
Defines functions predict.GWSDAT.PSpline fitPSplines tunePSplines GWSDAT.compute.map.coef GWSDAT.tpower GWSDAT.bbase GWSDAT.st.matrices GWSDAT.Prior

GWSDAT.Prior <- function(lambda) {

GWSDAT.st.matrices <- function(x, xrange, ndims, nseg, bdeg = 3, pord = 2, computeP = TRUE) {

    # Compute a set of basis functions and a penalty matrix associated with x.
    # An intercept term and the main effect of any interaction terms are removed.
    n    <- nrow(x)
    if (missing(nseg)) nseg <- rep(7, 3)
    # Compute B-spline basis
    b <- list(length = 3)
    m <- vector(length = 3)
    for (i in 1:3) {
       b[[i]] <- GWSDAT.bbase(x[,i], xl = xrange[i , 1], xr = xrange[i, 2], nseg = nseg[i], deg = bdeg)
       m[i]   <- ncol(b[[i]])

    B <- b[[1]]
    B <- t(apply(cbind(b[[1]], b[[2]]), 1,function(x) c(x[1:m[1]] %x% x[-(1:m[1])])))
    B <- t(apply(cbind(B,  b[[3]]), 1, 
                function(x) c(x[1:(m[1]*m[2])] %x% x[-(1:(m[1]*m[2]))])))
    result <- list(B = B, xrange = xrange, nseg = nseg, bdeg = bdeg, pord = pord)
    if (computeP) {
      # Construct smoothness penalty matrices
      P <- list(length = 3)
      for (i in 1:3) {
        P[[i]] <- diff(diag(m[i]), diff = pord)
        P[[i]] <- t(P[[i]]) %*% P[[i]]
      P[[1]] <- P[[1]] %x% diag(m[2])
      P[[2]] <- diag(m[2]) %x% P[[2]]
      P[[1]] <- P[[1]] %x% diag(m[3])
      P[[2]] <- P[[2]] %x% diag(m[3])
      P[[3]] <- diag(m[1]) %x% diag(m[2]) %x% P[[3]]
      pmat <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(B), ncol = ncol(B))
      for (i in 1:3)
        pmat <- pmat + P[[i]]
      result$P <- pmat

GWSDAT.bbase <- function(x, xl = min(x), xr = max(x), nseg = 10, deg = 3) {
# Construct B-spline basis
    dx <- (xr - xl) / nseg
    knots <- seq(xl - deg * dx, xr + deg * dx, by = dx)
    P <- outer(x, knots, GWSDAT.tpower, deg)
    n <- dim(P)[2]
    D <- diff(diag(n), diff = deg + 1) / (gamma(deg + 1) * dx ^ deg)
    B <- (-1) ^ (deg + 1) * P %*% t(D)

# Truncated p-th power function.
GWSDAT.tpower <- function(x, t, p){
    (x - t) ^ p * (x > t)

# Computes the coefficient vector for the MAP estimate of lambda.
GWSDAT.compute.map.coef <- function(B, DtD, y, ig.a=1e-3, ig.b=1e-3, lambdas, prior=function(lambda) 1) {

  # Prepare and do the fancy linear algebra
  BtB <- t(B) %*% B
  P.eigen <- eigen(BtB+DtD)
  if (any(P.eigen$values<sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)*max(P.eigen$values)))
    stop("Singularity detected. No well-defined estimate.")
  Mt <- t(P.eigen$vectors)*(1/sqrt(P.eigen$values))
  Q.svd <- svd(B%*%t(Mt),nu=ncol(B), nv=ncol(B))
  d <- c(pmin(Q.svd$d,1), rep(0, ncol(B)-length(Q.svd$d)))^2
  e <- 1-d
  Xtinv <- t(t(P.eigen$vectors)*sqrt(1/P.eigen$values))%*%Q.svd$v
  sel <- 1:length(Q.svd$d)
  log.det.XtX <- sum(log(P.eigen$values))
  rank.D <- sum(e>sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
  z <- drop(t(Q.svd$u)%*%y)

  # Function to compute the loglikelihood
  loglik <- function(lambda) {
    # Get the coefficient
    coef <- drop(Xtinv[,sel]%*%(z*sqrt(d[sel]) / (d[sel]+lambda*e[sel])))
    residuals <- y-B%*%coef
    # Get the posterior determinant
    log.post.det <- -sum(log(d+lambda*e))-log.det.XtX
    # Compute the log-posterior
    0.5 * rank.D * log(lambda) + 0.5 * log.post.det - (ig.a + length(y)/2) * log(2*ig.b + sum(y*residuals)) + log(prior(lambda))

  # Get the best lambda
  logliks <- sapply(lambdas, loglik)
  lambda <- lambdas[which.max(logliks)]
  # alpha coefficient the the best lambda
  alpha <- drop(Xtinv[,sel]%*%(z*sqrt(d[sel]) / (d[sel]+lambda*e[sel])))
  fitted <- drop(B %*% alpha)


  ## Alternative when SEs are needed.
  ## Quantities for Standard error calc
  #post.ig.a <- ig.a + length(y)/2
  #post.ig.b <- ig.b + sum(y*(y-fitted))/2
  #return(list(	best.lambda=lambda,trial.lambdas=lambdas,logliks=logliks,alpha=alpha,fitted=fitted,
  #		post.ig.a=post.ig.a,post.ig.b=post.ig.b,Xtinv=Xtinv,e=e,d=d))


tunePSplines <- function(ContData, NIG.a, NIG.b, nseg, pord, bdeg, Trial.Lambda, verbose = FALSE) {

  # Prepare Data  
  form <- log(Result.Corr.ND) ~ XCoord + YCoord + AggDate - 1
  #FIXME: what is variable 'form' for inside tunePSpline()?
  X <- model.matrix(form,ContData)
  colnames(X) <- c("XCoord","YCoord","AggDate")
  center <- colMeans(X, na.rm = TRUE)
  X <- sweep(X, 2L, center)
  scale <- apply(X, 2, sd)
  scale[1:2] <- rep(min(scale[1:2]),2)
  X <- sweep(X, 2L, scale, "/")
  Y <- model.response(model.frame(form, ContData))

  mat <- GWSDAT.st.matrices(X, xrange = t(apply(X, 2, range)), ndims = 3, nseg = rep(nseg,3), pord = pord, bdeg = bdeg)
  BestModel <- GWSDAT.compute.map.coef(mat$B, mat$P, Y, lambdas = Trial.Lambda, ig.a = NIG.a, ig.b = NIG.b, prior = GWSDAT.Prior)
  if(TRUE){ ##Calculate Imetrics - introduced in GWSDAT version 3.2
    B      <- mat$B
    P      <- mat$P
    # computing Hat matrix
    hatmat <- B %*% solve((t(B) %*% B + BestModel$best.lambda * P)) %*% t(B)
    df <- sum(diag(hatmat))     # effective degrees of freedom
    Imetrics <- data.frame(Constituent=ContData$Constituent,WellName =ContData$WellName,SampleDate=ContData$AggDate, leverage=diag(hatmat),residual=Y-BestModel$fitted)
    N <- nrow(Imetrics)        # number of observations 

    # calculate standard error of residuals
    RSE <- sqrt(sum(Imetrics$residual^2)/(N-df))
    # calculate standardized residuals and add to results
    Imetrics$standresid = Imetrics$residual/(RSE*sqrt(1-Imetrics$leverage))
    Imetrics$covratio<- 1/(((((N-df-1)/(N-df))+((Imetrics$standresid^2)/(N-df)))^df)*(1-Imetrics$leverage))
    ImetricsByWellSummary<-ImetricsByWellSummary[order(ImetricsByWellSummary$cd,decreasing = F),]
  if (verbose) {
    # op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE);
    # par(mfrow = c(1,1))
    # plot(log(BestModel$trial.lambdas,base = 10), BestModel$logliks)
    # par(op)

  best.model <- list(Lambda = BestModel$best.lambda,
                     xrange = mat$xrange,
                     nseg = nseg,
                     ndims = 3,
                     bdeg = mat$bdeg,
                     pord = mat$pord,
                     scale = scale,
                     center = center,
                     alpha = BestModel$alpha,
                     fitted = BestModel$fitted,

  ##Alternative for SEs
  #Lambda=BestModel$best.lambda,xrange=mat$xrange,nseg=nseg,ndims=3,bdeg = mat$bdeg,pord = mat$pord,scale=scale,center=center,
  #post.ig.a=BestModel$post.ig.a,post.ig.b=BestModel$post.ig.b ,Xtinv=BestModel$Xtinv,d=BestModel$d,e=BestModel$e
  class(best.model) <- "GWSDAT.PSpline"
  Model.tune <- list(Trial.Lambda = Trial.Lambda,best.model = best.model)

fitPSplines <- function(ContData, params){

  #cat("* in fitPSpline()\n")

  names(ContData)[names(ContData) == "AggDate"]    <- "AggDatekeep"
  names(ContData)[names(ContData) == "SampleDate"] <- "AggDate"
  Model.tune <- try(tunePSplines(ContData, params$NIG.a, params$NIG.b, params$nseg, 
                                 params$pord, params$bdeg, params$Trial.Lambda))

  if (!inherits(Model.tune, "try-error")) {

  	#Alternative to SEs
  	pred <- predict(Model.tune$best.model, newdata = ContData, se = FALSE)
  	ContData$ModelPred <- exp(pred$predicted)
  	ContData$Upper95 <- ContData$Lower95 <- rep(NA,nrow(ContData))
  } else{
  	ContData$ModelPred <- rep(NA,nrow(ContData))
  	ContData$Upper95 <- rep(NA,nrow(ContData))
  	ContData$Lower95 <- rep(NA,nrow(ContData))
  names(ContData)[names(ContData) == "AggDate"] <- "SampleDate"
  names(ContData)[names(ContData) == "AggDatekeep"] <- "AggDate"
  #### Legacy func from GWSDAT SVM.R. Need to check for NAPL only data sets. 
  ContData$Result.Corr.ND[!is.finite(ContData$Result.Corr.ND)] <- NA #Wayne V3 coerce -inf to NA for NAPL only data sets. 
  list(Cont.Data = ContData, Model.tune = Model.tune)


#' @export
#predict.GWSDAT.PSpline <- function(mod,newdata,se=FALSE) {
predict.GWSDAT.PSpline <- function(object,newdata,se=FALSE,...) {
  X <- model.matrix(~XCoord+YCoord+AggDate-1,newdata)
  X <- sweep(X, 2L, object$center)
  X <- sweep(X, 2L, object$scale, "/")
  mat <- GWSDAT.st.matrices(x = X, xrange = object$xrange, ndims = object$ndims,
                            nseg = rep(object$nseg,object$ndims), bdeg = object$bdeg, 
                            pord = object$pord, computeP = FALSE)
  B <- mat$B
  result <- list(predicted.sd = rep(NA,nrow(B)))
  if (se) {
    post.ig.a <- object$post.ig.a
    post.ig.b <- object$post.ig.b
    if (post.ig.a <= 2) {
      result$predicted.sd <- rep(Inf, nrow(B))
    } else {
  	  result$predicted.sd <- sqrt((post.ig.b / (post.ig.a-2)) * ((B%*%object$Xtinv)^2  %*% (1 / (object$d + object$Lambda * object$e))))
  	result$predicted.sd <- drop(result$predicted.sd)

  result$predicted <- as.numeric(B %*% object$alpha)

# Recompute the huge Xtinv following loading a GWSDAT session. 
# GWSDAT.RecomputeXtinv <- function(ContData, GWSDAT_Options) {
#   cat("* in GWSDAT.RecomputeXtinv()\n")
#   # Prepare Data  
#   names(ContData)[names(ContData) == "AggDate"] <- "AggDatekeep"
#   names(ContData)[names(ContData) == "SampleDate"] <- "AggDate"
#   form <- log(Result.Corr.ND)~XCoord+YCoord+AggDate-1
#   X <- model.matrix(form,ContData)
#   colnames(X) <- c("XCoord","YCoord","AggDate")
#   center <- colMeans(X, na.rm = TRUE)
#   X <- sweep(X, 2L, center)
#   scale <- apply(X,2,sd)
#   scale[1:2] <- rep(min(scale[1:2]),2)
#   X <- sweep(X, 2L, scale, "/")
#   Y <- model.response(model.frame(form,ContData))
#   # Initialise 
#   NIG.a		<- GWSDAT_Options$PSplineVars$NIG.a       
#   NIG.b		<- GWSDAT_Options$PSplineVars$NIG.b   
#   nseg 		<- GWSDAT_Options$PSplineVars$nseg
#   pord 		<- GWSDAT_Options$PSplineVars$pord
#   bdeg		<- GWSDAT_Options$PSplineVars$bdeg
#   Trial.Lambda 	<- GWSDAT_Options$PSplineVars$Trial.Lambda
#   mat    <- GWSDAT.st.matrices(X, xrange = xrange <- t(apply(X, 2, range)), 
#                                ndims = 3, nseg = rep(nseg,3), pord = pord, bdeg = bdeg)
#   B <- mat$B
#   DtD <- mat$P
#   BtB <- t(B) %*% B
#   P.eigen <- eigen(BtB + DtD)
#   Mt <- t(P.eigen$vectors)*(1/sqrt(P.eigen$values))
#   Q.svd <- svd(B %*% t(Mt), nu = ncol(B), nv = ncol(B))
#   d <- c(pmin(Q.svd$d,1), rep(0, ncol(B) - length(Q.svd$d)))^2
#   e <- 1 - d
#   Xtinv <- t(t(P.eigen$vectors)*sqrt(1/P.eigen$values)) %*% Q.svd$v
#   return(Xtinv)
# }

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GWSDAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:38 a.m.