
Defines functions print_ggmncv plot.ggmncv print.ggmncv ggmncv

Documented in ggmncv plot.ggmncv print.ggmncv

#' GGMncv
#' @name ggmncv
#' @description
#' \loadmathjax
#' Gaussian graphical modeling with nonconvex regularization. A thorough survey
#' of these penalties, including simulation studies investigating their properties,
#' is provided in \insertCite{williams2020beyond;textual}{GGMncv}.
#' @param R Matrix. A correlation matrix of dimensions \emph{p} by \emph{p}.
#' @param n Numeric. The sample size used to compute the information criterion.
#' @param penalty Character string. Which penalty should be used (defaults to \code{"atan"})?
#' @param ic Character string. Which information criterion should be used (defaults to \code{"bic"})?
#'           The options include \code{aic}, \code{ebic} (ebic_gamma defaults to \code{0.5}),
#'           \code{ric}, or any of the generalized information criteria provided in section 5 of
#'           \insertCite{kim2012consistent;textual}{GGMncv}. The options are \code{gic_1}
#'           (i.e., \code{bic}) to \code{gic_6} (see '\code{Details}').
#' @param select Character string. Which tuning parameter should be selected
#'               (defaults to \code{"lambda"})? The options include \code{"lambda"}
#'               (the regularization parameter), \code{"gamma"} (governs the 'shape'),
#'               and \code{"both"}.
#' @param gamma Numeric. Hyperparameter for the penalty function.
#'              Defaults to 3.7 (\code{scad}), 2 (\code{mcp}), 0.5 (\code{adapt}),
#'              and 0.01 with all other penalties. Note care must be taken when
#'              departing from the default values
#'              (see the references in '\code{note}')
#' @param lambda Numeric vector. Regularization (or tuning) parameters.
#'               The defaults is \code{NULL} that provides default
#'               values with  \code{select = "lambda"} and \code{sqrt(log(p)/n)} with
#'               \code{select = "gamma"}.
#' @param lambda_min_ratio Numeric. The smallest value for \code{lambda}, as a
#'                         fraction of the upperbound of the
#'                         regularization/tuning parameter. The default is
#'                         \code{0.01}, which mimics the \code{R} package
#'                         \strong{qgraph}. To mimic the \code{R} package
#'                         \strong{huge}, set \code{lambda_min_ratio = 0.1}
#'                         and \code{n_lambda = 10}.
#' @param n_lambda Numeric. The number of \mjseqn{\lambda}'s to be evaluated. Defaults to 50.
#'                 This is disregarded if custom values are provided for \code{lambda}.
#' @param n_gamma Numeric. The number of \mjseqn{\gamma}'s to be evaluated. Defaults to 50.
#'                This is disregarded if custom values are provided in \code{lambda}.
#' @param initial A matrix (\emph{p} by \emph{p}) or custom function that returns
#'                the inverse of the covariance matrix . This is used to compute
#'                the penalty derivative. The default is \code{NULL}, which results
#'                in using the inverse of \code{R} (see '\code{Note}').
#' @param LLA Logical. Should the local linear approximation be used (default to \code{FALSE})?
#' @param unreg Logical. Should the models be refitted (or unregularized) with maximum likelihood
#'              (defaults to \code{FALSE})? Setting to \code{TRUE} results in the approach of
#'              \insertCite{Foygel2010;textual}{GGMncv}, but with the regularization path obtained from
#'              nonconvex regularization, as opposed to the \mjseqn{\ell_1}-penalty.
#' @param maxit Numeric. The maximum number of iterations for determining convergence of the LLA
#'              algorithm (defaults to \code{1e4}). Note this can be changed to, say,
#'              \code{2} or \code{3}, which will provide  two and three-step estimators
#'              without convergence check.
#' @param thr Numeric. Threshold for determining convergence of the LLA algorithm
#'            (defaults to \code{1.0e-4}).
#' @param store Logical. Should all of the fitted models be saved (defaults to \code{TRUE})?
#' @param progress  Logical. Should a progress bar be included (defaults to \code{TRUE})?
#' @param ebic_gamma Numeric. Value for the additional hyper-parameter for the
#'                   extended Bayesian information criterion (defaults to 0.5,
#'                   must be between 0 and 1). Setting \code{ebic_gamma = 0} results
#'                   in BIC.
#' @param penalize_diagonal Logical. Should the diagonal of the inverse covariance
#'                          matrix be penalized (defaults to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{initial} when a
#'            function is provided and ignored otherwise.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @importFrom glassoFast glassoFast
#' @return An object of class \code{ggmncv}, including:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Theta} Inverse covariance matrix
#' \item \code{Sigma} Covariance matrix
#' \item \code{P} Weighted adjacency matrix
#' \item \code{adj} Adjacency matrix
#' \item \code{lambda} Tuning parameter(s)
#' \item \code{fit} glasso fitted model (a list)
#' }
#' @details Several of the penalties are (continuous) approximations to the
#' \mjseqn{\ell_0} penalty, that is, best subset selection. However, the solution
#' does not require enumerating all possible models which results in a computationally
#' efficient solution.
#' \strong{L0 Approximations}
#' \itemize{
#' \item Atan: \code{penalty = "atan"} \insertCite{wang2016variable}{GGMncv}.
#'  This is currently the default.
#' \item Seamless \mjseqn{\ell_0}: \code{penalty = "selo"} \insertCite{dicker2013variable}{GGMncv}.
#' \item Exponential: \code{penalty = "exp"}  \insertCite{wang2018variable}{GGMncv}
#' \item Log: \code{penalty = "log"} \insertCite{mazumder2011sparsenet}{GGMncv}.
#' \item Sica: \code{penalty = "sica"}  \insertCite{lv2009unified}{GGMncv}
#' }
#' \strong{Additional penalties}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item SCAD: \code{penalty = "scad"}  \insertCite{fan2001variable}{GGMncv}.
#' \item MCP: \code{penalty = "mcp"} \insertCite{zhang2010nearly}{GGMncv}.
#' \item Adaptive lasso (\code{penalty = "adapt"}): Defaults to  \mjseqn{\gamma = 0.5}
#'  \insertCite{zou2006adaptive}{GGMncv}. Note that for consistency with the
#'  other penalties, \mjseqn{\gamma \rightarrow 0} provides more penalization and
#'  \mjseqn{\gamma = 1} results in \mjseqn{\ell_1} regularization.
#' \item Lasso:  \code{penalty = "lasso"}  \insertCite{tibshirani1996regression}{GGMncv}.
#' }
#' \strong{gamma} (\mjseqn{\gamma}):
#' The \code{gamma} argument corresponds to additional hyperparameter for each penalty.
#' The defaults are set to the recommended values from the respective papers.
#' \strong{LLA}
#' The local linear approximate is noncovex penalties was described in
#' \insertCite{fan2009network}{GGMncv}. This is essentially an iteratively
#' re-weighted (g)lasso. Note that by default \code{LLA = FALSE}. This is due to
#' the work of \insertCite{zou2008one;textual}{GGMncv}, which suggested that,
#' so long as the starting values are good enough, then a one-step estimator is
#' sufficient to obtain an accurate estimate of the conditional dependence structure.
#' In the case of low-dimensional data, the sample based inverse
#' covariance matrix is used for the starting values. This is expected to work well,
#' assuming that \mjseqn{n} is sufficiently larger than  \mjseqn{p}.
#' \strong{Generalized Information Criteria}
#' The following are the available GIC:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \mjseqn{\textrm{GIC}_1:  |\textbf{E}| \cdot \textrm{log}(n)}
#'        (\code{ic = "gic_1"}  or \code{ic = "bic"})
#' \item  \mjseqn{\textrm{GIC}_2: |\textbf{E}| \cdot p^{1/3}}
#'        (\code{ic = "gic_2"})
#' \item  \mjseqn{\textrm{GIC}_3:  |\textbf{E}| \cdot 2 \cdot \textrm{log}(p)}
#' (\code{ic = "gic_3"} or \code{ic = "ric"})
#' \item \mjseqn{\textrm{GIC}_4: |\textbf{E}| \cdot 2 \cdot \textrm{log}(p) +
#'       \textrm{log}\big(\textrm{log}(p)\big)}
#'        (\code{ic = "gic_4"})
#' \item \mjseqn{\textrm{GIC}_5: |\textbf{E}| \cdot \textrm{log}(p) +
#'        \textrm{log}\big(\textrm{log}(n)\big) \cdot \textrm{log}(p)}
#'       (\code{ic = "gic_5"})
#'  \item \mjseqn{\textrm{GIC}_6: |\textbf{E}| \cdot \textrm{log}(n)
#'        \cdot \textrm{log}(p)}
#'         (\code{ic = "gic_6"})
#' }
#'  Note that \mjseqn{|\textbf{E}|} denotes the number of edges (nonzero relations)
#'  in the graph, \mjseqn{p} the number of nodes (columns), and
#'  \mjseqn{n} the number of observations (rows).
#'  Further each can be understood as a penalty term added to
#'  negative 2 times the log-likelihood, that is,
#' \mjseqn{-2 l_n(\hat{\boldsymbol{\Theta}}) = -2 \Big[\frac{n}{2} \textrm{log} \textrm{det}
#' \hat{\boldsymbol{\Theta}} - \textrm{tr}(\hat{\textbf{S}}\hat{\boldsymbol{\Theta}})\Big]}
#'  where \mjseqn{\hat{\boldsymbol{\Theta}}} is the estimated precision matrix
#'  (e.g., for a given \mjseqn{\lambda} and \mjseqn{\gamma})
#'  and \mjseqn{\hat{\textbf{S}}} is the sample-based covariance matrix.
#' @note
#' \strong{initial}
#' \code{initial} not only affects performance (to some degree) but also
#' computational speed. In high dimensions (defined here as \emph{p} > \emph{n}),
#' or when \emph{p} approaches \emph{n}, the precision matrix can become quite unstable.
#' As a result, with \code{initial = NULL}, the algorithm can take a very (very) long time.
#' If this occurs, provide a matrix for \code{initial} (e.g., using \code{lw}).
#' Alternatively, the penalty can be changed to \code{penalty = "lasso"}, if desired.
#' The \code{R} package \strong{glassoFast} is under the hood of \code{ggmncv}
#' \insertCite{sustik2012glassofast}{GGMncv}, which is much faster than
#' \strong{glasso} when there are many nodes.
#' @importFrom stats cor cov2cor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- GGMncv::ptsd
#' S <- cor(Y)
#' # fit model
#' # note: atan default
#' fit_atan <- ggmncv(S, n = nrow(Y),
#'                    progress = FALSE)
#' # plot
#' plot(get_graph(fit_atan),
#'      edge_magnify = 10,
#'      node_names = colnames(Y))
#' # lasso
#' fit_l1 <- ggmncv(S, n = nrow(Y),
#'                  progress = FALSE,
#'                  penalty = "lasso")
#' # plot
#' plot(get_graph(fit_l1),
#'      edge_magnify = 10,
#'      node_names = colnames(Y))
#' # for these data, we might expect all relations to be positive
#' # and thus the red edges are spurious. The following re-estimates
#' # the graph, given all edges positive (sign restriction).
#' # set negatives to zero (sign restriction)
#' adj_new <- ifelse( fit_atan$P <= 0, 0, 1)
#' check_zeros <- TRUE
#' # track trys
#' iter <- 0
#' # iterate until all positive
#' while(check_zeros){
#'   iter <- iter + 1
#'   fit_new <- constrained(S, adj = adj_new)
#'   check_zeros <- any(fit_new$wadj < 0)
#'   adj_new <- ifelse( fit_new$wadj <= 0, 0, 1)
#' }
#' # make graph object
#' new_graph <- list(P = fit_new$wadj,
#'                   adj = adj_new)
#' class(new_graph) <- "graph"
#' plot(new_graph,
#'      edge_magnify = 10,
#'      node_names = colnames(Y))
#' }
ggmncv <- function(R,
                   penalty = "atan",
                   ic = "bic",
                   select = "lambda",
                   gamma = NULL,
                   lambda = NULL,
                   n_lambda = 50,
                   lambda_min_ratio = 0.01,
                   n_gamma = 50,
                   initial = NULL,
                   LLA = FALSE,
                   unreg = FALSE,
                   maxit = 1e4,
                   thr = 1.0e-4,
                   store = TRUE,
                   progress = TRUE,
                   ebic_gamma = 0.5,
                   penalize_diagonal = TRUE,
                   ...) {

  if (!penalty %in% c("atan",
                      "adapt")) {

    stop("penalty not found. \ncurrent options:
         atan, mcp, scad, exp, selo, or log")

    stop("`n` must be provided.")

  if (select == "lambda") {

    # nodes
    p <- ncol(R)

    # identity matrix
    I_p <- diag(p)

    if (is.null(initial)) {

      Theta <- solve(R)

    } else {

      if(is(initial, "function")){

        Theta <- initial(...)

      } else if(is(initial, "matrix")){

        Theta <- initial

      } else {

        stop("initial must be a matrix or function")


    if (is.null(gamma)) {

      if (penalty == "scad") {

        gamma <- 3.7

      } else if (penalty == "mcp") {

        gamma <- 2

      } else if (penalty == "adapt") {

        gamma <- 0.5

      } else {

        gamma <- 0.01


    if (is.null(lambda)) {
      # take from the huge R package:
      # Zhao, T., Liu, H., Roeder, K., Lafferty, J., & Wasserman, L. (2012).
      # The huge package for high-dimensional undirected graph estimation in R.
      # The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13(1), 1059-1062.
      lambda.max <- max(max(R - I_p),-min(R - I_p))

      lambda.min <-  lambda_min_ratio * lambda.max

      lambda <-
        exp(seq(log(lambda.min), log(lambda.max), length.out = n_lambda))


    n_lambda <- length(lambda)

    if (progress) {

      message("selecting lambda")

      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                                  max = n_lambda,
                                  style = 3)

    iterations <- 0

    fits <- lapply(1:n_lambda, function(i) {

      if (!LLA) {
        # lambda matrix
        lambda_mat <-
            text =  paste0(
              "_deriv(Theta = Theta, lambda = lambda[i], gamma = gamma)"

          diag(lambda_mat) <- 0

        fit <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda_mat)

        Theta <- fit$wi

        adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)

      } else {

        Theta_new <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda[i])$wi

        convergence <- 1

        iterations <- 0

        while (convergence > thr & iterations < maxit) {

          Theta_old <- Theta_new

          lambda_mat <-
              text =  paste0(
                "_deriv(Theta = Theta_old, lambda = lambda[i], gamma = gamma)"

            diag(lambda_mat) <- 0

          fit <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda_mat)

          Theta_new <- fit$wi

          Theta <- fit$wi

          iterations <- iterations + 1

          convergence <- mean(abs(Theta_new -  Theta_old))

          fit$iterations <- iterations


        adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)



        refit <-  constrained(R, adj)

        fit$wi <- refit$Theta

        fit$w  <- refit$Sigma

        Theta  <- refit$Theta

      edges <- sum(adj[upper.tri(adj)] != 0)

      fit$ic <- gic_helper(
        Theta = Theta,
        R = R,
        edges = edges,
        n = n,
        p = p,
        type = ic,
        ebic_gamma = ebic_gamma

      fit$lambda <- lambda[i]

      fit$gamma <- gamma

      if (progress) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)



    if (store) {
      fitted_models <- fits

    } else {
      fitted_models <- NULL

    which_min <- which.min(sapply(fits, "[[", "ic"))

    fit <-  fits[[which_min]]

    Theta <- fit$wi

    Sigma <- fit$w

    adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)

    P <- -(stats::cov2cor(Theta) - I_p)

    returned_object <- list(
      Theta = Theta,
      Sigma = Sigma,
      P = P,
      fit = fit,
      adj = adj,
      lambda = lambda,
      lambda_min = lambda[which_min],
      fitted_models = fitted_models,
      penalty = penalty,
      n = n,
      iterations =  iterations,
      select = select,
      R = R

    class(returned_object) <- c("ggmncv",

    }  else if(select == "gamma") {

    R <- cor(Y)

    initial <- NULL

    if (is.null(initial)) {

      Theta <- solve(R)

    } else {

      Theta <- initial


    # nodes
    p <- ncol(R)

    # identity matrix
    I_p <- diag(p)

    if(is.null(gamma)) {

      if (penalty == "scad") {

        gamma <- seq(2.001, 5, n_gamma)

      } else if (penalty == "mcp") {

        gamma <- seq(1.001, 4, n_gamma)

      } else if (penalty == "adapt") {

        gamma <- seq(0.1, 1, n_gamma)

      } else {

        gamma <- seq(0.001, 0.1, length.out =  n_gamma)


    check_error <- check_gamma(penalty, gamma)

    n_gamma <- length(gamma)

    if (progress) {

      message("selecting gamma")

      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                                  max = n_gamma,
                                  style = 3)

    iterations <- 0

    lambda <- sqrt(log(p) / n)

    fits <- lapply(1:n_gamma, function(i) {

      if (!LLA) {
        # lambda matrix
        lambda_mat <-
            text =  paste0(
              "_deriv(Theta = Theta, lambda = lambda, gamma = gamma[i])"

          diag(lambda_mat) <- 0

        fit <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda_mat)

        Theta <- fit$wi

        adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)

      } else {

        Theta_new <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda)$wi

        convergence <- 1

        iterations <- 0

        while (convergence > thr & iterations < maxit) {

          Theta_old <- Theta_new

          lambda_mat <-
              text =  paste0(
                "_deriv(Theta = Theta_old, lambda = lambda, gamma = gamma[i])"

            diag(lambda_mat) <- 0

          fit <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda_mat)

          Theta_new <- fit$wi

          Theta <- fit$wi

          iterations <- iterations + 1

          convergence <- mean(abs(Theta_new -  Theta_old))

          fit$iterations <- iterations


        adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)



        refit <-  constrained(R, adj)

        fit$wi <- refit$Theta

        fit$w  <- refit$Sigma


      edges <- sum(adj[upper.tri(adj)] != 0)

      fit$ic <- gic_helper(
        Theta = Theta,
        R = R,
        edges = edges,
        n = n,
        p = p,
        type = ic

      fit$gamma <- gamma[i]
      fit$lambda <- lambda

      if (progress) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)



    if (store) {
      fitted_models <- fits

    } else {
      fitted_models <- NULL

    which_min <- which.min(sapply(fits, "[[", "ic"))

    fit <-  fits[[which_min]]

    Theta <- fit$wi

    Sigma <- fit$w

    adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)

    P <- -(stats::cov2cor(Theta) - I_p)

    returned_object <- list(
      Theta = Theta,
      Sigma = Sigma,
      P = P,
      fit = fit,
      adj = adj,
      lambda = lambda,
      gamma_min = gamma[which_min],
      fitted_models = fitted_models,
      penalty = penalty,
      n = n,
      iterations =  iterations,
      select = select,
      R = R

    class(returned_object) <- c("ggmncv",

  } else if (select == "both") {

    # nodes
    p <- ncol(R)

    # identity matrix
    I_p <- diag(p)

    if (is.null(initial)) {

      Theta <- solve(R)

    } else {

      Theta <- initial


    if (is.null(lambda)) {
      # take from the huge package:
      # Zhao, T., Liu, H., Roeder, K., Lafferty, J., & Wasserman, L. (2012).
      # The huge package for high-dimensional undirected graph estimation in R.
      # The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13(1), 1059-1062.
      lambda.max <- max(max(R - I_p),-min(R - I_p))

      lambda.min <- lambda_min_ratio * lambda.max

      lambda <-
        exp(seq(log(lambda.min), log(lambda.max), length.out = n_lambda))


    n_lambda <- length(lambda)

    if(is.null(gamma)) {

      if (penalty == "scad") {

        gamma <- seq(2.001, 5, n_gamma)

      } else if (penalty == "mcp") {

        gamma <- seq(1.001, 4, n_gamma)

      } else if (penalty == "adapt") {

        gamma <- seq(0.1, 1, n_gamma)

      } else {

        gamma <- seq(0.001, 0.1, length.out =  n_gamma)


    if (progress) {

      message("selecting lambda and gamma")

      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0,
                                  max = n_lambda,
                                  style = 3)

    iterations <- 0

    fits_all <-  lapply(1:n_lambda, function(x) {

      fits <- lapply(1:n_gamma, function(i) {

        if (!LLA) {
          # lambda matrix
          lambda_mat <-
              text =  paste0(
                "_deriv(Theta = Theta, lambda = lambda[x], gamma = gamma[i])"

            diag(lambda_mat) <- 0

          fit <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda_mat)

          Theta <- fit$wi

          adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)

        } else {

          Theta_new <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda[x])$wi

          convergence <- 1

          iterations <- 0

          while (convergence > thr & iterations < maxit) {

            Theta_old <- Theta_new

            lambda_mat <-
                text =  paste0(
                  "_deriv(Theta = Theta_old, lambda = lambda[x], gamma = gamma[i])"

            fit <- glassoFast::glassoFast(S = R, rho = lambda_mat)

            Theta_new <- fit$wi

            Theta <- fit$wi

            iterations <- iterations + 1

            convergence <- mean(abs(Theta_new -  Theta_old))

            fit$iterations <- iterations


          adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)


        if (isTRUE(unreg)) {

          refit <-  constrained(Sigma = R, adj = adj)

          fit$wi <- refit$Theta

          fit$w  <- refit$Sigma

          Theta <- refit$Theta


        edges <- sum(adj[upper.tri(adj)] != 0)

        fit$ic <- gic_helper(
          Theta = Theta,
          R = R,
          edges = edges,
          n = n,
          p = p,
          type = ic

        fit$gamma <- gamma[i]
        fit$lambda <- lambda[x]



      if (progress) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)



    unnest <- fits_all[[1]]

    for(i in 2:n_lambda){
      unnest <- c(fits_all[[i]], unnest)

    if (store) {
      fitted_models <- unnest

    } else {
      fitted_models <- NULL

    which_min <- which.min(sapply(unnest, "[[" , "ic"))

    fit <-  unnest[[which_min]]

    Theta <- fit$wi

    Sigma <- fit$w

    adj <- ifelse(fit$wi == 0, 0, 1)

    P <- -(stats::cov2cor(Theta) - I_p)

    returned_object <- list(
      Theta = Theta,
      Sigma = Sigma,
      P = P,
      fit = fit,
      adj = adj,
      lambda = lambda,
      gamma_min = fit$gamma,
      lambda_min = fit$lambda,
      fitted_models = fitted_models,
      penalty = penalty,
      n = n,
      iterations =  iterations,
      select = select,
      R = R

  } else {

    stop("select must be 'lambda', 'gamma', or 'both'.")




#' Print \code{ggmncv} Objects
#' @param x An object of class \code{ggmncv}
#' @param ... Currently ignored
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
print.ggmncv <- function(x,...){

  if(methods::is(x, "default")){


  if(methods::is(x, "coef")){


  if(methods::is(x, "inference")){
    print_inference(x, ...)

  if(methods::is(x, "ggm_compare")){


#' Plot \code{ggmncv} Objects
#' @description Plot the solution path for the partial correlations.
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link{ggmncv}}.
#' @param size Numeric. Line size in \code{geom_line}.
#' @param alpha Numeric. The transparency of the lines.
#' @param ... Currently ignored.
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object.
#' @importFrom  ggplot2 aes ggplot  geom_point ylab facet_grid geom_line
#' geom_vline geom_hline xlab ylab ggtitle theme element_text
#' @importFrom reshape melt
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # data
#' Y <- GGMncv::ptsd[,1:10]
#' # correlations
#' S <- cor(Y, method = "spearman")
#' # fit model
#' # default: atan
#' fit <- ggmncv(R = S, n = nrow(Y), progress = FALSE)
#' # plot
#' plot(fit)
#' # lasso
#' fit <- ggmncv(R = S, n = nrow(Y), progress = FALSE,
#'               penalty = "lasso")
#' # plot
#' plot(fit)
#' }
#' @export
plot.ggmncv <- function(x, size = 1,
                        alpha = 0.5, ...){

  if (is.null(x$lambda)) {
    stop("plot relations with `plot(get_graph(x))`")

  if (x$select != "lambda") {
    stop("select must be 'lambda'.")

  if (is.null(x$fitted_models)) {
    stop("models not stored.")

  n_lambda <-  length(x$lambda)

  if(n_lambda == 0) {
    stop("solution path not found. must set 'select = TRUE'.")

  p <- ncol(x$Theta)

  which_min <- which(x$lambda  == x$lambda_min)

  lambda_min <- x$lambda[which_min]

  Theta_std <- t(sapply(1:n_lambda, function(i)

  non_zero <- sum(Theta_std[which_min,] !=0)

  dat_res <-  reshape::melt(Theta_std)

  dat_res$X1 <- round(x$lambda, 3)

  dat_res$penalty <- x$penalty

  plt <- ggplot(dat_res, aes(y = -value,
                             x = X1,
                             group = as.factor(X2),
                             color = as.factor(X2))) +
    facet_grid(~ penalty) +

    geom_line(show.legend = FALSE,
              alpha = alpha,
              size = size) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0,
               color = "black") +
    xlab(expression(lambda)) +
    ylab(expression(hat(rho))) +
    theme(axis.title  = element_text(size = 12),
          strip.text = element_text(size = 12))


print_ggmncv <- function(x, ...){
  mat <- round(x$P, 3)
  colnames(mat) <- 1:ncol(x$P)
  rownames(mat) <- 1:ncol(x$P)

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GGMncv documentation built on Dec. 15, 2021, 9:10 a.m.