
Defines functions buildReport

Documented in buildReport

#' buildReport
#' Create a build report for a repository reflecting the latest build
#' @author Dinakar Kulkarni <kulkard2@gene.com>
#' @importFrom htmlTable htmlTable
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @param repo A GRANRepository object
#' @param theme CSS+JS theme. bootstrap, foundation, semanticui or jqueryui
#' @param reportfile File path of the HTML report
#' @param riskrpt Whether to build the risk report
#' @param jsonrpt Whether to create a JSON version of the build report
#' @param splashname Filename for the package HTML splash page
#' @param cores Number of cores to use when generating coverage reports.
#' @return None
#' @export
buildReport <- function(repo, theme = "bootstrap",
                reportfile = file.path(destination(repo), "buildreport.html"),
                riskrpt = FALSE,
                jsonrpt = TRUE,
                splashname = "index.html",
                cores = 1L) {

  # Overall Build Stats
  if (nchar(platform(repo)) > 0) {
    common_name <- paste0("GRAN", repo_name(repo), " Build Report on ", platform(repo))
  } else {
    common_name <- paste0("GRAN", repo_name(repo), " Build Report")
  title <- paste0("<title>", common_name, "</title>")
  topheader <- paste0("<h1><center>", common_name, "</center></h1>")
  if ((nchar(r_version(repo)) > 0) && (nchar(bioc_version(repo) > 0))) {
    subheader <- paste0("<h2><center>(R ", r_version(repo), "/Bioc ", bioc_version(repo), ")</center></h2>")
  } else {
    subheader <- ""
  summary_header <- paste0("<h2>Overall Build Stats</h2>")
  results_df <- repo_results(repo)
  results_df <- results_df[!(results_df$name %in% suspended_pkgs(repo)), ]
  lastattempt <- results_df$lastAttemptStatus
  attmptab <- as.matrix(table(lastattempt))
  attmpthtml <- htmlTable(attmptab,
                        css.cell = ("padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em"),
                        css.class = "table-hover table-bordered table-striped",
                        css.table = "margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;",
                        align = "l",
                        escape.html = FALSE)

  # Get detailed build report
  cnames <- c("name", "lastAttemptVersion", "lastAttemptStatus", "lastAttempt",
              "lastbuiltversion", "lastbuiltstatus", "lastbuilt", "maintainer")
  tmpman <- repo_results(repo)[, cnames]

  # Don't show suspended pkgs in result
  tmpman <- tmpman[!(tmpman$name %in% suspended_pkgs(repo)), ]
  tmpman[is.na(tmpman)] = "NA"

  # Create a JSON version of the report if specified
  if (jsonrpt) {
    json_outfile <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(reportfile), ".json")
    write(toJSON(tmpman, pretty = TRUE), json_outfile)
    dl_json_link <- paste0("<p><a href=\"", basename(json_outfile),
                                  "\">View build report as JSON</a><p>")
  } else {
    dl_json_link <- ""

  # Calculate test Coverage
  if(check_test_on(repo)) {
    covr <- testCoverage(repo, cores = cores)
    tmpman$coverage <- covr$coverage[match(tmpman$name, covr$name)]
  } else {
    tmpman$coverage <- NULL
  covg_report <- file.path(coverage_report_dir(repo),
                           paste0(tmpman$name, "-covr-report.html"))
  covg_report_uri <- file.path("..",
                               paste0(tmpman$name, "-covr-report.html"))
  tmpman$coverage <- paste("<a href='", covg_report_uri, "'>",
                           tmpman$coverage, "</a>")
  tmpman$coverage[!file.exists(covg_report)] <- ""

  # Assign badges and log links to the latest build status
  # Also make logs human-readable
  tmpman$Chronicles <- ""
  log_header <- paste0("<html><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><link rel=\"stylesheet\"",
                       "type=\"text/css\" href=\"../src/contrib/assets/css/",
                       theme, ".min.css\"><pre><code>")
  log_closer <- "</code></pre></html>"
  for (i in 1:length(tmpman$lastAttemptStatus)) {
    # Prettify the logs
    check_log <- paste0(tmpman$name[i], "_CHECK.log")
    pkg_log <- paste0(tmpman$name[i], ".log")
    install_log <- paste0(tmpman$name[i], ".out")

    x_loc <- file.path(check_result_dir(repo), check_log)
    if (file.exists(x_loc) && !grepl(log_closer,
                                    readChar(x_loc, file.info(x_loc)$size))) {
      ## The current check logs to not have an EOL character. Add one here.
      cat("", file = x_loc, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
      cat(log_closer, file = x_loc, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
      lines <- readLines(x_loc, -1, warn = FALSE)
      lines[1] <- paste(log_header, lines[1], sep = "\n")
      writeLines(lines, x_loc)
    y_loc <- file.path(pkg_log_dir(repo), pkg_log)
    if (file.exists(y_loc)) {
      lines <- readLines(y_loc, -1, warn = FALSE)
      lines <- gsub(log_closer, "", lines)
      lines <- gsub(log_header, "", lines)
      lines <- rev(lines)[1:500] # Retain only last 500 lines
      lines <- rev(lines)
      lines[1] <- paste(log_header, lines[1], sep = "\n")
      lines <- lines[!is.na(lines)]
      writeLines(lines, y_loc)
      cat(log_closer, file = y_loc, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
    z_loc <- file.path(install_result_dir(repo), install_log)
    if (file.exists(z_loc) && !grepl(log_closer,
                                    readChar(z_loc, file.info(z_loc)$size))) {
      cat(log_closer, file = z_loc, append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
      lines <- readLines(z_loc, -1, warn = FALSE)
      lines[1] <- paste(log_header, lines[1], sep = "\n")
      writeLines(lines, z_loc)

    # Create badges
    status <- tmpman$lastAttemptStatus[i]
    oldstatus <- tmpman$lastbuiltstatus[i]
    tmpman$lastAttemptStatus[i] <- buildBadge(status, tmpman$name[i], repo = repo)
    # Create hrefs for email IDs
    tmpman$maintainer[i] <- emailTag(tmpman$maintainer[i])

    # Build history
    pkg_log_uri <- file.path('..', '..', 'SinglePkgLogs', pkg_log)
    tmpman$Chronicles[i] <- createHyperlink(pkg_log_uri, "Build log")

    # Package documentation
    pkg_doc <- file.path(pkg_doc_dir(repo),
                         tmpman$name[i], splashname)
    pkg_doc_uri <- file.path('..',
    if (file.exists(pkg_doc)) {
      tmpman$name[i] <- createHyperlink(pkg_doc_uri,
      # Add test coverage badge to spash page
      if (!tmpman$coverage[i] == "") {
        lines <- readLines(pkg_doc, warn = FALSE)
        covbadge <- paste("<p>Test Coverage:", tmpman$coverage[i], "</p>")
        lines <- gsub("<tcplaceholder/>", covbadge, lines)
        write(lines, pkg_doc)

  # Create HTML table from tmpman
  build_header <- "<h2>Build details</h2>"
  table_header <- c("Package Name", "Last Attempt Version", "Last Attempt Status",
                "Last Attempt Date", "Last Built Version", "Last Built Status",
                "Last Built Date", "Maintainer", "Coverage", "Build History")
  build_html <- htmlTable(tmpman,
                        header = table_header,
                        css.cell = ("padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em"),
                        css.class = "table-hover table-striped table-bordered",
                        css.table = "margin-left:10px; margin-right:10px;",
                        label = "builddetails",
                        align = "l",
                        escape.html = FALSE)
  build_html <- gsub("border-bottom: 2px solid grey;", "", build_html)

  # Add JS, CSS to the report page
  assets_folder <- system.file2("assets", package = "GRANBase")
  file.copy(assets_folder, destination(repo), recursive = TRUE)
  css_tag <- paste0("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"",
                   " href=\"assets/css/", theme, ".min.css\">",
                   "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"",
                   " href=\"assets/css/dataTables.", theme, ".min.css\">")
  js_tag <- paste0("<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"
                  "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"
                  src=\"assets/js/", theme,".min.js\"></script>",
                  "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"
                  "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\"
                  src=\"assets/js/dataTables.", theme, ".min.js\"></script>")
  ds_script <- paste("<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\">
                  			$(document).ready(function() {
                  			} );

  # Link to risk report
  risk_rpt_html <- ""
  risk_rpt <- file.path(destination(repo), "update-risk.html")
  if(riskrpt) {
    buildRiskReport(repo, report_file = risk_rpt, theme = theme)
  if(file.exists(risk_rpt)) {
  risk_rpt_html <- paste("<hr><p>Update Risk Report for all site packages:",
                         createHyperlink(risk_rpt, label = "Risk Report"), "</p>")

  # Create the manifest report
  manifest_location <- file.path(destination(repo), "manifest.html")
                 theme = theme,
                 jsonrpt = jsonrpt,
                 reportfile = manifest_location)
  manifestreport_link <- paste0("<p><a href=\"", basename(manifest_location),
                                "\">View build manifest</a><p>")

  # Construct final HTML
  final_html <- paste("<!doctype html>
                      <html> <head>", title, css_tag, js_tag, ds_script,
                      "<body style=\"padding: 20px;\"></head>",
                      topheader, subheader, summary_header, attmpthtml, "<br/>", build_header,
                      build_html, risk_rpt_html, dl_json_link,
                      manifestreport_link, "</body></html>")
  write(final_html, reportfile)

Try the GRANBase package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

GRANBase documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 5:09 p.m.