
Defines functions modelvalid

Documented in modelvalid

#' R function for binary Logistic Regression internal validation
#' The function allows to perform internal validation of a binary Logistic Regression model
#' implementing most of the procedure described in:\cr Arboretti Giancristofaro R, Salmaso L. "Model
#' performance analysis and model validation in logistic regression". Statistica 2003(63):
#' 375–396.\cr
#' The procedure consists of the following steps:\cr
#' (1) the whole dataset is split into two random
#' parts, a fitting (75 percent) and a validation (25 percent) portion;\cr
#' (2) the model is fitted
#' on the fitting portion (i.e., its coefficients are computed considering only the observations in
#' that portion) and its performance is evaluated on both the fitting and the validation portion,
#' using AUC as performance measure;\cr
#' (3) the model's estimated coefficients, p-values, and the
#' p-value of the Hosmer and Lemeshow test are stored;\cr
#' (4) steps 1-3 are repeated B times, eventually getting a fitting and validation distribution of
#' the AUC values and of the HL test
#' p-values, as well as a fitting distribution of the coefficients and of the associated p-values.
#' The AUC fitting distribution provides an estimate of the performance of the model in the
#' population of all the theoretical fitting samples; the AUC validation distribution represents an
#' estimate of the model’s performance on new and independent data.\cr
#' @param data Dataframe containing the dataset (Dependent Variable must be stored in the first
#'   column to the left).
#' @param fit Object returned from glm() function.
#' @param B Desired number of iterations (200 by default).
#' @param g Number of groups to be used for the Hosmer-Lemeshow test (10 by default).
#' @param oneplot TRUE (default) is the user wants the charts returned in a single visualization.
#' @param excludeInterc If set to TRUE, the chart showing the boxplots of the parameters
#'   distribution across the selected iteration will have y-axis limits corresponding to the min and
#'   max of the parameters value; this allows better displaying the boxplots of the model parameters
#'   when they end up showing up too much squeezed due to comparatively higher/lower values of the
#'   intercept. FALSE is default.
#' @return  The function returns:\cr
#' -a chart with boxplots representing the fitting distribution of the
#' estimated model's coefficients; coefficients' labels are flagged with an asterisk when the
#' proportion of p-values smaller than 0.05 across the selected iterations is at least 95
#' percent;\cr
#' -a chart with boxplots representing the fitting and the validation distribution of
#' the AUC value across the selected iterations. for an example of the interpretation of the chart,
#' see the aforementioned article, especially page 390-91;\cr
#' -a chart of the levels of the
#' dependent variable plotted against the predicted probabilities (if the model has a high
#' discriminatory power, the two stripes of points will tend to be well separated, i.e. the positive
#' outcome of the dependent variable will tend to cluster around high values of the predicted
#' probability, while the opposite will hold true for the negative outcome of the dependent
#' variable);\cr
#' -a list containing: \itemize{
##'  \item{$overall.model.significance: }{statistics related to the
##' overall model p-value and to its distribution across the selected iterations}
##'  \item{$parameters.stability: }{statistics related to the stability of the estimated
##'  coefficients across the selected iterations}
##'  \item{$p.values.stability: }{statistics related to the stability of the
##' estimated p-values across the selected iterations}
##'  \item{$AUCstatistics: }{statistics about the fitting and validation AUC distribution}
##'  \item{$Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics: }{statistics about the
##'  fitting and validation distribution of the HL test p-values}
##' }
#' As for the abovementioned statistics:\cr
#' -full: statistic estimated on the full dataset;\cr
#' -median: median of the statistic across the selected iterations;\cr
#' -QRNG: interquartile range across the selected iterations;\cr
#' -QRNGoverMedian: ratio between the QRNG and the median,
#' expressed as percentage;\cr -min: minimum of the statistic across the selected iterations;\cr
#' -max: maximum of the statistic across the selected iterations;\cr
#' -percent_smaller_0.05: (only for $overall.model.significance, $p.values.stability,
#' and $Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics): proportion of times in which the p-values are smaller
#' than 0.05; please notice that for the overall model significance and for the p-values
#' stability it is desirable that the percentage is at least 95percent, whereas for the HL test
#' p-values it is indeed desirable that the proportion is not larger than 5percent
#' (in line with the interpetation of the test p-value which has to be NOT significant in order
#' to hint at a good fit);\cr
#' -significant (only for $p.values.stability): asterisk indicating that the p-values of the
#' corresponding coefficient resulted smaller than 0.05 in at least 95percent of the iterations.
#' @keywords modelvalid
#' @export
#' @importFrom DescTools HosmerLemeshowTest
#' @importFrom caTools sample.split
#' @examples
#' # load the sample dataset
#' data(log_regr_data)
#' # fit a logistic regression model, storing the results into an object called 'model'
#' model <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = log_regr_data, family = "binomial")
#' # run the function, using 100 iterations, and store the result in the 'res' object
#' res <- modelvalid(data=log_regr_data, fit=model, B=100)
#' @seealso \code{\link{logregr}} , \code{\link{aucadj}}
modelvalid <- function(data, fit, B=200, g=10, oneplot=TRUE, excludeInterc=FALSE){

  #disable scientific notation

  #set up empty containers for the AUC training (=fitting) values and for the AUC testing (=validation) values
  auc.train <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = B)
  auc.test <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = B)

  #set up empy container for the overall p-value of the model fitted to the training (=fitting) partition across the B iterations
  pvalue.full <- vector(mode = "numeric", length=B)

  #set up empty containers for p-values of the HL test perofrmed on the training (=fitting) partition and on the testing (=validation) partition
  hl.train <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = B)
  hl.test <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = B)

  #store the predicted probabilities based on the fitted model
  #this will be used to calculate the AUC of the model based on the full sample
  data$pred.prob.full <- fitted(fit)

  #calculate the number of coefficients in the model
  n.of.coeff <- length(fit$coefficients)

  #create a matrix to store the model coefficients that will be estimated on B training (fitting) samples
  coeff.matrix <- matrix(nrow=B, ncol=n.of.coeff)

  #give names to the columns of the matrix
  colnames(coeff.matrix) <- names(coefficients(fit))

  #create a matrix to store the coefficients' p values that will be estimated on B training (fitting) samples
  pvalues.matrix <- matrix(nrow=B, ncol=n.of.coeff)

  #give names to the columns of the matrix
  colnames(pvalues.matrix) <- names(coefficients(fit))

  #calculate the auc of the full model
  auc.full <- pROC::roc(data[,1], data$pred.prob.full, data=data, quiet=TRUE)$auc

  #calculate the p-value of the HL test on the full dataset
  hl.full <- DescTools::HosmerLemeshowTest(fitted(fit), fit$y)$H$p.value

  #set the progress bar to be used inside the loop
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = B, style = 3)

  for(i in 1:B){
    #sample.split requires caTools
    #split the sample in a random part, corresponding to the 75percent of the full sample
    #observations in the input dataset are given TRUE or FALSE according to whether they are (randomly) selected as belonging to the
    #training or to the testing partition
    sample <- caTools::sample.split(data[,1], SplitRatio = .75)

    #assign to the training partition the observations flagged are TRUE
    train <- subset(data, sample == TRUE)

    #assign to the testing partition the observations flagged as FALSE
    test <- subset(data, sample == FALSE)

    #fit the model to the fitting partition
    fit.train <- glm(formula(fit), data = train, family = "binomial")

    #calculate the overall p-value for the model fitted to the fitting partition
    pvalue.full[i] <- anova(fit.train, update(fit.train, ~1), test="Chisq")$`Pr(>Chi)`[2]

    #save the estimated coefficients of the model fitted to the fitting partition
    coeff.matrix[i,] <- fit.train$coefficients

    #save the p-values of the coefficients of the model fitted to the fitting partition
    pvalues.matrix[i,] <- summary(fit.train)$coefficients[,4]

    #save the predicted probabilities of the model fitted to the fitting partition
    train$pred.prob <- fitted(fit.train)

    #save the probabilities predicted by applying to the validation partition
    #the parameters estimated on the fitting partition
    test$pred.prob.back <- predict.glm(fit.train, newdata=test, type="response")

    #roc requires pROC; calculate the AUC fitting values
    #the performance of the model fitted on the fitting partition is evaluated on the fitting portion itself
    #AND (see below) on the testing portion
    auc.train[i] <- pROC::roc(train[,1], train$pred.prob, data=train, quiet=TRUE)$auc

    #calculate the AUC  validation values
    #the performance of the model fitted to the fitting portion (see above) is also evaluated on validation portion
    auc.test[i] <- pROC::roc(test[,1], test$pred.prob.back, data=test, quiet=TRUE)$auc

    #calculate the p-value of the HL test on the training (=fitting) portion
    hl.train[i] <- DescTools::HosmerLemeshowTest(fit=train$pred.prob, obs=train[,1], ngr=g)$H$p.value

    #calculate the p-value of the HL test on the testing (=validation) portion
    hl.test[i] <- DescTools::HosmerLemeshowTest(fit=test$pred.prob.back, obs=test[,1], ngr=g)$H$p.value

    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

  #unlist the values of the overall p-value calculated within the preceding loop
  pvalue.full <- unlist(pvalue.full)

  #work out some statistics for the overall p-value of the model fitted to the train (=fitting) partition
  pvalue.full.df <- data.frame(full=anova(fit, update(fit, ~1), test="Chisq")$`Pr(>Chi)`[2],
                               QRNG=round(quantile(pvalue.full, 0.75) - quantile(pvalue.full, 0.25),6),
                               QRNGoverMedian=round(((quantile(pvalue.full, 0.75) - quantile(pvalue.full, 0.25)) / median(pvalue.full)) * 100,1),
                               percent_smaller_0.05=sum(pvalue.full < 0.05) / B * 100)

  #attach name to the preceding dataframe
  rownames(pvalue.full.df) <- "overall p-value"

  #work out some statistics from the pvalues matrix
  pvalues.stab <- data.frame(full=round(summary(fit)$coefficients[,4],6),
                             median=round(apply(pvalues.matrix, 2, median),6),
                             QRNG=round(apply(pvalues.matrix, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.75)-quantile(x,0.25)),6),
                             QRNGoverMedian=round((abs(apply(pvalues.matrix, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.75) - quantile(x,0.25))) / abs(apply(pvalues.matrix, 2, median))) * 100,1),
                             percent_smaller_0.05=apply(pvalues.matrix,2, function(x) sum(x < 0.05)) / B * 100)

  #work out some statistics from the coefficients matrix
  par.estim.stab <- data.frame(full=round(coefficients(fit),3),
                               median=round(apply(coeff.matrix, 2, median),3),
                               QRNG=round(apply(coeff.matrix, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.75)-quantile(x,0.25)),3),
                               QRNGoverMedian= round((abs(apply(coeff.matrix, 2, function(x) quantile(x, 0.75) - quantile(x,0.25))) / abs(apply(coeff.matrix, 2, median))) * 100,1),

  #create a dataframe to store the parameters' labels and to calculate the proportion of p-values smaller than 0.05;
  #in other words, calculate the proportion of how many times each coefficients' p-value proves significant across the selected iterations
  p.valued.labls.df <- data.frame(labels=names(coefficients(fit)), prop=apply(pvalues.matrix,2, function(x) sum(x < 0.05)) / B)

  #if the proportion calculated in the above step is smaller than 0.05, flag the parameter with an asteriscs;
  #the starred labels will be used later on in the boxplot chart
  p.valued.labls.df$indicator <- ifelse(p.valued.labls.df$prop > 0.95, "*", "")

  #attach the asterisks to the dataframe with statistics about pvalues stability
  pvalues.stab$significant <- p.valued.labls.df$indicator

  #work out some statistics for the training (=fitting) AUC
  AUCtraining.df <- data.frame(full=round(auc.full,3),
                               QRNG=round(quantile(auc.train, 0.75) - quantile(auc.train, 0.25),3),
                               QRNGoverMedian=round(((quantile(auc.train, 0.75) - quantile(auc.train, 0.25)) / median(auc.train)) * 100,1),

  #work out some statistics for the testing (=validation) AUC
  AUCtesting.df <- data.frame(full="-",
                              QRNG=round(quantile(auc.test, 0.75) - quantile(auc.test, 0.25),3),
                              QRNGoverMedian=round(((quantile(auc.test, 0.75) - quantile(auc.test, 0.25)) / median(auc.test)) * 100,1),

  #bind the two above dataframes togheter
  AUCglobal.df <- rbind(AUCtraining.df,AUCtesting.df)

  #give names to the binded dataframe's rows
  rownames(AUCglobal.df) <- c("AUCfitting", "AUCvalidation")

  #work out some statistics for the p-values of the HL test on the training (=fitting) partition
  HLtraining.df <- data.frame(full=round(hl.full,3),
                              QRNG=round(quantile(hl.train, 0.75) - quantile(hl.train, 0.25),3),
                              QRNGoverMedian=round(((quantile(hl.train, 0.75) - quantile(hl.train, 0.25)) / median(hl.train)) * 100,1),
                              percent_smaller_0.05=sum(hl.train < 0.05) / B)

  #work out some statistics for the p-values of the HL test on the testing (=validation) partition
  HLtesting.df <- data.frame(full="-",
                             QRNG=round(quantile(hl.test, 0.75) - quantile(hl.test, 0.25),3),
                             QRNGoverMedian=round(((quantile(hl.test, 0.75) - quantile(hl.test, 0.25)) / median(hl.test)) * 100,1),
                             percent_smaller_0.05=sum(hl.test < 0.05) / B)

  #bind the two above dataframes togheter
  HLglobal.df <- rbind(HLtraining.df, HLtesting.df)

  #give names to the binded dataframe's rows
  rownames(HLglobal.df) <- c("HLfitting", "HLvalidation")

  #set the layout of the plot visualization according to whether or not the parameter 'oneplot' is set to TRUE
    m <- rbind(c(1,2), c(3,3))

  #if exludeInterc is TRUE, set the y-axis limits to the min and max of the coefficient matrix values, excluding the first column,
  #which stores the Intercept values
    ylimlower <- min(coeff.matrix[,-c(1)])
    ylimupper <- max(coeff.matrix[,-c(1)])
  } else {
    ylimlower <- NULL
    ylimupper <- NULL

  #boxplot of the randomized coefficients distribution
                    names=paste0(names(coefficients(fit)), p.valued.labls.df$indicator),
                    main=paste0("Boxplots of parameters distribution across ", B, " iterations", "\nn= ", nrow(data) * 0.75, " (75% of the full sample)"),
                    sub="Starred parameters have p-value < 0.05 in at least 95% of the iterations",
                    ylim=c(ylimlower, ylimupper),

  abline(h=0, lty=2, col="grey")

  #boxplot of the training and testing AUC
  graphics::boxplot(auc.train, auc.test, names=c("AUC fitting", "AUC validation"), cex.axis=0.7)

  title(main=paste("Cross-validated AUC", "\nn of iterations:", B),
        sub=paste("AUC full sample=", AUCglobal.df$full[1], "\nAUC fitting min, median, max:", AUCglobal.df$min[1], AUCglobal.df$median[1], AUCglobal.df$max[1], "\nAUC validation min, median, max:", AUCglobal.df$min[2], AUCglobal.df$median[2], AUCglobal.df$max[2]),

  #stripchart of the discriminatory power of the full model
  stripchart(model$fitted.values ~ model$y,
             method = "jitter",
             pch = 20,
             col="#00000088", cex = 0.7,
             xlab="Predicted probability",
             ylab="Levels of the Dependent Variable (y)",
             sub=paste0("AUC: ", round(auc.full,3)),
             main="Discriminatory power of model \n(fitted to the full sample)",

  results <- list("overall.model.significance"=pvalue.full.df,
                  "Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics"=HLglobal.df)

  # restore the original graphical device's settings
  par(mfrow = c(1,1))


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