
Defines functions TrueIfUnix InputChecks_stratify InputChecks_GenericML_combine InputChecks_index_set InputChecks_propensity_scores get.learner_regr InputChecks_num_splits InputChecks_proxy.estimators InputChecks_group.membership InputChecks_diff InputChecks_vcov.control InputChecks_X1 InputChecks_Z_CLAN InputChecks_Z InputChecks_Y InputChecks_D InputChecks_equal.length2 InputChecks_equal.length3

Documented in TrueIfUnix

# void functions for input checks

InputChecks_equal.length3 <- function(x, y, z){

  X <- as.matrix(x)
  Y <- as.matrix(y)
  Z <- as.matrix(z)

  if(!(nrow(X) == nrow(Y) & nrow(X) == nrow(Z) & nrow(Z) == nrow(Y))){
    stop(paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), ", ",
                deparse(substitute(y)), ", ",
                " need to have an equal number of observations"), call. = FALSE)
} # FUN

InputChecks_equal.length2 <- function(x, y){

  X <- as.matrix(x)
  Y <- as.matrix(y)

  if(!(nrow(X) == nrow(Y))){
    stop(paste0(deparse(substitute(x)), ", ",
                " need to have an equal number of observations"), call. = FALSE)
} # FUN

InputChecks_D <- function(D){

  # input checks
  if(any(is.na(D))) stop("D contains missing values", call. = FALSE)
  if(!(is.numeric(D) & is.vector(D))) stop("D must be a numeric vector", call. = FALSE)
  if((!all(c(0, 1) %in% unique(D))) | (length(unique(D)) != 2)) stop("Treatment assignment D is not binary", call. = FALSE)

} # FUN

InputChecks_Y <- function(Y){

  # input checks
  if(any(is.na(Y))) stop("Y contains missing values", call. = FALSE)
  if(!(is.numeric(Y) & is.vector(Y))) stop("Y must be a numeric vector", call. = FALSE)

} # FUN

InputChecks_Z <- function(Z){

  # input checks
  if(any(is.na(Z))) stop("Z contains missing values", call. = FALSE)
  if(!(is.numeric(Z) & is.matrix(Z))) stop("Z must be a numeric matrix. Did you supply a data frame?", call. = FALSE)

} # FUN

InputChecks_Z_CLAN <- function(Z_CLAN){


    # input checks
    if(any(is.na(Z_CLAN))) stop("Z_CLAN contains missing values", call. = FALSE)
    if(!(is.numeric(Z_CLAN) & is.matrix(Z_CLAN))) stop("Z_CLAN must be a numeric matrix or NULL. Did you supply a data frame?", call. = FALSE)

  } # IF

} # FUN

# helper that throws error in case of illegal input in 'X1_control'
InputChecks_X1 <- function(X1_control, num.obs){

  if(!inherits(x = X1_control, what = "setup_X1", which = FALSE)){
         " must be an instance of setup_X1()", call. = FALSE)
  } # IF


    if(nrow(X1_control$covariates) != num.obs){
                  "$covariates must have the same number of rows as Z"),
           call. = FALSE)
    } # IF
  } # IF !NULL


    if(length(X1_control$fixed_effects) != num.obs){
                  "$fixed_effects must have the same length as Y"),
           call. = FALSE)
    } # IF
  } # IF !NULL

} # FUN

InputChecks_vcov.control <- function(vcov_control){

  if(!inherits(x = vcov_control, what = "setup_vcov", which = FALSE)){
                " must be an instance of setup_vcov()", call. = FALSE)
  } # IF

} # FUN

InputChecks_diff <- function(diff, K){

  if(!inherits(x = diff, what = "setup_diff", which = FALSE)){
         " must be an instance of setup_diff()", call. = FALSE)
  } # IF

  if(any(diff$subtracted < 1) | any(diff$subtracted > K)){
    stop(paste0("The numeric vector ", deparse(substitute(diff)), "$subtracted",
                " must be a subset of {1,2,...,K}, where K = ", K, " is the number of groups that were supplied  (controlled through the argument 'quantile_cutoffs'). K is equal to the cardinality of 'quantile_cutoffs' plus one."), call. = FALSE)

  if(diff$subtract_from == "most" & K %in% diff$subtracted){
    stop("The most affected group cannot be subtracted from itself")

  if(diff$subtract_from == "least" & 1 %in% diff$subtracted){
    stop("The least affected group cannot be subtracted from itself")

} # FUN

InputChecks_group.membership <- function(group.membership){

  if(is.null(attr(group.membership, which = "type"))) stop(paste0("The object ",
                                                                  " must be returned by quantile_group()"))

  if(attr(group.membership, which = "type") != "quantile_group") stop(paste0("The object ",
                                                                             " must be returned by quantile_group()"))

} # FUN

InputChecks_proxy.estimators <- function(proxy.estimators, baseline = TRUE){


    if(!inherits(proxy.estimators, what = "proxy_BCA")){

      stop(paste0("The object ",
                  " needs to be an instance of proxy_BCA()"))

  } else{

    if(!inherits(proxy.estimators, what = "proxy_CATE")){

      stop(paste0("The object ",
                  " needs to be an instance of proxy_CATE()"))


} # FUN

InputChecks_num_splits <- function(num_splits){
  stopifnot(length(num_splits) == 1)
  stopifnot(num_splits %% 1 == 0)
  if(num_splits < 2){
    stop(paste0("num_splits must be equal to at least 2. If you want to run GenericML() for ",
                "a single split, please use the function GenericML_single()."), call. = FALSE)
} # FUN

# checks if learner is correctly specified. If yes, that learner is returned
get.learner_regr <- function(learner){

  # specify the machine learner
    learner <- learner
  } else if(learner == "lasso"){

    learner <- mlr3::lrn("regr.cv_glmnet", s = "lambda.min", alpha = 1)

  } else if(learner == "random_forest"){

    learner <- mlr3::lrn("regr.ranger", num.trees = 500)

  } else if(learner == "tree"){

    learner <- mlr3::lrn("regr.rpart")

  } else{

    stop("Invalid argument for 'learner'. Needs to be either 'lasso', 'random_forest', 'tree', or an mlr3 object")

  } # END IF


} # FUN

InputChecks_propensity_scores <- function(propensity_scores){

  # check if data is from a randomized experiment
  if(any(propensity_scores > 0.65 | propensity_scores < 0.35)){
    warning(paste0("Some propensity scores are outside the ",
                   "interval [0.35, 0.65]. In a randomized experiment, we would ",
                   "expect all propensity scores to be equal to roughly 0.5. ",
                   "The theory of the paper ",
                   "is only valid for randomized experiments. Are ",
                   "you sure your data is from a randomomized experiment ",
                   "and the estimator of the scores has been chosen appropriately?"),
            call. = FALSE)
  } # IF

  if(any(propensity_scores > 0.95)){

    stop(paste0("Some estimated propensity scores are higher than 0.95, ",
                " which is not sufficiently bounded away from one.",
                " Are you sure your data is from a randomomized experiment ",
                "and the estimator of the scores has been chosen appropriately?"))
  } # IF

  if(any(propensity_scores < 0.05)){

    stop(paste0("Some estimated propensity scores are lower than 0.05, ",
                " which is not sufficiently bounded away from zero.",
                " Are you sure your data is from a randomomized experiment ",
                "and the estimator of the scores has been chosen appropriately?"))
  } # IF

} # FUN

InputChecks_index_set <- function(set, num_obs){

  stopifnot(is.numeric(set) & is.vector(set))

  if(any(set %% 1 != 0)){
    stop("The indices in the index set must be index-valued")

  if(min(set) < 0){
    stop("The indices in the index set must be strictly positive")

  if(max(set) > num_obs){
    stop("The largest index in the index set cannot be larger than the number of observations")

    stop("All indices in the index set must be unique")

} # FUN

InputChecks_GenericML_combine <- function(x)
  m <- length(x)
  if(!all(sapply(1:m, function(i) inherits(x[[i]], "GenericML"))))
    stop("All objects in the list 'x' must be objects of class 'GenericML'")
  } # IF

  args_ls <- lapply(1:m, function(i){
    args <- x[[i]]$arguments
    args[-which(names(args) %in% c("num_splits", "parallel", "num_cores", "seed", "store_learners"))]

  if(!all(sapply(args_ls, identical, args_ls[[1]])))
    stop(paste0("All GenericML objects in the list 'x' must have the exact same",
                " parameter specifications in their original call to GenericML(),",
                " except for the parameters 'num_splits', 'parallel', 'num_cores',",
                " 'seed', and 'store_learners'."))
  } # IF
} # FUN

# check list of arguments that specifies stratified sampling technique
InputChecks_stratify <- function(args_stratified)

  ## ensure that 'args_stratified' is a list
    stop("'args_stratified' must be a list, for instance as returned by setup_stratify()",
         call. = FALSE)
  } # IF

  ## if stratified sampling:
  # check that all necessary arguments for splitstackshape::stratified are passed
  if(length(args_stratified) > 0L){

    if(!all(c("indt", "group", "size") %in% names(args_stratified))){
      stop(paste0("splitstackshape::stratified requires at least the arguments ",
                  "'indt', 'group', and 'size', which were not passed to setup_stratify().",
                  " See ?splitstackshape::stratified for details." ), call. = FALSE)
    } # IF
  } # IF
} # FUN

#' Check if user's OS is a Unix system
#' @return
#' A Boolean that is \code{TRUE} if the user's operating system is a Unix system and \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @export
TrueIfUnix <- function(){
  .Platform$OS.type == "unix"

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GenericML documentation built on June 18, 2022, 9:09 a.m.