
"check.marker" <-
		function(data, snpsubset, idsubset,
				callrate=0.95,perid.call=0.95, extr.call = 0.1, extr.perid.call = 0.1, 
				het.fdr=0.01, ibs.threshold = 0.95, ibs.mrk = 2000, ibs.exclude="both",
				maf, p.level=-1, 
				fdrate = 0.2, odds = 1000, hweidsubset, redundant="no", minconcordance = 2.0, 
				intermediateXF = c(0.5,0.5)) {
	if (is(data,"gwaa.data")) data <- data@gtdata
	if (!is(data,"snp.data")) stop("data argument should be of type gwaa.data or snp.data");
	if (!missing(snpsubset)) data <- data[,snpsubset]
	if (!missing(idsubset)) data <- data[idsubset,]
	if (!missing(hweidsubset)) {
		if (is.logical(hweidsubset)) hweidsubset <- data@idnames[which(hweidsubset==TRUE)]
		if (is.numeric(hweidsubset)) hweidsubset <- data@idnames[hweidsubset[!is.na(hweidsubset)]]
	out <- list()
	snam <- data@snpnames
	sids <- data@idnames
	smap <- data@map
	schr <- chromosome(data)
	possibleIbsExclude <- c("both","lower","none")
	if (length(ibs.exclude) != 1) 
		stop("length(ibs.exclude) <> 1")
	if (!(ibs.exclude %in% possibleIbsExclude)) 
		stop(paste("'ibs.exclude' should be one of",possibleIbsExclude))
	if (ibs.exclude == "none") 
		ibs.mrk = -1
	cat("Excluding people/markers with extremely low call rate...\n")
	cat(nsnps(data),"markers and",nids(data),"people in total\n")
	ts <- perid.summary(data)
	out$idnocall <- rownames(ts[which(ts[,"CallPP"]<extr.perid.call),])
	out$idok <- data@idnames[!(data@idnames %in% out$idnocall)]
	cat(length(out$idnocall),"people excluded because of call rate <",extr.perid.call,"\n")
	ts <- summary(data)
	if (any(chromosome(data) == "Y") && any(male(data)==1)) {
		tsY <- summary(data[which(male(data)==1),(which(chromosome(data) == "Y"))])
		ts[(which(chromosome(data) == "Y")),] <- tsY
	out$nocall <- rownames(ts[ts[,"CallRate"]<extr.call,])
	out$snpok <- data@snpnames[!(data@snpnames %in% out$nocall)]
	cat(length(out$nocall),"markers excluded because of call rate <",extr.call,"\n")
	data <- data[out$idok,out$snpok]
	cat("Passed:",length(out$snpok),"markers and",length(out$idok),"people\n")
	if (!missing(hweidsubset)) hweidsubset <- hweidsubset[hweidsubset %in% out$idok]
	updat <- 0
	if (any(chromosome(data)=="X")) {
		cat("\nRunning sex chromosome checks...\n")
		#maleInd <- male(data)
		#F <- perid.summary(data[,which(chromosome(data)=="X")])$F
		#Nfemale <- sum(1*(maleInd==0))
		#Nmale <- sum(maleInd)
		#if (Nfemale < 10) {Ffemale <- 0.2}
		#else {
		#	mF <- mean(F[!maleInd],na.rm=T)
		#	sdF <- sd(F[!maleInd],na.rm=T)
		#	Ffemale <- min(1,(mF+5*sdF))
		#	print(c(mF,sdF,Ffemale))
		#if (Nmale < 10) {Fmale <- 0.8}
		#else {
		#	mF <- mean(F[maleInd],na.rm=T)
		#	sdF <- sd(F[maleInd],na.rm=T)
		#	Fmale <- max(0,(mF-5*sdF))
		#	print(c(mF,sdF,Fmale))
		#if (Ffemale > 1 | Ffemale < 0) {
		#	cat("cut off Ffemale =",Ffemale,"\n")
		#	stop("Ffemale not in [0,1]")
		#if (Fmale > 1 | Fmale < 0) {
		#	cat("cut off Fmale =",Fmale,"\n")
		#	stop("Fmale not in [0,1]")
		Ffemale <- intermediateXF[1]
		Fmale <- intermediateXF[2]
		if (Ffemale>Fmale) stop("Ffemale>Fmale")
		if (Ffemale > 1 | Ffemale < 0) {
			cat("cut off Ffemale =",Ffemale,"\n")
			stop("Ffemale not in [0,1]")
		if (Fmale > 1 | Fmale < 0) {
			cat("cut off Fmale =",Fmale,"\n")
			stop("Fmale not in [0,1]")
		out.nxt <- Xcheck(data[,chromosome(data)=="X"],Pgte=0.001,Pssw=0.01,
		nxerr <- dim(out.nxt$Xerrtab)[1]
		if (!length(nxerr)) nxerr <- 0
		cat(nxerr,"heterozygous X-linked male genotypes found\n")
		cat(length(out.nxt$Xmrkfail),"X-linked markers are likely to be autosomal (odds >",odds,")\n")
		cat(length(out.nxt$isfemale),"male are likely to be female (odds >",odds,")\n")
		cat(length(out.nxt$ismale),"female are likely to be male (odds >",odds,")\n")
		cat(length(out.nxt$otherSexErr)," people have intermediate X-chromosome inbreeding (",Ffemale," > F > ",Fmale,")\n",sep="")
		out <- update.check.marker(out,out.nxt)
		updat <- 1
		out.nxt <- Xcheck(data[out$idok,out$snpok[out$snpok %in% data@snpnames[chromosome(data)=="X"]]],Pgte=0.001,Pssw=0.01,Pmsw=0.01,odds=odds,tabonly=T)
		nxerr <- dim(out.nxt$Xerrtab)[1]
		if (!length(nxerr)) nxerr <- 0
		cat("If these people/markers are removed,",nxerr,"heterozygous male genotypes are left\n")
		if (nxerr & imphetasmissing) cat("... these will be considered missing in analysis.\n")
		if (nxerr) cat("... Use Xfix() to fix these problems.\n")
# XXY checks
	if (any(chromosome(data)=="Y")) {
		nYsnps <- length(which(chromosome(data)=="Y"))
		if (nYsnps<10) {
			message <- paste("The number of Y-chromosome SNPs is low (",nYsnps,
					"). Consider ignoring Y-checks by setting 'XXY.call' to 2",sep="")
			warning(message,immediate. = TRUE)
		totest <- unique(c(out$isfemale,intersect(data@idnames[male(data)==0],out$idok)))
		Ytab <- perid.summary(data[totest,(chromosome(data) == "Y")])
		Ytab <- Ytab[Ytab$NoMeasured>0,]
		cat("\n",sum(Ytab$NoMeasured),"possibly female Y genotypes identified")
		Ytabexc <- Ytab[Ytab$CallPP>=XXY.call,]
		Ytabnot <- Ytab[Ytab$CallPP<XXY.call,]
		if (dim(Ytabexc)[1]>0) {
			out.nxt$isXXY <- rownames(Ytabexc)
			cat("\n",length(out.nxt$isXXY),"people excluded as possible XXY (Y call >=",XXY.call,")\n")
			out <- update.check.marker(out,out.nxt)
			updat <- 1
			if (dim(Ytabnot)[1]>0) {
				cat("If these people are excluded",sum(Ytabnot$NoMeasured),"female Y-genotypes are left\n")
				if (nxerr & imphetasmissing) cat("... these will be considered missing in analysis.\n")
				if (nxerr) cat("... Use Xfix() to fix these problems.\n")
		} else {
			cat("\nNone of these people excluded based on Y-threshold of",XXY.call,"\n")
	if (updat) { 
		data <- data[out$idok,out$snpok]
		cat("Passed:",length(out$snpok),"markers and",length(out$idok),"people\n")
#	out<-list(qc=out,data=data)
#	return(out)
	ts <- summary(data)
	if (any(chromosome(data)=="Y")) {
		cat("\nChecking Y-chromsome heterozygous genotypes... ");
		sumYerr <- sum(ts[chromosome(data)=="Y","P.12"],na.rm=T)
		cat(sumYerr,"(",100*sumYerr/sum(ts[chromosome(data)=="Y","NoMeasured"],na.rm=T),"%) found.\n");
		if (sumYerr & imphetasmissing) cat("... these will be considered missing in analysis.\n")
		if (sumYerr) cat("... Use Xfix() to fix these problems.\n")
	if (any(chromosome(data)=="mt")) {
		cat("\nChecking mtDNA heterozygous genotypes... ");
		sumMTerr <- sum(ts[chromosome(data)=="mt","P.12"],na.rm=T)
		cat(sumMTerr,"(",100*sumMTerr/sum(ts[chromosome(data)=="mt","NoMeasured"],na.rm=T),"%) found.\n");
		if (sumMTerr & imphetasmissing) cat("... these will be considered missing in analysis.\n")
		if (sumMTerr) cat("... Use Xfix() to fix these problems.\n")
	if (imphetasmissing & (data@nsnps != length(autosomal(data)))) {
		data <- Xfix(data)
# first round -- redundancy 
	run <- 1
	passed <- 0
	while (!passed) {
		out.nxt <- check.marker.internal(data=data, 
				het.fdr=het.fdr, ibs.threshold = ibs.threshold, ibs.mrk = ibs.mrk, ibs.exclude=ibs.exclude,
				maf = maf, p.level= p.level, 
				fdrate = fdrate, hweidsubset = hweidsubset, redundant = "no", minconcordance = 2.0, 
				qoption = qoption, imphetasmissing = imphetasmissing)
		if (length(out$snpok) == length(out.nxt$snpok) && length(out$idok) == length(out.nxt$idok))
			if (all(out$snpok == out.nxt$snpok) && all(out$idok == out.nxt$idok)) 
				passed <- 1
		if (!passed) {
			out <- update.check.marker(out,out.nxt)
			data <- data[out$idok,out$snpok]
			if (!missing(hweidsubset)) hweidsubset <- hweidsubset[hweidsubset %in% out$idok]
			run <- run + 1
	if (redundant != "no") {
		cat("\nCHECK REDUNDANCY\n");
		out.nxt <- check.marker.internal(data=data, 
				het.fdr=het.fdr, ibs.threshold = ibs.threshold, ibs.mrk = ibs.mrk, ibs.exclude=ibs.exclude,
				maf = maf, p.level= p.level, 
				fdrate = fdrate, hweidsubset = hweidsubset, redundant = redundant, minconcordance = minconcordance, 
				qoption = qoption, imphetasmissing = imphetasmissing)
		out <- update.check.marker(out,out.nxt)
	out$call$name <- snam
	out$call$ids <- sids
	out$call$map <- smap
	out$call$chromosome <- schr
	out$call$call <- match.call()
	class(out) <- "check.marker"

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GenABEL documentation built on May 30, 2017, 3:36 a.m.