
Defines functions buildBranchesInRepo

Documented in buildBranchesInRepo

#' Create the tarballs in the new repo from the SCM branch locs
#' @title Build SCM Checkouts Into Repository Directory
#' @param repo a GRANRepository object
#' @param cores number of cores to use during build process. defaults to (parallel:::detectCores() - 1)
#' @param temp logical. whether we are building the temp or final version of the repository
#' @param incremental logical. whether packages should only be rebuilt if the version number has increased. Default is TRUE
#' @param manifest data.frame containing a GRAN manifest of pkgs to build. Defaults to the full manifest associated with repo
#' @return a list with success and fail elements containing the directories which succeeded and failed the build
#' @author Cory Barr, Gabriel Becker
#' @importFrom tools write_PACKAGES
#' @importFrom utils compareVersion
buildBranchesInRepo <- function(repo, cores = 1,
                                incremental = TRUE,
                                manifest = manifest_df(repo)) {
    binds <- getBuilding(repo = repo)
        logfun(repo)("NA", "No packages to build in buildBranchesInRepo.")
    manifest <- getBuildingManifest(repo = repo)
    results <- getBuildingResults(repo = repo)
    scmCheckoutsLoc <- getCheckoutLocs(checkout_dir(repo), manifest, manifest$branch)
    if(temp) {
        repoLoc <- temp_repo(repo)
        if(!grepl("src/contrib", repoLoc, fixed=TRUE))
            if(!grepl(repo_name(repo), repoLoc, fixed=TRUE))
                repoLoc <- file.path(repoLoc, repo_name(repo), "src", "conbrib")
                repoLoc <- file.path(repoLoc, "src", "contrib")
        #opts = c("--no-build-vignettes", "--no-manual", "--no-resave-data")
        opts <- "--no-build-vignettes --no-resave-data"
    } else {
        repoLoc <- staging(repo)
        opts <- "--resave-data"

        dir.create(repoLoc, recursive=TRUE)
    startDir <- getwd()
    logfun(repo)("NA", paste("Attempting to build", sum(results$building),
                             "into", repoLoc))

    if(temp) {
        ## Only build  packages into the temp repo that aren't already there.
        ## Not doing this was causing unreasonably slow times when
        ## not very many packages ended up being actually built
        oldvers <- character(length(scmCheckoutsLoc))
        names(oldvers) <- results$name
        avl <- tryCatch(available.packages(makeFileURL( repoLoc), filters= "duplicates"),
            error = function(x) x)
        if(is(avl, "error"))
            oldvers <- rep(NA, times = nrow(results))
        else {
            inds <- match(avl[,"Package"], names(oldvers))
            inds <- inds[!is.na(inds)]
            pkgs <- names(oldvers)[inds]
            oldvers[pkgs] <- avl[pkgs,"Version"]
            oldvers[!nchar(oldvers)] <- NA
    } else {
        oldvers <- as.character(results$lastbuiltversion)

    vers_restrict <- subset(versions_df(repo), versions_df(repo)$name %in% manifest$name)

    res <- mcmapply2(function(...) tryCatch(.innerBuild(...), error = function(e) c("0.0-0" = "failed")),
                     checkout = scmCheckoutsLoc,
                     repo = list(repo), opts = opts,
                                        #XXX shouldn't need the as.character...
                     oldver = oldvers,
                     incremental = incremental,
                     vers_restr = vers_restrict$version,
                     temp = temp,
                     mc.preschedule = FALSE)
    versions <- names(res)
    res <- unlist(res)
    ## at the temp stage we don't want to include anything
    ## from the list of potential builds, we just want
    ## to avoid unnecessary building within the temporary
    ## repository
    if(temp) {
        res[res=="up-to-date"] = "ok"
        res[versions == as.character(results$lastbuiltversion)] = "up-to-date"
    built = res == "ok"

    ##We can only ever get the "up-to-date" return status if incremental=FALSE, so
    ## this is safe
    sameversion = res == "up-to-date"
    ##this may need to be more sophisticated later if we are building binaries for mac/win?
    updateArchive(repo = repo,
                  repodest = ".",
                  archive = file.path(".", "Archive"))
        update_PACKAGES(".", type = "source", latestOnly = FALSE,
                        strict = FALSE,
                        verbose = TRUE, logfun = update_pkgs_logfun(repo, "NA"))
        update_PACKAGES(".", type = "source", latestOnly = TRUE,
                        strict = FALSE,
                        verbose = TRUE, logfun = update_pkgs_logfun(repo, "NA"))
    if(any(res %in% c("failed", "build timed-out"))) {
        warning("Warning: not all packages were succesfully built")

    res2 <- res[!sameversion]
    results$status[!sameversion] <- ifelse(res2=="ok", "ok", "build failed")
    results$status[sameversion] <- "up-to-date"
    results$version[built] <- versions[built]
    results$maintainer <- getMaintainers(checkout_dir(repo),
                           manifest = manifest)
    repo_results(repo)[binds,] <- results


.innerBuild <- function (checkout, repo, opts, oldver, vers_restr, incremental, temp) {

    ## incremental build logic. If incremental == TRUE,
    ## we only rebuild if the package version number has bumped.
    if (!is.na(checkout)) {
      vnum <- read.dcf(file.path(checkout, "DESCRIPTION"))[1,"Version"]
      pkg <- getPkgNames(checkout)
    } else {
      ret <- "checkout failed"
      names(ret) <- "0.0-0"

    if(!is.na(vers_restr) && vnum != vers_restr) {
        logfun(repo)(pkg, paste("Wrong version number for pkg",
                                pkg, "Needed", vers_restr,
                                "have", vnum, "error earlier",
                                "in build process?"),
                     type = "both")
        ret <- "wrong version"
        names(ret) <- vnum

    ## we don't support changing the version restriction backward, should we?
    if(is.na(oldver) || compareVersion(vnum, oldver) == 1 )
        logfun(repo)(pkg, paste0("Had version ", oldver,
                                 ". Building new version ", vnum))
    } else if (incremental) {
        logfun(repo)(pkg, paste0("Package up to date at version ", vnum, ". Not rebuilding."))
        ret <- "up-to-date"
        names(ret) <- vnum
    } else {
        logfun(repo)(pkg, paste0("Forcing rebuild of version ", vnum, "."))
    evars <- character()

    #GRANBase is loaded, so new versions of repo packages can fail to
    # load. Do simple, no-install builds for GRANBase and GRAN* packages, always
    if((temp || grepl("^GRAN", pkg)) && !grepl("--no-build-vignettes", opts))
        opts <- c(opts, "--no-build-vignettes")
    evars <- c(evars, "R_TESTS=''")
    ## make sure that we hit the actual R that we're currently in, even if
    ## it's not the default/system R installation
    command <- file.path(R.home("bin"), "R")
    opts <- c(paste("CMD", "build", checkout), opts)

    evars <- c(evars, paste0("R_LIBS=", temp_lib(repo)))
    out <- tryCatch(system_w_init(command, args = opts, env = evars, intern = TRUE,
        param = param(repo)), error = function(x) x)
    ## all the ways we can know it didn't work...
    if(is(out, "error") ||
       ("status" %in% attributes(out) && attr(out, "status") > 0) ||
       !file.exists(paste0(pkg, "_", vnum, ".tar.gz"))) {
        type <- if(temp) "Temporary" else "Final"
        logfun(repo)(pkg, paste(type, "Package build failed. R CMD build",
                                "returned non-zero status"), type ="both")
        logfun(repo)(pkg, c("R CMD build output for failed package build:",
                     out), type="error")
        ret <- "failed"
    } else {
        #XXX we want to include the full output when the build succeeds?
        logfun(repo)(pkg, "Successfully built package.", type="full")
        ret <- "ok"
    names(ret) <- vnum

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GRANBase documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 5:09 p.m.