # change this line as the csv data do not need to skip one more row (the skip argument in read.csv does not include this row of the dataset)
      if (mon == MONITOR$GENEACTIV && dformat == FORMAT$BIN) {
        # only in GENEActiv binary data and for csv format data
        # page selection is defined from start to end (including end)
        startpage = PreviousEndPage + 1
      } else {
        # for other monitor brands and data formats
        # page selection is defined from start to end (excluding end itself)
        # so start page of one block equals the end page of previous block
        startpage = PreviousEndPage
    endpage = startpage + deltapage
    return(list(startpage = startpage, endpage = endpage))
  if (mon == MONITOR$GENEACTIV && dformat == FORMAT$BIN) {
    startpage = blocksize * (blocknumber - 1) + 1 # GENEActiv starts with page 1
    deltapage = blocksize
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage, deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber, PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage, mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    try(expr = {P = GGIRread::readGENEActiv(filename = filename, start = startpage,
                                            end = endpage, desiredtz = params_general[["desiredtz"]],
                                            configtz = params_general[["configtz"]])}, silent = TRUE)
    if (length(P) > 0) {
      if (nrow(P$data.out) < (blocksize*300)) {
        switchoffLD = 1 #last block
    if (length(P) == 0) { #if first block doens't read then probably corrupt
      if (blocknumber == 1) {
        #try to read without specifying blocks (file too short)
        try(expr = {
          P = GGIRread::readGENEActiv(filename = filename, desiredtz = params_general[["desiredtz"]],
                                      configtz = params_general[["configtz"]])
        }, silent = TRUE)
        if (length(P) == 0) {
          warning('\nFile possibly corrupt\n')
          P = c(); switchoffLD = 1
          filequality$filecorrupt = TRUE
        } #if not then P is now filled with data
      } else {
        P = c() #just no data in this last block
    if (length(P) > 0) { #check whether there is enough data
      if (nrow(P$data.out) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1) & blocknumber == 1) {
        P = c();  switchoffLD = 1
        filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
  } else if (mon == MONITOR$ACTIGRAPH && dformat == FORMAT$CSV) {
    headerlength = 10
    startpage = (headerlength + (blocksize * 300 * (blocknumber - 1)))
    deltapage = blocksize * 300
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage, deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber, PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage, mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    # load rows 11:13  to investigate whether the file has a header
    # invisible because R complains about poor Actigraph file format,
    # this is an an ActiGraph problem not a GGIR problem, so we ignore it
    quiet <- function(x) {
      # from https://stackoverflow.com/a/54136863/5311763

    op <- options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    options(warn = -1) # turn off warnings
    suppressWarnings(expr = {decn = g.dotorcomma(filename, dformat, mon,
                                                 desiredtz = params_general[["desiredtz"]],
                                                 rmc.dec = params_rawdata[["rmc.dec"]],
                                                 loadGENEActiv = params_rawdata[["loadGENEActiv"]])}) # detect dot or comma dataformat
    options(warn = 0) #turn on warnings

    testheader =  quiet(as.data.frame(data.table::fread(filename, nrows = 2, skip = 10,
                                                        dec = decn, showProgress = FALSE,
                                                        header = TRUE),
                                                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
    if (suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(colnames(testheader)[1]))) ==  FALSE) { # it has no header, first value is a number
      freadheader = FALSE
    } else { # it has a header, first value is a character
      freadheader = TRUE
      headerlength = 11
      # skip 1 more row only in the case the file has a header, only in the first chunk of data (when the header needs to be skipped)
      if (blocknumber == 1) {
        startpage = startpage + 1
        endpage = endpage + 1
    try(expr = {
      P = quiet(as.data.frame(
        data.table::fread(filename, nrows = deltapage,
                          skip = startpage,
                          dec = decn, showProgress = FALSE, header = FALSE),  # header should always be FALSE to prevent that acceleration values are taken as header when reading chunks 2 onwards
        stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if (length(P) > 1) {
      # data.matrix turnes num to char if there are missing values.
      if (ncol(P) == 3) {
        P = data.matrix(P)
      } else {
        P = data.matrix(P[, 2:ncol(P)]) # avoid timestamp column
      if (nrow(P) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1) & blocknumber == 1) {
        P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
        filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
    } else {
      P = c()
  } else if (mon == MONITOR$AXIVITY && dformat == FORMAT$CWA) {
    if (utils::packageVersion("GGIRread") < "0.3.0") {
      # ignore frequency_tol parameter
      apply_readAxivity = function(fname = filename,
                                   bstart, bend,
                                   desiredtz = params_general[["desiredtz"]],
                                   configtz = params_general[["configtz"]],
                                   interpolationType = params_rawdata[["interpolationType"]],
                                   frequency_tol = params_rawdata[["frequency_tol"]]) {
        try(expr = {P = GGIRread::readAxivity(filename = fname, start = bstart,
                                              end = bend, progressBar = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz,
                                              configtz = configtz,
                                              interpolationType = interpolationType)}, silent = TRUE)
    } else {
      # pass on frequency_tol parameter to GGIRread::readAxivity function
      apply_readAxivity = function(fname = filename,
                                   bstart, bend,
                                   desiredtz = params_general[["desiredtz"]],
                                   configtz = params_general[["configtz"]],
                                   interpolationType = params_rawdata[["interpolationType"]],
                                   frequency_tol = params_rawdata[["frequency_tol"]]) {
        try(expr = {P = GGIRread::readAxivity(filename = filename, start = bstart,
                                              end = bend, progressBar = FALSE, desiredtz = desiredtz,
                                              configtz = configtz,
                                              interpolationType = interpolationType,
                                              frequency_tol = frequency_tol)}, silent = TRUE)
    startpage = blocksize * (blocknumber - 1)
    deltapage = blocksize
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage, deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber, PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage, mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    P = apply_readAxivity(bstart = startpage, bend = endpage)
    if (length(P) > 1) { # data reading succesful
      if (length(P$data) == 0) { # too short?
        P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
        if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
      } else {
        if (nrow(P$data) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1)) {
          P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
          if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
    } else { 
      # If data reading is not successful then try following steps to retrieve issue
      # I am not sure if this is still relevant after all the improvements to GGIRread
      # but leaving this in just in case it is still needed
      PtestLastPage = PtestStartPage = NULL
      # Try to read the last page of the block because if it exists then there might be
      # something wrong with the first page(s).
      PtestLastPage = apply_readAxivity(bstart = endpage, bend = endpage)
      if (length(PtestLastPage) > 1) { 
        # Last page exist, so there must be something wrong with the first page
        NFilePagesSkipped = 0
        while (length(PtestStartPage) == 0) { # Try loading the first page of the block by iteratively skipping a page
          NFilePagesSkipped = NFilePagesSkipped + 1
          startpage = startpage + NFilePagesSkipped
          PtestStartPage = apply_readAxivity(bstart = startpage, bend = startpage)
          if (NFilePagesSkipped == 10 & length(PtestStartPage) == 0) PtestStartPage = FALSE # stop after 10 attempts
      if (length(PtestStartPage) > 1) {
        # Now we know on which page we can start and end the block, we can try again to
        # read the entire block:
        P = apply_readAxivity(bstart = startpage, bend = endpage)
        if (length(P) > 1) { # data reading succesful
          if (length(P$data) == 0) { # if this still does not work then
            P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
            if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
          } else {
            if (nrow(P$data) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1)) {
              P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
              if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
            } else {
              filequality$NFilePagesSkipped = NFilePagesSkipped # store number of pages jumped
          # Add replications of Ptest to the beginning of P to achieve same data 
          # length as under normal conditions
          P$data = rbind(do.call("rbind",
                                 replicate(NFilePagesSkipped, PtestStartPage$data, simplify = FALSE)),
        } else { # Data reading still not succesful, so classify file as corrupt
          P = c()
          if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filecorrupt = TRUE
      } else {
        P = c()
        if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filecorrupt = TRUE
  } else if (mon == MONITOR$AXIVITY && dformat == FORMAT$CSV) {
    freadheader = FALSE
    headerlength = 0
    startpage = (headerlength + (blocksize * 300 * (blocknumber - 1)))
    deltapage = (blocksize*300)
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage, deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber,
                             PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage, mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    try(expr = {
      P = as.data.frame(
        data.table::fread(filename, nrows = deltapage,
                          skip = startpage,
                          dec = decn, showProgress = FALSE, header = freadheader),
        stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if (length(P) > 1) {
      if (nrow(P) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1) & blocknumber == 1) {
        P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1 #added 30-6-2012
        filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
      if (nrow(P) < (deltapage)) { #last block
        switchoffLD = 1
      # resample the acceleration data, because AX3 data is stored at irregular time points
      rawTime = vector(mode = "numeric", nrow(P))
      if (length(params_general[["desiredtz"]]) == 0 & blocknumber == 1) {
        cat("Forgot to specify argument desiredtz? Now Europe/London assumed")
        params_general[["desiredtz"]] = "Europe/London"
      rawTime = as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(P[,1],tz = params_general[["desiredtz"]]))
      rawAccel = as.matrix(P[,2:4])
      step = 1/sf
      start = rawTime[1]
      end = rawTime[length(rawTime)]
      timeRes = seq(start, end, step)
      nr = length(timeRes) - 1
      timeRes = as.vector(timeRes[1:nr])
      accelRes = matrix(0,nrow = nr, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(NULL, c("x", "y", "z")))
      # at the moment the function is designed for reading the r3 acceleration channels only,
      # because that is the situation of the use-case we had.
      rawLast = nrow(rawAccel)
      accelRes = GGIRread::resample(rawAccel, rawTime, timeRes, rawLast, params_rawdata[["interpolationType"]]) # this is now the resampled acceleration data
      P = cbind(timeRes,accelRes)
    } else {
      P = c()
  } else if (mon == MONITOR$MOVISENS && dformat == FORMAT$BIN) {
    startpage = blocksize * (blocknumber - 1) + 1
    deltapage = blocksize
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage, deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber, PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage, mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    file_length = unisensR::getUnisensSignalSampleCount(dirname(filename), "acc.bin")
    if (endpage > file_length) {
      endpage = file_length
      switchoffLD = 1
    P = unisensR::readUnisensSignalEntry(dirname(filename), "acc.bin",
                                         startIndex = startpage,
                                         endIndex = endpage)
    P = as.matrix(P)
    if (nrow(P) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1) & blocknumber == 1) {
      P = c()
      switchoffLD = 1
      filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
  } else if (mon == MONITOR$ACTIGRAPH && dformat == FORMAT$GT3X) {
    startpage = blocksize * (blocknumber - 1) + 1
    deltapage = blocksize
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage, deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber, PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage, mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    P = try(expr = {as.data.frame(read.gt3x::read.gt3x(path = filename, batch_begin = startpage,
                                                       batch_end = endpage,asDataFrame = TRUE))}, silent = TRUE)
    if (length(P) == 0 | inherits(P, "try-error") == TRUE) { # too short or not data at all
      P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
      if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
      if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filecorrupt = TRUE
    } else {
      if (nrow(P) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1)) {
        P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1
        if (blocknumber == 1) filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
      } # If data passes these checks then it is usefull
  } else if (mon == MONITOR$AD_HOC && dformat == FORMAT$AD_HOC_CSV) { # user-specified csv format
    startpage = (1 + (blocksize * 300 * (blocknumber - 1)))
    deltapage = (blocksize*300)
    UPI = updatepageindexing(startpage = startpage,deltapage = deltapage,
                             blocknumber = blocknumber,PreviousEndPage = PreviousEndPage,
                             mon = mon, dformat = dformat)
    startpage = UPI$startpage;    endpage = UPI$endpage
    try(expr = {P = read.myacc.csv(rmc.file = filename,
                                   rmc.nrow = deltapage, rmc.skip = startpage,
                                   rmc.dec = params_rawdata[["rmc.dec"]],
                                   rmc.firstrow.acc = params_rawdata[["rmc.firstrow.acc"]],
                                   rmc.firstrow.header = params_rawdata[["rmc.firstrow.header"]],
                                   rmc.header.length = params_rawdata[["rmc.header.length"]],
                                   rmc.col.acc = params_rawdata[["rmc.col.acc"]],
                                   rmc.col.temp = params_rawdata[["rmc.col.temp"]],
                                   rmc.col.time = params_rawdata[["rmc.col.time"]],
                                   rmc.unit.acc = params_rawdata[["rmc.unit.acc"]],
                                   rmc.unit.temp = params_rawdata[["rmc.unit.temp"]],
                                   rmc.unit.time = params_rawdata[["rmc.unit.time"]],
                                   rmc.format.time = params_rawdata[["rmc.format.time"]],
                                   rmc.bitrate = params_rawdata[["rmc.bitrate"]],
                                   rmc.dynamic_range = params_rawdata[["rmc.dynamic_range"]],
                                   rmc.unsignedbit = params_rawdata[["rmc.unsignedbit"]],
                                   rmc.origin = params_rawdata[["rmc.origin"]],
                                   rmc.desiredtz = params_rawdata[["rmc.desiredtz"]],
                                   rmc.configtz = params_rawdata[["rmc.configtz"]],
                                   rmc.sf = params_rawdata[["rmc.sf"]],
                                   rmc.headername.sf = params_rawdata[["rmc.headername.sf"]],
                                   rmc.headername.sn = params_rawdata[["rmc.headername.sn"]],
                                   rmc.headername.recordingid = params_rawdata[["rmc.headername.sn"]],
                                   rmc.header.structure = params_rawdata[["rmc.header.structure"]],
                                   rmc.check4timegaps = params_rawdata[["rmc.check4timegaps"]],
                                   rmc.col.wear = params_rawdata[["rmc.col.wear"]],
                                   rmc.doresample = params_rawdata[["rmc.doresample"]],
                                   rmc.scalefactor.acc = params_rawdata[["rmc.scalefactor.acc"]],
                                   interpolationType = params_rawdata[["interpolationType"]],
                                   PreviousLastValue = PreviousLastValue,
                                   PreviousLastTime = PreviousLastTime,
                                   epochsize = params_general[["windowsizes"]][1:2],
                                   desiredtz = params_general[["desiredtz"]],
                                   configtz = params_general[["configtz"]])
    }, silent = TRUE)
    if (length(sf) == 0) sf = params_rawdata[["rmc.sf"]]
    if (length(P) == 4) { # added PreviousLastValue and PreviousLastTime as output of read.myacc.csv
      # P = as.matrix(P) # turned off 21-5-2019
      if (nrow(P$data) < ((sf * ws * 2) + 1) & blocknumber == 1) {
        P = c() ; switchoffLD = 1 #added 30-6-2012
        filequality$filetooshort = TRUE
    } else {
      P = c()
  invisible(list(P = P,
                 filequality = filequality,
                 switchoffLD = switchoffLD,
                 endpage = endpage,  startpage = startpage))

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GGIR documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 1:12 a.m.