
Defines functions .anddarl starship.obj starship.adaptivegrid starship

Documented in starship starship.adaptivegrid starship.obj

# $Id: starship.R,v 1.3 2003-05-13 16:28:27+10 king Exp $
starship <- function(data,optim.method="Nelder-Mead",initgrid=NULL,
# call adaptive grid first to find a first minimum
if (is.null(initgrid) ) {gridmin <- starship.adaptivegrid(data,param=param) }
else 	{
	gridmin <- starship.adaptivegrid(data,initgrid,param=param)
# If they haven't sent any control parameters, scale by max(lambda1,1),
# lambda2 (can't be <= 0), don't scale for lambda3, lambda4 or lambda5
if (is.null(optim.control) ) {
	if (param=="fm5") {
		optim.control <- list(parscale=c(max(1,abs(gridmin$lambda[1])), abs(gridmin$lambda[2]),1,1,1))
	else {	
		optim.control <- list(parscale=c(max(1,abs(gridmin$lambda[1])), abs(gridmin$lambda[2]), 1,1))
# else use what they sent - this should allow the user to change other stuff 
# in the control - this will mean that parscale is the default unless they
# change it also
# call optimiser
optimmin <- optim(par=gridmin$lambda,fn=starship.obj,method=optim.method,

starship.adaptivegrid <- function(data,initgrid=list(
data <- sort(data)
quarts <- quantile(data)
nombo <- length(data)
minresponse <- 1000
if (param=="RS"| param=="rs" | param=="ramberg" | param=="ram")
	initgrid$lcvect <- initgrid$lcvect[initgrid$lcvect > 0]  
	initgrid$ldvect <- initgrid$ldvect[initgrid$ldvect > 0]  
if (param=="fm5"){
	minlambda <- c(NA,NA,NA,NA,NA)
	# There are other options than copying this code, but they seem to involve 
  # doing a param check inside all the for loops, and that seems terribly 
  # inefficient to me.  If it doesn't actuallly impact efficiency, 
  # let me know - RK
	for (le in initgrid$levect) {
	for (ld in initgrid$ldvect) {
		for (lc in initgrid$lcvect) {
			# calculate expected lambda2 on basis of IQR
			# IQR for 0,1,lc,ld - Changed for fm5
			iqr1 <- qgl(.75,c(0,1,lc,ld,le),param=param) -
			# actual IQR
			iqr <- quarts[4] - quarts[2]
			# so estimated lambda 2 from IQR
			lbguess <- iqr1/iqr
			for (lb in (c(0.5,0.7,1,1.5,2)*lbguess) )
				# calculate expected lambda1 on the basis of median
				lavect <- quarts[3] -c(qgl(0.65,c(0,lb,lc,ld,le),param=param),
				for (la in lavect) {
					# calculate uniform g-o-f
					response <- starship.obj(c(la,lb,lc,ld,le),data,param)
					if (response < minresponse) {
						minresponse <- response
						minlambda <- c(la,lb,lc,ld,le)
						} # new minimum
						# otherwise try the next
					} #lavect
				} #lbvect
			} # lcvct
		} # ldvect
		} # levect
	} # if param fm5 - not indendent in a consistent manner, but there's no room left in 80 columns
else	{
	minlambda <- c(NA,NA,NA,NA)
	for (ld in initgrid$ldvect) {
		for (lc in initgrid$lcvect) {
			# calculate expected lambda2 on basis of IQR
			# IQR for 0,1,lc,ld
			iqr1 <- qgl(.75,0,1,lc,ld,param=param) -
			# actual IQR
			iqr <- quarts[4] - quarts[2]
			# so estimated lambda 2 from IQR
			lbguess <- iqr1/iqr
			for (lb in (c(0.5,0.7,1,1.5,2)*lbguess) )
				# calculate expected lambda1 on the basis of median
				lavect <- quarts[3] -c(qgl(0.65,0,lb,lc,ld,param=param),
	qgl(0.45,0,lb,lc,ld,param=param),qgl(0.35,0,lb,lc,ld,param=param) )
				for (la in lavect) {
					# calculate uniform g-o-f
					response <- starship.obj(c(la,lb,lc,ld),data,param)
					if (response < minresponse) {
						minresponse <- response
						minlambda <- c(la,lb,lc,ld)
						} # new minimum
						# otherwise try the next
					} #lavect
				} #lbvect
			} # lcvct
		} # ldvect
	} # if param not fm5

starship.obj <- function(par,data,param="fmkl") 
l1 <- par[1]; l2 <- par[2];
l3 <- par[3]; l4 <- par[4];
if (param=="fm5") { l5 <- par[5] }
# Check that these are legitimate parameter values.  If not, give a very
# large internal g-o-f measure.  We do this instead of NAs to make the
# optimistations easy to code.  Should investigate using NAs instead
if (!gl.check.lambda.alt1(par, param=param,vect=TRUE)) {
x <- sort(data)
# defining other variables
nombo <- length(x)

xacc <- 1e-8
# values sent to pgl
# lower & upper limit on u
x1 <- xacc 
x2 <- 1.0 - xacc

u <- pgl(x,par,param=param);
# write.table(matrix(c(u),nrow=1),"interim-output/u1.txt",append=T,sep=",",quote=F,col.names=F)
response <- .anddarl(u,nombo);
# write.table(matrix(c(response),nrow=1),"interim-output/response.txt",append=T,sep=",",quote=F,col.names=F)

.anddarl <- function(u,nombo)
ad <- c(dim(nombo),dim(1));
for(j in 1:nombo) {ad[j] <- ((2*j-1)/nombo)*(log(u[j])+log(1-u[nombo+1-j]))}
# This is useful in opt to illustrate what its doing
# hist(u)
asum <- -nombo-sum(ad);

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